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59ced46 I called. A sharp intake of breath. I broke into a jog. Only no matter how fast I ran, his scent and his voice didn't get any stronger. I kept going until I tripped over a root and hit the ground hard. I pushed to my feet, wincing as I flexed my stinging hands. His voice seemed to come from all around me. I spun, trying to pinpoint it, but he kept yelling, more panicking with every shout, my own panic rising until I flung myself forward-.. rafe maya shock trauma Kelley Armstrong
17a7b93 Tears sprang to my eyes. I blinked them back, grabbed some tissue, and started awkwardly trying to daub leftover dye into my pale eyebrows, praying it would make a difference. Through the mirror, I saw Tori walk in. She stopped. It would have been better if she'd laughed. Her look of horror, then something like sympathy, meant it was as bad as I thought. she said. Simon called in. He pushed open the door, saw me and blinked. Tori said.. hair-disaster tori derek simon Kelley Armstrong
d8f7cd5 Seeing me shivering, he stretched a front leg toward the sweatshirt, pawing the edge and snarling when he realized he couldn't grab it. opposable-thumbs derek wolf Kelley Armstrong
0675656 I don't know what a hard-ass feminist is. I'm a feminist, which only means that I think men and women deserve equal treatment. Hardly a groundbreaking concept. But I'm sure you're about to give an example of where I failed in that. Kelley Armstrong
2e98619 You have no idea what a fairy circle is, do you? Which is shocking for a changeling child. Kelley Armstrong
62fe8ee Tori peered at my face. Her eyes blaze. tori guys crying Kelley Armstrong
c14952a I even pulled out the can of cat treats. Yes, I'd bought him treats. Give it another month and I'd be collecting his shed whiskers and claws like a proud momma preserving her baby's first haircut and lost teeth. cat-treats pet tc olivia Kelley Armstrong
cf180f5 Lucas - You'll have to excuse Paige's overenthusiastic attempt to befriend the local wildlife. Not many of their type where she comes from. Paige -Hey, we have gangs in Boston. Lucas - Ah, yes. I believe they're particularly bad down by the wharf, where they're liable to descend upon the unwary, surround him with their yachts, and shout well-chosen and elegantly elocuted epithets. humor Kelley Armstrong
c822783 So you don't trust me: the guy who taught you everything you know. I'm guessing if you have her"--he jerked his thumb at Rae--"that's no accident. Luke's buddies sent her to trap you, and she thought she was doing the right thing, because, duh, she's already proven she's kinda gullible that way." "Hey!" Rae said. "You are. Own it. Fix it. Now, you guys have her, which means you escaped whoever sent her after you. You didn't escape without a.. Kelley Armstrong
e241883 Tori said. She waved at Derek, who was brushing off his jeans. I said to Derek. Simon said. Derek glowered. I warned. Simon winced and murmured, I said. I looked up at Derek. He wavered for a second, then crossed his arms, jaw setting. he said. search-party derek simon stupid Kelley Armstrong
7e43894 Corey muttered once the were gone. I wasn't sure I disagreed. corey derek maya Kelley Armstrong
3e84abe by morning everyone in Cainsville would know he'd stayed over, and that was just awkward. Kelley Armstrong
1563858 SImon said. Derek said. humor derek simon Kelley Armstrong
394152f Why does everyone call you Mexican?" he asks. My head jerks up. "Huh?" "I'm distracting you with an unrelated and potentially rude question. Aaron called you Mexican. So did they. But you don't have an accent, and I knew a guy at school named Vasquez who was from Spain. So as the foreigner who hasn't quite figured out your country, what tells them you're Mexican?" I want to brush off the question. Really not the time. But that's the point, .. Kelley Armstrong
cbba5f5 a blazing fire in an ice storm. Kelley Armstrong
766242a Don't be stupid. I have a gun." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the .45. "Which will knock you on your ass if you try firing with a bad leg. Sit down before you fall." Kelley Armstrong
24ec93f Simon whispered to me, "But is everything okay?" "No," Tori said. "I kidnapped her and forced her to escape with me. I've been using her as a human shield against those guys with guns, and I was just about to strangle her and leave her body here to throw them off my trail. But then you showed up and foiled my evil plans. Lucky for you, though. You get to rescue poor little Chloe again and win her undying gratitude." "Undying gratitude?" Sim.. Kelley Armstrong
01fef47 Sometimes, wanting to impress is what keeps us moving when all we really want to do is curl up in a fetal position and whimper. Kelley Armstrong
ea6d855 Shadowy mystery stalkers? Hidden escape hatches? Creepy subterranean tunnels? My mother tried to get me to take social work for my master's. I told her it was boring. I was so wrong. Kelley Armstrong
125a7d5 Yours is more than business. Your opinion of him - and your continuing relationship with him - matters. My nephew is not accustomed to that, and he's struggling with it. rose-walsh olivia visions Kelley Armstrong
12068c4 When you accept a leadership role, you take on extra responsibility for your actions toward others. If you shun someone, the effect will trickle down through those who value your opinion. Kelley Armstrong
fafb604 wasting what little breath he did have laughing at himself. Because sometimes, that's all you could do. You make a fucking stupid mistake, and you could only call yourself an idiot and then snap back before you screwed up again. Kelley Armstrong
