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c40bd8b Such power, and carried with such careless grace. How that must burden him. Karen Hawkins
9177662 It is surprising how many times a good feeling can be confused with a bad one. Often one is unsure which feeling it really is until much later. Karen Hawkins
7a4bc3e Well, it is a good thing he died young. Most men don't have the good sense to know when to quit this earth. At least your husband didn't drag on and on like some do. Karen Hawkins
07c26ac I don't need a hero. I was blessed with a large amount of common sense, which is of infinitely more use than a man. women-and-men Karen Hawkins
9504754 The world has no boundaries for someone who savors success and is willing to work for it. Karen Hawkins
8cfe641 Men are, if nothing else, predictable. Fortunately for us all, women are not. karen-hawkins Karen Hawkins
d4c490f Some women -- the good ones -- are like a breath of fresh air, amusing and different and invigorating. The trouble is that it is damnably difficult to capture air and hold it for any length of time. Karen Hawkins
6ec6218 Women prefer to draw blood using words. It can cause just as much havoc, but it doesn't stain the carpet. Karen Hawkins
a399985 The bed was lumpy, the fire smoked so badly I was forced to extinguish it or die, then I froze to death the rest f the night because the blanket was so thin." "That's a shame. It was right comfortable in the tack room. I've a cot and a neat little pot-bellied stove." Dougal sent a thoughful look at the barn. "Can you put up another cot?" -- Karen Hawkins
c6d1ceb I wish I could tell you that I leapt to my feet anyway, snake be dammed. Or that I wrestled the snake and then fought my opponent. But I saw the icy cold disdain in the snake's eyes and did the only prudent thing I could - I froze in my place. After a long few moments, the grew bored and slithered away, as had my opponent. Yet I felt that I had won, for I lived to fight another day. Karen Hawkins
5880e8a Angus, when you're done with the brick, I shall add some oiled rags. That will make it smoke even worse." Angus turned an admiring glance at his partner in crime. "Miss,ye've a gift fer this,ye do." She chuckled,the sound just as seductive, except for the hint of mockery. "I'm becoming as adept at this as the new owner is at shirking his duty." "Now,miss,he might have a good reason not to rush here." "Like what?" "I don't know.Perhaps he wo.. Karen Hawkins
4322eae Frequently, things are seen as 'insurmountable' merely from a lack of know-how. Karen Hawkins
361a400 But like all simple things, once you add the human element, all hell breaks loose. Karen Hawkins
7483d70 Is she always like that?" "Like what?" Sara asked absently, staring a^ the letter in her hands. "Floating about as if she was a blasted fairy." Karen Hawkins
0f54efd Still, it was up to her to lure her victim to the rocky shore of loss by appealing to his vanity and challenging his manly pride.She smiled at herself in the mirror. "It isn't perfect, but 'twill have to do." "Och,miss! Ye look as pretty as a princess." Mary opened the door and stood to one side. "Careful going down the stairs; yer pa pried up a board in the third step." "On the ? Someone could get injured." "So he's hopin'." Sophia frowne.. Karen Hawkins
34de2db He moved to the faded red chair she'd indicated. As he lowered himself into it, there was a loud crack. One of the wooden legs snapped and broke, just as Sophia and Angus had planned when they'd sawed it half-through. A normal man would have been tossed to the floor, but with a little twist, MacLean shifted his weight forward and managed to remain upright, turning to regard the chair as it collapsed. Sophia swept to her feet. "Goodness! How.. Karen Hawkins
b9b00b6 I'm sorry your chair collapsed, but the furnishings are in as poor repair as the roof." He retrieved his abandoned glass of sherry. "I assume the rook leaks." "Only when it rains." His eyes warmed with laughter as he watched her over the rim of his glass. "I'm surprised you countenance this place." "I'm here for my father. Once he returns and you take the house, I will be on my way." "May I ask where?" "Italy,perhaps. Or France." She shrugg.. Karen Hawkins
72c719f you savor the things we seek to avoid. Karen Hawkins
9eb6924 Jane?" She lifted her brows. "Yes?" "If you so much as hum one word, I shall stuff one of your gloves into your mouth." "Tsk,tsk."She assumed an exaggerated sad look."It's like that,is it?" Karen Hawkins
