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62b08c9 Though he may dally with loose women, he's been raised a gentleman. He would never touch me unless I gave him permission." He might use incredibly powerful seduction tactics, but that was her problem, not Angus's. "Aye," Mary said. "Don't ye remember how the miss took care o' the squire's son when he tried to kiss her in the garden?" She beamed at Sophia. "That was well done." Sophia grinned. "He limped for a week" Angus grunted. "The squir.. Karen Hawkins
a4a06a5 Ye said yerself that the man was bonny enough to sup with a spoon. Karen Hawkins
71cddda Red started preparing a short speech for Sophie about the importance of keeping a safe physical distance between herself and her guest. He was just working out a brilliant but poignant closing statement when Sophie walked into the room. Red's welcoming smile froze,fell, and shattered. "Bloody hell! Ye can't wear " Karen Hawkins
d933413 Does the curse affect your entire family in the same way?" "There are some slight variations. When my brother Gregor grows angry, it tends to hail and snow." "He has a cold disposition?" Karen Hawkins
ab1dcbf Sophia had been hard pressed not to laugh when MacLean had tripped over one of the floorboards she and Angus had pried loose. Better yet, MacLean had ripped his lace-edged sleeve on a broken nail in the doorframe of his bedchamber. She knew because she'd heard his loud curse from the hallway. Sophia had expected him to roar at the servants and demand things be repaired, but all he did was ask Angus for a hammer to protect himself from the l.. Karen Hawkins
186fdd6 It near broke my heart to treat such a good piece of meat in such a way." "Aye," Red said with feeling. "I watched ye do it, and it near made me cry,too." Sophia laughed and hugged her father. "When this is over,Mary will cook you an entire leg of mutton, perfectly roasted and seasoned." His eyes brightened. "With mint sauce?" "Aye," Mary said, beaming." Karen Hawkins
4345f79 Yes,I was thinking about a nap,then..." He shrugged and glanced away. He didn't have to wait long. "Oh,dear! The mattress was too lumpy, wasn't it?" Her rich voice lowered with false compassion. "I'm so sorry about that. Red refuses to purchase new mattress ticking when-" "You misunderstood," Dougal said. "I didn't intend to take a nap, just to rest. However, the bed was so comfortable that I fell asleep anyway." Sophia opened her mouth,the.. Karen Hawkins
3ceb441 Ye're playing fer the house? But ye won it just a month ago! Why,this land is worth more than yer estate near Stirling!" Now that he'd toured the land and knew the true condition of the house, Dougal was tempted to agree. The deed to MacFarlane House was worth far more than he'd originally thought. Shelton shook his head. "Ye're moonstruck, me lord. Moonstruck and fairy-pinched." Karen Hawkins
8d2985c You will be glad to know that Mary has made something special for dinner." "Something edible, I hope." Her lips twitched. "Absolutely." "Then it's doubly a pity that I don't want dinner this evening." The hunger that roared through him had nothing to do with food. "No dinner? But Mary-" "Are you hungry?" She gave an odd flicker of a smile. "I couldn't eat anything now if my life depended on it." Her admission relaxed his taut nerves. She wa.. Karen Hawkins
9e972fa If you leave within the hour, you can make it by nightfall. With this rain, I wouldn't wait longer. The stream is close to covering the bridge already." Sophia had to smile. "Anxious to get rid of me?" "Aye.I'm tried of seeing your long face over the breakfast table." She laughed a little. "Red,I don't understand. Why are you so insistent about this?" "Because if anyone knows the cost of lost opportunities, it's me. Sometimes you have to gr.. Karen Hawkins
2fa582e She watched beneath her lashes as his chair rocked with his weight. MacLean scowled and grabbed the edge of the table. Angus had cut varying lengths from each chair so that some rocked, while others were at a distinct forward slant so that you had to press back to keep from sliding into the floor. "Is something wrong, Lord MacLean?" "This chair." He scooted forward and slipped a little. With a scowl, he stood and pushed his chair to one sid.. Karen Hawkins
