Advice to your 20-year-old self? "I would say, 'Write everything down because it's all very fleeting.' I would say, 'Keep a journal,' which I have but I would have been more meticulous. Then I would say, 'Don't bow to the gatekeepers at the head of, in my case, show business, but at the gate of any business or any endeavor.' Don't bow to the gatekeepers because I think, in essence, there are no gatekeepers. You are the gatekeeper. . . . "Do..
Timothy Ferriss |
even. By the time things were done, I was exhausted and depressed and just really, really unhappy. We all were. But it didn't have to be that way. That experience taught me to take agency in my own professional narratives, and that endings don't have to be failures, especially when you choose to end a project or shut down a business. Shortly after the restaurant closed, I started a food market as a small side project, and it ended up being ..
Timothy Ferriss |
The concept of lifestyle design as a replacement for multi-staged career planning is sound.
Timothy Ferriss |
If you have a strong informed opinion, don't keep it to yourself. Try to help people and make the world a better place. If you strive to do anything remotely interesting, just expect a small percentage of the population to always find a way to take it personally. F*ck 'em. There are no statues erected to critics.
Timothy Ferriss |
Person A: What happens when Bill Gates walks into a bar of 55 people? Person B: I don't know. What? Person A: The "average" net worth jumps to more than a billion dollars!2"
Timothy Ferriss |
sometimes it pays to model the outliers, not flatten them into averages. This isn't limited to business.
Timothy Ferriss |
As Bruce Lee said, "Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own."
Timothy Ferriss |
An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field." -Niels Bohr"
Timothy Ferriss |
Most people will choose unhappiness over uncertainty.
Timothy Ferriss |
Oftentimes, in order to do the big things, you have to let the small bad things happen.
Timothy Ferriss |
I used to resent obstacles along the path, thinking, 'If only that hadn't happened life would be so good.' Then I suddenly realized, life is the obstacles. There is no underlying path." Janna Levin TW/IG: @jannalevin"
Timothy Ferriss |
How has being "realistic" or "responsible" kept you from the life you want? 2. How has doing what you "should" resulted in subpar experiences or regret for not having done something else? 3. Look at what you're currently doing and ask yourself, "What would happen if I did the opposite of"
Timothy Ferriss |
Wasn't it Bill Clinton who said that when dealing with anyone who's upset, he always asks, 'Has this person slept? Have they eaten? Is somebody else bugging them?' He goes through this simple checklist. . . . When we're handling babies and the baby is kicking and crying, we almost never once say, 'That baby's out to get me' or 'She's got evil intentions.
Timothy Ferriss |
To find the right things, we'll need to go to the garden.
Timothy Ferriss |
Most who avoid quitting their jobs entertain the thought that their course will improve with time or increases in income. This seems valid and is a tempting hallucination when a job is boring or uninspiring instead of pure hell. Pure hell forces action, but anything less can be endured with enough clever rationalization. Do you really think it will improve or is it wishful thinking and an excuse for inaction? If you were confident in improv..
Timothy Ferriss |
1. Doing something unimportant well does not make it important. 2. Requiring a lot of time does not make a task important.
Timothy Ferriss |
Creation is a better means of self-expression than possession; it is through creating, not possessing, that life is revealed. --VIDA D. SCUDDER, The Life of the Spirit in the Modern English Poets
Timothy Ferriss |
Do your own thinking independently. Be the chess player, not the chess piece. --RALPH CHARELL
Timothy Ferriss |
Losers react, leaders anticipate.
Timothy Ferriss |
Losing makes you think in ways victories can't. You begin asking questions instead of feeling like you have the answers. Questions open up the doors to so many possibilities.
Timothy Ferriss |
Things in Excess Become Their Opposite. It is possible to have too much of a good thing. In excess, most endeavors and possessions take on the characteristics of their opposite. Thus: Pacifists become militants. Freedom fighters become tyrants. Blessings become curses. Help becomes hindrance. More becomes less.4 Too much, too many, and too often of what you want becomes what you don't want.
Timothy Ferriss |
To quote the industrial statistician George Box: "Every model is wrong, but some are useful."
Timothy Ferriss |
Believe it or not, it is not only possible to accomplish more by doing less, it is mandatory. Enter the world of elimination.
Timothy Ferriss |
Follow your intellectual curiosity over whatever is "hot" right now. If your curiosity ever leads you to a place where society eventually wants to go, you'll get paid extremely well."
