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d046f17 As my hair fell free, Cortez entwined his fingers in it and kissed me even harder. Then he slipped one hand from my hair and snapped his fingers over our heads. The lights went out. witches shifters Kelley Armstrong
a02297e Cars like that shouldn't be left in storage. It causes mechanical issues. With brakes and tires and engines and such." My smile returned. "You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?" "Not a word." humor mechanical-issues olivia gabriel Kelley Armstrong
7fc3fe4 He wet a paper towel, and took my chin, lifting and wiping my face. He picked up my hand and started cleaning it. I leaned down, trying to see his face. He kept scrubbing. I had a few cuts and scrapes, and I was only flecked with blood, but I kept my mouth shut and let him clean. As he did, I tried to check out how badly he was hurt. His scraped cheeks were pitted with gravel. His nose was bloodied. Broken? One eye was already darkeni.. fussing chloe derek Kelley Armstrong
c0ddad2 I can't stop wanting to help, and by 'help,' I really mean guide, and by 'guide,' I really mean protect. That has nothing to do with you and whether you can take care of yourself. It's about me and what I want, which is to make life easier for you, because I know it isn't easy and it's only getting harder, and I'm scrambling madly to smooth those rough edges before you get hurt. Kelley Armstrong
821e79d I'm presuming, though, that breaking and entering isn't your intent, unless you bring a lawyer in tow, should you be caught." He pursed his lips. "That could be convenient." getting-caught lawyer-joke Kelley Armstrong
cd84a24 Schizo. It didn't matter how many times Dr. Gill compared it to a disease or physical disability, it wasn't the same thing. It just wasn't. I had schizophrenia. If I saw two guys on the sidewalk, one in a wheelchair and one talking talking to himself, which would I rush to open a door for, and which would I cross the road to avoid? mental-illness-discrimination mental-illness-stigma mental-disorder mental-illness schizophrenia Kelley Armstrong
ff121c4 I have one more task to carry out before I go, Moria." She turned to Gavril. "You may leave us." "I may . . . but I will not." "Ignore him," Moria said. "I do. As much as possible." "I do not blame you. He seems very ill-tempered. Traitors ought to be more charming or they'll never woo anyone to their side." She turned to Gavril. "Is your father more charming?" Kelley Armstrong
a792cb5 Cwn Annwn," I said. "I think I'm finally pronouncing that right. Welsh. So many letters. So few vowels." Kelley Armstrong
bdec760 I knew Derek didn't lack empathy--he couldn't forget what he'd done to that kid who attacked Simon. But it was like what he held some weird list of checks and balances, and if you got on the wrong side, like Tori had, he had no problem 'kicking you on the curb,' to face whatever fate waited. I said. I stood and brushed off my jeans. When Simon rose, I thought he was going to stop me. Instead, he followed me to the door. Tori caught up, a.. stand-up-for tori derek conditions simon Kelley Armstrong
640c8f8 I said. I pushed my left one up, showing four bruises, dark as ink spots. Simon paled. He rubbed his mouth, still staring at my arm. Simon's eyes widened, then he lowered his lids to hide his surprise. Derek's voice preceded him around the corner. I shrank back. I couldn't help it. As I did, a look passed through Derek's eyes. Remorse? Guilt? He blinked it away. didn-t-mean-to derek simon hurt mistake trouble guilt Kelley Armstrong
307cd58 Stray cats are like two-timing men. He got tired of you and took off. He doesn't find anyone new? He'll come slinking back. By then, if you're smart, you'll have decided you're better without him. men inconstancy infidelity Kelley Armstrong
693c25e Okay, so on anniversaries, I need to give her something. An incentive." Simon almost walked into a tree. "What?" "An incentive. Like in third grade, when Mrs. Nestor gave me a cookie every day that I didn't read during class and promised me a candy bar if I didn't read all week." "You never got that candy bar." "Because it wasn't worth listening to her yammer about stuff I already knew. But this anniversary gift thing, is like that, right? .. Kelley Armstrong
