Because I wanted to do, I did. Where I wanted to feed, I fed.
Ray Bradbury |
What is fire? It's a mystery. Scientists give us gobbledegook about friction and molecules. But they don't really know. Its real beauty is that it destroys responsibility and consequences. A problem gets too burdensome, then into the furnace with it.
Ray Bradbury |
Anh nam ngua ma troi khi chiec va li day nuoc va chim; dong song diu va thu tha, roi xa khoi nhung nguoi an sang bang nhung cai bong, an trua bang hoi nuoc va an toi bang khoi. Dong song rat thuc; no nhe dua anh di va rot cuoc cung cho anh co duoc thi gio, co duoc su thu nhan de suy xet ve thang nay, ve cai nam nay, ve bao nam cua mot doi nguoi. Anh lang nghe tim minh dap khe. Y nghi cua anh thoi khong con tuon gap cung voi mau anh
Ray Bradbury |
The feeding of the Muse then, which we have spent most of our time on here, seem to me to be the continual running after loves, the checking of these loves against one's present and future needs, the moving on from simple textures to more complex ones, from naive ones to more informed ones, from nonintellectual to intellectual ones. Nothing is ever lost. If you have moved over vast territories and dared to love silly things, you will have l..
Ray Bradbury |
And he remembered thinking then that if she died, he was certain he wouldn't cry. For it would be the dying of an unknown, a street face, a newspaper image, and it was suddenly so very wrong that he begun to cry, not at death but at the thought of not crying at death, a silly empty man near a silly empty woman, while the hungry snake made her still more empty. How do you get so empty? he wondered. Who takes it out of you? And that awful flo..
Ray Bradbury |
I esli utonete po doroge, tak khot' budete znat', chto plyli k beregu.
Ray Bradbury |
you'll find as you get older the days kind of blur ... can't tell one from the other...
Ray Bradbury |
He realized that all men were like this; that each person was to himself one alone. One oneness, a unit in a society, but always afraid. Like here, standing. If he should scream, if he should holler for help, would it matter?
Ray Bradbury |
Eto, v tova e neshchastieto na vasheto pokoloenie - v'zklikna diadoto. - Slushai, Bil, sram me e zaradi tebe, i ti si mi bil zhurnalist! Izkhv'rliate ot toia zhivot vsichko, koeto e slozheno v nego, za da mu dava vkus. Pestete ni vremeto, pestete ni truda - drugo ne znaete! - Toi podritna prezritelno trevnite chimove. - Kogato ostareesh kato mene, togava shche razberesh, che malkite radosti i malkite neshcha struvat poveche ot golemite. Edn..
Ray Bradbury |
You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture
Ray Bradbury |
These essays were written at various times over a thirty-year period, to express special discoveries, to serve special needs. But they all echo the same truths of explosive self-revelation and continous astonishment at what your deep well contains if you just haul off and shout down it.
Ray Bradbury |
Look at this mess! And where's the mop?
ray bradbury |
V us'omu sviti romani, napisani vid shchirogo sertsia, mistiat' u sobi bil'she pravdi, nizh bud'-iaki zapisani nashvidkoruch, perepovneni datami ta faktami reportazhi!
Ray Bradbury |
What do you want more than anything else in the world? What do you love, or what do you hate? Find a character, like yourself, who will want something or not want something, with all his heart. Give him running orders. Shoot him off. Then follow as fast as you can go. The Character, in his great love, or hate, will rush you through to the end of the story. The zest and gusto of his need, and there is zest in hate as well as in love, will f..
Ray Bradbury |
Right now I've got an awful feeling I want to smash and kill things.
Ray Bradbury |
If anything is taught here, it is simply the charting of the life of someone who started out to somewhere--and went. I have not so much thought my way through life as done things and found what it was and who I was after the doing. Each tale was a way of finding selves. Each self found each day slightly different from the one found twenty-four hours later.
Ray Bradbury |
Mildred had already anticipated this in a quavery voice.
Ray Bradbury |
By the time I was forty my blunt instrument had been honed to a fine cutting point for me.
Ray Bradbury |
Borracho de vida, y sin conocer el rumbo siguiente. Pero antes del amanecer uno ya esta en marcha. ?Y el viaje? Exactamente la mitad terror, la mitad jubilo.
Ray Bradbury |
Only recently, glancing at the novel, I realized that Montag is named after a paper manufacturing company. And Faber, of course, is a maker of pencils! What a sly thing my subconscious was, to name them thus.
Ray Bradbury |
I do wish to run, seize this greatest time in all the history of man to be alive, stuff my senses with it, eye it, touch it, listen to it, smell it, taste it, and hope that others will run with me, pursuing and pursued by ideas and ideas-made machines.
Ray Bradbury |
That's the great secret of creativity. You treat ideas like cats: you make them follow you. If you try to approach a cat and pick it up, hell, it won't let you do it. You've got to say, "Well, to hell with you." And the cat says, "Wait a minute. He's not behaving the way most humans do." Then the cat follows you out of curiosity: "Well, what's wrong with you that you don't love me?"
Ray Bradbury |
Jump off the cliff and build your wings on the way down. Over
Ray Bradbury |
It doesn't matter what you do, he said, so long as you change something from the way it was before you touched it into something that's like you after you take your hands away.
