Ritorno a fissare la parete. E come, la faccia di lei, assomigliava inoltre a uno specchio! Impossibile; perche, quante persone hai mai conosciuto che riflettessero la tua propria luce verso di te? Le persone erano piu spesso -cerco un paragone, ne trovo uno nel campo della sua attivita professionale- come torce, che si consumavano fimmeggiando fino a spegnersi con un sibilio. Quanto raramente le facce degli altri s'imprimevano nella tua im..
Ray Bradbury |
Books were only one type of receptacle where we stored a lot of things we were afraid we might forget. There is nothing magical in them at all. The magic is only in what books say, how they stitched the patches of the universe together into one garment for us
Ray Bradbury |
Musi ti byt jasne, ze nas civilizovany svet je tak rozlehly, ze si nemuzeme dovolit, aby mensiny byly nespokojene a neklidne. Zeptej se sam sebe, ceho u nas chceme dosahnout predevsim? Lide chteji byt stastni, neni to tak? Neslysels to cely zivot? Chci byt stastny, rikaji lide. No, a nejsou? Copak je porad necim nezamestnavame, neposkytujeme jim dost zabavy? Vzdyt pro to zijeme, pro nic jineho, nemam pravdu? Pro pozitek, pro prijemne vzruse..
Ray Bradbury |
Eso hubiese sido una paradoja -hablo Lesperance-. El tiempo no permite esas confusiones..., un hombre que se encuentra consigo mismo. Cuando va a ocurrir algo parecido, el tiempo se hace a un lado.
Ray Bradbury |
La gente no habla de nada. -Oh, tienen que hablar de algo. -No, no, de nada. Citan automoviles, ropas, piscinas, y dicen !que bien! Pero siempre repiten lo mismo, y nadie dice nada diferente, y la mayor parte del tiempo, en los cafes, hacen funcionar los gramofonos automaticos de chistes, y escuchan chistes viejos,
Ray Bradbury |
You can't ever have my books," she said."
Ray Bradbury |
There was white in the flesh of his mouth and his cheeks and his hair was white and his eyes had faded, with white in the vague blueness there.
Ray Bradbury |
Siakash niakoi izd'rpa zapushalka i vsichkata siva morska voda se ustremi s rev nadolu prez obuvkite mi - pochuvstvakh kak t'gata mi izchezva.
Ray Bradbury |
Predstavi si, che si amerikanski pisatel, t'rseshch material dalech ot dom, zhena, detsa i priiateli, v unil khotel, v bezradosten siv den, s dusha, izp'lnena edinstveno s natrosheno st'klo, sd'vkan tiutiun i izpotsapan v sazhdi sniag. Predstavi si, che kakto brodish iz prokletite studeni ulitsi, svivash zad edin 'g'l i ne shchesh li, popadash na malka zhena s's zlatna arfa i vsichko, koeto tia sviri, e ot drugi sezoni - esen, prolet, liato..
Ray Bradbury |
Slushakhme, dokato toi peeshe ne bez ironiia za prekrasniia grad D'blin, v koito tsiala zima vali po chetiriiset dni v mesetsa.
Ray Bradbury |
They rounded a corner in thunder and siren, with concussion of tires, with scream of rubber with a shift of kerosene bulk in the glittery brass tank, like the food in the stomach of a giant, with Montag's fingers jolting off the silver rail, swinging into cold space, with the wind tearing his hair back from his head, with the wind whistling in his teeth, and him all the while thinking of the women, the chaff women in his parlor tonight, wit..
Ray Bradbury |
Iskam da kazha - prod'lzhi toi, kato makhna na Riki za oshche kafe i ia izchaka da nap'lni chashite, - che na zemiata niama m'zh, momche ili starets, koito po edno ili drugo vreme da ne sa kopneli za drug m'zh. Prav li s'm, Dzheik? - Tova e obshchoizvestna istina - otv'rna drugiiat. Riki samo svivashe ustni, v'rteshe se na stola si i me strelkashe s pogledi, kazvashchi: ,,Biagai, obirai si krushite ottuk!". - Ne e li nap'lno choveshko, pri ..
Ray Bradbury |
What is there about fire that's so lovely? Not matter what age we are, what draws us to it? It's perpetual motion; the thing man wanted to invent but never did. Or almost perpetual motion. If you let it go on, it'd burn our lifetimes out. What is fire? It's a mystery. Scientists give us gobbledegook about friction and molecules. But they don't really know. Its real beauty is that it destroys responsibility and consequences. A problem gets t..
Ray Bradbury |
Est' prestupleniia khuzhe, chem szhigat' knigi. Naprimer - ne chitat' ikh.
