A linguagem nos diz exatamente o que pensamos das mulheres solteiras -- esta tudo la, na diferenca entre "solteirao" e "ficou para titia". Os solteiroes tem tudo. As titias precisam correr atras de tudo, e rapido. A demanda de mercado dita o valor de uma mulher: se e solteira, nao e desejada e, portanto -- se esse estado das coisas permanecer por um tempo --, e menos desejavel."
Caitlin Moran |
When Simone de Beauvoir said, "One is not born a woman--one becomes one," she didn't know the half of it. In"
Caitlin Moran |
I'm an enthusiast who's been pretending to be a cynic. But I have been correctly labeled now. I am for things--not against them. I must remember this. Mainly because this is more fun. It's exhausting being cynical. You are trying to be an immovable, angry rock in the middle of a stream. But the stream will not move. It is you that will be worn down to dull silt.
Caitlin Moran |
At school, I could see some of my contemporaries were choosing not to be active women--out there, making their own fate--but to be princesses, just waiting to be "found" and married, instead."
Caitlin Moran |
But the problem with battling yourself is that even if you win, you lose. At some point--scarred and exhausted--you either accept that you must become a woman--that you are a woman--or you die.
Caitlin Moran |
El feminismo tradicional dira que estos temas no son los importantes, que debemos centrarnos en lo fundamental: la desigualdad salarial, la ablacion femenina en el Tercer Mundo y la violencia de genero. Y es obvio que estos son asuntos urgentes, vergonzosos e injustos, y que el mundo no podra ir con la frente alta hasta que se solucionen. Pero todos esos otros problemas mas pequenos, estupidos y cotidianos son, en muchos sentidos, igual de..
Caitlin Moran |
Egy kamaszlanynak legiesnek es szexisnek kellene lennie. Egy kover kamaszlany testenek senki sem veszi hasznat, csak o maga. Egy albatrosz. Egy tulmeretezett feher madar. Ugy vonszolom magammal, mint egy vasmacskat. De hiszen csak egy agy vagyok dunsztosuvegben, mondom magamban. Ez a vigaszom. Csak egy agy vagyok egy dunsztosuvegben. A tobbi resz nem szamit. Ez a testem. A tobbi resz. A dunsztosuveg. Okos vagyok, ugyhogy nem szamit, ha ko..
Caitlin Moran |
FURTHER NOTE: This plan can ONLY go wrong in the event of ants. Ants do NOT like being pissed on.
Caitlin Moran |
Precisamos retomar a palavra "feminismo". Precisamos muito, mas muito mesmo pegar de volta a palavra "feminismo". Quando aparecem estatisticas dizendo que apenas 29% das mulheres norte-americanas se descrevem como feministas -- e apenas 42% das inglesas --, eu penso: o que voces acham que feminismo e, mocas? Que parte da "liberacao das mulheres" nao e para voces? Sera que e o direito de votar? De nao ser uma posse do marido? A campanha por ..
Caitlin Moran |
En el mundo actual, esta idea trasnochada de que hace a los hombres deseables para las mujeres es absurda y obsoleta: como demuestra el hecho de que normalmente sea gente de mas de cuarenta anos la que habla de ello. Para casi todo el mundo por debajo de esa edad, vivimos en una epoca en la que realmente lo que hace a un hombre <> es evitar peleas (el sistema legal es un conazo, ademas de caro), ser divertido (estamos sentados sobre c..
Caitlin Moran |
Keith Richards is a man without regret. When I ask him if--given the chance to do it all over again--he'd start taking heroin, he doesn't pause. "Oh yes. Yes. There was a lot of experience in there--you meet a lot of weird people, different takes on life that you're not going to find if you don't go there. I loved a good high. And if you stay up, you get the songs that everyone else misses, because they're asleep. There's songs zooming arou..
Caitlin Moran |
Porque esta exigencia de que todas las mujeres tengan hijos no tiene la menor logica. Si te detienes a pensar un momento como esta el mundo, te das cuenta de que estan naciendo un monton de ninos: el planeta no necesita realmente que todas traigamos mas ninos. Especialmente bebes del Primer Mundo, con su feroz consumo de petroleo, bosques y agua, y eructando sin parar emisiones de carbono y basuras. Los ninos del Primer Mundo se estan comi..
Caitlin Moran |
I'm not going to be worshipped by some powerful, loaded, sword-wielding man who will change my life if I marry him. Because that is Aragorn, son of Arathorn, and he doesn't exist.