Ray Bradbury |
Tiene que haber algo en los libros cosas que no podemos imaginar para hacer que una mujer permanezca en una casa que arde. Ahi tiene que haber algo. Uno no se sacrifica por nada.
Ray Bradbury |
Schitat' metaforu dokazatel'stvom, potok prazdnykh slov istochnikom istiny, a sebia orakulom - eto zabluzhdenie, svoistvennoe vsem nam>>, - kak skazal odnazhdy mister Pol' Valeri.
Ray Bradbury |
Se les dio otro trabajo, el de custodios de la paz de nuestras mentes, el centro de nuestro comprensible y recto temor a ser inferiores. El bombero se transformo en censor, juez y ejecutor oficial.
Ray Bradbury |
He was part of us and when he died, all the actions stopped dead and there was no one to do them just the way he did.
Ray Bradbury |
Se referia a la posibilidad de quemar libros sin cerillas ni fuego. Porque no hace falta quemar libros si el mundo empieza a llenarse de gente que no lee, que no aprende, que no sabe.
Ray Bradbury |
No aflijamos a los hombres con recuerdos. Que olviden. Quememos, quememoslo todo. El fuego es brillante y limpio.
Ray Bradbury |
K'de v Irlandiia edin m'zh mozhe da legne s zhena? Toi ostavi frazata da popie. - Trista dvaiset i devet dni v prokletata godina vali d'zhd. Prez ostanaloto vreme e tolkova mokro, che niama nito edno mestentse, nito k'sche zemia, k'deto da se osmelish da prosnesh niakoia zhena ot strakh da ne bi da se vkoreni i da pusne lista - shche go otrechete li? Tishinata ne go otreche.
Ray Bradbury |
Cuando aparecio, Darwin cometimos ese error. Lo recibimos con los brazos abiertos y tambien a Huxley y a Freud, deshaciendonos en sonrisas. Despues descubrimos que no era posible conciliar las teorias de Darwin con nuestras religiones, o por lo menos asi pensamos. Fuimos unos estupidos. Quisimos derribar a Darwin, Huxley y a Freud. pero eran inconmovibles. Y entonces, como unos idiotas, intentamos destruir la religion. >>Lo conseguimos bast..
Ray Bradbury |
Vivimos en una epoca en que las flores tratan de vivir de flores, en lugar de crecer gracias a la lluvia y al negro estiercol. Incluso los fuegos artificiales, pese a su belleza, proceden de la quimica de la tierra. Y, sin embargo, pensamos que podemos crecer, alimentandonos con flores y fuegos artificiales, sin completar el ciclo, de regreso a la realidad.
Ray Bradbury |
Vayase a casa, Montang. Vayase a la cama, ?Por que desperdiciar sus horas finales, dando vueltas en su jaula y afirmando que no es una ardilla?
Ray Bradbury |
Tiene que haber algo en los libros, cosas que no podemos imaginar, para que una mujer se deje quemar viva. Tiene que haber algo. Uno no muere por nada.
Ray Bradbury |
So, for thousands of years, you humans have needed kings, priests, philosophers, fine examples to look up to and say, 'They are good, I wish I could be like them.
Ray Bradbury |
Dopustim se male ironie. A neni slusne nekoho prerusovat, zrovna kdyz se dopousti male ironie. No tak!
Ray Bradbury |
What do you do, go around trying everything once?' He asked 'Sometimes twice
Ray Bradbury |
So while our art cannot, as we wish it could, save us from wars, privation, envy, greed, old age, or death, it can revitalize us amidst it all.
Ray Bradbury |
The police helicopters were rising so far away that it seemed someone had blown the gray head off a dry dandelion flower. Two dozen of them flurried, wavering, indecisive, three miles off, like butterflies puzzled by autumn, and then they were plummeting down to land, one by one, here, there, softly kneading the streets where, turned back to beetles, they shrieked along the boulevards or, leapt back to beetles, they shrieked along the boule..
Ray Bradbury |
Do we have the Book of Ecclesiastes?" "One. A man named Harris in Youngstown." "Montag." Granger took Montag's shoulder firmly. "Walk carefully. Guard your health. If anything should happen to Harris, you are the Book of Ecclesiastes. See how important you've become in the last minute!"
Ray Bradbury |
He felt his smile slide away, melt, fold over, and down on itself like a tallow skin, like the stuff of a fantastic candle burning too long and now collapsing and now blown out. Darkness. He was not happy. He was not happy. He said the words to himself. He recognized this as the true state of affairs. He wore his happiness like a mask and the girl had run across the lawn with the mask and there was no way of going to knock on her door and a..
Ray Bradbury |
Cuando yo era pequeno mis padres me llevaron a la ciudad de Mexico. Siempre recordare el comportamiento de mi padre, vulgar y fatuo. A mi madre no le gustaba tampoco aquella gente porque eran morenos y no se banaban a menudo. Mi hermana ni les hablaba. Solo a mi me gustaban realmente. Y puedo imaginarme a mi madre y mi padre aqui en Marte haciendo otra vez lo mismo.
Ray Bradbury |
That's the good part of dying; when you've got nothing to lose, you run any risk you want.
Ray Bradbury |