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428b29e Sam stared at her long enough for heat to flood her cheek, as if he could see right inside of her-see everything. The fact that he didn't turn away from whatever he saw made her blood thrum through her veins. sam Sarah J. Maas
52cb89b said, I see all of you, Rhys. And there is not one part that I do not love with everything that I am. His Sarah J. Maas
0cf85b3 The fear of loss... it can destroy you as much as the loss itself. Sarah J. Maas
fd6d130 The girl was alluring. Like wildfire, or a summer storm swept off the Gulf of Oro. celaena wildfire storm summer Sarah J. Maas
b020753 Even if she hadn't slaughtered Baba Yellowlegs, Manon would have killed her just for that spell she'd used to freeze her feet. Etching some foul spell with the man's blood. And now she was going to die. Wind-Cleaver pressed against the queen's blade. But Aelin held her ground and hissed, "I'm going to rip you to shreds." manon-blackbeak Sarah J. Maas
9f7f30c I knew,' it gasped, sensing my shift in thoughts. 'The tracking...I knew of it.' 'Then why come at all?' 'You...were kind. You...fought your fear. You were...kind.' I began crying. Sarah J. Maas
bba703d Aelin, leaning against the half-decayed desk that served as the lone piece of furniture in the room, smirked at him. "I saw you from a distance-once." Galan Ashryver's eyes sparked. "I'm going to assume it was during your former profession and thank you for not killing me." Sarah J. Maas
a5f56d9 It was the sound of Elide's weeping-that girl of quiet steel and quick-silver wit who had not wept for herself or her sorry life, only faced it with grim determination-that made Manon snap entirely. She killed those guards in the hall. She saw what they had been laughing at: the girl gripped between two other guards, her robe tugged opened to reveal her nakedness, the full extent of that ruined leg- Her grandmother had sold them to these pe.. manon-blackbeak Sarah J. Maas
357fd75 Rowan was watching Chaol as if he might be dinner. Sarah J. Maas
ab47458 You could just marry each other," Yrene said, and Dorian whipped his head to her, incredulous. "It'd make it easier for you both, so you don't need to pretend." Chaol gaped at his wife. Yrene shrugged. "And be a strong alliance for our two kingdoms." Dorian knew his face was red when he turned to Manon, apologies and denials on his lips. But Manon smirked at Yrene, her silver-white hair lifting in the breeze, as if reaching for the united p.. Sarah J. Maas
413193b His pupils flared. "Is there a reason you do that, Princess?" "Is there any reason not to?" Sarah J. Maas
906c2df I think you will leave a lasting imprint on Ansel's heart. You spared her life, and returned her father's sword. And maybe when she makes her next move to reclaim her title, she will remember the assassin from the North and the kindness you showed her, and try to leave fewer bodies in her wake. Sarah J. Maas
26e8e70 Mother hold you. May you pass through the gates; may you smell that immortal land of milk and honey. Fear no evil. Feel no pain. May you enter enternity. Sarah J. Maas
ffc5060 What are you planning?" "Something very stupid, I think." Sarah J. Maas
0150f36 We'll find that place, then," he said quietly. "What?" Her brows narrowed. "I'll go with you." And though he hadn't asked, they both knew those words held a question. He tried not to think of what she'd said last night--of the shame she'd felt holding him when he was a son of Adarlan and she was a daughter of Terrasen. "What about being Captain of the Guard?" "Perhaps my duties aren't what I expected them to be." The king kept things from h.. Sarah J. Maas
cec196e Where are our allies, Aelin? Where are our armies? Sarah J. Maas
628034e Chaol took one step toward her, though. One step, then he said, "I love you." Sarah J. Maas
35df28e You were worth it. All these years, all the waiting. You're worth it." He'd known the moment she had looked up at him as she stood before his execution block, defiant and wicked and wild." -- Sarah J. Maas
e5d4d03 Sam glanced at her, a hint of amusement shining in his eyes. Celaena smiled at him, and the world, for one flickering heartbeat, felt right. love the-assassin-and-the-empire sam-cortland Sarah J. Maas
30d2f69 Magic makes people dangerous. magic fantasy book-4 throne-of-glass queen-of-shadows sarah-j-maas Sarah J. Maas
c361795 This will be the great war of our time," Kashin said quietly. "When we are dead, when even our grandchildren's grandchildren are dead, they will still be talking about this war. They will whisper of it around fires, sing of it in the great halls. Who lived and died, who fought and who cowered." Sarah J. Maas
9b95031 Aelin did not expect them to come for her. She, who had come for them, who had found them all. She had arranged for everything to fall into place when she yielded her life. When she gave up a thousand years to save them. And Rowan knew she believed they'd make the right choice, the wise choice, and remain here. Lead their armies to victory--the armies she'd secured for them, guessing that she wouldn't be there to see it through. She did not.. Sarah J. Maas
0a840a6 But I lived in that moment - my life became beautiful again for those few seconds when our hands grazed. Sarah J. Maas
8a5bb80 You gave up on me," I said a bit more loudly. "You were my friend. And you picked him--picked obeying him, even when you saw what his orders and his rules did to me. Even when you saw me wasting away day by day." Sarah J. Maas
1d5ad6f I have no interest in prisioners or battling today," Manon said. The Queen of Terrasen gave her a grin. "Good." Manon turned away, barking at her Thirteen to get to their mounts. "I suppose," the queen went on, "that makes you smarter than Baba Yellowlegs." Manon stopped, staring straight ahead and seeing nothing of the grass or sky or tress. Asterin whirled. "What do you know of Baba Yellowlegs?" The queen gave a low chuckle, despite the w.. witch-killer manon Sarah J. Maas
