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e471dd8 You don't have to matter any more than you do right now. Michael Cunningham
102ab96 Podsjeti se: u jelu nema nista lose. Ne misli na trulez ni na izmetine; ne misli na lice u zrcalu. Michael Cunningham
3706970 Ona byla pokhozha na zhenshchinu, kotoraia, chudom utselev vo vremia bombezhki, krasit guby i, nadev tufli na kablukakh, otpravliaetsia proguliat'sia sredi razvalin. Michael Cunningham
26c7e9b Usputna cinjenica: kukce ne privlaci plamen svijece, privlaci ih svjetlo onkraj plamena, oni odlaze u vatru i ispeku se, odu u nistavilo jer toliko zude za svjetlom s druge strane. Michael Cunningham
2997577 V prisutstvii Dzhonatana moia zhizn' s'ezhivalas' do kakikh-to smekhotvornykh razmerov, i ia tol'ko i zhdal, kogda on nakonets uedet v aeroport, potomu chto v tot zhe mig narushennyi masshtab vosstanavlivalsia, i ia snova mog khodit' po ulitsam Klivlenda, ne chuvstvuia sebia bezhentsem-neudachnikom. Michael Cunningham
57220cc Vsegda molchalivo predpolagaia, chto otets umret ran'she menia, ia otodvigal eto sobytie v neopredelennoe budushchee, kogda ia pomudreiu, vyrabotaiu kharakter, pushchu khot' kakie-to korni. I vdrug -- kazalos', eto proizoshlo bukval'no v odnochas'e -- on stal sdavat' s kakoi-to nepredstavimoi bystrotoi, da i u menia samogo, vozmozhno, dolzhny byli vot-vot proiavit'sia pervye simptomy bolezni. Michael Cunningham
944066b Vozmozhno, v svoistvennoi iunosti rastochitel'nosti my legko i chut' li ne proizvol'no razdarivaem nashi priviazannosti, bezosnovatel'no polagaia, chto u nas vsegda budet chto eshche predlozhit'. Michael Cunningham
a8d5d5c umershie -- trudnaia tema. Pozhalui, samoe primechatel'noe v nikh -- neizmennost' ikh statusa. Oni budut mertvy v tom zhe samom smysle i cherez tysiachu let. Ia vse eshche privykal k etomu v sviazi s moim sobstvennym ottsom. Poka on byl zhiv, ia vsegda podsoznatel'no iskhodil iz podvizhnosti nashikh otnoshenii. Teper' vozmozhnost' chto-libo izmenit' byla utrachena. On navsegda unes ee s soboi v pech' krematoriia. Michael Cunningham
5f16dc7 V iunosti est' vremia stroit' plany i pridumyvat' chto-to novoe. V bolee solidnom vozraste prikhoditsia tratit' vsiu energiiu na to, chto uzhe privedeno v dvizhenie. Michael Cunningham
7a02f01 This moment may come to us all, at some point in our eventutal move from health into sickness. We abandon our old obligation to consider the needs of others, and give ourselves up to their care. There is a shift in status. We become citizens of a new realm, and although we retain the best and worst of our former selves we are no longer bodily in command of our fates. Michael Cunningham
1de3cc4 Kreslo Richarda sovershenno bezumno, vernee, eto kreslo cheloveka, kotoryi ne to chtoby soshel s uma v klinicheskom smysle, no pozvolil veshcham zaiti tak daleko, prodelal takoi put' v storonu otkaza ot obshchepriniatykh norm pitaniia i gigieny, chto tonkaia gran' mezhdu bezumiem i otchaian'em prakticheski sterlas'. Michael Cunningham
668f262 No est' odna veshch', kotoraia ee deistvitel'no muchaet -- eto tort. On vyzyvaet u nee zhguchee chuvstvo styda, i ona nichego ne mozhet s etim podelat'. Eto vsego lish' sakhar, muka i iaitsa; neizbezhnoe nesovershenstvo -- chast' ocharovaniia samodel'nogo torta. Ona eto ponimaet, prekrasno ponimaet. I tem ne menee ona nadeialas' na chto-to bolee prekrasnoe i znachitel'noe, chem to, chto vyshlo, nesmotria na bezuprechnuiu poverkhnost' i akku.. Michael Cunningham
28106e1 Eto bylo by tak zhe prosto, kak zaregistrirovat'sia v gostinitse. Ne slozhnee. A kak zamechatel'no bylo by prosto ischeznut'. Kak zamechatel'no bylo by navsegda perestat' volnovat'sia, srazhat'sia, terpet' porazheniia. Michael Cunningham