Ray Bradbury |
Nabivaite liudiam golovy tsiframi, nachiniaite ikh bezobidnymi faktami, poka ikh ne zatoshnit, nichego, zato im budet kazat'sia, chto oni ochen' obrazovannye. U nikh dazhe budet vpechatlenie, chto oni mysliat, chto oni dvizhutsia vpered, khot' na samom dele oni stoiat na meste. I liudi budut schastlivy, ibo <>, kotorymi oni napichkany, eto nechto neizmennoe. No ne davaite im takoi skol'zkoi materii, kak filosofiia ili sotsiologiia. N..
Ray Bradbury |
Sega razbirate li zashcho khorata mraziat knigite i se strakhuvat ot tiakh? Knigite pokazvat porite po litseto na zhivota. Khorata, koito obichat spokoistvieto, iskat da vizhdat samo litse, izvaiani ot vos'k, litsa bez pori, bez kosi, bez izraz.
Ray Bradbury |
For there comes a time in the day's occupations when old Money Writer falls so in love with an idea that he begins to gallop, steam, pant, rave, and write from the heart, in spite of himself. So, too, the man with the quill pen is suddenly taken with fevers, gives up purple ink for pure hot perspiration. Then he tatters quills by the dozen and, hours later, emerges ruinous from the bed of creation looking as if he had channeled an avalanche..
Ray Bradbury |
Per alcuni, l'autunno viene presto, e permane per tutta la vita, quando ottobre segue settembre, e novembre tocca ottobre, e poi, invece di dicembre e del natale, non c'e la stella di Betlemme, non c'e letizia, ma ritorna settembre e il vecchio ottobre, e cosi via, per tutti gli anni, senza inverno, senza primavera, senza estate vivificatrice. Per questi esseri, l'autunno e la stagione normale, l'unica stagione, e non c'e per loro altra sce..
Ray Bradbury |
Is it because we're having so much fun at home we've forgotten the world? Is it because we're so rich and the rest of the world's so poor and we just don't care if they are? I've heard rumors; the world is starving, but we're well fed. Is it true, the world works hard and we play? Is that why we're hated so much?
Ray Bradbury |
Que la gente intervenga en concursos donde haya que recordar las palabras de las canciones mas populares, o los nombres de las capitales de los Estados, o cuanto maiz cosecho Iowa el ultimo ano. Llenalos de noticias incombustibles. Sentiran que la informacion los ahoga, pero se creeran inteligentes.
Ray Bradbury |
S iarkata si riza i pr'chka s kuka na v'rkha az tr'gvam vsiaka sutrin da... pochistvam plazhovete. Tolkova mnogo, o, tolkova mnogo choveshki tela lezhat tam v svetlinata. I tolkova mnogo dushi se gubiat v mrak. Opitvam se da v'rvia sred vsichki tiakh, bez da se... prep'vam...
Ray Bradbury |
La magia reside solamente en aquello que los libros dicen; en como cosen los harapos del universo para darnos una nueva vestidura.
Ray Bradbury |
L'khna go na D'glas. Na pot, na treva, na miris na d'rveta, na kloni i na ruchei.
Ray Bradbury |
Quiza los libros nos saquen un poco de esta oscuridad. Quiza eviten que cometamos los mismos condenados errores.
Ray Bradbury |
Los libros nos recuerdan que somos asnos y tontos. Son la guardia pretoriana del Cesar, que murmura mientras los desfiles pasan ruidosamente por las avenidas "Recuerda, Cesar, que eres mortal"
Ray Bradbury |
Pervoe, chto uznaesh' v zhizni, -- eto chto ty durak. Poslednee, chto uznaesh', -- eto chto ty vse tot zhe durak.
Ray Bradbury |
Esli drama bessoderzhatel'na, fil'm pustoi, a komediia bezdarna, daite mne dozu vozbuzhdaiushchego - udar'te po nervam oglushitel'noi muzykoi! I mne budet kazat'sia, chto ia reagiruiu na p'esu, togda kak eto vsego-navsego mekhanicheskaia reaktsiia na zvukovolny. No mne-to vse ravno. Ia liubliu, chtoby menia triakhnulo kak sleduet.
Ray Bradbury |
Everyone must leave something behind when he dies, my grandfather said. A child or a book or a painting or a house or a wall built or a pair of shoes made. Or a garden planted. Something your hand touched some way so your soul has somewhere to go when you die, and when people look at that tree or that flower you planted, you're there. It doesn't matter what you do, he said, so long as you change something from the way it was before you touc..
Ray Bradbury |
Elle avait un visage menu, d'un blanc laiteux, et il s'en degageait une espece d'avidite sereine, d'inlassable curiosite pour tout ce qui l'entourait. Son expression suggerait une vague surprise ; ses yeux sombres se fixaient sur le monde avec une telle intensite que nul mouvement ne leur echappait.
