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b28465f Well, I suppose I could follow his advice. Are you hungry?" "Surprisingly enough, not at the moment." "Will miracles never cease?" "Ha," I said" -- twice-bitten merit Chloe Neill
eb731d2 The world isn't perfect, and some days it wears you down. You can either accept that, and face it, and be a help to others instead of a hindrance. Or you can decide the rules are too tough and they shouldn't apply to you, and you can ignore them and make things harder for everybody else. Sometimes life is about being sad and doing things anyway. Sometimes it's about being hurt and doing things anyway. The point isn't perfection. The point i.. moving-on depression hope life Chloe Neill
303d3fd There was a time," he finally said, "when I would have acknowledged your reticence and given you time and space to reach your own decision." He tipped my head down again and slid his fingers to the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Then he lowered his lips to my ear. "This is not that time, Merit." And then his mouth was on mine, and he took my breath away again. He kissed me like a man possessed, like a man with nothing mor.. Chloe Neill
7a97dbf Have you ever had a moment where you knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you were in the right place? That you were on the right journey? Maybe the sense that you'd crossed a boundary, jumped a hurdle, and somehow, after facing some unconquerable mountain, found yourself suddenly on the other side of it? When the night was warm and the wind was cool, and a song carried through the quiet streets around you. When you felt the entire worl.. Chloe Neill
11261de Now that, my friends, is what we vampires call a good exit. twice-bitten Chloe Neill
7435a86 No one said love was easy, Sentinel. -Ethan Chloe Neill
5d8af11 You are a Cadogan vampire, by blood and bone. You have fought for this House, and you are mine to protect. My Sentinel, my Novitiate. As long as I am here to do it, I will protect you. As long as this House exists, you will have a home here. -Ethan Chloe Neill
86bc954 Well, " I began,"I've been roped into shenanigans." Without preface, Catcher muttered a curse ,then leaned over slipped his wallet from his jeans, and pulled out a twenty-dollar bill, which he handed to Mallory." Chloe Neill
e48f6dd Much to my dismay"--and that rang clear in the irritably flat tone of his voice--"I find I have a sudden taste for stubborn, lithe brunettes with horrible fashion sense." Chloe Neill
99e82f7 I slid Mallory a glance. "He's (Jeff) your test? He thinks anything with breasts looks good." "Since you don't qualify, that's why I asked him over." some-girls-bite Chloe Neill
0447138 I'm not your father, you know." It took me a moment to find words. "Excuse me?" "I'm capable of giving you a compliment and being completely sincere about it." Chloe Neill
21f84c6 He stopped me with his hand at my jaw, thumb against my chin. "Sometimes, people must adapt. Immortality doesn't make the things we love less important; it means we must learn to treasure them.Protect them." I swallowed hard and made myself lift my gaze to him, fear and joy and more fear bursting in my chest." Chloe Neill
f39555e A slap wouldn't have pulled me out of the trance any faster. Chloe Neill
9cfde9b I looked at Ethan and smiled a little. "I love you," he mouthed. "I love you, too," I mouthed back. "And I'm nauseous," Catcher grumbled. "Let's get on with this. I am seriously in need of a beer and a Lifetime movie." ethan merit Chloe Neill
c7322c6 Morgan and Catcher said their manly hellos - consisting of a symbolic head bob from Catcher (of the "You're in my lair now" variety) and a responding nod from Morgan (of the "You are clearly the king of this castle" variety)." Chloe Neill
613ddff Dear God," "It should be illegal for smug vampires to look that good," Lindsey said, clucking her tongue. "That is so true," I agreed, thinking a little less hotness would make my relationship with Ethan a lot simpler." Chloe Neill
71e0fd1 Please stop calling me that. You're still officially the Master." "Oh, I know," Malik said. "But much like Merit, I find it amusing to irritate you." As Malik walked down the hallway and around the corner, Ethan turned his pointed gaze on me. I shrugged innocently. "I can't help it if I'm a trendsetter." trendsetter malik merit Chloe Neill
7085f8c Catcher shrugged, refolded the paper, and stuffed it back into his pocket. "Anyone wanna dance?" "Oh, Jesus," Mallory muttered. Chloe Neill
f2109ec It's either food or blood, Ethan.And given thats it's just me and you in this car right now, food would be considerably less complicated, don't you think? Chloe Neill
bbf2283 Some minutes or hours or days later, when I lay boneless and well satisfied, Ethan raised his gaze to mine again. His eyes were silver, his fangs descended. "There is no going back," he said, "Not after this." romance Chloe Neill
