Y por ultimo, si le sirve de algo, recuerdeme como un neurotico que enloquecio un dia de verano y que nunca recobro la razon. Asi sera mas facil para usted.
Ray Bradbury |
Da te pustim na miru! Sve je to lepo, ali kako sebe da pustim da miru? Ne treba da budemo pusteni na miru. Zaista treba da se uznemirimo s vremena na vreme. Kad si se poslednji put stvarno uznemirila? Zbog neceg vaznog, zbog neceg stvarnog?
Ray Bradbury |
Patent-zatvarac zamenio je dugmad i time je coveku oduzeto taman ono malo vremena za razmisljanje dok se u oblaci u zoru, u filozofsko doba dana, i stoga melanholino doba dana.
Ray Bradbury |
m'rtvite khora sa kato vos'chen spomen - vzemash gi v predstavite si, zapochvash da gi modelirash: tuk poop'nesh neshcho, tam pospleskash, iztegliash tialoto po-d'lgo, oformiash i razmachkvash, izvaivash i nakraia se poluchava edin chovek-spomen, koito e mnogo dalech ot istinskiia si vid.
Ray Bradbury |
C'era come un odore di Tempo, Nell'aria della notte. Tomas sorrise all'idea, continuando a rimuginarla. Era una strana idea. E che odore aveva il Tempo, poi? Odorava di polvere, di orologi e di gente. E che suono aveva il Tempo? Faceva un rumore di acque correnti nei recessi bui d'una grotta, di voci querule, di terra che risuonava con un tonfo cavo sui coperchi delle casse, e battere di pioggia. E, per arrivare alle estreme conseguenze: ch..
Ray Bradbury |
Nosotros, los habitantes de la Tierra, tenernos un talento especial para arruinar las cosas grandes y hermosas.
Ray Bradbury |
Biz Dunyalilar, buyuk ve guzel seyleri yikmak konusunda hunerliyizdir.
Ray Bradbury |
Usted no es como los demas. He visto a unos cuantos. Lo se. Cuando hablo usted me mira. Anoche, cuando dije algo sobre la luna, usted la miro. Los otros nunca harian eso. Los otros se alejarian, dejandome con la palabra en la boca. O me amenazarian. Nadie tiene ya tiempo para nadie.
Ray Bradbury |
autrefois, il y avait des galeries aux maisons. Et quelque-fois, les gens restaient assis, tard dans la nuit, bavardant s'ils en avaient envie, se balancant dans leurs fauteuils, silencieux s'ils n'eprouvaient pas le besoin de parler. parfois, ils restaient la, tranquillement, a reflechir a ruminer. Mon oncle dit que les architectes ont supprime les galeries pour des raisons d'esthetique. Mais mon oncle dit que c'est un pretexte, rien de pl..
Ray Bradbury |
Le televiseur est reel. Il est present. Il a ses dimensions. Il vous dit ce qu'il faut penser, vous le hurle a la figure. Il doit avoir raison. Il semble avoir raison. Il vous pousse a un tel rythme vers ses conclusions que votre esprit n'a pas le temps de s'ecrier: "C'est idiot"."
Ray Bradbury |
La dignite de la verite se perd dans l'exces de ses protestations
Ray Bradbury |
I think all of us felt," I said, "at least once in our lives, when we were young, we could go over there, after reading the bull stuff in the Spanish stories, that we could go over there and fight. Or at least jog ahead of the running of the bulls, in the early morning, with a good drink waiting at the other end of the run, and your best girl with you there for the long weekend." I stopped. I laughed quietly. For my voice had, without knowi..
Ray Bradbury |
Books were only one type of receptacle where we stored a lot of things we were afraid we might forget. There's nothing magical in them at all. Magic is only what books mean, what books say. How they stitch the patterns of the universe together into one garment for us.
Ray Bradbury |
A regrettable situation," said Bierce, smiling, "for the Yuletide merchants who, toward the last there, as I recall, were beginning to put up holly and sing Noel the day before Halloween. With any luck at all this year they might have started on Labor Day!"
Ray Bradbury |
I sat and three hours later realized I had been seized by an idea that started short but grew to wild size by day's end. The concept was so riveting I found it hard at sunset to flee the library basement and take the bus home to reality: my house, my wife, and our baby daughter.
Ray Bradbury |
Will walked silently to touch the iron rungs hidden under the rustling ivy. "Dad. You won't pull these off ...?" Dad probed one with his fingers. "Some day, when you're tired of them, you'll take them off yourself." "I'll never be tired of them." "Is that how it seems? Yes, to someone your age, you figure you'll never get tired of anything. All right, son, up you go."
Ray Bradbury |
They want to know what I do with all my time. I tell them that sometimes I just sit and think. But I won't tell them what. I've got them running.
Ray Bradbury |
They sat on the edge of a brook and took off their shoes and let the water cut their feet off to the ankles with an exquisite cold razor.
Ray Bradbury |
Daca vrei ca un om sa fie fericit politiceste, nu-i infatisa doua laturi ale unei probleme, caci s-ar framanta, prezinta-i o singura latura, sau chiar nici una, e si mai bine. Lasa-l sa uite c-ar exista primejdia razboiului. Daca guvernul e incapabil, birocratic si ahtiat de impozite, lasa-l sa ramana asa, decat sa-i faci pe oameni sa se necajeasca din pricina asta. Avem nevoie de liniste, Montag. Da-le oamenilor concursuri la care castiga ..
