You're a fool, a damn fool, an awful fool, an idiot, an awful idiot, a damn idiot, and a fool, a damn fool
Ray Bradbury |
Let you alone! That's all very well, but how can I leave myself alone ? We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real?
Ray Bradbury |
Sluchvalo li ti se e da se s'budish posred noshch i da usetish otv'n, zad prozortsite, p'rviia pol'kh na liatoto sled mrazovitata zima? Budish li togava zhena si, za da i izkazhesh blagodarnostta si? Ne, prosto lezhish kato dr'vnik, podkhilkvaiki se tikhichko, nasame s novoto vreme!
Ray Bradbury |
Que miras papa? --Estoy buscando logica terrestre, sentido comun, gobierno honesto, paz y responsabilidad. --?Todas esas cosas estan alla arriba? --No. No las he encontrado. Ya no estan ahi. Y nunca volveran a estarlo. Quiza nunca lo estuvieron.
Ray Bradbury |
Senti il sorriso abbandonare la sua faccia, fondersi o ripiegare su se stesso come cera di una candela fantastica che era bruciata troppo a lungo e ora collassava, spenta. Buio, infelicita. Non era un uomo felice, ripete tra se. Riconobbe che era questa la verita, indossava la contentezza come una maschera ma adesso la ragazza era scappata, portandola con se. Non c'era modo di bussare alla sua porta e chiedere che gliela restituisse. Senza
Ray Bradbury |
Kitaplar, toren alayi buyuk bir gurultu icinde ilerlerken, Sezar'in kulagina 'Unutma, Sezar, sen de olumlusun' diyen pretoryen muhafizlardir.
Ray Bradbury |
Yapmayanlar, yakmalidirlar. Bu tarih kadar ve genclerin suc islemesi kadar eskidir.
Ray Bradbury |
Bir adama birkac dize siir ver, sonunda kendini yaratilmislarin efendisi sansin...
Ray Bradbury |
Alguem deve deixar alguma coisa para tras quando morre, dizia o meu avo. Um filho, ou um livro, ou um quadro, ou uma casa, ou uma parede construida ou um par de sapatos feitos a mao. Ou um jardim plantado. Alguma coisa em que a nossa alma tenha para onde ir quando morremos e, quando as pessoas olharem para essa arvore ou flor que plantamos, nos estamos la. Nao interessa aquilo que fazemos, dizia ele, desde que mudemos alguma coisa antes de ..
Ray Bradbury |
Zenciler Kucuk Siyah Sambo'yu sevmiyorlar, yak gitsin. Beyazlar Tom Amca'nin Kulubesi'yle ilgili iyi seyler hissetmezler, yak gitsin. Birisi cikmis tutun ve akciger kanseri hakkinda bir kitap yazmis. Sigaracilar agliyor mu? Yak kitabi. Sukunet, Montag. Huzur, Montag
Ray Bradbury |
Kai tau devyneri metai, atrodo, kad visada buvo devyneri ir visada taip ir bus devyneri. Kai ateina trisdesimt, tai sventai tiki, kad taip visa gyvenima ir balansuosi ant sios puikios brandaus amziaus ribos. O kai sukaks septyniasdesimt, tau visada ir amzinai bus septyniasdesimt. Zmogus gyvena dabartyje, vis tiek ar ji jauna, ar sena, o kitokios dabarties nera.
Ray Bradbury |
He hung up his black beetle-colored helmet and shined it; he hung his flameproof jacket neatly; he showed luxuriously, and then, whistling, hands in pockets, walked across the upper floor of the fire station and fell down the hole.
Ray Bradbury |
You don't know what it is. Every time I'm out there I think, 'If I ever get back to Earth I'll stay there; I'll never go out again.' But I go out, and I guess I'll always go out.
Ray Bradbury |
The first light on the roof outside; very early morning. The leaves on all the trees tremble with a soft awakening to any breeze the dawn may offer.
Ray Bradbury |
A ia zavzhdi gadav, shcho Bog mozhe buti til'ki serioznim. -- I pri ts'omu stvoriti kachkodz'oba, verbliuda, strausa i liudinu? Ia Vas proshu!
Ray Bradbury |
I don't mind skulls and bones," said Marie. "There's nothing even vaguely human to them. I'm not scared of skulls and hones. They're like something insectile. If a child was raised and didn't know he had a skeleton in him, he wouldn't think anything of hones, would he? That's how it is with me. Everything human has been scraped off these. There's nothing familiar left to be horrible. In order for a thing to be horrible it has to suffer a ch..
