If you find yourself saying, "But I'm making so much money" about a job or project, pay attention. "But I'm making so much money," or "But I'm making good money" is a warning sign that you're probably not on the right track or, at least, that you shouldn't stay there for long. Money can always be regenerated. Time and reputation cannot."
Timothy Ferriss |
it's nice to know that when you get started each day seems to matter less than learning how to get started consistently, however
Timothy Ferriss |
If you go out there and start making noise and making sales, people will find you. Sales cure all. You can talk about how great your business plan is and how well you are going to do. You can make up your own opinions, but you cannot make up your own facts. Sales cure all.
Timothy Ferriss |
Hot baths can also significantly increase GH over baseline, and both sauna and hot baths have been shown to cause a massive release in prolactin, which plays a role in wound healing. I
Timothy Ferriss |
book Culinary Artistry, Andrew Dornenburg and Karen Page provide
Timothy Ferriss |
meditation simply helps you channel drive toward the few things that matter, rather than every moving target and imaginary opponent that pops up.
Timothy Ferriss |
Last, play with foodpairing.be, which is based on the Volatile Compounds in Food (VCF) database. The objective is to start thinking about how to mix and match foods based on similar characteristics.
Timothy Ferriss |
What you seek is seeking you.
Timothy Ferriss |
I learned that each character can be broken into components: far left, top, middle, etc. These LEGO pieces, referred to as radicals, form the building blocks from which all kanji are made.
Timothy Ferriss |
It's impossible to be angry and grateful simultaneously. When you're grateful, there is no fear. You can't be fearful and grateful simultaneously.
Timothy Ferriss |
One of the most common Kindle highlights from The 4-Hour Workweek complements this: "A person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have."
Timothy Ferriss |
The quality of your questions determines the quality of your life.
Timothy Ferriss |
now routinely listen to her. To have your mind explode, search "Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No 1 FULL Argerich Charles Dutoit" and check out minute 31."
Timothy Ferriss |
After four weeks, we tallied the results. His average monthly fat loss had gone from roughly 5 lbs to 18.75 lbs, a 275% increase. He'd tripled his fat loss by spending less than two minutes consuming a protein shake each morning. Astonishing? Not really. I'd seen the pattern in the data across hundreds of people: simple works, complex fails.
Timothy Ferriss |
Most people aren't lucky enough to get fired and die a slow spiritual death over 30-40 years of tolerating the mediocre.
Timothy Ferriss |
Dark means DARK. "They've done studies where they shine a laser on the back of someone's knee, and people pick it up. It's light. You cannot have your phone in your room. You cannot have a TV in your room. It needs to be black, black as night."
Timothy Ferriss |
Sometimes, whether in the world of fire-making or cooking, finding the path of least resistance is as easy as Googling "backward," "upside-down," or "reverse," plus whatever skill you're deconstructing."
Timothy Ferriss |
Is that a dream, or a goal? Because a dream is something you fantasize about that will probably never happen. A goal is something you set a plan for, work toward, and achieve. I
Timothy Ferriss |
The Power of Persuasion by Robert Levine. The
Timothy Ferriss |
The Effective Executive,
Timothy Ferriss |
Timothy Ferriss |
The Conquest of Happiness
Timothy Ferriss |
a Man Thinketh (James Allen), Man's Search for Meaning
Timothy Ferriss |
This poster, which I still have on my wall 20 years later, contains all 1,945 of the joyo kanji , the characters designated for basic literacy by the Japanese Ministry of Education. Most
Timothy Ferriss |
Nestled in the tropics of the Coral Sea, New Caledonia was a French territory and where Julie and Marc had just sold the sailboat that took them 15,000 miles around the world. Of course, recouping their initial investment had been part of the plan. All said and done, their 15-month exploration of the globe, from the gondola-rich waterways of Venice to the tribal shores of Polynesia, had cost between $18,000 and $19,000. Less than rent and b..
Timothy Ferriss |
Language is infinitely expansive (much like cooking) and therefore horribly overwhelming if unfiltered.
Timothy Ferriss |
the most important lesson of language learning: what you study is more important than how you study.
Timothy Ferriss |
If you're in a dangerous place, call this number: (800) 273-8255. I didn't have it, and I wish I had. It's the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. They also have live chat at suicidepreventionlifeline.org. It's available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in both English and Spanish.
Timothy Ferriss |
Students are subordinate to materials, much like novice cooks are subordinate to recipes. If you select the wrong material, the wrong textbook, the wrong group of words, it doesn't matter how much (or how well) you study. It doesn't matter how good your teacher is. One must find the highest-frequency material. Material beats method.
Timothy Ferriss |
suicide.org for a list of international hotlines.
Timothy Ferriss |
What I'm finding is that microdoses of LSD or mushrooms may be very helpful for depression because they make you feel better enough that you do something about what's wrong with your life. We've made [depression] an illness. It may be the body's way of saying, 'You better deal with something, because it's making you really sad.
Timothy Ferriss |
If you don't have cancer and you do a therapeutic fast 1 to 3 times per year, you could purge any precancerous cells that may be living in your body.
Timothy Ferriss |
Whether you are raising money, pitching your product to customers, selling the company, or recruiting employees, never forget that underneath all the math and the MBA bullshit talk, we are all still emotionally driven human beings. We want to attach ourselves to narratives. We don't act because of equations. We follow our beliefs. We get behind leaders who stir our feelings. In the early days of your venture, if you find someone diving too ..
Timothy Ferriss |
If effectiveness is doing the right things, efficiency is doing things right.
Timothy Ferriss |
Martin Luther King, Jr., famously remarked that "justice too long delayed is justice denied." Learning"
Timothy Ferriss |
PETER: "The pitch was, 'Listen, wouldn't you want entrepreneurs around the world to be working on new technologies so that this is off your balance sheet?'" TF:" --
Timothy Ferriss |
Three to five billion new consumers are coming online in the next 6 years. Holy cow, that's extraordinary. What do they need?
Timothy Ferriss |
I ask them, 'How will you disrupt yourself, and how are you trying to disrupt yourself? If you're not, you're in for a real surprise.' Find the smartest 20-somethings in your company. I don't care if they're in the mail room or where they are. Give them permission to figure out how they would take down your company." PETER"
Timothy Ferriss |
Fasting before chemotherapy is definitely something that should be implemented in our oncology wards,
Timothy Ferriss |
Fasting essentially slows (sometimes stops) rapidly dividing cells and triggers an 'energetic crisis' that makes cancer cells selectively vulnerable to chemo and radiation." There"
Timothy Ferriss |
What are the biggest tech trends that you see defining the future? "I don't like talking in terms of tech 'trends' because I think, once you have a trend, you have many people doing it. And once you have many people doing something, you have lots of competition and little differentiation. You, generally, never want to be part of a popular trend. You do not want to be the fourth online pet food company in the late 1990s. You do not want to b..
Timothy Ferriss |
I'm not sure how much the formal study of philosophy matters, but I think the fundamental philosophical question is one that's important for all of us, and it's always this question of 'What do people agree merely by convention, and what is the truth?
Timothy Ferriss |
The blog post I point people to the most is called 'First, Ten,' and it is a simple theory of marketing that says: tell ten people, show ten people, share it with ten people; ten people who already trust you and already like you. If they don't tell anybody else, it's not that good and you should start over. If they do tell other people, you're on your way." TO"
Timothy Ferriss |
TO CREATE SOMETHING GREAT (OR EVENTUALLY HUGE), START EXTREMELY SMALL "My suggestion is, whenever possible, ask yourself: What's the smallest possible footprint I can get away with?"
Timothy Ferriss |