Caitlin Moran |
las personas que han estado psicologicamente machacadas no empiezan a hacer cosas gloriosas, seguras, ostentosas nada mas ser liberadas. En vez de eso, se quedan pensando: <>, intentando entender por que ocurrio, intentando --a menudo-- dilucidar si fueron ellas las culpables. Tienen que averiguar cual es su relacion con el antiguo agresor, e idear nuevas estructuras de mando, si es que deciden tenerlas. Hay una necesi..
Caitlin Moran |
fat" such power is, of course, no good at all. . . . Say it until you lose the nervousness around it, say it until it seems normal--like the word "tray"--and eventually becomes meaningless. Point at things and call them "fat." "That tile is fat." "The wall is fat.' "I believe Jesus is fat." The heat needs to be drained out of the word "fat, like a fever from a child. We need to stare, clearly and calmly, right into the middle of fat and tal..
Caitlin Moran |
Not one had ever passed judgement on my cheap handbag to my face. But then, this is a reserved country.
Caitlin Moran |
Life is really the only place you can learn the most important lessons about how to get dressed and to be happy.
Caitlin Moran |
Even with my freewheeling open-mindedness, I couldn't fancy Dennis - a man whose ears looked like two long pieces of bacon.
Caitlin Moran |
All through those stumbling, mortifying, amazing years, I thought that what I want to be was a woman. [...] But as the years went on, I realised that what I really want to be, all told, is a human. Just a productive, honest, courteously treated human. One of 'The Guys'. But with really amazing hair.
Caitlin Moran |
If I'm going to spunk PS500 on a pair of designer shoes, it's going to be a pair that I can (a) dance to Bad Romance in and (b) will allow me to run away from a murderer, should one suddenly decide to give chase. That's the minimum I ask from my footwear. To be able to dance in it, and for it not to get me murdered.
Caitlin Moran |
Not all of them say 'You're shit!' - some of them say 'You're great!', but in a way, that's worse. Because when lots of other people have said 'You're shit!', you feel you have a duty to tell the people who say 'You're great!' that a lot of other people think you're shit, and that they should maybe bear those statistics in mind before they make their final analysis.
Caitlin Moran |
A gondolat, hogy nem kell feltetlenul kovernek lennunk - hogy valtoztathatunk rajta -, a legtavolibb es legidegenebb kilatas. Koverek vagyunk, es mindig is azok leszunk, es soha, de soha nem beszelhetunk rola, punktum. Mint Harry Potter Teszlek Suvegje. Mi a ,,koveret" huztuk a kalapbol, es azok is maradunk halalunk napjaig. A koverek koze tartozunk. Ez a mi fajtank. A mi uzemmodunk."
Caitlin Moran |
march against size-zero models, risible pornography, lap-dancing clubs, and Botox. We don't need to
Caitlin Moran |
actually wanted to fuck each other. Had to fuck each other. Imagine watching two people screwing at that early, white-hot stage of attraction when your pupils dilate just looking at each other, and you want to melt each other's bones so bad you're practically eating each other's clothes off the minute the door closes. I can't be the only one who's occasionally had a fuck so spectacular, all-encompassing, cinematic and intense that, at the e..
Caitlin Moran |
A gig, I realise now, is a place where people come together and give permission for anything to happen. Things can be said and shouted and sung; people get pissed; people get kissed - there is a communal agenda of joyous wilding. These are the boardroom meetings of young people, where we establish our vibe.
Caitlin Moran |
It's amazing how much you can find to say when there's one big thing you're too afraid to say: 'This isn't working.
Caitlin Moran |
Recently, it has behoved modish magazines to print interviews with young women, who explain that their career as strippers is paying their way through university. This is thought to pretty much end any objections against strip clubs, on the basis that, look!, clever girls are doing it - in order to become middle-class professionals with degrees! Ipso facto Girl Power! For myself, I can't believe that girls saying 'Actually, I'm paying my un..
Caitlin Moran |
inside them, no one's having fun. Instead, people are expressing needs (to earn money, to see a woman's skin) in pretty much the most depressing way possible.
Caitlin Moran |
Que por encima de las nubes siempre hace sol
Caitlin Moran |
A veces encuentras a alguien donde podrias pasar el resto de tu vida
Caitlin Moran |
El cinismo restriega la cultura, como la lejia, eliminando de pequenas ideas incipientes. El cinismo significa que tu respuesta automatica es "No". El cinismo significa que das por hecho que todo el mundo acabara decepcionandote. (...) En definitiva, todo el mundo se vuelve cinico. Porque a todos les da miedo el desengano. Porque les da miedo que alguien se aproveche de ellos. Porque temen que alguien utilice su inocencia contra ellos; que ..