fef4093 My zhivem svoiu zhizn', delaem to, chto delaem, a potom spim -- vse dovol'no prosto na samom dele. Odni prygaiut iz okna, ili topiatsia, ili prinimaiut snotvornoe; drugie -- takoe byvaet neskol'ko chashche -- gibnut v rezul'tate neschastnykh sluchaev; i, nakonets, bol'shinstvo, podavliaiushchee bol'shinstvo iz nas medlenno pozhiraetsia kakoi-nibud' bolezn'iu ili -- esli ochen' povezet -- samim vremenem. A v kachestve utesheniia nam daetsia .. Michael Cunningham
2564f4c We thought she was alright, we thought her sorrows were ordinary ones, We had no idea. sucide Michael Cunningham
95e7737 If I were thinking clearly, Leonard, I would tell you that I wrestle alone in the dark, in the deep dark. And that only I can know, only I can understand my own condition. You live with the threat, you tell me you live with the threat of my extinction. Leonard, I live with it too. Michael Cunningham
7828c6d I liked to think you could change your life without abandoning the simple daily truths. Michael Cunningham
4ba0023 What happened? You were there, you must have seen it. I keep thinking there must be something I don't remember. I've got a decent job, I have lovers and friends. So why do I feel so numb and separate? Why do I feel like a failure? For years, for most of my recollected life, I'd walked carefully over a subterranean well of boredom and hopelessness that lied just beneath the thin outer layer of my imagination. If I'd stood still for too long.. Michael Cunningham
37b8b99 I could not help investing his every quality with a heightened sense of the real, nor could I quit wondering, from moment to moment, what it was like to be inside his skin. Michael Cunningham
bd4a9b3 Happiness is believing that you're gonna be happy. It's hope. Michael Cunningham
0bb5305 Suddenly the door to one of the trailers opens, and a famous head emerges. It is a woman's head, quite a distance away, seen in profile, like the head on a coin, and while Clarissa cannot immediately identify her (Meryl Streep? Vanessa Redgrave?) she knows without question that the woman is a movie star. She knows by her aura of regal assurance, and by the eagerness with which one of the prop men speaks to her (inaudibly to Clarissa) about .. Michael Cunningham
8013db8 It seemed the morrow's holding had become a sort of peoples park in the suburbs of Cleveland. The other on the block, those who still lived in the fading jerry-built ranch houses with birdbaths or plaster dwarves on their lawns had appropriated it. I could imagine them gathering there at dusk, their children swaying creakily on the swings as the women planted sunflower seeds and murmured over the day's events. It was slightly criminal, an u.. Michael Cunningham
b3cd59a It's remarkable, being alive. Being, once again, someone walking through a dust of blowing snow, passing the window of the liquor store, which offers an array of bottles surrounded by tiny blinking lights,; seeing her own reflection skim across the glass; being, once again, able to recieve the ordinary pleasures, boots on the pavement, hands in the pockets of her jacket... Michael Cunningham
22abde9 She is better, she is safer, if she rests in Richmond; if she does not speak too much, write too much, feel too much; if she does not travel impetuously to London and walk through its streets; and yet she is dying this way, she is gently dying on a bed of roses. Michael Cunningham
b4e367b Mnogie gody, na samom dele bol'shuiu chast' svoei soznatel'noi zhizni, ia ostorozhno skol'zila nad podzemnymi vodami skuki i otchaian'ia, ot kotorykh menia otdelial lish' tonkii sloi voobrazheniia. Ostanovis' ia slishkom nadolgo, poddaisia zhelaniiu peredokhnut', ia by provalilas'. Poetomu ia delala serezhki, khodila v kluby i v kino, perekrashivala volosy. Michael Cunningham
