When statistics come in saying that only 29 percent of American women would describe themselves as feminist--and only 42 percent of British women--I used to think, What do you think feminism IS, ladies? What part of "liberation for women" is not for you? Is it freedom to vote? The right not to be owned by the man you marry? The campaign for equal pay? "Vogue," by Madonna? Jeans? Did all that good shit GET ON YOUR NERVES? Or were you just DR..
Caitlin Moran |
Perhaps it's time for women to finally stop being secretive about their vices and start treating them like all other addicts treat their habits instead.
Caitlin Moran |
Galaxies of nothing are going on in her eyes.
Caitlin Moran |
But surely they will know underneath it all I'm a good and noble person, in love with the world? Surely you get a sense of that, underneath what I'm actually saying? People must be able to smell that, underneath all the harsh words, I'm someone who still wants to own a sausage dog, and cries about Nelson Mandela.
Caitlin Moran |
I'm not going to be worshipped by some powerful, loaded, sword-wielding man who will change my life if I marry him. Because that is Aragon, son of Arathorn, and he doesn't exist.
Caitlin Moran |
We were all wondering--could you stop the maracas
Caitlin Moran |
difficult to see the glass ceiling because it's made of glass. Virtually invisible. What we need is for more birds to fly above it and shit all over it, so we can see it properly.
Caitlin Moran |
I assure you, I have only had a few weak ales," I say, slightly cross-eyed. "I'm perferly fine to remain here."
Caitlin Moran |
When a woman says, "I have nothing to wear!" what she really means is, "There's nothing here for who I'm supposed to be today."
Caitlin Moran |
So what do you do when you build yourself--only to realize you built yourself with the wrong things? You rip it up and start again. That is the work of your teenage years--to build up and tear down and build up again,
Caitlin Moran |
academics would read, and discussed at 11 p.m. on BBC4.
Caitlin Moran |
It's really best not to tell people when you feel bad. Growing up is about keeping secrets, and pretending everything is fine.
Caitlin Moran |
Of course, people discovering true love works out badly for everyone, really. I mean, it's okay in the end- once everyone settles down and stops making a big fuss about it. But fairly near the beginning, there is a massive test of everyone's patience and love- a wedding.
Caitlin Moran |
Diana, Princess of Wales is feminine. Kylie Minogue is feminine. I am . . . femi-none.
Caitlin Moran |
woman in heels stands a statistical likelihood of ending her evening with her shoes in her handbag, barefoot and demanding a piggyback to the taxi stand in order to "keep her tights clean." Men are invariably the pig whose back is called for."
Caitlin Moran |
theologian Paul Tillich. Tillich characterizes anxiety into three categories: "ontic anxiety" is the fear of fate and death. The second is "moral anxiety," from guilt, or condemnation. The third is "spiritual anxiety," prompted by an empty life, without direction or meaning."
Caitlin Moran |
And the thing about scared people is, whenever you ask them for advice, on whatever subject, they only ever have one thing to say to you: "Run."
Caitlin Moran |
Actually I call them Simon and Garfunkel because one's bigger than the other."--but"
Caitlin Moran |
I also wish to be...noble. Profoundly noble. I wish to devote myself to a cause. I want to be part of something. I want to swing into action, like a one-woman army. An arm-me. As soon as I actually find something to believe in, I'm going to believe in it more than anyone else has ever believed in anything, ever. I am going to be devout. But I don't want to be noble and committed like most women in history were - which invariably seems to in..
Caitlin Moran |
I have never prevented my own doom before. I have never stood in the path of certain unhappiness and told myself--lovingly, like a mother to myself--"No! This unhappiness will not suit you! Turn around and go another way!"
Caitlin Moran |
Robert Johnson invented the blues, at midnight, at a crossroads, after selling his soul to the devil. Dorothy Parker invented amusing women, at 2 p.m., in New York's best cocktail bar, after tipping a busboy 50 cents for a martini. It's hard not to draw conclusions as to which is the brighter sex.
Caitlin Moran |
Things were going to happen to me last night that I did not like--and I stopped them. I have never prevented my own doom before. I have never stood in the path of certain unhappiness and told myself--lovingly, like a mother to myself--"No! This unhappiness will not suit you! Turn around and go another way!"
Caitlin Moran |
Por ora, o unico plano em que consegui pensar e escrever. Eu sei escrever, porque escrever - diferentemente de coreografia, arquitetura ou conquistar reinos - e algo que voce pode fazer mesmo sendo solitaria e pobre, e sem ter infraestrutura, i.e: uma companhia de bale ou alguns canhoes. Pessoas pobres podem escrever. E uma das poucas coisas que a pobreza e a falta de conexoes nao podem impedir voce de fazer.
Caitlin Moran |
If you fly high enough, if you get above the clouds, it's never-ending summer.
Caitlin Moran |
I will NOT be reading when we fly. My face is pressed against the window. When we fly, I am going to be absolutely present for every meter and every cloud. No one will EVER have flown more than me.