d2c7d2b I invited Miss MacFarlane because I could see that there was something between the two of you." "Something that I longed to avoid." Fiona eyed him a moment, obviously fascinated. "Would you explain what you mean?" "No." She pursed her lips. "What if I promise to name my next child after you?" Dougal lifted his brows. "Won't Jack dislike that?" A smile quivered on her lips. "Yes. Which is why I though it a wonderful inducement for you." "I d.. Karen Hawkins
dc35485 Perhaps you met my mother-she and I look very similar. She and my father traveled quite a bit before I was born." "That's possible,I suppose," he said, as if not enitrely convinced. "Sir Reginald." Dougal broke in on their conversation, entirely against common etiquette. "Perhaps you mistake Miss MacFarlane with a dream." He let his gaze linger over her in a similar fashion. "I often do." Sophia's face burned. Fiona choked on her wine, and .. Karen Hawkins
46f0f79 I'm surprised a person with your experience in telling elaborate fables should have difficulty in thinking up such a simple tale, but I suppose it's a different issue when you have to think quickly rather than spend time thoroughly developing your story." "I'm sure that's it," she replied blithely, cutting her bacon into small bits."I'm also sure that my skills will grow over time. I just need to practice, practice, practice. Did I ever te.. Karen Hawkins
3704e0a Jack! Pray tell Miss MacFarlane that the roads are impassable." "The roads are impassable," he replied immediately. "And that she should stay at least another day." "You should stay at least another day," he repeated, a twinkle in his eyes. Fiona nodded. "And that she is more then welcome here." "I am certain she knows that." "And how we'd love to have her for another week, at least,and-" Jack laughed and took his wife's hand. "Fiona, my lo.. Karen Hawkins
e608a0c then tossed the coat into the water. "Hurst! That's a perfectly good coat!" "Yes, and I have a perfectly good life. One of those two things is not replaceable." Karen Hawkins
3f2263b Stop that! What were you doing, perched on the window ledge like a big chicken?" Despite his aches and irritations, he couldn't help but grin. "I prefer to think of myself as a more noble bird, like a hawk." "I'm sure you do. But you flew like a chicken than any hawk I've seen." Karen Hawkins
7be24cc No soft-skinned, lace-covered, dandified profligate would ever take this house and make it his. Ever. Karen Hawkins
8bd60fb Furthermore, there's marshland on the other side of these hills. No one can even live near it, because the mist produces ill humors." "Ill humors?" "Yes.The entire place is encircled in thick forest, too." She lowered her voice. "They say there are wolves there,the size of humans." "I like wolves," Dougal said mildly. "The larger, the better." She blinked. "They're great sport for hunting. And I am an hunter." He glanced across her, linge.. Karen Hawkins
8f73d72 I'll stir up the fire in the stove in the tack room. If ye're committed to this folly, then ye'll be wanting somethin' to eat before ye return to the house." Where the delectable Sophia was probably in the kitchen at this very moment, ruining his dinner. Despite his throbbing eye, Dougal reluctantly grinned. "You're right, I shall want my dinner first. And a bath." "Which would be cold if ye got it in the houes, I suppose?" "And filled with.. Karen Hawkins
dc38c20 Ye'll wish a bath this evening, and while I don't mind servin' as yer cook, I'm not washin' yer back." "I won't ask if of you, I promise." Karen Hawkins
b4fe9cb Every time they lost their tempers, storms would gather." "That could be a boon in dry weather." Karen Hawkins
6cbdff8 If'n I was ye,I'd do nothin' else but hunt." "I've no doubt you'd do just that, for a more lazy individual I've yet to meet-other than myself,of course." Shelton beamed. "Thank ye,me lord! 'Tis a rare day I can consider meself an equal with ye on any grounds." "You're welcome," Dougal returned gravely. "Aye,ye've made bein' lazy a form o' art that few-look!" The groom pointed eagerly at the soft shoulder of the road, where a fox print appea.. Karen Hawkins
61dbabd Perhaps we should spice up our next wager." A wary look entered her blue eyes. "How?" "By wagering your mother's necklace against...your clothing." She froze, her arms over her head, her eyes wide. "My clothing?" "Yes. Your gown-against your mother's neckace." His body was already hard at the thought of her standing before him in nothing but her chemise and stockings. Sophia lowered her arms with a teasing smile. "I doubt it will fit you." .. Karen Hawkins