ec5c792 Walshes had been taking advantage of gullibility and stupidity ever since they conned their fellow cavemen out of their spears. Highwaymen, pirates, swindlers, and card sharks . . . their family history was both colorful and dark. Kelley Armstrong
9fc3a3e They caught the sound of footfalls at the same moment, and both stood as a tall figure ran toward them, his blade in hand. "Stop there, traitor," Sabre said, raising her sling. "Or I'll fell you before you take another step." "The advantage of a missile weapon," Moria said. "Exactly. And it appears he has enough experience with yours to respect mine." "No, he'll only pretend he's listening, as he talks and distracts, and then creeps close e.. Kelley Armstrong
810c6ce In the meantime, I'll get a job. I'll pay my own way." "A job?" "Mmm, yeah. It's that thing people do to make money." money rick-people olivia mother sarcasm Kelley Armstrong
9ae8b80 To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. Kelley Armstrong
f02dcad You might want to pop your collar." "Hey if the biker doesn't pop his, I'm not popping mine. Also? We're thirty years past that fashion faux pas." "Yeah, but it still comes in handy when you're sporting a hickey." "What?" My hands flew to my neck, and I found the tender spot. "Shit. No, that's not-- I burned it. My hair wasn't cooperating, so I dragged out the curling iron." "Gabriel has a curling iron?" "No, I meant--Damn it." I rooted thr.. hickey Kelley Armstrong
0da259b He made my life hell. Him and Tonto over there." Daniel glared toward Nick. "Poor little Clay. He has problems. He's had a tough life. You should be nice to him. You should make friends with him. That's all I ever heard. All they saw was a cute little runt of a wolf cub. He bared his teeth and they thought it was cute. He ordered us around like a miniature Napoleon and they thought it was cute. Well, it wasn't cute from where I was standing.. humor elena-michaels world-domination Kelley Armstrong
528c088 Preferirei chiedere un passaggio allo psicopatico del villaggio." Clay ha ghignato di nuovo. "Dimentichi che sono io lo psicopatico del villaggio, ." Kelley Armstrong
1ed09a9 There were women, too. They were a little more what I expected. Tight jeans. Tank tops without bras. Evening makeup at noon. Jersey hair. The general vibe varied from "wouldn't look out of place on a corner of 47th" to "could work at a really nice strip club." biker-women strip-clubs Kelley Armstrong
517eac7 It is certainly not impossible that my father would attempt to frighten me," he said. "He did so many times in my youth. But he takes too great a risk here. I am his only heir. There is little point in winning an empire if one cannot launch a dynasty. With both his age and his past . . . performance, he is not foolish enough to believe he can father more sons. That is why I can get away with some degree of disrespect. Yet there is a limit, .. Kelley Armstrong
76d3496 The sense that the only thing better than being alone would be to be with someone who made you feel as safe and comfortable as you did when you were alone. He rose on his elbow to look down at Olivia. Kelley Armstrong
4fdbbb9 ethics were in most cases a burden that could be reasonably ignored in pursuit of necessity. gabriel ethics Kelley Armstrong
dcea95b Guess it didn't matter if it was a group home or summer camp, guys and their stomachs didn't change. Kelley Armstrong
3a3004d A Bad Omen is a warning. A sign to stop and reconsider. Proceed with caution. oliva-tayler-jones paranormal-thriller omens Kelley Armstrong
9fc4dab Yeah, I know. These days, weird is my life. I should get that on a T-shirt. Kelley Armstrong
bf3ec8e I grabbed her by the waist and swung her around to face me. As I bent, I closed my eyes ... and kissed air as she ducked out of my grasp. I opened my eyes to see her dancing backward along the path. I made a noise in my throat. she said. I lunged. She backed away. I let out another growl and crossed my arms. She grinned, blue eyes dancing. She wheeled and ran. As I went after her, adrenaline pumped through me, like liquid fire. There wa.. chloe derek tease Kelley Armstrong
