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0ab8b9b Hiszek abban, hogy a szerelemert szenvedni kell. Ugy hiszem, ez valahogy dicso dolog. Ostoba vagyok. Annyira ostoba vagyok. Caitlin Moran
84562c7 A fehernemu mellett a szerelem is a no dolga. A nok arra valok, hogy belejuk szeressenek. Amikor a noket sujto nagy tragediakrol beszelunk, miutan a haborukat es a sebesuleseket letargyaltuk, az erint meg bennunket leginkabb, ha valakit nem szeretnek, igy nem is akarnak. Igaz, hogy I. Erzsebet lefektette a Brit Birodalom alapjait, de soha nem mehetett ferjhez - szegeny, sapadt, puderezett kiralyno. Jennifer Aniston gyonyoru, sikeres milliom.. Caitlin Moran
5d8c163 I find rap, dance, and hip-hop vaguely terrifying. I don't have the right clothes to be into them, and it all seems a bit intense. I file these genres along with heavy metal and speed metal under "people who would kill, then eat me." Caitlin Moran
08d55a6 Jaj, istenem. Egyszeruen gozom sincs. Gozom sincs, hogyan lesz belolem valaha is no. Caitlin Moran
128d46e De azzal, ha valaki onmagaval harcol, az a baj, hogy akkor is veszit, ha nyer. Egy ido utan - serulten, kimerulten - vagy elfogadja, hogy nove kell valnia - hogy no -, vagy vege. Ez a serdulokor brutalis, radikalis igazsaga - hogy sokszor nem mas, mint hosszu es fajdalmas irtohadjarat. Azok az oncsonkito lanyok karjukon es combjukon a pengenyomok racsozataval csak arra emlekeztetik magukat, hogy a testuk csatater. Ha a borotvat nem veszi be.. Caitlin Moran
d303621 This is where rock happens! This is where young people come! Rock music smells of toilet and cigarettes! Caitlin Moran
e05b99f Nekem szemely szerint pinam van. Neha bula vagy muff, de altalaban csak pina. A pina rendes, osi, tortenelmi eredetu, eros szo. Tetszik, hogy egyben a legeroteljesebb szitokszo is. Igen. Ennyire eros, sracok. Ha megmondom, mim van nekem odalenn, idosebb holgyek es egyhazi szemelyek meg elajulnak. Imadom, hogy sokkol mindenkit, ha azt mondom, ,,pina". Mintha atombomba vagy verszomjas tigris vagy fegyver lenne a bugyimban." Caitlin Moran
3c46707 The thing is," I say to Paul Tillich, in my head, "the thing is, Paul, that ultimately, I don't think my anxiety is ontic, moral, or spiritual." I look at him. "At the end of it all, I just need some money, Paul," I say. Paul Tillich nods. If I were rich, none of this would matter. I just need some money." Caitlin Moran
d12b168 No one ever laughs when I make these kinds of jokes. When Bill Murray says shit like this, people completely lose it. I wish I was Bill Murray. I hope everything I've read about evolution is wrong, and I eventually evolve into him. Caitlin Moran
17a76df I speculate, briefly, on how different the world would be if it were run by women. In that world, if you were a lonely, horny woman - as I am. As I always am - you'd see Blu-tacked postcards by Soho doorways that read, 'Nice man in cardigan, 24, will talk to you about The Smiths whilst making you cheese-on-toast + come to parties with you. Apply within. Caitlin Moran
24d5ef8 Buy flowers -- or if you are poor, steal one from someone's garden; the world owes you that much at least: a blossom -- and put them at the end of the bed. When you wake, look at them, and tell yourself you are the kind of person who wakes up and sees flowers. This stops your first thought being, "I fear today. Today is the day maybe I cannot survive anymore," which I know is what you would otherwise think. Thinking about blossoms before yo.. Caitlin Moran
33f5a06 Amire viszont mindenkit buzditok, az nem mas, minthogy mondja ki: ,,feminista vagyok". Lehetoleg allj fel egy szekre, es kialtsd el magad: FEMINISTA VAGYOK! - de csak azert, mert szerintem minden sokkal izgalmasabb, ha az ember szekre all hozza. Nagyon fontos, hogy hangosan ejtsd ki a szavakat. FEMINISTA VAGYOK. Ha ugy erzed, nem megy - meg a foldon allva sem -, nagyon aggodnek. Valoszinuleg a legfontosabb dolgok koze tartozik, amiket egy.. Caitlin Moran
fb63e78 A rohadek nemi hormonok pajkos gyermekbol verzo, bogo, ajuldozo mosonove valtoztattak. Ezektol a hormonoktol egyaltalan nem erzem magam noiesnek: minden ejjel nyomorultan fekszem az agyamban, es a bugyimbol dudorodo intimbetet ugy nez ki, mintha faszom lenne. Caitlin Moran
9fd5301 A szor a noi let egyik legelso es legnagyobb gondja. Hivatlanul jelenik meg, ugyhogy dontest kell hozni rola - ami magunknak es a kulvilagnak is azt jelzi, kik vagyunk. Mivel a kamaszkorral kezdodik a bonyolult, elethosszig tarto toprenges, hogy mit is csinaljunk vele, a szor a nyitanya az evtizedekig tarto nema sikoltozasnak: ,,KI VAGYOK EN?", mikozben az ures kosarat markolaszva allunk a drogeriaban egy sor kulonfele termek elott. Valam.. Caitlin Moran
