Staiata be izp'lnena s onazi osobena tishina, koiato se sreshcha v khotelite, spetsialno otglezhdana tishina, s'v'rsheno neestestvena, pl'tno zatisnala substrat ot sk'rtsane, skributsane, b'lbukane, klokochene i zvutsi ot kolela v'rkhu kilim.
Michael Cunningham |
If you live in certain places, in a certain way, you'd better learn to praise the small felicities.
Michael Cunningham |
Welcome to the darker side of love.
Michael Cunningham |
Who knows what succession of girls and boys sneak in through the sliding glass doors at night, after the mother has sunk to the bottom of her own private lake, with the help of Absolut and Klonopin?
Michael Cunningham |
Something like anger, but the anger of a philosopher, the anger of a poet, an anger directed at the transience of the world, at its heartbreaking beauty that collides constantly with our awareness of the fact that everything gets taken away; that we're being shown marvels but reminded, always, that they don't belong to us, they're sultan's treasures, we're lucky (we're expected to feel lucky) to have been invited to see them at all.
Michael Cunningham |
Who wouldn't want to fuck these people up? Which of us does not understand, in our own less presentable depths, the demons and wizards compelled to persecute human mutations clearly meant, by deities thinking only of their own entertainment, to make almost everyone feel even lonelier and homelier, more awkward, more doubtful and blamed, than we actually are?
Michael Cunningham |
She will never mention to Leonard that she'd planned on fleeing, even for a few hours. As if he were the one in need of care and comfort--as if he were the one in danger.
Michael Cunningham |
a much younger woman, one of those round-faced, tiny-featured women who were touted as beauties though they were not in fact particularly beautiful. They were simply the daughters of wealthy families powerful enough to demand that the concept of beauty be expanded to include them.
Michael Cunningham |
And maybe - maybe - love will arrive, and remain.
Michael Cunningham |
But you find--surprise--that you like this capitulation from her, this helpless acceding, from the most recent embodiment of all the girls over all the years who've given you nothing, not even a curious glance. Welcome to the darker side of love.
Michael Cunningham |
Everything is infected with brightness, throbbing with it, and she prays for dark the way a wanderer lost in the desert prays for water. The world is every bit as barren of darkness as a desert is of water. There is no dark in the shuttered room, no dark behind her eyelids. There are only greater and lesser degrees of radiance. When she's crossed over to this realm of relentless brilliance, the voices start.
Michael Cunningham |
Maybe - let's not rule it out - this will be the song that cuts clean, the one that matters, the one that sheds standard-issue romance and reveals, under its old skin, a raw blood-red devotion deeper than comfort, a desire profounder than schoolboy satisfaction, a yearning cold and immaculate and unstoppable as snow.
Michael Cunningham |
This determined, abiding fascination is what she thinks of as her soul (an embarrassing, sentimental word, but what else to call it?); the part that might conceivably survive the death of the body.
Michael Cunningham |
Martha's Vineyard had fossil deposits one million centuries old. The northern reach of Cape Cod, however, on which my house sat, the land I inhabited--that long curving spit of shrub and dune that curves in upon itself in a spiral at the tip of the Cape--had only been formed by wind and sea over the last ten thousand years. That cannot amount to more than a night of geological time. Perhaps this is why Provincetown is so beautiful. Conceive..
Michael Cunningham |
Eukko tarjoilee jattilaiselle haran. Kokonaisen haran. Jattilainen: Eukko: Jattilainen: Eukko: Jattilainen:
Michael Cunningham |
Then the feeling moves on. It does not collapse; it is not whisked away. It simply moves on, like a train that stops at a small country station, stands for a while, and then continues out of sight.
Michael Cunningham |
He needs a looser association. He needs something that implies a man who wants the ice shard to remain in his chest, who's learned to love the sensation of being pierced.
Michael Cunningham |
He thinks with distracted affection of himself, the young Louis Waters, who spent his youth trying to live with Richard, who was variously flattered and enraged by Richard's indefatigable worship of his arms and his ass, and who left Richard finally, forever, after a fight in the train station in Rome (had it been specifically about the letter Richard received from Clarissa, or about Louis's more general sense of exhausted interest in being..
Michael Cunningham |
you." "Likewise." They shake hands, head back to the elevator. Groff" --
Michael Cunningham |
She'd never imagined it like this -- when she'd thought of someone (a woman like herself ) losing her mind, she'd imagined shrieks and wails, hallucinations; but at that moment it had seemed clear that there was another way, far quieter; a way that was numb and hopeless, flat, so much so that an emotion as strong as sorrow would have been a relief.
Michael Cunningham |
Prosim, Boze, sesli mi neco, co bych mohl zboznovat.
Michael Cunningham |
Hayalperestler, ileri gorusluler nerede, peki? Hepsini uyusturuculara ve kirilan heveslere mi kurban verdik?
Michael Cunningham |
He demands that his mother pick him up so he can see the soldiers better; so he will be more visible to them. All this enters the bridge, resounds through its wood and stone, and enters Virginia's body. Her face, pressed sideways to the piling, absorbs it all: the truck and the soldiers, the mother and the child.
