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c853f8b Insan bazen o kadar kendi disinda davranir ki, size '' Bunu yapmis olamaz. Karakterine aykiri, dedirtir. Belki de degildir. Yalnizca baska bir aci soz konusu olabilir veya yukaridan asagidan gelen baskilar kisinin davranis seklini degistirebilir. John Steinbeck
8510feb I know this - a man got to do what he got to do, I can't tell you. I don't think they's luck or bad luck. On'y one thing in the worl' I'm sure of, an' that's I'm sure nobody got a right to mess with a fella's life. He got to do it all hisself, Help im, maybe, but not tell him what to do. John Steinbeck
5da8fab And now they were weary and frightened because they had gone against a system they did not understand and it had beaten them. They knew that the team and the wagon were worth much more. They knew the buyer man would get much more, but they didn't know how to do it. Merchandising was a secret to them. ethics faith morality spirituality John Steinbeck
41d2b25 um homem tem de ter qualquer coisa a que se ligue, qualquer coisa que ele possa estar certo de encontrar la de manha. John Steinbeck
c54d461 Does anyone ever know even the outer fringe of another? What are you like in there? Mary-do you hear? Who are you in there? John Steinbeck
99afbe2 a tight hard little woman humorless as a chicken. John Steinbeck
c636355 The thing that give me the mos' trouble was, it didn't make no sense. You don't look for no sense when lightnin' kill a cow, or it comes up a lood. That's jus' the way things is. But when a bunch of men take an' lock you up four years, it ought to have some meaning. Men is supposed to think things out. Here they put me in an' keep me an' feed me four years. That ought to either make me so I won't do her again or else punish me so I'll be af.. John Steinbeck
b9a6f50 It is not true as is romantically presumed that people frightened or injured or persecuted are wakeful. More often than not they retire into sleep to be free of trouble for a time. John Steinbeck
e4a88b9 They were students of the expressions of young women as they went in to confession, and they saw them as they came out and read the nature of the sin. John Steinbeck
d16d95c It was strange to Old Robert that he, who knew so much more than his neighbors, who had pondered so endlessly, should be not even a good farmer. Sometimes he imagined he understood too many things ever to do anything well. pondering practicality self-deception useful John Steinbeck
1363bd4 Gli scrittori di oggi, e ci sono anch'io fra quelli, hanno la tendenza a mettere in risalto l'avvilimento dello spirito, e Dio solo sa quanto spesso la cosa avvenga. Ma quando, qualche volta, questo non succede, e come se si accendesse un faro davanti a noi. E a tale proposito voglio dedicare un momento per spiegare come stanno le cose. A dispetto dei sorrisini provenienti dai sudisti della "Cintura delle Nevrosi" e dagli scrittori , sono .. John Steinbeck
2d894f2 The martinis came, not in little glasses but big as bird baths with twists of lemon peel. The first taste bit like a vampire bat, made its little anesthesia, and after that the drink mellowed and toward the bottom turned downright good. John Steinbeck
747b639 We each peeled a stick and solemnly chewed it; it was Beeman's peppermint, and nothing so delicious has been made since. John Steinbeck
89074f6 Le donne guardavano gli uomini, li guardavano per capire se stavolta sarebbero crollati. Le donne guardavano e non dicevano niente. E quando gli uomini erano in gruppo, la paura spariva dai loro volti e la rabbia prendeva il suo posto. E le donne sospiravano di sollievo, perche capivano che andava tutto bene: il crollo non c'era stato; e non ci sarebbe mai stato nessun crollo finche la paura fosse riuscita a trasformarsi in furore. Piccoli .. John Steinbeck
4974f3c A luz do crepusculo fazia brilhar a terra vermelha, de maneira que as suas dimensoes se aprofundavam. Uma pedra, um poste, uma construcao adquiriam mais profundidade e mais consistencia entao do que a luz do dia; e todos esses objetos se tornavam estranhamente mais individuais: um poste era mais essencialmente um poste; elevava-se com mais firmeza da terra e destacava-se melhor do campo de milho que lhe servia de fundo. E as plantas adqui.. John Steinbeck