fb1116a Having Aelin help him the first time had been awkward enough that he couldn't even go until she started singing a bawdy tune at the top of her lungs and turned on the sink faucet, all the while helping him stand over the toilet. family two-side-of-the-same-coin the-ashryver-cousins aelin-ashryver-galathynius Sarah J. Maas
1e8e5ea No matter what I do, I really do love you Celaena." The word hit her like a stone to the head. He'd never said that word to her before. Ever. A long silence fell between them. Arobynn's neck shifted as he swallowed. "I do the things that I do because I'm sacred ... and because I don't know how to express what I feel." He said it so quietly that she barely heard it. "I did all of those things because I was angry with you for picking Sam." Ar.. Sarah J. Maas
0591a87 Nesryn supposed that was why she liked the queen: there were plans so long in the making that for someone who let the world deem her unchecked and brash, Aelin showed a great deal of restraint in keeping it all hidden. Sarah J. Maas
0911d72 But I promise," she breathed into the soil, "I promise that I will stop him. I promise that I will never forgive, never forget what they did to you. I promise that I will free Eyllwe. I promise that I will see your father's crown restored to his head." Sarah J. Maas
429346d She was definitely more covered-up than the courtesans around him. But sometimes there was more allure in not seeing everything. Sarah J. Maas
c979636 It'd just been a relief to think that for a moment he might have been as lonely as me. Sarah J. Maas
263903e I want them to hear your story. And know that there is a special strength..." As I spoke I realized I needed to hear it, know it, too. "A special strength in enduring such dark trials and hardships... And still remaining warm, and kind. Still willing to trust--and reach out." strength kindess mor morrigan Sarah J. Maas
f5e7e20 But Aelin, crowned and glowing, only said, "Walk with me." She gestured to the gates behind her. "All of you." This day did not belong to her alone. Not at all. And when they all balked, Aelin walked forward. Took Yrene Westfall by the hand to guide her to the front. Then Manon Blackbeak. Elide Lochan. Lysandra. Evangeline. Nesryn Faliq. Borte and Hasar and Ansel of Briarcliff. All the women who had fought by her side, or from afar. Who had.. Sarah J. Maas
62a6f8c You marry the person you love--and none other," he said, and she laughed. "You're mocking me! You're laughing in my face!" "You deserve to be laughed at for such foolish thoughts! I spoke from my soul; you speak only from selfishness." "You're remarkably judgmental." "What's the point in having a mind if you don't use it to make judgments?" "What's the point in having a heart if you don't use it to spare others from the harsh judgme.. Sarah J. Maas
6cdd55d If Feyre can't be bothered to listen to orders, then I can't be held accountable for the consequences." "Accountable?" I sputtered, placing my hands flat on the table. "You cornered me in the hall like a wolf with a rabbit!" Lucien propped an arm on the table and covered his mouth with has hand, his russet eye bright. faith funny sarah-j-maas feyre tamlin lucien Sarah J Maas
31f29eb A moment of kindness. From a young woman who ended lives to a young woman who saved them. Sarah J. Maas
4daeb3b Mikhail truly liked Ansel-that much was obvious. he always found excuses to touch her, always smiled at her, always looked at her as if she were the only person in the room. Celeana sloshed her wine around in her glass. If she were being honest, sometimes she thought Sam looked at her that way. But then he'd go and say something absurd, or try to undermine her, and she'd chide herself for even thinking about him. Her stomach tightened. What.. Sarah J. Maas
f62979e What's this?" Amarantha said, her voice lilting despite the adder's smile she gave me . . . "Just a human thing I found downstairs," the Attor hissed, and a forked tongue darted out between his razor-sharp teeth." Sarah J. Maas
5b8e233 She yawned, and Rowan rubbed his eyes, his other hand still in hers. But he didn't let go. And when she awoke before dawn, warm and safe and rested, Rowan was still holding her hand, clasped to his chest. Something molten rushed through her, pouring over every crack and fracture still left gaping and open. Not to hurt or mar--but to weld. To forge. Sarah J. Maas
5a2eb65 You let Amarantha and the entire world think you rule and delight in a Court of Nightmares. It's all a front - to keep what matters most safe." The city lights gilded in his face. "I love my people, and my family. Do not think I wouldn't become a monster to keep them protected." Sarah J. Maas
ac99077 So Rhys went against orders, and marched in his whole legion to get Myriam out. For his friend, for my lover- and for that bastard Drakon's sake. Rhys sacrificed his legion in the process, got all of them captured and tortured afterward. Yet everyone insists Rhysand is soulless, wicked. But the male I knew was the most decent of them all. Better than that prick-prince. You don't lose that quality, no matter the centuries, and Rhys was too s.. jurian rhysand Sarah J. Maas
ab42c50 I hope you found peace, my brother. And in the Afterworld, I hope you find her again. rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
fb1e999 Elide immediately shrugged out of Lorcan's grip. Aelin and Aedion had stopped ahead, waiting for her. Smiling faintly--welcomingly. So Elide headed for them, her court, and did not look back. pg546 Sarah J. Maas
5bff7ed No fear in her eyes - in her pretty, mortal face. None It'd be more trouble than it was worth. manon Sarah J. Maas