Caitlin Moran |
But now I've discovered the truth of the matter: that any woman can get laid, any time that she wants. Any woman. Any time. It is the greatest and most amazing secret on earth. It really doesn't matter if you're some fat chick wearing a top hat and speaking with a Wolverhampton accent. It's ridiculously easy.
Caitlin Moran |
I adore Janis Joplin, who sixties herself to death.
Caitlin Moran |
Caitlin Moran |
I now believe that there are only four things a grown, modern woman should have: a pair of yellow shoes (they unexpectedly go with everything), a friend who will come and post bail at 4 a.m., a fail-safe pie recipe, and a proper muff.
Caitlin Moran |
Despues de miles de anos de machismo de mierda) Como es natural, las personas que han estado psicologicamente machacadas no empiezan a hacer cosas gloriosas, seguras, ostentosas nada mas ser liberadas. En vez de eso, se quedan pensando: "Que cono ha pasado", intentando entender por que ocurrio, intentando dilucidar si fueron ellas las culpables(...) Hay un largo periodo de darse palmaditas en la espalda mientras uno se pregunta "?Estoy bien..
Caitlin Moran |
No estoy segura de que 'ser' sea algo innato en la mujer, que vengamos asi programadas (...) se me ocurre que durante mucho tiempo, cuando has pasado milenios sin que te permitan hacer nada, tiendes a ser autocritica, analitica y reflexiva porque es lo unico que puedes hacer realmente aparte de estar buena
Caitlin Moran |
In 2010, Iceland - with a lesbian prime minister, and a parliament which is 50 per cent female - became the first country in the world to outlaw strip clubs for feminist, rather than religious, reasons.
Caitlin Moran |
I don't want children anyway," Caz says. "So I am getting nothing out of this whatsoever. I want my entire reproductive system taken out and replaced with spare lungs, for when I start smoking. I want that option. This is pointless."
Caitlin Moran |
Personalmente, encuentro absurda la idea de que las mujeres <> ir de compras; casi todas las que conozco tienen ganas de llorar despues de pasarse cuarenta y cinco minutos recorriendo las tiendas de moda en busca de una camisa, y se apresuran a beber ginebra en las tristes ocasiones en que tienen que encontrar un vaquero.
Caitlin Moran |
cuantas mujeres llegaran a la conclusion, suspirando, de que no pueden ser feministas porque tienen una senora de la limpieza? Pero, por supuesto, al contratar una ayuda domestica, ninguna mujer esta oprimiendo a otra, ya que LAS MUJERES NO INVENTARON EL POLVO. EL RESIDUO PEGAJOSO QUE SE ACUMULA SOBRE LA TETERA NO PROCEDE DE LA VAGINA DE LAS MUJERES. NO ES ESTROGENO LO QUE LLENA LOS PLATOS DE LA CENA DE SALSA DE TOMATE, MIGAS DE PESCADO EMP..
Caitlin Moran |
The mouth is the heart of the face,
Caitlin Moran |
Things happen in these kinds of towns that could never happen anywhere else--proud, poor kids make things happen with more heat, and intensity, and attack, than could ever be managed somewhere with pleasant villages or well-tended gardens.
Caitlin Moran |
Because there is an unspoken announcement commensurate with that look. Women who've had the needle, or the knife, look like they're saying: 'My friends are not my friends, my men are unreliable and faint hearted, my lifetime's work counts for nothing, I am 59 and empty-handed. I'm still as defenceless as the day I was born. PLUS, I've now spunked all my yacht money on my arse. By any sane index, I have failed at my life.
Caitlin Moran |
When did feminism become confused with Buddhism?
Caitlin Moran |
I am so tired. Tired--but so so so wired to the moon.
Caitlin Moran |
When I was with the wrong man], it felt like our relationship was a gigantic puzzle - a huge existential and emotional quiz that, if I applied myself to enough, I would solve and gain the result of True Love. After all, the ingredients for us to be the perfect couple were there...The problem was just that he was unhappy. I knew that. I knew it in my bones. When I found the way the way to make him happy, everything would be fine. He was brok..
Caitlin Moran |
I've learned what my contemporaries will have learned in their first terms at college, or university - that the first friends you make in a new place are the ones you usually spend the next three terms trying to lose, and that it's the people who are quietly holding back, and standing in the corner, that you will want to be with, when your second year comes arounds.
Caitlin Moran |
Because there's a silent, shrugging, stoical acceptance of all the things in the world we can never be part of: shorts, swimming pools, strappy dresses, country walks, roller-skating, ra-ra skirts, vest tops, high heels, rope climbing, sitting on a high stool, walking past building sites, flirting, being kissed, feeling confident. And ever losing weight, ever. The idea of suggesting we don't have to be fat -that things could change -is the ..
Caitlin Moran |
My fat years were when I was not human shaped. I was a 16-stone triangle, with inverted triangle legs, and no real neck. And that's because I wasn't doing human things. I didn't walk or run or dance or swim or climb up stairs; the food I ate wasn't the stuff that humans are supposed to eat. No one is supposed to eat a pound of boiled potatoes covered in Vitalite, or a fist-sized lump of cheese on the end of a fork, wielded like a lollipop. ..
Caitlin Moran |