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9e3268e Then why did you return to England if not to get the diary?" "I returned because you asked me to." She looked at him, too startled to even speak for a moment. [She said,] "That's all it would have taken." "Yes." "Oh!" She stomped her foot, tugging even harder on her hand. "I hate that!" Max's brow lowered. "You hate what?" "How you've made it all my fault! Not only did you leave because of me, but now, you return because of me! Maxwell, you.. Karen Hawkins
85ed39a Beni oldurmen korkunc bir hata olur. Ailemdeki kadinlar kotu bir sekilde olduruldukleri takdirde, hayalet olarak geri donme egilimindedir." Thomas'in bakislari Fia'nin gozlerine kilitlendi. "Hayalet mi?" "Evet, suzulen beyaz elbisemi giyinir, bogazimdan aci sesler cikaririm. Boyle bir seyi gormekten pek hoslanmazsin." much-adı-about-marriage sen-kimseyi-sevemezsin Karen Hawkins
4547504 I am not made of porcelain, Anthony. Nor do I need to be wrapped in wool and placed in a box for safekeeping. I don't like boxes; I never have. Karen Hawkins
7bb5346 Pray don't hold back," Robert said politely. "You can tell me what you really think of my valet." Stewart broke in to a reluctant grin."Sorry fer bein' so forward, sir, but that valet o' yers is nothin' but a Frenchified piece o' lace." Karen Hawkins
2329378 Why would he bother? He has no more wish to wed than I." "How do you know?" Anthony asked. "Did you ask him?" Her face heated, and Anthony covered his eyes. "Pray do not say another word. I don't wish to know." "Bridgeton had a choice, Sara," Marcus said. "And he chose marriage." "Get married or die. I vow, how did he make up his mind so quickly?" "I wanted to shoot him," Anthony offered. "But Marcus would not allow it." "You are both insuf.. Karen Hawkins
2e83c37 One good thing that comes from living the nomadic life demanded by an expedition is that one sheds the fake skin donned from living too closely among society. For those of us who live for the freedom of such a lifestyle, that skin is dry and itchy and ill fitting. From my observances, that skin is much like a callus caused by the pure irritation of being forced to spend so much time with one's fellow man. Thank God I am spared such nonsense.. Karen Hawkins
232ed60 So he's harmless, then." "I wouldn't say that, exactly." "No?" "I would n't slip up behind him with a knife, for he might retaliate." Karen Hawkins
d009eb2 She eyed him uncertainly. "Very well. Nick wants me, but he's decided not to... to..." She floundered to a halt and the tears that threatened in her eyes became reality. One, single drop slipped down her cheek. Bloody hell. Anthony raked a hand through his hair. "Do you mean to tell me that Bridgeton is not... er, fulfilling his husbandly duties?" She nodded miserably. "Oh, Anthony, what am I to do?" He closed his eyes. God above. He was a .. Karen Hawkins
cb4e137 It's the pure excitement of the find combined with the golden possibilities of what-may-be; one of bated breath, thundering heart,damp palms, and trembling limbs; a mixture of excruciating hope and the painfully exquisite fear of disappointment. It's a feeling that only another adventurer can truly understand. Karen Hawkins
b08ceaf London is good for two things -- excellent Scotch and leaving.I miss them both, especially as I often partake of one while doing the other. I find the company stifling, the streets foul smelling and overcrowded, the houses bland and without architectural merit, and the people banal and filled with their own consequence. No matter how often I leave London, I cannot wait to leave it again. My home is in my explorations. Those always welcome m.. Karen Hawkins
37f0780 Women provide the only true link to civilization. Men simply are not ruthless enough to survive on their own. Karen Hawkins
e666ee4 One should never ask a man questions about his personal life. He just might answer and then you, my dear, would have to listen. Karen Hawkins
1122867 I wish we hadn't kissed at all," he snapped. "So do I, but we can't unkiss, so we must deal with it as best as we can." Karen Hawkins
fbac7a2 Somewhere around chapter seven she had started wondering if Lucinda, the annoyingly incompetent heroine of , truly deserved to live. The chit was forever whining about her life, while refusing to anything about it. Karen Hawkins
