Esto, piensa Virginia, es el autentico logro; lo que sobrevivira despues de que se haya marchitado el oropel de los experimentos narrativos
Michael Cunningham |
LONG POINT LIGHT Long Point's apparitional this warm spring morning, the strand a blur of sandy light, and the square white of the lighthouse--separated from us by the bay's ultramarine as if it were nowhere we could ever go--gleams like a tower's ghost, hazing into the rinsed blue of March, our last outpost in the huge indetermination of sea. It seems cheerful enough, in the strengthening sunlight, fixed point accompanying our walk..
Michael Cunningham |
I was still struggling to invent an alternate version of myself, someone proud and unflinching who could gaze levelly at his father and tell him his last secrets. I wanted him to know me; to have seen me. I'd been waiting until I was settled and fulfilled, so as to present myself in terms of a happiness he might understand.
Michael Cunningham |
I've been just wondering lately, if this is, you know, it. An apartment and a steady job and some people to love. What more could I want?
Michael Cunningham |
I was not beautiful, but I believed I had the possibility of beauty in me.
Michael Cunningham |
Nemohol som povedat, ze som stastny. Nebolo to take jednoduche ako stastie. Bol som len pritomny, azda prvy raz za svoju dospelost. Ta chvila nebola nicim vynimocna. Ale mal som tu chvilu a mal som ju uplne. Prebyvala vo mne. Uvedomil som si, ze aj ked umriem, aspon som spoznal toto:spojenie s vlastnym zivotom, s jeho chybami a ironickymi uspechmi.
Michael Cunningham |
from Labor Day through Halloween, the place is almost unbearably beautiful. The air during these weeks seems less like ether and more like a semisolid, clear and yet dense somehow, as if it were filled with the finest imaginable golden pollen. The sky tends toward brilliant ice-blue, and every thing and being is invested with a soft, gold-ish glow. Tin cans look good in this light; discarded shopping bags do. I'm not poet enough to tell you..
Michael Cunningham |
I sometimes wonder how you live with such a modest sense of romance," Barrett says. "Superstition and romance are not the same thing."
Michael Cunningham |
That may have been when they took their vows: We are no longer siblings, we are mates, starship survivors, a two-man crew wandering the crags and crevices of a planet that may not be inhabited by anyone but us.
Michael Cunningham |
Heaven only knows why we love it so.
Michael Cunningham |
Yine de bu kaba ve yikilmaz dunyayi seviyor, baskalarinin da sevdigini biliyor, hem yoksullarin hem zenginlerin, hic kimse bunun nedenlerinden ozel olarak soz etmese de. Yoksa, ne kadar kararsiz olsak da, ne kadar yara almis olsak da neden yasamak icin caba harcayalim ki?
Michael Cunningham |
Ne kadar da resmiyim, diye dusunuyor Clarissa, tipki bir buyukanne gibiyim. Dunyanin guzelliklerine bayiliyorum, ama, icimden gelse de bir arkadasimi dudaklarindan opmeye yanasmiyorum. Richard ona bundan otuz yil once, butun o serbest kiz cilasinin altinda kendi halinde bir ev kadini yattigini soylemisti, simdiyse kendini yavan buluyordu Clarissa, geleneklere fazlasiyla bagliydi, cekilen pek cok acinin nedeniydi bu.
Michael Cunningham |
Writing in that state is the most profound satisfaction she knows, but her access to it comes and goes without warning. She may pick up her pen and follow it with her hand as it moves across the paper; she may pick up her pen and find she's merely herself, a woman in a housecoat holding a pen, afraid and uncertain, only mildly competent, with no idea about where to begin or what to write. She picks up her pen
Michael Cunningham |
In a sense Provincetown is a beach. If you stand on the shore watching the tide recede, you are merely that much closer to the water and that much more available to weather than you would be in the middle of town. All along the bay side, the entire length of town, the beach slopes gently, bearded with kelp and dry sea grass. Because Provincetown stands low on the continental shelf, it is profoundly affected by tides, which can exceed a twel..
Michael Cunningham |
Wherever you go, Provincetown will always take you back, at whatever age and in whatever condition. Because time moves somewhat differently there, it is possible to return after ten years or more and run into an acquaintance, on Commercial or at the A&P, who will ask mildly, as if he'd seen you the day before yesterday, what you've been doing with yourself. The streets of Provincetown are not in any way threatening, at least not to those wi..
Michael Cunningham |
Provincetown is by nature a destination. It is the land's end; it is not en route to anywhere else. One of its charms is the fact that those who go there have made some effort to do so. Provincetown is three miles long and just slightly more than two blocks wide. Two streets run its entire length from east to west: Commercial, a narrow one-way street where almost all the businesses are, and Bradford, a more utilitarian two-way street a bloc..
Michael Cunningham |
Heaven winked at you, right? Maybe. Maybe it did. Or maybe it was just an airplane and a cloud. But if heaven winks at anybody, it's probably the less-than-conspicious seekers; the ones who choose the path over the avenue, the gap in the hedge over the trumpeted gates. That's probably why there's no verifiable evidence, right? The universe only winks at the ones no one will believe.
