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87135d7 He wondered if normalcy was something, like vision or silence, you didn't realize was precious until you lost it. vampire Cassandra Clare
19a142c Sometimes when she looks at him that way he finds himself almost blushing; a feeling so strange he almost doesn't recognize it. Jace Wayland doesn't blush. jace-wayland Cassandra Clare
6e4279e They landed at Simon's feet. "Take your clothes and go!" Isabelle shouted." Cassandra Clare
87d573b Goodness, real goodness, has it's own sort of cruelty to it. goodness jem Cassandra Clare
8f0f883 Everyone gets the time they get together, and no more. Maybe we're not so different that way. time death life Cassandra Clare
7b6b1e8 Jace suggested that the cast of "Gilligan's Island" could go do something anatomically unlikely with themselves." jace-wayland tv-reference Cassandra Clare
4237e23 Well, not in this case. He reached into the Inquisitor and he ..." Clary shuddered. "There was a lot of blood." "Like a special bonus for you," Jace said to Simon. Simon ignored this." jace-wayland simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
c17ea61 Yes, she's bleeding to death upstairs, but I thought I'd avoid telling you right away, because I like to draw the suspense out. izzy jace suspense Cassandra Clare
289384a Now," Clary said. "I don't want to wait. Do you?" He didn't reply, just got up off the floor and picked his shirt. He looked at Clary, and almost smiled. "If we're going to the Silent City, you might want to get dressed. I mean, I appreciate the bra-and-panties look, but I don't know if the Silent Brothers will. There are only a few of them left, and I don't want them to die of excitement." Clary got up off the bed and threw a pillow at him.. Cassandra Clare
24f7fb5 Ghosts are memories, and we carry them because those we love do not leave the world Cassandra Clare
dab42c9 The nod means 'I am a badass, and I recognise that you too, are a badass. simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
24ffa86 Charlotte leaned forward across the table. "The Dark Sisters never mentioned what use they intended to make of your abilities, did they?" "You know about the Magister." Tessa said. "They said they were preparing me for him." "For him to do what?" Will asked. "Eat you for dinner?" Tessa shook her head. "To - to marry me, they said." "To marry you?" Jessamine was openly scornful. "That's ridiculous. They were probably going to blood sacri.. Cassandra Clare
25c53ae As she looked, the smoke puffing out of the chimney stopped curling upward and began to take on the shape of a wavering black question mark. Sebastian laughed. "I think that means, " Clary pulled her coat closer around her. "It looks like something out of a fairy tale." "Are you cold?" Sebastian put his arm around her. Immediately the smoke curling from the chimney stopped forming itself into question marks and began puffing out in the sha.. Cassandra Clare
b4aff04 Gideon Lightwood said he was at the Institute in Madrid. What on earth was he doing there?' 'Faffing about, most likely', said Will. tessa-grey the-infernal-devices clockwork-prince will-herondale Cassandra Clare
4993f10 If I feel the urge to burst into flames, I'll let you know," Simon was getting fed up. "Look, did you actually ask me to come all the way uptown just so you could stare at me like I'm something in a petrie dish? Next time I'll send you a photo." jace-wayland simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
6bdeb01 The greatest fear of Jonathan is the valentine-morgenstern Cassandra Clare
ec140f5 Gracious, that's a lot of bosom you're showing," Magnus went on blithely, gesturing toward Tessa with the burning tip of his cigar. " , as they say in French," he added, miming a vast terrace jutting out from his chest. "Especially apt, as we are now, in fact, on a balcony." Cassandra Clare
d1abc42 Belatedly, she realized something else. "Do you... have anything?" He didn't seem to have recovered from her last comment. "But do you mean--wait, do I have what?" She slitted her eyes at him. "Something important." "Like what? The phone number for the White House?" A moment later, under her withering glare, realization dawned. "Oh." His was the expression of someone who has run out of gas in the middle of the desert, miles from help. "I..... Cassandra Clare
c947be8 He knew Alec enough by now to know the conflicting impulses that warred in him. He was conscientious, the kind of person who believed that the others around him were so much more important than he was, who already believed he was letting everybody down. And he was honest, the kind of person that was naturally open about all he felt and wanted. Alec's virtues had made a trap for him; these two good qualities had collided painfully. He felt h.. family life love alexander-lightwood shadowhunter malec magnus-bane infernal-devices mortal-instruments cassandra-clare Cassandra Clare
8f7bb48 It wouldn't be my move," Jace agreed. " First the candy and flowers, then the apology letters, THEN the ravenous demon hordes. In that order." "He might have sent her candy and flowers," Isabelle said. "We don't know." "Isabelle," said Hodge patiently, "this is the man who rained down destruction on Idris the like of which it had never seen,who set shadowhunter against Downworlder and made the streets of the Glass City run with blood." "Th.. hodge jace isabella Cassandra Clare
6a33641 Damnit.' Isabelle, standing in the mouth of the alley, her wet black hair like a cloak around her shoulders, kicked a trash can out of her way and glowered. 'Oh, for goodness's sake,' she said. 'I can't believe you two. Why? What's wrong with bedrooms? And pivacy? isabelle-lightwood Cassandra Clare
6f88f5a You on your way out?" Jace nodded. "Dont want to overstay our welcome." "What welcome?" Magnus asked. "I'd say is was a pleasure to meet you, but it wasn't. Not that you aren't all fairly charming, and as for you-" He dropped a glittery wink at Alec, who looked astounded. "Call me?" -Magnus & Jace, pg.243-" Cassandra Clare
