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8659969 My dear brother, never allow a woman to hold all of the cards. Karen Hawkins
ce4ab94 So all we know about Hugh MacLean is that his financial situation is unclear, he has an unknown number of illegitimate children, and the family curse is true. I've caught quiet a prize! Karen Hawkins
79ddafb My marriage to Kincaid is a bit more complicated than I thought. There are certain things we don't agree on, and--" "You wish to change his mind about something," Gregor finished. "How did you know?" "I've noticed that women often have a desire to change men, even the ones they love." "I've noticed that, too." Dougal frowned." Karen Hawkins
741ee47 Gregor, have you ever been in love?" "No, I've never been that foolish." Karen Hawkins
a40e44e This is the woman I'm t' marry! Where have ye been all me life, me love?" And without a blink, I replied, "Don't start with me, ye scoundrel! If ye come with an empty purse, ye can leave now, fer I'd rather be unwed than unfed." Karen Hawkins
519755e It's funny how many little things you get used to - attached to, even - and never realize until you travel abroad and those things are not available. Karen Hawkins
a6e3048 If there's one thing you taught me, it's to never trust an answer that's actually another question. Karen Hawkins
691b05b You don't have to say a thing except yes. You don't have to do anything, either, I'm quite willing to plan it all." "You?" "Yes me." "You'd plan all of it? Even the wedding?" "Why not?" "You don't even like to plan your own breakfast." He grinned. "You mean more to me tban bacon." "More than [i]bacon?[/i] I'm honored." "You should be, my foolish pea brain." romance humor hurst-amulet karen-hawkins historical-romance Karen Hawkins
54198c3 But that's what happens when you allow a nice person to write a news paper serial for you; now the world thinks you're nice, too, which is silly in the extreme. Sadly, it's a burden that you must bear. Karen Hawkins
084fae3 But what Jane hadn't known about Michael Hurst until the day she stepped into his tent was that this adventurous, driven, gruff, brilliant explorer was also handsome. Blink-twice-and-try-to-breathe-and-still-think-you're-seeing-an-angel handsome. Karen Hawkins
4a92b02 By Ra, you're an impertinent, saucy--" "Careful, Hurst. We just kissed, so according to you, I shall now interpret every thing you say in a very negative manner and might burst into tears and run shrieking off to a convent." Karen Hawkins
c2d94ac There's always hope. And when that fails, there's guile and wile. Karen Hawkins
8620bab Dougal eyed the breakfast repast. In addition to burnt toast, there was poorly trimmed ham, eggs that looked rubbery enough to bounce off the floor, pathetically dry scones, and small, smoking pieces of something he suspected had once been kippers. Sophia noted Dougal's disgusted expression, and her heart lifted. He looked amazingly handsome this morning, dressed in a pale blue riding coat and white shirt, his dark blond hair curling over .. Karen Hawkins
8ef4368 Not used to be being bested, are you?" "No," he said bluntly. "Poseidon could outrun your mare, and you know it. But I'm not about to risk galloping over a field I don't know. There could have been rabbit holes." "Of course.Rabbit holes.I understand." He frowned,about to defend his actions further, when he noted a twinkle in her gaze. The little minx was taunting him. For some reason, that improved his mood, and he said with a smile, "Sophi.. Karen Hawkins
f0475a9 Bloody hell, what did he hit me with? An anvil?" "His fist." "You should put that fool in a bear-baiting pit. You'd make a fortune." Dougal struggled to rise. Sophia helped him on one side, Mary slipping under his other arm. The wind swirled a bit harder, sending dust into the air. "Heavens!" Mary said, glancing over their heads at the sky. "That's the third thunderhead as has passed this way today." Sophia turned. A huge bank of thunderclo.. Karen Hawkins
dfa7e49 Good God, what happened to ye?" Shelton dropped the bucket of water he was carrying, unmindful that it spilled across the barn floor. "I fell." Dougal picked up a brush and began to groom Poseidon. Shelton gave a silent whistle. "Fell into what? A hammer?" "Something like that." Karen Hawkins