6d659fd I must admit that I never expected to find such beauty here." His gaze raked her again. "It quite takes my breath away." Sophia quirked a brow. He didn't look breathless. He looked calm and collected-a bit predatory, perhaps, but nothing to suggest that her appearance had been anything more than a pleasant surprise." Karen Hawkins
7941fee Had I known were waiting, Miss MacFarlane, I would not have lingered,I assure you." Flattery was something she knew how to deal with, and it was much better than this odd heat that simmered between them. "What a pretty compliment, Lord MacLean. I don't know what to say." He bowed. "I merely speak the truth. I daresay you've heard such before." "And I'm certain you've spoken such before." Amusement twitched his lips, though he said gravely.. Karen Hawkins
ebb9bb7 What's the matter, MacLean? Are you afraid?" His brows snapped down, his eyes glinting dangerously. " did you say?" She lifted her chin. "I asked if you were afraid. If that is why you're sneaking out like a thief in the night?" "It's morning,and I'm no thief." "No,but you afraid,aren't you? Afraid of me." Dougal's expression darkened even more. "You don't know what you're saying." "Yes,I do." She leaned close to say dismissively, "You .. Karen Hawkins
59d718c Perhaps I should just leave after all." She whirled on him. "No! I'm just trying to find the right words,and I-oh,it's complicated!" "Lies usually are." She wetted her lips. "Lies?" He raised his brow. She sighed, her shoulders slumping, an expression almost of relief crossing her face. "You know." Dougal nodded. "Everything?" He nodded again. "How we tried to conceal the house's value? And disguised the beautiful paneling in the library? A.. Karen Hawkins
160c6b6 You,my lord, are giving me goose bumps." "Every beautiful woman deserves to be clothed in no less." Karen Hawkins
db5e7da Lord MacLean, pray have a seat. That chair is safe." And half the size of a regular seat. She him to be comfortable in it. He eyed the chair and shook his head. "I believe I'll stand." "As you wish." She smoothed her skirts, the movement of her slender hands drawing Dougal's gaze. She had the most kissable mouth and the most intriguing-and challenging-blue eues he'd ever seen." karen hawkins
0ab4740 Sophia stood staring blankly up the stairs for an entire minute before it dawned on her that he'd used the kiss to befuddle her. Blast it all! She fumed to herself as she walked to the front window and stationed herself there. Time went by. The clock ticked. A bee buzzed against the windowpane. Dust settled. After thirty minutes had passed, Sophia had had enough. She gave the empty lane one last glance, then went upstairs. Karen Hawkins
74601ff I daresay he is not happy that his daughter is now unchaperoned. A gentleman would bid his adieu." "You can't leave!" The words hung in the air.Sophia hid a wince and said again, in a more measured tone, "I'm sorry. I'm distraught over my father." MacLean gave her a devastatingly sexy half-smile. "You misunderstood me; I said, a would bid his adieu." His voice, low and soft, rolled over her senses like liguid silk. "Fortunately for us bot.. Karen Hawkins
71922a9 On the platter sat the roast, half of it black, the other half bloody. A wilted sprig of parsley sat beside it, as if Mary couldn't quite allow the roast to leave her kitchen without trying to disguise it. Silence hung over the table. Dougal set the cover to one side and removed the covers from the other dishes: a bowl of something green that sat in an oily liquid; a thick slab of pork in the middle of a large, chipped platter; some turnips.. Karen Hawkins
8a160ce The weather is certainly unpredictable here,isn't it?" "It's always unpredictable when the MacLeans are involved." She turned to look at him. "You've heard the rumors of the curse?" "I've heard them and believe them." He moved beside her. "Don't you?" The pocket she needed to reach was on his other side, blast it. "Do you think one of the MacLeans might be angry now?" He looked over her head to the gathering clouds, a frown settling between.. Karen Hawkins
9200040 I find you too charming by half." "And I find you too annoying by far. If you do not release me, I cannot be held responsible for your well-being." He chuckled at that. "A fiery little bundle,aren't you? I'll wager you like-" She brought her foot down hard on his instep. He yelped and released her, his face contorted in pain. Sophia stepped past him, but he grabbed her arm and yanked her back toward him. "You tease!" he gasped. She used her.. Karen Hawkins
a2e4f36 Aye,Ware is your grandfather, though a more worthless arse I couldn't name. Karen Hawkins
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