3fa9911 We spent the first half hour being escorted around the room, introduced to what seemed like every politician and business leader in the state. I know I should have been impressed, but I couldn't help thinking that I was in the same room with quite possibly every person responsible for the Florida election snafu, and the subsequent election of George W. Bush, and somehow I couldn't muster a proper feeling of awe. Kelley Armstrong
bf8e17a There wasn't much there--just Macy's school texts, various biology and anatomy and nursing tomes. Fascinating stuff, I'm sure. Especially the one on thanatochemistry, whatever the hell that was. Kelley Armstrong
06154d8 I loved Ricky. Still did. Always would. Yet as with James, there would always be that sense that we didn't quite fit, that something was missing, that I could be happier... Kelley Armstrong
0e19956 Mommy forgot to warn the new babysitter about the basement. Kelley Armstrong
4dfdc1e I'd said to myself once that Gabriel preferred a life where he felt as little responsibility for others as possible. That was true. But even more true is the fact that he preferred a life where others felt no responsibility for him. olivia-jones visions Kelley Armstrong
a1ebf01 Philip wooed me with all the patience of someone trying to coax a half-wild animal into the house and, like many a stray, I found myself domesticated before I thought to resist. Kelley Armstrong
87c5569 I don't want someone constantly pointing out my flaws. That's toxic. But you get it right. What's the old saying? Have the serenity to accept the things you can't change, the courage to change what you can, and the wisdom to know the difference?" His brow furrowed as if he was trying to figure out what the hell I was talking about. "You do that," I said. "You accept what I can't change, and you push me to do the things I can." "All right..... Kelley Armstrong
9174d2e There'd been months when hunger seemed to be the driving force in his life. Kelley Armstrong
60b3790 You don't pursue happiness. You pursue everything you need to have a fulfilled life, and then, if you achieve it, you'll be happy some of the time. The rest of the time, you'll be content. One can't sustain happiness forever. Kelley Armstrong
1cf2be6 A soft poke at my shoulder blade startled me. I spun to see Simon, Derek hanging back behind him. Simon grinned, the sight as familiar as Derek's scowl. he said. I pulled it out and waved it. He plucked it from my fingers and tucked it into my jacket pocket. jumpy simon Kelley Armstrong
c756ae6 my voice cracking. Simon squeezed my hand. His lips lowering to my ear, whispering, He went rigid, head lifting. Tori said behind me. why-is-she-here tori derek simon Kelley Armstrong
100de7f he snapped when I answered. I glanced at Tori's back, a half mile away. A growl. He knew better than to answer. Despite my lack of defensive superpowers, I'd gotten myself-- and Tori-- out of plenty of scrapes. Sometimes, knowing you don't have the skills to fight can be a bonus. With Tori, overconfidence equals lack of caution and, yes, as Derek would say, common sense. I said. A louder growl. I said. He grumbled something I couldn.. not-there take-care-of derek order Kelley Armstrong
d7da82d I stopped short and sighed as Derek stepped up behind me, arms sliding around my waist. I leaned back against him and relaxed. he said, bending to my ear. There was no trace of anger in his voice now. Now it was his turn to sigh. derek order listening Kelley Armstrong
e81bc26 I didn't say it was a rational fear. But the worst fears aren't, are they? Kelley Armstrong
4d4c998 Cwn Annwn. Kelley Armstrong
0a4963c Rafe shrugged. He twisted to look at the stab wound. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him, and when I did, I knew he was real--the heat of him, the smell of him, the feel of him, the taste of him so incredibly real that it surpassed anything my memory could conjure up. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back, and it was like every other amazing kiss he'd given me, multiplied ten-fold. I kissed him until I couldn't brea.. kiss survived rafe maya reunion Kelley Armstrong
155490c When I finished, Dr. Fellows said, She lowered her voice. I said. Her brows shot up to meet her hairline. Tori smirked and leaned back onto her pillow. Tori said. Dr. Fellows shot her a look, which Tori met with a cool gaze. Tori said, influence dr-fellows corey chloe tori derek persuade maya lie Kelley Armstrong
821dab3 When Derek hesitated, Chloe said, He scowled at her. she said. risk derek strangers Kelley Armstrong
c683866 My fourteen-year-old sister Lara is a brat. Unfortunately, no one sees it but me. To everyone else, she's adorable. She's tiny and blonde and sweet and as helpless as a kitten. Chloe reminded me of Lara, at first. The difference, as I discovered, is that Chloe really is as sweet as she seems and she isn't as helpless as she looks. tori helpless lara sweet Kelley Armstrong
80e7f70 I looked over at the others. Obviously Ash and I didn't. Daniel, Hayley, and Corey said they'd be fine. Chloe hoped she would--she had gymnastics training. Mr. Bae joked that it would be his first time in a couple of decades. Derek said nothing. Chloe said. She turned to us. Derek said. Chloe put her hands on her hips. decoy tree-climbing chloe derek maya werewolves kill Kelley Armstrong
7efed65 I whispered down. Chloe said. Derek tried to stop her. She said it made sense for her to be in the trees with me in case of a ground attack, and that convinced him. Not that it mattered, I think--she'd have done what she wanted. She obviously didn't take his crap. Still, it would drive me crazy, constantly needing to remind my boyfriend that I could handle myself just fine. My brother was bad enough. stop-her take-his-crap chloe derek maya Kelley Armstrong
faac71b he repeated. I didn't answer. He shook his head. I rolled my eyes. watch-my-back chloe tori simon Kelley Armstrong