ba797ac I plan on flirting shamelessly, so it's a good thing you'll be up here." "Flirt?" "Naturally, I have to distract him while he's playing, and what better way than with a casual flirtation?" "Distract him some other way!" "What other way?" "I don't know.You could drop something on him." Red squinted thoughtfully. "Yes! Scald him with tea." "During a game? I want him to finish playing, not leap up and run from the room." "Then thin.. Karen Hawkins
8184ed1 He was going to enjoy pressing his little scheming hostess into improprieties she'd not soon forget. He didn't need a storm to make his point; he had his own powers of persuasion-and he'd use them all on her. He led her to the library, to the table holding the sherry. "Will you do the honors?" He leaned forward and added in a low voice, "Or perhaps you'd like us to do it together-your hand under mine, your fingers wrapped around the neck of.. Karen Hawkins
081fefa I want this chimney to smoke worse than Lucifer's own fire. Let's add another brick to be certain. Dougal stiffened. He'd thought they were repairing the chimney, but they it to smoke. What in the hell was going on? Karen Hawkins
ec02703 A woman with a voice like that should have the face of an angel, the body of a Greek sculpture, and the skills of a courtesan. Chances were, she was a haggard old crone. The hulking workman began to gather his tools. "I hope ye and yer pa know what ye're doin'. Fop or no, no man takes well to losin' his belongings." " ," the woman said airily. "It's not as if we plan on knocking him in the head and peeling his pockets." That was something,a.. Karen Hawkins
418a194 Every day stole away more of her presence, leaving in its place faint wisps of memories devoid of color, scent, and sound. Karen Hawkins
a4f518b Sometimes the little things are the big things. Karen Hawkins
aecfba8 In fact, you could almost hold that no man is perfect until he meets the right woman. Karen Hawkins
5caa97c Mother always said he was like a lake, calm on the surface though a powerful current rumbled beneath. Tristan, meanwhile, was the ocean--his feelings frothed and foamed on the surface, crashing like waves into every situation. Karen Hawkins
2770196 I'm very happy that you're following your dreams. I've discovered that they fragile things and must be fed if they are to live long enough to turn into reality. There are only two things that will feed a dream: action and honesty. If you are honest enough to face your dream, with all its limitations, and willing to take whatever action is necessary to make up for those limitations, then there is a good chance you will be one of the few to s.. Karen Hawkins
89a6133 When you get to Lady Kincaid's house, don't leave until you've had a chance to talk to the man, even if you have to drag him by the ear. It may take a bit of persistence." Sophie grinned, feeling better already. "That I have in abundance." Karen Hawkins
b9f42f3 I am quite out of patience with him." Fiona Kincaid set her teacup on the small tray with a decided click. "Dougal's been in a horrid temper since he arrived." "I like him better this way," Fiona's handsome husband retorted. "He barely said a word over breakfast." She gave an exasperated sigh. "I'm surprised you two don't get along better, as you're very similar." Jack's flat stare made her add hastily, "In things." "In very things." Karen Hawkins
11829a8 You can get lost, pretending to be someone you're not. Karen Hawkins
fab4ee3 I'll see you when you're done with your interrogation." "I am not going to interrogate anyone!" Jack grinned. "Of course not.You're just going to ask questions." He cast a glance at Perkins. "Lady Kincaid will be with our guest shortly." "Yes,my lord." The butler bowed and left. Fiona frowned at the steady beat of rain against the window. "Dougal will catch his death,riding in such a rain." Jack shrugged. "He made it; let him swim in it." H.. Karen Hawkins
6826d25 I vow, is there no man who can talk about physical pleasures without exaggerating? Karen Hawkins
d8d7829 He dropped to one knee before her. "Sophia MacFarlane, though I've been every sort of fool there is, and though I've stolen from you and lied to you, as you've stolen from me and lied to me, will you please marry me? To keep me out of trouble, if nothing else." She gave a hiccup of a laugh, her eyes moist with tears. "Only if you, Dougal MacLean, will have me. After all I did to save MacFarlane House, I now realize that without people in it.. Karen Hawkins