Caitlin Moran |
Comer compulsivamente es la adiccion que eligen las personas que tienen que cuidar de otros, y ese es el motivo de que se considere la adiccion de menor rango. Es una manera de joderte a ti misma mientras te mantienes completamente operativa, porque no te queda mas remedio. La gente gorda no se permite el <> de que su adiccion les convierta en alguien inutil, caotico, o en una carga. En vez de eso, se autodestruyen poco a poco sin mol..
Caitlin Moran |
Los abortos inducidos nunca se ven como algo positivo, al contrario de lo que ocurre con cualquier otra operacion que remedie un estado que pueda resultar nocivo para tu vida. Las mujeres nunca hablan publicamente de sus abortos mostrando gratitud y alivio. No hay tarjetas con <>. La gente no bromea sobre ello, a pesar de que los mejores chistes son sobre temas polemicos y se rien de todo, incluyen..
Caitlin Moran |
Pero lo que no habia esperado eran las caras: las caras de las mujeres. Los rostros de los hombres eran lo que cabia imaginar; famosos o no famosos, los hombres parecen..., bueno, eso, hombres. Hombres de cuarenta, cincuenta y sesenta anos. Hombres con dinero, bien cuidados, sin grandes preocupaciones. Hombres que pasan las vacaciones en un lugar donde el sol esta asegurado, y a quienes les gusta la ginebra. Pero las mujeres: oh, las mujere..
Caitlin Moran |
No puedo creer que hayamos llegado a un punto en el que nos cuesta dinero tener un cono. Nos estan obligando a pagar por el cuidado y mantenimiento de nuestra entrepierna como si se tratara de un jardin de la comunidad. Es un impuesto oculto. El IVA del cono. Es un dinero que deberiamos gastarnos en la FACTURA DE LA ELECTRICIDAD, en QUESO y en BOINAS. En vez de eso, lo estamos gastando en hacer que nuestros chihuahuas parezcan una repulsiva..
Caitlin Moran |
One is not born a woman--one becomes one," she didn't know the half of it."
Caitlin Moran |
I wish I was Bill Murray. I hope everything I've read about evolution is wrong, and I eventually evolve into him. It's one of only three plans I have. I
Caitlin Moran |
You never hear the word "breasts" in a positive scenario. Breasts are bad news."
Caitlin Moran |
The Fear is my Second Coming. When everyone in the world admits they're going to die, we'll really start getting some stuff done.
Caitlin Moran |
Am termeszetesen semmi ertelme, hogy a ,,kover" szot ilyen hatalommal ruhazzuk fel. Ahogy korabban arra buzditottam mindenkit, hogy szekre allva kialtsa, ,,HARCOS FEMINISTA", most arra szeretnem, hogy szekre allva ismetelgesse: ,,KOVER, KOVER, KOVER, KOVER, KOVER." Addig mondogasd, mig mar nem is idegesit, amig normalis szo nem lesz - ugyanolyan, mint a ,,talca" -, es vegul el nem vesziti a jelenteset."
Caitlin Moran |
The main thing I've noticed, however, is how unreasonable, self-absorbed and permanently outraged caffeine has made me.
Caitlin Moran |
A habzsolas a szocialis segitok altal preferalt fuggoseg, es ezert tartjak minden fuggoseg kozott a legalacsonyabb rendunek. Ezzel ugy cseszheti szet magat az ember, hogy kozben teljesen mukodokepes marad, mert muszaj. A koverek nem engedhetik meg maguknak azt a ,,luxust", hogy szenvedelyuk hasznavehetetlenne, kaotikussa vagy koloncca tegye oket. Ehelyett lassan ugy pusztitjak el magukat, hogy azzal masnak nem okoznak kellemetlenseget. Es e..
Caitlin Moran |
A szexizmus legnagyobbreszt onnan ered, hogy a ferfiak megszoktak, hogy mi vagyunk a vesztesek. Ez a problema. Rossz a pozicionk. Megszoktak, hogy mi csak masodikak lehetunk, vagy diszkvalifikalnak a versenybol. A feminizmus elott szuletett ferfiak ezen nevelkedtek: masodosztalyu allampolgar anyak; ferjhez adando noverek; osztalytarsnok, akik titkarnokepzobe jarnak, majd haziasszonyok lesznek. Nok, akik leszakadnak. Akik eltuntek. Ezek a ..
Caitlin Moran |
Sosem tudtam eddig, milyen egyedul erezheti magat az ember valaki mellet az agyban.
Caitlin Moran |