338edca When cynicism becomes the default language, playfulness and invention become impossible. Cynicism scours through a culture like bleach, wiping out millions of small, seedling ideas. Cynicism means your automatic answer becomes, "No." Cynicism means you presume everything will end up in disappointment. And this is, ultimately, why anyone becomes cynical. Because they are scared of disappointment. Because they are fearful their innocence will.. Caitlin Moran
626dcf1 When cynicism becomes the default language, playfulness and invention become impossible. Cynicism scours through a culture like bleach, wiping out millions of small, seedling ideas. Cynicism means your automatic answer becomes, "No." Cynicism means you presume everything will end up in disappointment. And this is, ultimately, why anyone becomes cynical. Because they are scared of disappointment. Because they are fearful their innocence will.. Caitlin Moran
76ef5bc This is why museums are so wonderful: walking around, observing mankind's joyride from slime to WiFi, you see incredible ironwork, inspirational pottery, fabulous vellums, and exquisite paintings, and - across these disciplines- tons of fruity historical humping. Men fucking men, men fucking women, men going down on women, women pleasuring themselves - it's all there. Every conceivable manifestation of human sexuality, in clay and stone and.. Caitlin Moran
1bd6c14 I imagine possible relations all the time. All the time. My God, in my teens I was fucking tragic for it. I scarcely existed in the real world at all. I lived in some kind of ... Sex Narnia. My love life was busy, exciting, and totally imaginary. Caitlin Moran
7c7521a The 1990s are a bad time to be poor and not-famous. Caitlin Moran
54d99b8 Az alsonemuk - elsosorban a bugyi es a melltarto, de az alsoszoknya, a harisnyafelek es az ,,alakformalo" ruhadarabok is - a noi let specialis darabjai. A tuzoltok overalljanak es sisakjanak noi megfeleloi. Vagy a bohocok tulmeretezett cipojenek. A noiseg ,,munkajahoz" kell. Technikai szempontbol szukseges. Ugy ertem, minden no mas, de legtobbszor szuksegunk van a melltartora, hogy atveszeljunk egy-egy napot - foleg, ha futni kell a busz ut.. Caitlin Moran
fe7ccd0 Hazaerek, es ott sirok az ajto elott. Oszinten szolva a haz tulzsufolt a sirashoz. Mar kiprobaltam odabenn - huppogesek kozepette magyarazza az ember valakinek, hogy miert sir, aztan a felenel bejon meg valaki, es elolrol akarja hallani az egesz sztorit, es mielott eszbe kapnal, a legrosszabb reszt mar hatszor mondtad el, es olyan hiszterikus allapotba lovaltad magad, hogy a nap tovabbi reszeben egyfolytaban csuklasz. Caitlin Moran
4b85604 But women living in fear of aging, and pulling painful and expensive tricks to hide it from the world, does not say something amazing about us as humans. Caitlin Moran
6f44bdc And having a cleaner is nothing to do with feminism. If a middle-class woman is engaging in anti-feminist activity by hiring a woman to do the cleaning, then surely a middle-class man is engaging in class oppression when he hires a male plumber? Feminism has had exactly the same problem that 'political correctness' has had: people keep using the phrase without really knowing what it means. Caitlin Moran
4f8c7b5 Few girls would choose to be right - right, down into their clever, brilliant bones - but lonely. Caitlin Moran
6fb248d No puedo entender los argumentos antiabortistas que se centran en que la vida es sagrada. Como especie, hemos demostrado hasta la saciedad que no creemos que la vida sea sagrada. La indiferencia con que aceptamos la guerra, las hambrunas, las epidemias, el dolor y la pobreza extrema y cronica, nos muestra que, por mucho que nos enganemos, solo hemos hecho el menor esfuerzo posible para tratar realmente la vida como algo sagrado. Caitlin Moran
e860f97 And every book, you find, has its own social group- friends of its own it wants to introduce you to, like a party in the library that need never, ever end. Caitlin Moran
65edc24 I have a rule of thumb that allows me to judge-when time is pressing and one needs to make a snap judgment-whether some sexist bullshit is afoot. Obviously it's not 100 percent infallible but, but by and large, it definitely points you in the right direction. And it's asking this question: 'Are the men doing it? Are the men worrying about this as well? Is this taking up the men's time? Caitlin Moran