6d4c94e Dougal lifted his spoon and slit it into his mouth. Immediately, a frozen look came over his face. Sophia tensed. He removed the spoon from his mouth. Sophia gripped her own spoon tighter. A slow red crept up his face, his eyes watering slightly. Ha! Mary's soup was working its magic. Pleased, Sophia pretended to eat some soup. Dougal slapped a hand on the table. The dishes and Sophia jumped. "What's wrong?" He pointed to his bowl with his .. Karen Hawkins
8eecdcb To make matters worse, he added in a deep voice that made her shiver, "I love turnips." It was indecent that the man could make a sentence as abhorrent as "I love turnips" sound like an improper proposition. But Dougal MacLean managed it." Karen Hawkins
8d01f9f Do you prefer burned or raw?" "I'll have the burned portion, thank you." "Excellent choice. The turnips will complement them perfectly." He winked at her and filled their plates with such amused spirits that Sophia found herself watching him through her lashes. What was wrong with this man? Surely he wasn't used to such horrid meals? Yet to watch him eat with such enthusiasm, you'd think he was starving." Karen Hawkins
70b6723 I've asked Sophia to stay for the night, and she has agreed." Stay? In the same house he was staying in? It had been pure hell trying to sleep before, but now, knowing she was there, under the same roof, her lush body-"No." The word was torn from him. Fiona's gaze narrowed. "Dougal, this is my house-" "And mine," Jack added flatly. Dougal sent him a cutting glare. Fiona sniffed. "If I wish Miss MacFarlane to stay,she'll stay." Sophia lifted.. Karen Hawkins
34d76b2 How am I to get back to my room dressed like this?" He grinned at her, his teeth flashing whitely in the dim light from the fire. "You'll leave a trail of water." "Which the servants will report to your sister." Karen Hawkins
b0de8d8 You told me he was dead." Red said through his teeth, "There was no point,for there's no meaner, more petty man in all of God's England." "At least I'm not a wastrel," the old man snapped. Red started toward the old man, but Sophia stepped between them. "Red, don't." He looked as if he might burst into flames, then snapped, "I came to get you, Sophie.Have Mary bring your things, and let's go." Karen Hawkins
cf89944 The other animals." When she didn't reply, he sighed, frustration on his face. "They have - what you say - hop, hop. And they have the-" He put his hand behind his head and made a 'V' then wiggled his fingers. "Ah! You mean hares." -- Karen Hawkins
711a573 When it's a memory, you already know the outcome so it's easy to think it was an easier time. Looking forward is much more uncertain, and is more complicated. But I don't think it is. Not really. Karen Hawkins
cbbc8e9 Innocent and virtuous, she represented the exact type of female he avoided... God, she was a taking thing, even for an avaricious reformer. submissive wanton innocent taking virtuous Karen Hawkins
b389d4f As I reach my thirtieth year of service as a butler in a gentleman's household, I find myself looking back. Between my secret recipe for boot blacking (an indispensable tool for a butler), and a vastly superior method to remove wine stains from velvet (which some will erroneously hold to be an impossibility), I find my memories salted with some faint wisdoms, a few tested experiences, and many, many interesting stories. Karen Hawkins
1aa4b19 Pray stop your infernal whispering. You sound like a pack of nuns planning a murder. Karen Hawkins
1b71c23 Did you bring money with you, or shall we play for markers?" She flipped the stack of cards to the table with a professional twist of her wrist. "I don't play for less than a guinea a hand." His lips twitched. "The question is not if I have money. The question is, do you?" "I don't need funds, as I don't plan on losing," she said, her gaze mocking. For a moment, he thought he'd heard her incorrectly. Slowly, he said, "I beg your pardon, but.. Karen Hawkins
b1be1e1 Margaret," she told me time and again, "you may be anything you wish, so long as you're never boring." Karen Hawkins
b40a35c Though he may dally with loose women, he's been raised a gentleman. He would never touch me unless I gave him permission." He might use incredibly powerful seduction tactics, but that was her problem, not Angus's. "Aye," Mary said. "Don't ye remember how the miss took care o' the squire's son when he tried to kiss her in the garden?" She beamed at Sophia. "That was well done." Sophia grinned. "He limped for a week" Angus grunted. "The squir.. Karen Hawkins