6b70d82 Furthermore, I refuse to be affected by these cheap theatrics!" She gestured to the boiling sky. "Gor!" Shelton covered his eyes with one hand. Dougal instantly went from mad to furious, and the clouds rumbled to life. Yet in that instant, he realized that this tiny little bit of a woman had just reduced centuries of a dramatic and secretive curse to "cheap theatrics." He didn't know whether to rage or laugh, but somehow, looking up into he.. Karen Hawkins
47a65d1 There's no more jam to be had." "Or bread?" Dougal asked, knowing what the answer would be. "Nor bread," Angus said with a smirk. Dougal flicked his hand in the butler's direction. "Then you may go." Angus's smile faded, and he glared at Dougal until Sophia said softly, "Angus, that will be all." The buter scowled but obediently tromped from the room. "He loves me," Dougal said simply. Sophia's lips twitched. "I doubt that." "No,no,I'm cert.. Karen Hawkins
769029a Blast the man! How dare he pack his bags and ride away after all the work she'd done! Worse, how dare he do it while looking so damned appealing? Karen Hawkins
96ae6b4 Ah, lassies, be sure ye make good decisions, firm and fast. Those who don't know what they want get what they deserve. OLD WOMAN NORA OF LOCH LOMOND TO HER THREE WEE GRANDDAUGHTERS ONE COLD NIGHT Karen Hawkins
6de850d I believe I will sit,but not on this chair. The settee is the most welcoming piece in the room,especially with you sitting on it." "Yes,but-" He sat,his hip brushing hers. She scrambled to move to one side, but he'd deliberately sat on the edge of her skirt. Her gaze narrowed, and she said stiffly, "I beg your pardon,but you are sitting on my skirt." Dougal smiled and leaned back, resting his arms along the back of the settee so that she wa.. Karen Hawkins
9254c79 I suppose you heard him yelling as the doctor set his leg." "I never knew there were so many rude words in the English language. Or French, German, Italian, Latin,or....there was another language I didn't quite recognize." "Greek." Karen Hawkins
e55604d Men think they like to be challenged. The truth is, they only like to be challenged if they win. truth Karen Hawkins
88996e7 Jack,would you mind giving us some privacy?" Jack looked Dougal up and down. "Are you going to berate him?" "No." "Chastise him?" "No." "Kick him out of the house?" " " "Then I don't mind leaving." Jack turned a bland gaze to Dougal. "Be careful of listening at keyholes, old man. Some of these locks are rather rusty; you could cut yourself." Karen Hawkins
12d6632 I'm not blind,you know." His gaze flicked down to her breasts, interestingly encased in her tight riding habit. "I can see well." Her cheeks flushed, and she tried to pull away again. Behind Dougal came a bang, like the sound of a large door slamming, and Sophia's eyes widened. "Angus, " she cried. "Ye misbegotten bounder!" Angus roared. Dougal turned just in time to see a huge fist hit him squarely in the eye. Thanks to Sophia, who'd ju.. Karen Hawkins
9ef32ff Then you must also spend the night. We are miles from an inn, and I can promise you that the sheets are fresh and clean." " Karen Hawkins
40b68f1 I've never had a better piece o' roast. But it was the apple pie as made the meal. It was flaky and sweet, all buttery,with-" "Enough!" Dougal's stomach growled loudly. "The food I was given was not fit for consumption. Ride to town today, and fetch some foodstuffs. Some apples, tarts, a few meat pies-whatever will keep well." "Aye,me lord.Do ye want an apple now? I've one here I was saving fer yer horse." "Thank you." Dougal pocketed the a.. Karen Hawkins
fbc0e15 Money, or the lack of it, haunted him. Oh, not because he had so little. He was, in fact, very wealthy. It was the beggarliness of his companion that caused him the most pain. Karen Hawkins
f7136f1 Nonsense. One day, the right man will come along, and you'll change your mind." Harriet wasn't so sure. In all her twenty-four years, she'd never met a single man who had managed to make her feel anything more than acute irritation." Karen Hawkins
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