727df35 That's my point, you dumb f-ing Mick. You're not just letting him poach on your turf--you're opening the gate and inviting him in...Why don't you just hand him a bouquet of roses and a box of f-ing condoms while you're at it, Jacko?" "It's not like that," Jack said. "No? Nadia is yours, and it's about time you had the balls to do something about it." Kelley Armstrong
1feefba What the hell is that?" I jumped and glanced over to see Kristof staring at Grady, who was waving his arms, rolling his eyes, shaking and moaning. "I think he's possessed," I said. "By what? Epilepsy?" kristof possessed Kelley Armstrong
370293e What's their purpose?" I asked as a I stood. "Children? No idea. It appears to be simply an inconvenient stage between birth and usefulness." Kelley Armstrong
40beefe Comfort and reassurance and a wordless understanding that there is always darkness. In some part of us, there is absolute darkness, as much as we wish otherwise. As much as we pretend otherwise. Anders shifts Kelley Armstrong
e01c6fe Switchblade," I said. "Nice. I could use one of those." "That's not enough?" He whispered, pointing at my gun. "It does the job, if the job us to kill. I need a backup that's not always so lethal." "You could try getting yourself into fewer situations where you need a weapon." Kelley Armstrong
066e0d7 She told you something?" "Yes. You're evil." His brows shot up. "That's news?" Kelley Armstrong
831e0f9 Corey said. Hayley turned on Tori. Corey said. I asked Corey. "Bossy, isn't she?" Tori said. Corey said with a grin." humor tori hayley flirt cute Kelley Armstrong
2b2bcfc I want limits, damn it. I'll accept omens and portents and second sight. I'll accept giant black hounds and creepy ravens and magpies. I'm still working out the fae and Wild Hunt thing. But I draw the line at people disappearing into thin air. Kelley Armstrong
df501cd A lot of stories about me getting into trouble start with a girl. Kelley Armstrong
fcdffb0 For the last hour of our trip Jeremy ran through the do's and don'ts. Most of them were don'ts. The simple act of dining now came with even more rules than Miss Fishton had for the kindergarten sandbox. I couldn't raid the icebox. I couldn't ask anyone except Jeremy for between-meal snacks. I had to eat with utensils. I had to chew with my mouth shut. I had to sit with the other Pack youth. I couldn't touch any food before everyone older th.. Kelley Armstrong
591a5d7 My foggy brain slid away and-- And I was still dressed in only my bra and panties. Well, at least it's a nice set of bra and panties. Yep, these were the thoughts going through my brain as I looked at a photo of a decapitated head on my bed. thoughts humor decapitated-head olivia underwear Kelley Armstrong
2f02fbd I never tell that story. I hate it. Hate, hate, hate it. I refuse to let my past explain my present. I grew up, I grew up stronger, I overcame it. End of story. From the time I was old enough to realize that my problems were not my fault, I'd decided not to shift the blame to all of those foster families, but to get rid of it. Throw it out. Move on. I could imagine no fate worse than becoming someone who tells the story of her dysfunctional.. Kelley Armstrong
6f7da30 She saw Derek and without so much as a hello, leaned to look behind him. She glared up at Derek. "Where'd you leave him?" "Passed out in an alley." Derek frowned in thought. I said as Tori sputtered. " humor where-is-simon tori derek Kelley Armstrong
a0174d0 That's the problem dealing with nonwerewolves," I said. "They lack that critical 'you are Alpha, you are right' gene." Kelley Armstrong
9167263 What's that old joke? "A friend helps you move; a real friend helps you move a body." -- Kelley Armstrong
8305d98 I'm going to need to save you." "Excuse me? No one needs-" "I'm saving you, so shut up and be grateful." humor Kelley Armstrong
7e8b4b7 I asked. SImon said. Derek said. Simon glanced at me. Derek rolled his eyes. humor locked-up tools simon Kelley Armstrong