Steven D. Levitt |
Steven D. Levitt |
Steven D. Levitt |
Steven D. Levitt |
Steven D. Levitt |
An incentive is simply a means of urging people to do more of a good thing and less of a bad thing.
Steven D. Levitt |
There are three basic flavors of incentive: economic, social, and moral. Very often a single incentive scheme will include all three varieties. Think about the anti-smoking campaign of recent years. The addition of a $3-per-pack "sin tax" is a strong economic incentive"
Steven D. Levitt |
Or, as W. C. Fields once said: a thing worth having is a thing worth cheating for.
Steven D. Levitt |
Steven D. Levitt |
Steven D. Levitt |
Steven D. Levitt |
Steven D. Levitt |
Steven D. Levitt |
What most of these doomsday scenarios have gotten wrong is the fundamental idea of economics: people respond to incentives. If the price of a good goes up, people demand less of it, the companies that make it figure out how to make more of it, and everyone tries to figure out how to produce substitutes for it.
Steven D. Levitt |
drinking eight glasses of water a day has never actually been shown to do a thing for your health.
Steven D. Levitt |
La disposicion de causas y consecuencias de este mundo es tan inescrutable que un impuesto de dos peniques sobre el te, aplicado injustamente en una parte aislada, cambia la condicion de todos sus habitantes.>>
Steven D. Levitt |
And what about the other half of the election truism--that the amount of money spent on campaign finance is obscenely huge? In a typical election period that includes campaigns for the presidency, the Senate, and the House of Representatives, about $ 1 billion is spent per year--which sounds like a lot of money, unless you care to measure it against something seemingly less important than democratic elections. It is the same amount, for ins..
Steven D. Levitt |
When the solution to a given problem doesn't lay right before our eyes, it is easy to assume that no solution exists. But history has shown again and again that such assumptions are wrong.
Steven D. Levitt |
A good set of data can go a long way toward describing human behavior as long as the proper questions are asked of it. Our job in this book is to come up with such questions.
Steven D. Levitt |
Terrorism is effective because it imposes costs on everyone, not just its direct victims. The most substantial of these indirect costs is fear of a future attack, even though such fear is grossly misplaced. The probability that an average American will die in a given year from a terrorist attack is roughly 1 in 5 million; he is 575 times more likely to commit suicide.
Steven D. Levitt |
Economics is, at root, the study of incentives: how people get what they want, or need, especially when other people want or need the same thing.
Steven D. Levitt |
Cuando [los libros] te pertenecen, y son tuyos --declaro--, y simplemente forman parte de tu vida, todo eso contribuye a crear un sentimiento... de que los libros deberian formar parte de tu vida.>>
Steven D. Levitt |
los datos de voto de El eslabon mas debil indican que se discrimina sistematicamente a dos tipos de concursantes: las personas mayores y los hispanos.
Steven D. Levitt |
podria sugerir que la moral representa el modo en que a las personas les gustaria que funcionase el mundo, mientras que la economia representa como funciona este en realidad.
Steven D. Levitt |
Decency can push almost any interaction into the cooperative frame.
Steven D. Levitt |
Peter Leeson, whose research has covered topics like Gypsy law and pirate economics, did just that.
Steven D. Levitt |
cuanto mas arriba en el escalafon se encuentran los trabajadores, mas propensos a enganar son.
Steven D. Levitt |
pesar de lo egoista que un hombre pueda suponerse --escribio Smith--, evidentemente existen algunos principios en su naturaleza que lo llevan a interesarse por la suerte de los demas y a convertir la necesidad de estos en necesaria para si mismo, aunque no le proporcione nada, salvo el placer de contemplarlo.>>
Steven D. Levitt |
The problem with crack dealing is the same as in every other glamour profession: a lot of people are competing for a very few prizes. Earning big money in the crack gang wasn't much more likely than the Wisconsin farm girl becoming a movie star or the high-school quarterback playing in the NFL. But criminals, like everyone else, respond to incentives. So if the prize is big enough, they will form a line down the block just hoping for a chan..
