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aee4bb7 You're back," Sam said, as if he couldn't quite believe it. She lifted her chin, stuffing her hands in her pockets. "Obviously." He tilted his head slightly to the side. "How was the desert?" There wasn't a scratch on him. Of course, her face had healed too but... "Hot," she said. Sam let out a breathy chuckle." funny sam-cortland celaena-sardothien cute Sarah J. Maas
afde2be But when she reached in, toward the place in her chest where that monster dwelled, she found only cobwebs and ashes. Sarah J. Maas
585ca60 Would I have loved her if I had know from the start what she is?" He shook his head. "If I had met her now... my first instinct would be to protect Dorian from her. Celaena was a fraction of Aelin - both good and bad. But Aelin... she is Celaena, and she is queen, and she is the Fire-Bringer. I fell in love with a facet, and I panicked when I realized it was a fraction of the whole - when I saw that power, that heritage, and... it was not a.. Sarah J. Maas
5324384 I frowned at the eye in my palm. "What, literally shout at the tattoo?" "You could try rubbing it on certain body areas and I might come faster." -- the-night-court sjm sarah-j-maas a-court-of-thorns-and-roses acomaf acotar rhysand feyre rhys Sarah J. Maas
9549f27 Then there was that other strange feeling that pushed and pulled at her, making her reply the scene in the mess hall again and again. She had never known regret-not true regret, anyway. But she regretted not knowing the Crochan's name. She regretted not knowing who the new cloak on her shoulders had belonged to-where she had come from, how she had lived. Somehow, even though her long life had been gone for ten years... Somehow, that regret .. Sarah J. Maas
3ecb0d9 That cocky smile widened. "Hello, bitch," Ansel purred. "Hello, traitor," Aelin purred right back, surveying the armada spread before them. "Looks like you made it on time after all." ansel pg554 Sarah J. Maas
9f30ffa It should have been me. Sarah J. Maas
ebe3f76 The world balanced on the edge of a knife, slipping, slipping, slipping. Sarah J. Maas
13acf56 Truth is deadly. Truth is freedom. Truth can break and mend and bind. Sarah J. Maas
df279ea It was like waking up or being born or falling out of the sky. It was an answer and a song, and she could not think or feel fast enough. Sarah J. Maas
0fc9a8d Oh, you should have been born with my abilities, if only to have felt the rage that seeped from him." I didn't want to think much about his abilities. "Who's to say he won't splatter you as well?" "Perhaps he'll try- but I have a feeling he'll kill Amarantha first." rhysand Sarah J. Maas
e6836ab His fingers tightened on mine, and I looked up. He was smiling at me. And looked so un-High-Lord-like with the glowing dust on the side of his face that I grinned back. I hadn't even realized what I'd done until his own smile faded, and his mouth parted slightly. "Smile again," he whispered. I hadn't smiled for him. Ever. Or laughed. Under the Mountain, I had never grinned, never chuckled. And afterward... And this male before frien.. Sarah J. Maas
ead4b67 The council meeting was soon over, and Manon paused as she walked past Vernon on her way out. She put a hand on his shoulder, her nails digging into his skin, and he yelped as she brought her iron teeth close to his ear. "Just because she is dead, Lord, do not think I will forget what you tried to do to her." Vernon paled. "You can't touch me." Manon dug her nails in deeper. "No, I can't," she purred into his ear. "But Aelin Galathynius is .. Sarah J. Maas
b1aff14 Well, he was certainly desirable-as desirable as Sam, maybe. Sam-when had she ever thought of him as desirable? He'd laugh until he died if ever knew she thought of him like that. sam Sarah J. Maas
f4ab564 Manon gazed westward across the mountains. Hope, Elide had said--hope for a better future. For a home. Not obedience, brutality, discipline. But hope. Sarah J. Maas
a1ce449 But Evalin Ashryver held Aelin's gaze, the softness turning hard and gleaming as fresh steel. It is the strength of this that matters, Aelin. Aelin's fingers dug into her chest as she mouthed, The strength of this. Evalin nodded. Cairn's hissed threats danced through the coffin, his knife scraping and scraping. Evalin's face didn't falter. You are my daughter. You were born of two mighty bloodlines. That strength flows through you. Lives in.. Sarah J. Maas
95ff77b You are sacred vessels," the duke said. "It is an honor to be chosen." "I find that a very male thing to assume." Sarah J. Maas
e35031f She would not break. And someday... someday,even if it took her until her last breath, she'd find out who had done this to her. Celaena wiped away her tears as the wagon entered the shade of the tunnel through the wall. Whips and screams and the clank of chains. She tensed, already taking in every detail she could. Sarah J. Maas
d2e7faa It made her the greatest threat he'd ever encountered. Sarah J. Maas
8dc2199 Thank you for finding her for me," my saviour said to them, smooth and polished. "Enjoy the Rite." There was enough of a bite beneath his last words that the faeries stiffened. Without further comment, they scuttled back to the bonfires. I stepped out of the shelter of my saviour's arm and turned to thank him. Standing before me was the most beautiful man I'd ever seen." Sarah J. Maas
fbe54cb You can't just toss us out. What will we do? Where will we go?" "I hear hell is particularly nice at this time of year." Sarah J. Maas