Michael Cunningham |
Sim, pensa Clarissa, esta na hora deste dia acabar. Nos damos nossas festas; abandonamos nossas familias para viver no Canada; nos nos digladiamos para escrever livros que nao mudam o mundo, a despeito de nossos dons e de nossos imensos esforcos, nossas esperancas mais extravagantes. Vivemos nossas vidas, fazemos nossas coisas, depois dormimos - e simples assim, comum assim. Alguns se atiram da janela, outros se afogam, tomam pilulas; muito..
Michael Cunningham |
Dunyada en cok istedigi sey, o olmayan ama tipatip onun gibi olan, yardimsever bir diktatorun idaresinde yasamakti - ulkeyi gercekten o (kendisi) yonetseydi, karsi cikma, elestirme hakkindan vazgecmesi gerekecekti; eh, itiraz hakki elinden alindigi an geriye ne kalirdi ondan?
Michael Cunningham |
Richard kurnazca gulumsuyor. 'Ah su ugurlu isaretler,' diyor, 'onlara inaniyor musun? Bize bu kadar onem verildigini mi dusunuyorsun? Bizimle bu kadar ilgilenildigini mi dusunuyorsunuz? Ah, oyle olsa harika olmaz miydi? Eh, belki de oyledir.
Michael Cunningham |
She always surprises you this way, by knowing more than you think she does. Louis wonders if they're calculated, these little demonstrations of self-knowledge that pepper Clarissa's wise, hostessy performance. She seems, at times, to have read your thoughts. She disarms you by saying, essentially, I know what you're thinking and I agree, I'm ridiculous, I'm far less than I could have been and I'd like it to be otherwise but I can't seem to ..
Michael Cunningham |
Here they are, this once-prosperous couple, shocked, altered, dragged before the seat of the conqueror who'd promised it was only the servants and petty thieves who'd suffer.
Michael Cunningham |
It's remarkable, being alive. Being, once again, someone walking through a dust of blowing snow...
Michael Cunningham |
I used to want to be a cheerleader," I told them. "Before I decided to just go to hell."
Michael Cunningham |
There were no weapons of mass destruction. And we bombed them anyway. And, by the way he's destroyed the economy. He's squandered something in the neighborhood of a trillion dollars. It seems impossible to Tyler that that might not matter. It drives him insane.
Michael Cunningham |
A znaesh', esli kazat'sia ne tem, kto ty est' na samom dele, mozhno poluchit' ne tu rabotu, ne tekh druzei, bog znaet chto eshche. Ne svoiu zhizn'.
Michael Cunningham |
Do you ever think? What? They were lying together on the sofa that had always been there, the crappy beat-up biscuit-colored sofa that was managing, as best it could, its promotion from threadbare junk to holy artifact. You know. What if I don't know? You fucking do. Okay, yeah. Yes. I, too, wonder if Dad worried so much about every single little goddamned thing . . . That he summoned it. Thanks. I couldn't say it. That some god or goddess..
Michael Cunningham |
These spasms of emotion take him constantly. A song can do it; even the sight of an old dog. They pass. They usually pass. This time, though, tears start falling from his eyes almost before he knows it will happen, and for a moment a compartment of his being (the same compartment that counts steps, sips, claps) says to itself, He's crying, how strange. Louis leans forward, puts his face in his hands. He sobs.
Michael Cunningham |
There is so little love in the world.
Michael Cunningham |
We never fight. It's true. They bicker, they sulk, but they never explode, never shout or weep, never break a dish. It has always seemed that they haven't fought yet; that they're still too new for all out war; that whole unexplored continents lie ahead once they've worked their way through their initial negotiations and feel sufficiently certain in each other's company to really let loose. What could she have been thinking? She and Sally w..
Michael Cunningham |
He pours himself more coffee, draws out a final, really final, line on the tabletop. Maybe he's just not ... awake enough to be gifted. Maybe one day, why not today, he'll bust out of his lifelong drowse.
Michael Cunningham |
Gratitude is the only appropriate response to everything that happens.
Michael Cunningham |
Yes, she thinks, this probably how it must feel to be a ghost. It's a little like reading, isn't it--that same sensation of knowing people, settings, situations, without playing any particular part beyond that of the willing observer.
Michael Cunningham |
Non e un fallimento, si dice. Non e un fallimento essere in queste stanze, nella tua pelle, a tagliare i gambi dei fiori. Non e un fallimento, ma ti chiede qualcosa: ti chiede uno sforzo; semplicemente essere, ed essere grata; essere felice (terribile parola).
Michael Cunningham |
She could, she thinks, have entered another world. She could have had a life as potent and dangerous as literature itself.
Michael Cunningham |
But there are still the hours, aren't there? One and then another, and you get through that one and then, my god, there's another. I'm so sick.
Michael Cunningham |
In heaven, Lucas would be beautiful. He'd speak a language everyone understood.
Michael Cunningham |
Were you relieved, maybe just a little, when they lifted you up (you weighed almost nothing by then) and shoved you into the oven? Did it seem unanticipated but right, somehow - did it strike you as satisfying, as a fate finally realized - when they slammed the door behind you?
Michael Cunningham |