5fcab5c I can't tell them what to do!" "Why not?" the other girl demanded. "Honestly, Clary, if you don't start utilizing a bit of your natural feminine superiority, I just don't know what I'll do with you." clary-fray isabelle-lightwood mortal-instruments Cassandra Clare
57fe8c5 Sometimes it comes down to a choice," Magnus said. "Between saving one person and saving the whole world. I've seen it happen, and I'm selfish enough to want the person who loves me to choose me. But Nephilim wil always choose the world. I look at Alec and I feel like Lucifer in Paradise Lost. 'Abashed the Devil stood, And felt how awful goodness is.' He meant it in the classical sense. 'Awful' as in inspiring awe. And awe is well and good,.. love inspirational malec Cassandra Clare
5b31811 You can take your Law," she said in a measured tone, "and shove it right up your-" city-of-ashes the-mortal-instruments isabelle-lightwood Cassandra Clare
d6087ab In Paris she found Magnus, who was living in a garret apartment and paiting, an occupation for which he had no aptitude whatsoever. He let her sleep on a mattress by the window, and in the night, when she woke up screaming for Will, he came and put his arms around her, smelling of turpentine. "The first one is always the hardest," he said. "The first?" "The first one you love who dies," he said. "It gets easier, after." clockwork-princess tessa-gray magnus-bane will-herondale Cassandra Clare
f902352 Meet me in the courtyard in half an hour, then," said Will. "I'll wake Cyril. And be prepared to swoon at my finery." Cassandra Clare
97d5158 Sebastian) "See, there you go. You're always looking at me like that." jonathan-morgenstern clary-fray sebastian lol Cassandra Clare
b033fbe She knew how breakups went from hearing other girls complain about them. First the pulling away, the gradual refusal to return notes or phone calls. The vague messages saying nothing was wrong, that the other person just needed a little space. Then the speech about how "It's not you, it's me." Then the crying part. She'd never thought any of that would apply to her and Jace. What they had wasn't ordinary, or subject to the ordinary rules of.. relationships love clary-and-jace clary-fray jace cassandra-clare Cassandra Clare
675d912 I have wanted to do this," he said, "every moment of every hour of every day that I have been with you since the day I met you. but you know that. You know. Don't you?" Cassandra Clare
7dc469b Isabelle," she said, lightening her tone with an obvious effort, "your loyalty to your friend is understandable --" "He's not my friend." Isabelle looked over at Jace, who was staring at her in a sort of daze. "He's my brother." city-of-ashes the-mortal-instruments isabelle-lightwood loyalty Cassandra Clare
4b8a73f Are you trying to get run over by a cab?" "Don't be ridiculous. We could never get a cab that easily in this neighborhood." Cassandra Clare
012cb45 He's not warlock. mortal-instruments cassandra-clare Cassandra Clare
39ac2ef Not much had changed at Magnus's since the first time Jace had been there. Jace used an open rune to get through the front door and took the stairs, buzzing Magnus's apartment bell. It was safer that way because Magnus could be playing video games naked or really anything. Magnus yanked the door open, looking furious. He was wearing a black silk dressing gown, his feet were bare, his dark hair was tangled, "What are you doing here?" "My," s.. magnus Cassandra Clare
21fa3e1 Magnus, remember what happened the last time you tried to tango. Your shoe flew off and nearly killed someone." "It was a metaphor. He's a Shadowhunter, he's a Lightwood, and he's into blonds. He's a dating hazard." malec magnus-bane Cassandra Clare
3d71512 Clary glanced past him and asked, "Where's Magnus?" "He said it would be better if he didn't come. Apparently he and the Seelie Queen have some kind of history." Isabelle raised her eyebrows. "Not that kind of history," said Alec irritably. "Some kind of feud. Though," he added, half under his breath, "the way he got around before me, I woudn't be surprised." isabelle-lightwood Cassandra Clare
049f868 It is the mundanes who look at me and see something they do not understand--a boy who is not quite white and not quite foreign either." "Just as I am not human, and not demon either," Tessa said softly. His eyes softened. "You are human," he said. "Never think you are not. I have seen you with your brother; I know how you care for him. If you can feel hope, guilt, sorrow, love--then you are human." the-infernal-devices clockwork-angel tessa-gray jem-carstairs Cassandra Clare
26dbd10 Regret is such a pointless emotion, don't you agree? Cassandra Clare
3606d5f You didn't have to come after me." "Yes, I did," he said. "You're far too inexperienced to protect yourself in a hostile situation without me." "That's sweet. Maybe I'll forgive you." "Forgive me? Fro what?" "Fro telling me to shut up." Cassandra Clare
075fc68 Then why are you here?" Emma demanded. "Oh, is this one of those missed-connections things? We met the other night, you felt a spark? Sorry, but I don't date trees." "I am not a tree." Iarlath looked angry, his bark peeling slightly." sassiness sarcasm Cassandra Clare
e6bdd56 Fine." Magnus stood up. "But," he added, pausing by Alec's chair and leaning in close to him, "you are not trivial." Alec flushed. "If you say so," he said. "I say so," said Magnus, and he turned to follow Isabelle out of the room." Cassandra Clare
1c0420d He's got a great sense of humor for a guy who never says anything. Cassandra Clare
f0a2b6f You're not the only one who calls them that; the other Downworlders do the same," said Will. "I discovered that fact while investigating the symbol. I must have carried that knife through a hundred Downworld haunts, searching for someone who might recognize it. I offered a reward for information. Eventually the name of the Dark Sisters came to my ears." "Downworld?" Tessa echoed, puzzled. "Is that a place in London?" "Never mind that," said.. Cassandra Clare
6aeae96 she was glad she had been scarred. She said that whoever loved her now would love her true self, and not her pretty face. inspirational Cassandra Clare