Steven D. Levitt |
When it comes to financial incentives, size matters. There are things that people will do for a lot of money that they'd never do for just a few dollars. The most devoted carnivore in the world might well go vegan if the tofu lobby offered him a $10 million stipend. And then there's the tale of an economist on holiday in Las Vegas. He found himself one night in a bar standing beside a gorgeous woman. "Would you be willing to sleep with me f..
Steven D. Levitt |
This theory rapidly became an article of faith because it appealed to the factors that, according to John Kenneth Galbraith, most contribute to the formation of conventional wisdom: the ease with which an idea may be understood and the degree to which it affects our personal well-being.
Steven D. Levitt |
La informacion es un faro, un garrote, una rama de olivo, en total, un elemento de disuasion, dependiendo de quien la maneje y como. La informacion es tan poderosa que la asuncion de informacion, aun cuando esta no exista realmente, puede tener un efecto revulsivo.
Steven D. Levitt |
Between 1995 and 2005, there were on average 60.3 worldwide shark attacks each year, with a high of 79 and a low of 46. There were on average 5.9 fatalities per year, with a high of 11 and a low of 3. In other words, the headlines during the summer of 2001 might just as easily have read "Shark Attacks About Average This Year." But that probably wouldn't have sold many magazines."
Steven D. Levitt |
Particular gift is the ability to ask such questions. For instance: If drug dealers make so much money, why do they still live with their mothers? Which is more dangerous, a gun or a swimming pool? What really caused crime rates to plunge during the past decade? Do real-estate agents have their clients' best interests at heart? Why do black parents give their children names that may hurt their career prospects? Do schoolteachers cheat to me..
Steven D. Levitt |
Pero la felicidad se entreveia en una docena de formas mas. Parece que ese es el resultado de realizar un trabajo interesante con colegas inteligentes en un entorno hermoso, todo con un sentimiento de mision profundo. Un precio de las acciones en 297 dolares tampoco perjudica.
Steven D. Levitt |
Might white voters lie to pollsters, claiming they will vote for the black candidate in order to appear more color-blind than they actually are? Apparently so. In New York City's 1989 mayoral race between David Dinkins (a black candidate) and Rudolph Giuliani (who is white), Dinkins won by only a few points. Although Dinkins became the city's first black mayor, his slender margin of victory came as a surprise, for preelection polls showed D..
Steven D. Levitt |
Ya estamos completamente acostumbrados a las falsas proclamaciones publicas de los politicos. Pero los votantes tambien mienten.
Steven D. Levitt |
Whatever the incentive, whatever the situation, dishonest people will try to gain an advantage by whatever means necessary. Or,
Steven D. Levitt |
El primer secreto a la hora de formular preguntas es determinar si nuestra pregunta es buena. Que no se haya planteado antes no significa que sea buena. La gente inteligente lleva unos cuantos siglos haciendo preguntas, de modo que seguro que muchas de estas poseen escaso o nulo interes. Pero si somos capaces de preguntar algo que realmente importa a la gente y hallar una respuesta capaz de sorprenderla --es decir, si conseguimos invalidar ..
Steven D. Levitt |
Lo que realmente importa para un candidato politico no es cuanto gasta, sino quien es.
Steven D. Levitt |
One of the most powerful laws in the universe is the law of unintended consequences.
Steven D. Levitt |
Goldstein found that on average, the people in his experiment "enjoy more expensive wines slightly less." --
Steven D. Levitt |
Lo que la mayoria de estas circunstancias catastroficas captan mal es la idea fundamental de la economia: las personas responden a incentivos. Si el precio de un articulo asciende, la demanda de este disminuye, las companias que lo fabrican averiguan como fabricar mas, y todo el mundo trata de averiguar como producir sustitutos. Anadamos a eso el avance de la innovacion tecnologica (como la revolucion verde, el control de la natalidad, etce..
Steven D. Levitt |
But when it comes to solving problems, one of the best ways to start is by putting away your moral compass.
Steven D. Levitt |