Ray Bradbury |
N'est-ce pas agreable de se promener a cette heure de la nuit ? J'aime humer les choses, regarder les choses, et il m'arrive de rester toute la nuit debout, a marcher, et de regarder le soleil se lever. (Clarisse McClellan)
Ray Bradbury |
They have forgotten, if they ever knew, the ancient knowledge that only by being truly sick can one regain health. Even beasts know when it is good and proper to throw up. Teach me how to be sick then, in the right time and place, so that I may again walk in the fields and with the wise and smiling dogs know enough to chew sweet grass. ***
Ray Bradbury |
lktb ljydwn kthyr m ylmswn lHy@ wlktb lsyy'wn ymrwn sry` fwqh lktb lsyy'wn yGtSbwnh wytrkwnh lldhbb
Ray Bradbury |
I've tried to teach my writing friends that there are two arts: number one, getting a thing done; and then, the second great art is learning how to cut it so you don't kill it or hurt it in any way. When you start out life as a writer, you hate that job, but now that I'm older it's turned into a wonderful game, and I love the challenge just as much as writing the original, because it's a challenge. It's an intellectual challenge to get a sc..
Ray Bradbury |
As soon as things get difficult, I walk away. That's the great secret of creativity. You treat ideas like cats: you make them follow you. If you try to approach a cat and pick it up, hell, it won't let you do it. You've got to say, "Well, to hell with you." And the cat says, "Wait a minute. He's not behaving the way most humans do." Then the cat follows you out of curiosity: "Well, what's wrong with you that you don't love me?" Well, that's..
Ray Bradbury |
What is the greatest reward a writer can have? Isn't it that day when someone rushes up to you, his face bursting with honesty, his eyes afire with admiration and cries, "That new story of yours was fine, really wonderful!" Then and only then is writing worthwhile. Quite"
Ray Bradbury |
Neviens cilveks otra vairs neklausas, bet man vajag ar kadu parunaties. Es nevaru runat ar sienam, jo tas kliedz uz mani. Es nevaru runat ar sievu, jo ta klausas vienigi sienas. Es gribu, lai kads mani uzklausitu. Un, ja es runatu labi ilgi, varbut pateiktu kaut ko jedzigu. Un vel es gribu, lai jus man iemacat saprast to, ko es lasu.
Ray Bradbury |
Tas, kas jums vajadzigs, nav gramatas vien! Meklejiet to ari daudz kur citur -- vecas gramofona plates, vecas filmas un vecos draugos, meklejiet daba un pasi sevi. Gramatas ir tikai viena no tvertnem, kur glabajam to, ko baidamies aizmirst. Gramatam pasam nav magiska speka. Sis speks ir tam, kas gramatas pateikts, tam, kas Visuma gabalinus musu prieksa sadiedz vienota vesela.
Ray Bradbury |
Love will fly if held too lightly, love will die if held too tightly.' I just want her to relax her grip a little bit.
Ray Bradbury |
Inogda ia podslushivaiu razgovory v metro. Ili u fontanchikov s sodovoi vodoi. I znaete chto? -- Chto? -- Liudi ni o chiom ne govoriat. -- Nu kak eto mozhet byt'! -- Da-da. Ni o chiom.Sypliut nazvaniiami -- marki avtomobilei, mody, plavatel'nye basseiny i ko vsemu pribavliaiut: <> Vse oni tverdiat odno i to zhe. Kak treshchotki.
Ray Bradbury |
Un libro, en manos de un vecino, es un arma cargada. Quemalo. Saca la bala del arma. Abre la mente del hombre. ?Se sabe acaso quien puede ser el blanco de un hombre leido? ?Yo? No puedo aceptarlo.
Ray Bradbury |
Ray Bradbury |
Ne laissons pas le torrent de la melancolie et de la philosophie debilitante noyer notre monde.
Ray Bradbury |
His teeth began to chatter. God All-Mighty! he thought, why haven't I realized it all these years? All these years I've gone around with a--SKELETON--inside me! How is it we take ourselves for granted? How is it we never question our bodies and our being? A skeleton. One of those jointed, snowy, hard things, one of those foul, dry, brittle, gouge-eyed, skull-faced, shake-fingered, rattling things that sway from neck-chains in abandoned webb..
Ray Bradbury |
Llena tus ojos de ilusion -decia-. Vive como si fueras a morir dentro de diez segundos. Ve al mundo. Es mas fantastico que cualquier sueno real o imaginario. No pidas garantias, no pidas seguridad. Nunca ha existido algo asi. Y, si existiera, estaria emparentado con el perezoso que cuelga boca abajo de un arbol, todos y cada uno de los dias, empleando la vida en dormir. Al diablo con eso -dijo- sacude el arbol y haz que el gran perezoso cai..
Ray Bradbury |