Ray Bradbury |
You see?" Granger turned to Montag. "Grandfather's been dead for all these years, but if you lifted my skull, by God, in the convolutions of my brain you'd find the big ridges of his thumbprint."
Ray Bradbury |
Nito edin chovek ne e t'i velik kato svoite idei.
Ray Bradbury |
Utro bylo tikhoe, gorod, okutannyi t'moi, mirno nezhilsia v posteli. Prishlo leto, i veter byl letnii -- teploe dykhanie mira, nespeshnoe i lenivoe. Stoit lish' vstat', vysunut'sia v okoshko, i totchas poimesh': vot ona nachinaetsia, nastoiashchaia svoboda i zhizn', vot ono, pervoe utro leta.
Ray Bradbury |
Et quand il est mort, je me suis apercu que ce n'etait pas lui que je pleurais, mais les choses qu'il faisait.
Ray Bradbury |
Si vous cachez votre ignorance, vous ne recevrez pas de coups et vous n'apprendrez rien.
Ray Bradbury |
Kakvo e liubovta? Mozhe bi shche otkriem, che liubovta e sposobnostta na niakogo da ni v'rne k'm samite nas. Mozhe bi liubovta e niakoi, koito ni e vizhdal, pomni ni i ni vr'shcha obratno na nas samite m'nichko po-dobri, otkolkoto sme dr'zvali da se nadiavame i mechtaem.
Ray Bradbury |
Ella no queria saber como se hacia algo sino por que. Esto puede resultar embarazoso.
Ray Bradbury |
No nacemos libres e iguales, como dice la Constitucion, nos hacemos iguales. Todo hombre es la imagen de todos los demas, y todos somos asi igualmente felices
Ray Bradbury |
Are you afraid? -No. Not even for the children. I always thought I would be frightened to death, but I'm not. -Where's that spirit of self-preservation the scientists talk about so much? -I don't know. You don't get too excited when you feel things are logical. This is logical. Nothing else but this could have happened from the way we've lived. -We haven't been too bad, have we? -No, nor enormously good. I suppose that's the trouble. We hav..
Ray Bradbury |
Kak e v'zmozhno da b'desh chak tolkova prazen? - chudeshe se toi.
Ray Bradbury |
Los buenos escritores tocan a menudo la vida. Los mediocres la rozan rapidamente. Los malos la violan y la abandonan a las moscas
Ray Bradbury |
Ci dev'essere qualcosa di speciale nei libri, delle cose che non possiamo immaginare, per convincere una donna a restare in una casa che brucia. E evidente!
Ray Bradbury |
Pero eso es lo maravilloso en el hombre; nunca se descorazona o disgusta tanto como para no empezar de nuevo. Sabe
Ray Bradbury |
Los libros estan para recordarnos lo tontos y estupidos que somos. Son la guardia pretoriana de Cesar, susurrando mientras tiene lugar el desfile por la avenida: <>
Ray Bradbury |
Todos deben dejar algo al morir, decia mi abuelo. Un nino o un libro o un cuadro o una casa o una pared o un par de zapatos. O un jardin. Algo que las manos de uno han tocado de algun modo. El alma tendra entonces adonde ir el dia de la muerte, y cuando la gente mire ese arbol, o esa flor, alli estara uno. No
Ray Bradbury |
Pongo los ninos en el <> y conecto el televisor. Es como lavar ropa; meto la colada en la maquina y cierro la tapadera.
Ray Bradbury |
No necesitamos que nos dejen tranquilos. De cuando en cuando, precisamos estar seriamente preocupados.
Ray Bradbury |
Predpolagam, che namrazvash khorata, kogato te karat da se chuvstvash ogolen, iskam da kazha, kato ti izvazhdat na otkrito nedostat'tsite.
Ray Bradbury |
Iskam da kazha, che ne mozhe prosto da obichash khorata, Ti triabva da gi OBIChASh s udivitelni znatsi.
Ray Bradbury |
Science-fiction balances you on the cliff. Fantasy shoves you off.
Ray Bradbury |
Disbelief is catching. It rubs off on people.
Ray Bradbury |
All silence is. The dawn.
Ray Bradbury |
Oh God, without them [libraries], what have we? We have no past and we have no future.
Ray Bradbury |
Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down.
Ray Bradbury |
My job is to help you fall in love.
Ray Bradbury |
Recreate the world in your own image and make it better for your having been here.
Ray Bradbury |
Why would you clone people when you can go to bed with them and make a baby? C'mon, it's stupid.
Ray Bradbury |
A life's work should be based on love.
Ray Bradbury |