36b772f Buchan had discovered a wealth of small tidbits. He now knew her first name - Tatiana. Like Shakespeare's fairy queen. "Be she but little, she is fierce." -- scottish-romance Karen Hawkins
6f024e0 He slipped his tongue between her lips and thrust it wantonly inside her mouth over and over, echoing the enticing move of his hips against hers. She clutched him closer, reveling in the feel of him, and the fact that she'd made him moan for her, whisper her name over and over, beg her without words for more. To kiss him more. To touch him more. scottish-romance Karen Hawkins
5576e32 Her gaze flickered to the balcony doors and back, her brows knitted in confusion. "My balcony doesn't connect to yours." "I jumped." He grinned at the flash of concern he saw in "her eyes. "At dinner, your grandmother informed me that you'd be moving to the room beside mine. She also mentioned how close my balcony was to yours; so close that even an old lady like herself could leap between the two without the least effort." Venetia's cheeks.. lovers family humor love hilarious Karen Hawkins
e40698e He laughed, and it dawned on him that this was what he was going to miss the most--all the possibility that was Beth and he. The future moments like this, of laughing and loving. Of sharing and touching. Karen Hawkins
aaf69d8 Beth sighed. "I want a relationship, but then again...I don't." To her surprise, Grandfather cackled. "That's quite normal, my girl. Quite normal indeed. There are no guarantees in this life. You have to take what you can get and enjoy it while you have it." Karen Hawkins
27cd14b My lord?" Reeves appeared concerned. "Are you well? Does your head pain you?" "No, no. I am fine. I just had a stupid thought, is all." "Ah. And what was that thought, my lord? I take it that it did not have anything to do with wearing that black waistcoat?" "It had nothing to do with clothing." "A pity," Reeves said with a long-suffering sigh. "If you were not thinking of clothing, then your thought must have had something to do with Lady .. Karen Hawkins
aa7dba3 Roland sat beside his little sister. "You are too young to know this, but love cannot grow in rocky soil. It must be planted in a tender heart, cared for with the gentlest of touches, warmed with happiness. and protected from all that might wish to harm it." "That sounds like a lot of work," Melisandre said. "It is a lot of work. But if it's true love, then it will be the lightest burden you'll ever carry." Karen Hawkins
46a7493 Since neither of us wish to be married, we must think of a way to soothe Grandfather's irritation." Christian looked amused. "I suppose I could put an end to my existence. That would please him a good deal." "Nonsense. He is not an impractical man. He has to know that would just lead to more scandal." Christian's lips twitched. "That would be horrid, wouldn't it?" Beth had to fight the urge to smile herself. "Horrid, indeed." "I suppose I s.. Karen Hawkins
27a83d1 My lord, I suggest you use the same strategy with Massingale that you used with his granddaughter. When you go to ask for her hand in marriage, admit your attraction for her." "I have never admitted to you that I find her attractive." "You didn't have to. It was quite obvious in your voice. That was why I kept warning you of using innocents in your plan." Christian rubbed a hand over face. "I wish I'd realized how strong that attraction was.. Karen Hawkins
0ca8eda No, my lord. I merely thought it unwise for you to visit the Duke of Massingale and request his granddaughter's hand in marriage while intoxicated." Reeves replaced the stopper on the decanter and carried it back to the sideboard. "His Lordship would not appreciate such a display." Karen Hawkins
4bfc7ed Good God! What in the hell was that noise?" The man in front of them turned in his seat. "That's what I've been asking myself this half hour and then some" Karen Hawkins
1f9405f Seducing innocent virgins is such a tiring venture." Christian lifted a brow. "Are we back to that?" Karen Hawkins
ff8d5a9 Bloody hell, were you this annoying with my father?" "I fear I was more so, my lord. I was younger then and could go on and on and on--" "Good. The old bastard deserved a difficult time." "So many people believe." Karen Hawkins
f198c04 Beth grimaced. "He is a pompous ass." "And in dire need of a wealthy wife. Perhaps you should find a twitch to go with your stutter." "I would fall upon the floor in a fit if I thought it might do some good. The man is a menace." Karen Hawkins