Michael Cunningham |
It's hardly ever the destination we've been anticipating, is it? Our hopes may seem unrealized, but we were in all likelihood hoping for the wrong thing. Where did we--the species, that is--pick up that strange and perverse habit?
Michael Cunningham |
Women are kind of screwed, in the world," Andrew says."
Michael Cunningham |
Isn't the universe full of gaseous elements?" Andrew says, "Yeah, there are gases and neutrinos and this shit they call dark matter."
Michael Cunningham |
It's the country that would have him, since he lacked the necessary papers for more promising places.
Michael Cunningham |
Tyler. His handsome, lion-eyed ravagement. His capacity for devotion. Which is so sexy. Why do so many gay men lack that? Why are they so distracted, so in love with the idea of more and more and then more, again?
Michael Cunningham |
THE PILGRIM MOTHERS AND FATHERS Provincetown's first settlers were, in fact, the Pilgrims, who sailed the Mayflower into Provincetown Harbor in 1620. They spent the winter there but, finding too little fresh water, sailed that spring to Plymouth, which has gone into the history books as the Pilgrims' initial point of disembarkation. Provincetown is, understandably, not happy about this misrepresentation of the facts.
Michael Cunningham |
It is the Morocco of America, the New Orleans of the north.
Michael Cunningham |
I had blundered again, obscurely, and rather than go on worrying over my behavior, I decided to just give in and dislike Alice.
Michael Cunningham |
What's the most fundamental human urge?" Barrett recites for her. "To find the perfect pair of jeans. To find the jeans that fit and flatter you so ideally that everybody, every cognizant being on the planet, will want to fuck you."
Michael Cunningham |
She is an attractive, robust, fleshy, large-headed woman several years younger than Laura (it seems that every one, suddenly, is at least slightly younger than she).
Michael Cunningham |
They hope they'll learn to be happier together. They also yearn, sometimes, for the point at which misery becomes so profound as to leave them no alternative.
Michael Cunningham |
A celestial light appeared to Barrett Meeks in the sky over Central Park, four days after Barrett had been mauled, once again, by love.
Michael Cunningham |
Barrett is a bigger guy, not fat (not yet) but ursine, crimson of eye and lip; ginger-furred, possessed (he likes to think) of an enchanted sensual slyness, the prince transformed into wolf or lion, all slumbering large-pawed docility, awaiting, with avid yellow eyes, love's first kiss.
Michael Cunningham |
The lives great artists live and the books they write are two very different things.
Michael Cunningham |
She'd never been religious. She hadn't allowed grief to send her crawling to the church.
Michael Cunningham |
This, Barrett Meeks, is your work. You witness, and compile. You persevere.
Michael Cunningham |
If I die tomorrow, Provincetown is where I'd want my ashes scattered. Who knows why we fall in love, with places or people, with objects or ideas? Thirty centuries of literature haven't begun to solve the mystery; nor have they in any way slaked our interest in it. Provincetown is a mysterious place, and those of us who love it tend to do so with a peculiar, inscrutable intensity.
Michael Cunningham |
Andrew, who, in the wry of certain gods, couldn't care less about human squabblings; who literally fails to understand them. There are all these fruits, there's water and sky, there's enough for everyone, what could you possibly have to argue about?
Michael Cunningham |
He could see himself selling himself as a compelling mutation, a young god, proud to the point of sexy arrogance of his anatomical deviation: ninety percent thriving muscled man-flesh and ten percent glorious blindingly white angel wing.
Michael Cunningham |
Vrag je glavobolja; vrag je glas u zidu; vrag je peraja sto sijece tamne valove. Vrag je kratko, cvrkutavo nista koje je bilo drozdov zivot. Vrag usisava sve ljepote svijeta, sve nade, a ono sto ostaje, posto vrag dovrsi svoj posao, carstvo je zivih mrtvaca - lisenih veselja, prigusenih. Virginia osjeca, tog trena, stanovitu tragicnu velicinu, jer vrag je mnogo toga, ali nije sitnicav, nije sentimentalan; on puca od smrtonosne, nepodnoslji..
Michael Cunningham |
A sto s beskrajnim trudom da pronades ravnotezu izmedu osjecaja i ironije, ljepote i strogosti, i pritom otvoris pukotinu u supstanci svijeta kroz koju bi mogla zasjati istina za smrtnike?
Michael Cunningham |
God save us from people who think they're smarter than they actually are.
Michael Cunningham |
Barrett strokes one of the chair's slick, bile-green arms. "You can get attached to just about anything, can't you?" he says."
Michael Cunningham |
Laura po Kitty touzi. Po jeji sile, po tom, jak vecne, pohodove prijima vsechna sva zklamani, po mihotavych ruzovozlatych svetlech jeji utajene osobnosti, po krehkych nasamponovanych hlubinach jejich vlasu.
Michael Cunningham |
Barrett lingers awhile. He's not eager to relinquish the strange pleasure of sitting in the green chair, surrounded by the ever-diminishing offerings that had, just yesterday, been daily articles, watching the apartment disappear, piece by piece.
Michael Cunningham |
I think pretty much everybody who says he needs money really and truly needs money.
Michael Cunningham |
I know you. I've seen it. And, knowing all, I release you.
Michael Cunningham |