Timothy Ferriss |
People suck at following advice. Even the most effective people in the world are terrible at it. There are two reasons: 1. Most people have an insufficient reason for action. The pain isn't painful enough. It's a nice-to-have, not a must-have. There has been no "Harajuku Moment." 2. There are no reminders. No consistent tracking = no awareness = no behavioral change. Consistent tracking, even if you have no knowledge of fat-loss or exercise..
Timothy Ferriss |
Think of them as insurance against the weaknesses of human nature--your weaknesses, my weaknesses, our weaknesses: 1. Make it conscious. 2. Make it a game. 3. Make it competitive. 4. Make it small and temporary.
Timothy Ferriss |
Seeing progress in changing numbers makes the repetitive fascinating and creates a positive feedback loop. Once again, the act of measuring is often more important than what you measure. To quote the industrial statistician George Box: "Every model is wrong, but some are useful."
Timothy Ferriss |
Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious."--Thomas Edison"
Timothy Ferriss |
Which philosophers would Alain suggest for practical living? Alain's list overlaps nearly 100% with my own: Epicurus, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Plato, Michel de Montaigne, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Bertrand Russell. * Most-gifted or recommended books? The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera, Essays of Michel de Montaigne. * Favorite documentary The Up series: This ongoing series is filmed in the UK, and revisit..
Timothy Ferriss |
Morning pages are, as author Julia Cameron puts it, "spiritual windshield wipers." It's the most cost-effective therapy I've ever found. To quote her further, from page viii: "Once we get those muddy, maddening, confusing thoughts [nebulous worries, jitters, and preoccupations] on the page, we face our day with clearer eyes." Please reread the above quote. It may be the most important aspect of trapping thought on paper (i.e., writing) you'..
Timothy Ferriss |
Researchers use alloxan in lab rats to induce diabetes. That's right--it's used to produce diabetes. This is bad news if you eat anything white or "enriched."
Timothy Ferriss |
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."--Albert Einstein"
Timothy Ferriss |
Ravikant, Naval: "'Desire is a contract that you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want' (paraphrased"
Timothy Ferriss |
there is always a single "source": the person who took the first risk on a new initiative. That source maintains a unique relationship with the gestalt of the original idea and has an intuitive knowledge of what the right next step for the initiative is, whereas others who join later to help with the execution often lack that intuitive connection to the founder's original insight. Many organizational tensions and power struggles often revol..
Timothy Ferriss |
Einstein said, "If I had an hour to solve a problem, I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions."
Timothy Ferriss |
The word cellulite, for example, first appeared in the April 15, 1968, issue of Vogue magazine, and this invented disease soon had a believer base worldwide: Vogue began to focus on the body as much as on the clothes, in part because there was little they could dictate with the anarchic styles.... In a stunning move, an entire replacement culture was developed by naming a "problem" where it had scarcely existed before, centering it on the w..
Timothy Ferriss |
REMEMBER: it is impossible to evaluate, or even understand, anything that you cannot measure." 80"
Timothy Ferriss |
The key to that satisfaction is to reach the nirvana in which love of practice for its own sake (intrinsic) replaces the original goal (extrinsic) as our grail. The antithesis of mastery is the pursuit of quick fixes.
Timothy Ferriss |
In other words, you can spend all day undermining other people, and even if you're right, who cares? Anybody can talk about why something's bad. Try doing something good.
Timothy Ferriss |
Exact numbers aren't needed to realize that we spend too much time with those who poison us with pessimism, sloth, and low expectations of themselves and the world. It is often the case that you have to fire certain friends or retire from particular social circles to have the life you want. This isn't being mean; it is being practical. Poisonous people do not deserve your time. To think otherwise is masochistic.
Timothy Ferriss |
If you find yourself in a fair fight, you didn't plan your mission properly." -Colonel David Hackworth"
Timothy Ferriss |
Charles Munger, right-hand adviser to Warren Buffett, the richest man on the planet, is known for his unparalleled clear thinking and near-failure-proof track record. How did he refine his thinking to help build a $3 trillion business in Berkshire Hathaway? The answer is "mental models," or analytical rules-of-thumb4 pulled from disciplines outside of investing, ranging from physics to evolutionary biology. Eighty to 90 models have helped C..
Timothy Ferriss |
There is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to do. --BILL WATTERSON,
Timothy Ferriss |
The immediate answer that comes to mind is 'humility.' Because you've got to be humble, and you've got to be coachable. . . . Later, when I was running training, we would fire a couple leaders from every SEAL Team because they couldn't lead. And 99.9% of the time, it wasn't a question of their ability to shoot a weapon, it wasn't because they weren't in good physical shape, it wasn't because they were unsafe. It was almost always a question..
Timothy Ferriss |