c1700c4 Avoidance helped settle the emotions. Considerably. Chloe Neill
dd62449 Jonah and Catcher shared one of those manly, "It's nice to meet you, but I'm going to barely acknowledge your existence with a small nod because that's the manly thing to do" gestures." jonah Chloe Neill
0c87a93 A friend once told me the hurt that came with the end of a relationship was painful because it was the death of a dream--the future you'd imagined with a lover, a loved one, a child, or a friend. That loss was its own painful, nearly tangible thing. You had to reimagine your future, perhaps in a different place, with different people, doing different things than you might have first imagined. Chloe Neill
9a364cb I'll have you in my bed again, Sentinel. And at my side. That is a promise. merit Chloe Neill
a395f38 You can tell a lot by the size of a mans library Chloe Neill
126b10e Merit: "I am yours until you ban bacon, or otherwise as long as I can put up with you." Chloe Neill
fd25d44 Give me something to go on, here. What kind of black magic are we talking? Elphaba,Wicked Witch of the West-type stuff or Slytherin-type stuff? slytherin merit Chloe Neill
13a8706 There are nights when the world is completely askew because he's gone. Chloe Neill
29452c6 What's this?" "An apology, of sorts." I made a moue, but slipped the lid from the top . . . and then my breath left me. Inside the box sat a baseball, its well-worn white leather marked by the signatures of every Cubs player from the team. It was just like the one I'd had--just like the one I'd told him about the night we made love." Chloe Neill
ead8eff I stepped back, pivoted on a heel, and swivelled my hip for a side kick. It probably seemed, to a casual observer, that I was warming up, taking a few well-aimed kicks at an inanimate object. But in my mind, THWACK, I was kicking, THWACK, a certain Master vampire, THWACK, in the face. Chloe Neill
aec67f5 So you traded up?" I asked, walking toward the car and opening the door. "Do you treat your relationships in the same way?" "Yes," Ethan gravely said. "And I spent four hundred years shopping before I met you." Chloe Neill
4df76c8 You're quiet this evening," he said. I pasted on a pleasant smile. "It's been a long week. I'm just trying to relax." And I was trying to avoid more drama. He was quiet for two or three minutes, during which the two of us stood there together, black-clad vampires moving around us. "I can tell something's bothering--" I silently thought, "I was just enjoying the music." Chloe Neill
e1e3fe5 Margot winked at her. "Every so often, we gather together. We take a little time--a little cathartic time--to vent about those quirks that drive us crazy." Elbows on the table, I leaned forward. "So, which of the quirks are we talking about?" "First item on the list--the raising of the eyebrow." To demonstrate, she arched a carefully sculpted black brow of her own, then peered around at each of us." Chloe Neill
3be7101 You drugged me," "I didn't want you to feel it, Merit." His voice was soft. "You'd been attacked; you hadn't consented. I didn't want you to have to go through it. I didn't want you to have to remember it." Chloe Neill
998d2a6 I'm just warning you, I'm probably going to be a total hard-ass vamp." Mallory snorted and walked out of the kitchen, calling out, "Yeah, well, you've got a purple marshmallow on your chin, hard-ass vamp." Chloe Neill
ae0b7ab You are caught, Sentinel.' His voice was rough. merit Chloe Neill
5c70d77 You can run. You can keep running to the ends of the earth. But I won't be far behind you. Chloe Neill
14a3415 He turned on his heel and began down the hall, then called back, "And we'll need to chat about your running off campus and into the arms of shifters without so much as a telephone call." Sometimes, he was so predictable." Chloe Neill
9f91b1b Irresistible force. Immovable object. Choose the one you want to be, and do it. Chloe Neill
2d4b575 If 'just' is all you can give me now, then 'just' is what we'll do. Chloe Neill
8a7fe29 Where was a boom box when you needed one? Chloe Neill
bbe6f05 Do you like being teased?" I whispered. "I enjoy previews," he said, the words confident, but his voice rough with arousal. -Merit and Ethan" Chloe Neill
fdef17d You give me thirty-two inches of folded steel and I'll take on anyone you want." -- Merit" Chloe Neill
5a63d3e You cannot seriously think you're going to fight this guy. He could kick your ass with one arm tied behind his back, much less with all his voluminous vampire powers. He's probably stronger than you, faster than you. He can probably jump higher. Hell, he can probably glamour you into making out with him right there on the mats." We simultaneously looked over to where Ethan, half naked, was toeing off his black leather loafers. The muscles i.. Chloe Neill
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