4a90d21 Forse possiamo cominciare daccapo, in una terra nuova e ricca - in California, dove cresce la frutta. Cominceremo da capo. Ma noi non possiamo cominciare. Solo i neonati possono cominciare. Tu e io... be', noi siamo quello ch'e stato. La rabbia di un momento, le mille immagini, questo siamo. Questa terra, questa terra rossa, e noi; e gli anni di carestia e gli anni di polvere e gli anni d'inondazione siamo noi. Non possiamo cominciare dacc.. John Steinbeck
7789ae8 Os pequenos fazendeiros observam como as dividas sobem insensivelmente, como o crescer da mare. Cuidaram das arvores sem vender a colheita, podaram e enxertaram e nao puderam colher as frutas. Este pequeno pomar, para o ano que vem, pertencera a uma grande companhia, pois o proprietario sera sufocado por dividas. Este parreiral passara a ser propriedade do banco. Apenas os grandes proprietarios podem subsistir, visto que tambem possuem fabr.. John Steinbeck
63d6383 Erano affamati, ed erano agguerriti. Avevano sperato di trovare un focolare, e trovarono solo odio. Okie: i proprietari li odiavano, perche i proprietari si sapevano fiacchi mentre gli Okie erano forti, si sapevano sazi mentre gli Okie erano affamati; e forse i proprietari avevano saputo dai loro nonni quanto sia facile rubare la terra a uomo fiacco quando sei agguerrito e affamato e armato. John Steinbeck
0643848 Un delitto cosi abietto che trascende la comprensione. Una piaga che nessun pianto potrebbe descrivere. Un fallimento che annienta ogni nostro successo. La terra e feconda i fiori sono ordinati, i tronchi sono robusti, la frutta e matura. E i bambini affetti da pellagra devono morire perche da un'arancia non si riesce a cavare profitto. E i coroner devono scrivere sui certificati "morto per denutrizione" perche il cibo deve marcire, va cost.. John Steinbeck
92ca211 Writers are a little below clowns and a little above trained seals. John Steinbeck
60a7daa The profession of book-writing makes horse-racing seem like a solid, stable business. John Steinbeck
6ffa929 Syntax, my lad. It has been restored to the highest place in the republic. John Steinbeck
37bf940 What the hell kind of bed you giving us, anyways. We don't want no pants rabbits. John Steinbeck
fd44fa0 A powerful, big-stomached man came into the bunkhouse. John Steinbeck
dc2fde0 I seen too many guys with land in their head. They never get none under their hand. John Steinbeck
f7532b1 You watch your place, nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy, it ain't even funny. John Steinbeck
72261d2 You ain't worth a greased lack pin to ram you into hell. John Steinbeck
6c6b059 He brought his malformed wisdom, his pool-hall, locker-room, joke-book wisdom to the front. John Steinbeck
2417e16 We are no better than the animals; in fact in a lot of ways we aren't as good. John Steinbeck
60c0231 I have known many people to ask for advice but very few who wanted it and none who followed it. John Steinbeck
46f7c80 Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts, perhaps fear of a loss of power. John Steinbeck
6077ff8 I don't anticipate trouble and so I anticipate trouble. John Steinbeck
619ae10 What a wonderful thing a woman is. I can admire what they do even if I don't understand why. John Steinbeck
96983eb To be alive at all is to have scars. John Steinbeck
7b663ad No one wants advice -- only corroboration. John Steinbeck
0c67612 A man is a lonely thing. John Steinbeck
ed3b07e Maybe not having time to think is not having the wish to think. John Steinbeck
53dc43e Not only the brave get killed, but the brave have a better chance of it. John Steinbeck
5781771 Good God, what a mess of draggle-tail impulses a man is -- and a woman too, I guess. John Steinbeck
ed576aa we've got so many laws you can't breathe without breaking something. John Steinbeck
d215659 The things everyone knows are most likely to be wrong. John Steinbeck
1308acb A crime is something someone else commits. John Steinbeck
46ce175 A secret's a terribly lonesome thing. John Steinbeck
31f09bb There's nobody as lonely as an all-married man. John Steinbeck