71609b6 You can always tell when a woman is with the wrong man, because she has so much to say about the fact that nothing's happening. When women find the right person, on the other hand, they just...disappear for six months, and then resurface, eyes shiny, and usually about six pounds heavier. 'So what's he like?' you will say, waiting for the usual cloudburst of things he says and things he does and requests of analysis of what you think it mean.. Caitlin Moran
95ef419 As I have said, in the same way that you can tell if some sexism is happening to you by asking the question 'Is this polite, or not?' you can tell whether some misogynistic societal pressure is being exerted on women by calmly enquiring, 'And are the men doing this, as well?' If they aren't, chances are you're dealing with what we strident feminists refer to as 'some total fucking bullshit. Caitlin Moran
a4ff491 The more scared children are, the tighter they hug you. Caitlin Moran
173d5a2 Yeah. They wake up a couple of times in the night, but, you know, that is the ineffable nature of the young!" I said. This woman was bound to be impressed by what an engaged big sister I was. Also, my vocabulary." Caitlin Moran
b9740e5 I'm going to be the Beatles of kissing. Caitlin Moran
7d9f4bb I look at me in the monitor, and I can see me very quickly looking down at the poem in my hands and reading it very intently--because I don't care what I look like. I am a poet, and a writer, and I deal with hearts and souls and words, and not meat and vanity and a dress that would have made me look better. It doesn't matter that I am ugly. I will just have to work out how, exactly, that is true. I will prove that it doesn't matter that I a.. Caitlin Moran
512013c When Bowie yelps that he could do better than that, I hear another young person stuck somewhere, looking out of the window and imagining how much better they would invent the world, if they were just given the chance to lay their hands on the machinery. If they could just bust into the engine room for twenty-four hours with a toolbox. Caitlin Moran
9e0f65f I sit at my desk, and I do not know where the words are hidden! Caitlin Moran
0b9c4c3 A gig, I realize now, is a place where people come together and give permission for anything to happen. Things can be said and shouted and sung; people get pissed; people get kissed--there is a communal agenda of joyous wilding. These are the boardroom meetings of young people, where we establish our vibe. Caitlin Moran
052d791 Krissi starts dancing toward me in a showy disco-jog. Still a bit hurt, I do vague, place-holding disco fingers at him. Caitlin Moran
2b7d21b It was all the other stuff that was the surprise. Here's the amazing thing about sex: you get a whole person to yourself, for the first time since you were a baby. Someone who is looking at you--just you--and thinking about you, and wanting you, and you haven't even had to lie at the bottom of the stairs and pretend you're dead to get them to do it. Caitlin Moran
21dfaa0 It seemed to me that this was the real reason people wanted to fuck so much. To get here. To get to this tiny, quiet place where there was nothing else to do but be with each other. Just to be two humans who had--for a short while--stopped wanting. This is the beautiful, final destination. The end of things. Caitlin Moran
b51584b Shit," he says helplessly. "No--piss," I say, like Oscar fucking Wilde." Caitlin Moran
c06fde1 The truth is, when you are very poor, that 11 percent bites into the very bones of your existence. Eleven percent less means choosing between electricity, or food--electricity and food that is already rationed, and fretted over. Eleven percent is not very much--but, when you are very poor, it may form the bedrock of your survival. Caitlin Moran
db01edf En nuestros dias, el machismo es un poco como Meryl Streep en una nueva pelicula: a veces no la reconoces enseguida. Puedes pasarte veinte minutos disfrutando de los dinosaurios, de las luchas espaciales y de los nostalgicos soldados confederados antes de decir: <> (p. 151). Caitlin Moran
e119072 La forma mas rapida y facil de acabar con los buenos momentos es poner en ellos demasiadas expectativas (p. 221). Caitlin Moran
1c516c7 The actual handbag is neither here nor there-- it's what you keep in it that's the most important thing. Caitlin Moran
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