2891f74 Lucien studied the wine in his goblet. "You don't hold on to power by being everyone's friend. And among the faeries, lesser and High Fae alike, a firm hand is needed. We're too powerful, and too bored with immortality, to be checked by anything else." immortality freyre high-fae lucien powerful power faeries Sarah J. Maas
a49c707 She didn't fear the night, though she found little comfort in its dark hours. throne-of-glass sarah-j-maas night Sarah J. Maas
28545d8 We'll never be a normal boy and girl, will we?" she managed to say. "No," he breathed, eyes blazing. "We won't." And then the music exploded around them, and Chaol took her with it, spinning her so that her cloak fanned out around her. Each step was flawless, lethal, like that first time they'd sparred together so many months ago. She knew his every move and he knew hers, as though they'd been dancing this waltz together all their lives. Fa.. Sarah J. Maas
e3c0582 And I said, "You love me?" Rhys nodded. And I wondered if love was too weak a word for what he felt, what he'd done for me. For what I felt for him. I set the bowl down before him. "Then eat." -- Sarah J. Maas
d44ae67 With nothing else to distract her, Celeana eventually returned to thinking about Sam. Even weeks later, she had no idea how she'd somehow gotten attached to him, what he'd been shouting when Arobynn beat her, and why Arobynn had thought he'd need three seasoned assassins to restrain him that day. sam Sarah J. Maas
5af03f1 Aelin is alive. heir-of-fire uplifting Sarah J. Maas
98ec871 Aedion's heart stopped dead. "It's a sea dragon," he managed to say. Well, at least he now knew what secret form Lysandra had been working on." Sarah J. Maas
2976e0a I wept as I understood. she was saying. " I couldn't do it. But she held my gaze-held my gaze and nodded. As I lifted the ash dagger, something inside me fractured so completely that there would be no hope of ever repairing it. No matter how many years passed, no matter how many times I might try to paint her face." Sarah J. Maas
5fe394f Marion was my mother's name. She died defending Aelin Galathynius from her assassin. My mother bought Aelin time to run - to get away so she could one day return to save us all... I have no lands, no money, no army to offer Aelin Galathynius. But I will find her - and help her in whatever way I can. If only to keep one girl, just one, from ever enduring what I did. - Elide Sarah J. Maas
ec9d31c What's it doing?" the green-faced faerie whined again. A deep, elegant voice replied this time. "She's building a trap." Rhysand. "But the Middengard--" "Relies on its scent to see," Rhysand answered, and I gave a special glower for him as I glanced at the rim of the trench and found him smiling at me. "And Feyre just became invisible." His violet eyes twinkled. I made an obscene gesture before I broke into a run, heading straight for the w.. rhysand Sarah J. Maas
dfde1cf And in the end, though, we'd saved each other. All of us had. inner-circle rhys Sarah J. Maas
855b21f But there are some times when words are necessary - when explanations are needed that mere gestures cannot convey. Sarah J. Maas
cd90bec What are you doing?" Celaena lifted another piece of paper. "If His Pirateness can't be bothered to clean for us, then I don't see why I can't have a look." "He'll be here any second," Sam hissed. She picked up a flattened map, examining the dots and markings along the coastline of their continent. Something small and round gleamed beneath the map, and she slipped it into her pocket before Sam could notice. "Oh, hush," she said, opening the.. sam-cortland sass humorous-quotes Sarah J. Maas
00e8dd7 When you shift, will your hawk form be plucked, then? humor rowan sarah-j-maas Sarah J. Maas
d0f9cc9 I would not be weak again. I would not be dependent on anyone else. I would never have to endure the touch of the Attor as it dragged me because I was too helpless to know where and how to hit. Never again. Sarah J. Maas
0308032 Elain had always been gentle and sweet--and I had considered it a different sort of strength. A better strength. To look at the hardness of the world and choose, over and over, to love, to be kind. She had been always so full of light. Perhaps Sarah J. Maas
7d1b22d That wildness, that untamed fierceness...They weren't born of a free heart, but of one that had known despair so complete that living brightly, living violently, was the only way to outrun it. Sarah J. Maas
d2fc2a2 He was a boy in love with a wildfire. Or at least he thought he was love dorian-havilliard wildfire Sarah J. Maas
1667006 But Rowan flicked her chin, and she knew he understood what it meant, to have summoned even a droplet to her hand. To feel her mother smiling at her from realms away. She grinned at Rowan through her tears, and sent the droplet splashing onto his face. Rowan tossed her into the pool. A moment later, laughing, he jumped in himself. Sarah J. Maas
4230ff5 Something thumped in front of me. A bottle of wine. "It's fine if you drink directly from it," was all Mor said." Sarah J. Maas
431a736 Celaena?" Sam asked into the dark. "Should I worry about going to sleep?" She blinked, then laughed under her breath. At least Sam took her threats somewhat seriously." true sarcastic-humor Sarah J. Maas
f641cd7 She pulled off the ring. "So that was what he wanted. I honestly expected something grander." -- Sarah J. Maas
a8bca0d I glanced at Tamlin, biting my lip. I'd practically floated into my bedroom that morning. But Tamlin's gaze now roved my face as if searching for any tinge of regret, of fear. Ridiculous. sarah-j-maas acotar feyre tamlin Sarah J Maas