2e414bc Ia khotela skazat' emu, chto mertvym my dolzhny eshche men'she, chem zhivym, i chto nasha edinstvennaia, khotia i ves'ma somnitel'naia, vozmozhnost' schast'ia -- v bezuslovnom privetstvii peremen. Michael Cunningham
ab3b77d Galaktiki vzryvaiutsia nad ego golovoi, a on v odnikh trusakh v goroshek. Michael Cunningham
2197212 Kogda vperedi voznikaet golubovatyi abris doma, ia vspominaiu, chto dom -- eto tozhe sposob begstva. On nash, on dan nam, chtoby my mogli ukhodit' i vozvrashchat'sia. Michael Cunningham
68f9dbd All my life I could do anything. I could do anything, really. Except the one thing I wanted Michael Cunningham
5a17830 I've stayed alive for you. But now you have to let me go Michael Cunningham
e6a3591 It's the city's crush and heave that move you; its intricacy; its endless life. You know the story about Manhattan as a wilderness purchased for strings of beads, but you find it impossible not to believe that it has always been a city; that if you dug beneath it you would find the ruins of another, older city, and then another and another. Michael Cunningham
41997a8 She loves the world for being rude and indestructible, and she knows that other people must love it too, poor as well as rich, though no one speaks specifically of the reasons. Why else do we struggle to go on living, no matter how compromised, no matter how harmed? Even when we're further gone than Richard; even if we're fleshless, blazing with lesions, shitting in the sheets; still, we want desperately to live. Michael Cunningham
977509a I've felt it for some time now, closing around me like the jaws of a gigantic flower. Isn't that a peculiar analogy? It feels that way, though. It has a certain vegetable inevitability. Think of the Venus flytrap. Think of kudzu choking a forest. It's a sort of juicy, green, thriving process. Toward, well, you know. The green silence. Isn't it funny that, even now, it's difficult to say the word 'death'? illness the-hours dying Michael Cunningham
9d46feb Inogda razdeliaiushchaia nas tkan' rviotsia i v prorekhu prosvechivaet liubov'. Inogda prorekha eta na udivlenie mala. Michael Cunningham
f72e2ab Do we ever give anyone the gift they actually want? Michael Cunningham
842437b One error at the beginning is quite likely just that. Michael Cunningham
52c724e She knew she was going to have trouble believing in herself, in the rooms of her house, and when she glanced over at this new book on her nightstand, stacked atop the one she finished last night, she reached for it automatically, as if reading were the singular and obvious first task of the day, the only viable way to negotiate the transit from sleep to obligation. Michael Cunningham
0fae65a She is not given to fawning over celebrities, no more than most people, but can't help being drawn to the aura of fame--and more than fame, actual immortality-- implied by the presence of a movie star in a trailer. Michael Cunningham
2d22faf Superstitions are a comfort sometimes, I don't know why you so adamantly refuse all comforts. Michael Cunningham
b136b01 What you are, more than anything, is alive. Michael Cunningham
37f8fdf Not all people were meant to be lovers. Michael Cunningham
e6c89e8 Is this what it's like to go crazy? She'd never imagined it like this. Michael Cunningham
d3d4ce8 Do you want to much to live in London?" he asks. "I do," she says. "I wish it were otherwise. I wish I were happy with the quiet life." "As do I." Michael Cunningham
0a035a7 I admit it - there was a streak of sadism in my lusts. There was the taint of vanity. I choose ordinary men who would not refuse; who would feel lucky to have me. I did not thrill to the sight of their flesh - which was either bulky or scrawny but always abashed and grateful - so much as I did to the fact of their capture. Michael Cunningham
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