66ad5cb Excellent. I feel better already. My lady, you have had a very positive influence over Lord Westerville. He has left the morbid world of Only Black behind and now embraces other colors of the spectrum. Karen Hawkins
4c6fe8c An uncle?" Christian looked from his brother, to his sister-in-law. "" Prudence laughed, Beth chiming in. Tristan shook his head ruefully. "I will explain it to you later." "No, no! I didn't mean that! I just--when did this happen? How long have you known?" Karen Hawkins
161fea5 Not for long, my lord," Reeves said, smiling. "I regret to inform you that I must be leaving soon." Christian's smile faded. "But...why?" "Between starching your cravats and assisting you in discovering the errors of your ways, I have been writing a book." "A book? On what?" "How to be a proper butler." Christian sighed. "I was just a research project to you, wasn't I?" Reeves's lips twitched. "I shall dedicate the book to you and your brot.. Karen Hawkins
e22508b My father sent him out to civilize the lost sons he'd neglected, but damn me if all I've seen him do is marry us off." "Oh dear, how dreadful!" Karen Hawkins
0c8ac87 I need a bath." He chuckled. "You smell of smoke, as do I." The duke turned, leaning heavily on his cane. "Jameson, open the carriage door. We shall return to the house." Beth smiled up at Christian. "Shall we adjourn to the house to get some ointment for your hands and a bath, my love?" His eyes lit. "A bath?" Grandfather snorted. "Someone send to London for a special license! Now." Karen Hawkins
d02e81a Oh!" Bronwyn lowered the book as Scott looked at her with concern. "Why would you close your eyes? You should fight, not just stand there like a - Argh! If I wasn't certain Roland was about to arrive, I'd stop reading right here." Sighing, she returned to the book. " " Bronwyn nodded with satisfaction. "Of course he did. He always does, whether Lucinda deserves him or not." -- Karen Hawkins
08eee3b I'm surprised that, with all of his supposed experience with the gentler sex, he doesn't realize that women do not like to be carried in a way that musses their hair and leaves them with unattractively red faces. Karen Hawkins
9ad0a14 Bronwyn groaned. "Not !" Karen Hawkins
1431e06 You have no shame for ruining my shoes, ? If it weren't so difficult to replace shoes here in the middle of nowhere, I would let you stomp on the tops of all of them, but such is not the case. If they are ruined, I must go without." "A barefoot prince? That sounds like a bad Italian opera." Karen Hawkins
5f99552 When she returned, he would take great delight in showing her how much he loved the morning, when the air held a tang of freshness and the early light dispelled all shadows. lovers tang morning morning-light Karen Hawkins
c4ca8ea Me mam, bless her soul, tol' me tha' was the worst thing ye could be to a man--convenient. Karen Hawkins
8013f7a You and I are from two different worlds." "Nonsense. We have much in common. We both like books, dogs, poems, Sir Walter Scott, dogs - I could go on." "You listed dogs twice." "It does not matter; I still made my point." "No, you haven't." Karen Hawkins
ba8fb0b Because I am your favourite grandson, and you love me more than all of my brothers." " . You are the most of my grandsons. Find a good woman, marry her, have children - then you will be my favourite." "Perhaps I shall settle for second favourite. What would that take?" Karen Hawkins
3f20a6a What is this bluestocking?" "A woman who fancies herself a member of the intelligentsia." He lowered his voice. "It's against the laws of nature." Alexsey lifted his brows. "Why are you whispering? Afraid of bluestockings, are you?" "All smart men are." Karen Hawkins
281b29f I dinna normally answer the door." "Ah," Strath said, offering a charming smile as he whipped off his hat. "You are doing a fine job thus far. Well done, Mrs. Pitcairn." She eyed Strath the way a cat might eye a snake. "It dinna take much in the way o'talent." Karen Hawkins
92acc70 But love? True love? As wretched as loneliness could be, it was nothing compared to the pain of betrayal. He'd seen with his own eyes what "love" did to a person--how it built hopes that were rarely, if ever, realized. Falling in love meant being weak, vulnerable to the whims of another." Karen Hawkins
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