Ray Bradbury |
Isi purta fericirea ca pe o masca, iar fata aceea fugise cu masca prin curtea casei ei, si nu era chip sa se duca sa i-o ceara inapoi.
Ray Bradbury |
Primul lucru, dupa cum spuneam, e calitatea cunostintelor noastre. Al doilea lucru, strans legat de primul, e ragazul necesar pentru a le digera. Iar al treilea e dreptul de a savarsi fapte intemeiatepe ceaa ce invatam din primele doua.
Ray Bradbury |
Erau miliarde de frunze pe pamant: Montag se balacea in ele ca-ntr-un rau uscat care mirosea a praf cald si a mirodenii. Dar celelelte miresme! Pamantul rece si nins de razele lunii mirosea a cartofi cruzi! Mai mirosea si a muraturi si a patrunjel, si a mustar. Iar in vazduh plutea si parfumul garoafelor din curtea casei vecine. Montag intinse mana si simti cum o buruiana se inalta ca un copil, fecandu-si capul de el. Degetele lui miroseau ..
Ray Bradbury |
Mireasma fanului uscat si curgerea domoala a apei trezira in el dorinta de a se culca intr-o claie de fan proaspat, intr-un sopron singuratic, departe de autostrazile zgomotoase, in spatele vreunei ferme linistite, sub vreo moara veche de vant, care sa vuiasca lin, cu vuietul anilor ce trec. Ar sta treaz toata noaptea in sopronul acela, ascultand zvoana departata a jivinelor, ganganiilor si copacilor, freamatul si forfota lor marunta.
Ray Bradbury |
Non piu tardi dell'altra sera, ogni cosa era perfetta, poi, ad un tratto, mi sono accorto che stavo affogando. Per quante volte un uomo puo andare a fondo e rimanere ancora vivo?
Ray Bradbury |
Edinstvenoto neshcho, koeto s istinsko udovolstvie be dokosvala, slushala i s'zertsavala, tia ne beshe uspiala da sk'ta.
Ray Bradbury |
otvariaite si ochite, momcheta, otvariaite gi, za da zapomnite vsiaka izminala sekunda! Vsichko, koeto zasluzhava da se pomni!
Ray Bradbury |
Z'btsite izpushchat, koleloto se prev'rta i khorskite zhivoti se sreshchat tv'rde rano ili p'k tv'rde k'sno.
Ray Bradbury |
Odio a un romano llamado Status Quo, me decia, llenate los ojos de asombro, vive como si fueras a morir en los proximos diez segundos. Observa el universo. Es mas fantastico que cualquier sueno construido o pagado en una fabrica. No pidas garantias, ni pidas seguridad, nunca hubo un animal semejante.
Ray Bradbury |
In ballet, any dancer who asks himself what step comes next must freeze. Any man who takes a sex manual to bed with him invites frigidity. Dancing, sex, writing a novel--all are a living process, quick thought, emotion making yet more quick thought, and so on, cycling round.
Ray Bradbury |
And then he was a shrieking blaze, a jumping, sprawling gibbering manikin, no longer human or known, all writhing flame on the lawn as Montag shot one continuous pulse of liquid fire on him.
Ray Bradbury |
wore his happiness like a mask and the girl had run off across the lawn with the mask and there was no way of going to knock on her door and ask for it back.
Ray Bradbury |
And then, to the sound of death, the sound of the jets cutting the sky in two black pieces beyond the horizon, he would lie in the loft, hidden and safe, watching those strange new stars over the rim of the earth, fleeing from the soft color of dawn.
Ray Bradbury |
You must understand that our civilization is so vast that we can't have our minorities upset and stirred. Ask yourself, what do we want in this country, above all? People want to be happy, isn't that right? Haven't you heard it all your life? I want to be happy, people say. Well, aren't they? Don't we keep them moving, don't we give them fun? That's all we live for, isn't it?
Ray Bradbury |
The good writers touch life. The mediocre ones run a quick hand over her.
Ray Bradbury |
You can't build a house without nails and wood. If you don't want a house built, hide the nails and wood. If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it. Peace, Montag. Give the people contests t..
Ray Bradbury |
I been figuring, what to put in. Motion pictures? Radios? Stereoscopic viewers? All those in one place so any man can run his hand over it and smile and say, 'Yes, sir, that's happiness.
Ray Bradbury |
When you strip all the clothes away and the doodads, you have two human beings who were either happy or unhappy
Ray Bradbury |
When you strip all the clothes away and the doodads, you have two human beings who were either happy or unhappy together, and we have no complaints.
Ray Bradbury |
They read the long afternoon through, while the cold November rain fell from the sky upon the quiet house. They sat in the hall because the parlor was so empty and gray-looking
Ray Bradbury |
How strange the popsicle, the vanilla night, the night of close-packed ice cream, of mosquito-lotioned wrists, the night of running children suddenly veered from their games and put away behind glass, behind wood, the popsicles in melting puddles of lime and strawberry where they fell when the children were scooped indoors.
Ray Bradbury |
This will be the one trip of your life. Keep your eyes wide.
Ray Bradbury |
And the sun goes on, day after day, burning and burning. The sun and time. The sun and time and burning. Burning.
Ray Bradbury |
If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such as thing as war. If the Government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it.
Ray Bradbury |
Fiction is a lie that tells us true things, over and over.
Ray Bradbury |