d0c5267 As we've practiced it, Angus! Let him in, fetch him a glass of that horrid port we purchased in the village. When you're done, send Mary upstairs right away with a bucket of water. I need to wash." Angus paused, one large hand on the doorknob. "Now? But MacLean's already here." She lifted her chin. "I waited for MacLean; now can wait for ." Angus grinned, "Very well, miss." Karen Hawkins
54dea43 Gor," she breathed when she picked up the nearly empty tureen. "Someone done eat the soup!" "Never!" Angus said, his eyes as wide as saucers. "All of it," she said, holding the tureen toward Angus. He peered into it as if expecting to see a hole in the bottom. "Well, I'll be." "It was excellent," Dougal said. Angus sent Dougal a look of respect. "Ye must have an iron stomach." "Indeed," Mary said, a worried look on her face. "I beg yer pard.. Karen Hawkins
366de75 Financial standing, a social position beyond what she has now, and a husband to dote upon her every wish. What more could she ask for?" "Maybe youth. Vigor. ." "Lord Cameron has his own teeth." Margaret narrowed her eyes at the other candidate. "I'm not so certain about Munro. They seemed somewhat clacky at dinner, so I'm suspicious." Karen Hawkins
f48220b No matter what station you hold in life, there will always be things that will surprise you. Whether you choose to be outraged or delighted is up to you. Karen Hawkins
0a097bf I was not giving you a heated look." "What do you call it then?" "I was merely appreciating your, ah...finer points." "Yes, well, I could do the same for you except--" "Except what?" "They are all under the desk." Karen Hawkins
b185e1c It is a foolish man who apologizes without reason. Karen Hawkins
a628684 Life was a hard teacher, but a thorough one. Karen Hawkins
f17f3a9 Some crave the safety of boredom while others crave the bravery of adventure. Karen Hawkins
8b32e93 There are times when simplicity makes a decision for you. Karen Hawkins
376cef8 Women never dress without thought. Karen Hawkins
ccb275c There was little that common sense and hard work couldn't accomplish. Karen Hawkins
3f00c4b I dislike being held to a set of rules for no reason other than to create the impression of order, whether it exists or not. Karen Hawkins
80fef4d You'd be surprised at the things you can discover by barging into someone's bedchamber unannounced. Karen Hawkins
0f1a42a From the Diary of the Duchess of Roxburghe I vow, I cannot seem to walk past a window without seeing my great-nephew carrying Miss Balfour somewhere. All great romantic poems have such scenes where the hero, in a fit of passion, sweeps the heroine off her feet. Sadly, it appears that Sin's technique is questionable. I'm surprised that, with all of his supposed experience with the gentler sex, he doesn't realize that women do not like to be .. hilarious Karen Hawkins
5b2de86 And that was love. True love. The kind that carried on and lasted through the good days and the difficult days. The kind of love that always gave, and never hurt. It might not be the kind of mad love poets wrote about, but it was the kind of love strong enough to build a home upon, secure in the knowledge that this man would be there when things went wrong and would do everything in his considerable power to make things right again. Karen Hawkins
030c826 How can you become the leader of Romany if you're a prince of Oxenburg?" "I have three brother. And as Tata Natasha is fond of telling us, there is not room on the throne for four asses." -- Karen Hawkins
e71565e Nonsense," Ophelia said stoutly. "They're happy sheep. You can tell." "How?" Sophia demanded. Ophelia regarded the ewes for a moment, then suddenly broke into a huge grin. "Maybe you can tell they 're happy sheep because they don't feel baaaaad." Karen Hawkins
638c8b5 She opened her eyes. He sniffed. Holding her breath, she waited. He sniffed again. "Is it an herb, ?" She nodded, smiling shyly. "Rosemary." "The cook at Tullock puts it in turtle soup." Her smile faltered. She smelled like a turtle? Not a fragrant loaf of bread, but a turtle? "Surely you've smelled it in some other dishes, too? Bread, perhaps?" He shook his head. "In a delicious stew, then? Something savory and warm?" He released her clo.. Karen Hawkins
e7ca491 She was part wide-eyed wood nymph, part awkward society miss, and--he was beginning to realize--part testy library elf. Karen Hawkins
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