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a23f350 Words have power? That sounds like you're into some Harry Potter juju. Chloe Neill
14daa9e Don't they feed you at Navarre house?" "They throw out some gruel between the indoctrination sessions and propaganda films. Then we're off marching around the grounds and the recitation of sonnets to Celina's loveliness." Chloe Neill
41b61b9 I had to fight the urge to turn on him and level my sword at the shrunken black nugget of his heart. Chloe Neill
1d93e4f Do you need to reschedule? There are some other things I could take care of while I'm in town." Mallory waved him off. "No, today's fine. It's going to be on the exam, so I might as well do it." "Oh, my God, you are Harry Potter," I said, pointing a finger at her. "I knew it!" She rolled her eyes, then looked at Catcher." Chloe Neill
c37724d And so, on a night in late May, I found myself standing on the lawn of a Hyde Park mansion of vampires, staring up at the stone-framed visage of a boy in Armani, an enemy who'd become an ally. Ironic, I thought, that I'd given up one ally today but gained another.Ethan ran a hand through his hair. merit Chloe Neill
3dbdd02 It was my TBR-my TO Be Read stack. The usual subjects were there. Chick lit. Action. A Pulitzer Prize winner. A romance novel about a pirate and a damsel in a low-cut blouse (What? Even vampire enjoys a little bodice ripping now and again.) Chloe Neill
8e3da57 People hate us, blah blah blah, wish we'd go straight to hell, or maybe Wisconsin, since it's closer, blah blah blah. Chloe Neill
5c93a55 Has he apologized?" "In the way that he apologizes. 'I would do anything to protect you,'" I said, in a pretty good imitation. Mallory nodded. "He gave you an alphapology." "What now?" "An alphapology. The apology made by the alpha male, which isn't really an apology, but more a reason for insane behavior. Catcher does it all the damn time. Drives me up the wall." Chloe Neill
6b6905b I'm really about as good at relaitionships as I am at being a vampire. I'm kind of a smart but surprisingly inept kind of girl. Chloe Neill
070612f If only we could have picked our family... Chloe Neill
63210f1 I am, apparently, Darth Sullivan," he said, lifting a corner of bread to stuff the tomato back in. "I understand that building things, Death Stars or otherwise, isn't my particular strength." Chloe Neill
1f48e22 Good find," Ethan said. "Yeah," Jeff agreed. "It's pretty awesome. Like finding the Higgs boson." Silence. "Aw, no physics fans here? Learn things you must," Jeff said in his best Yoda voice. I rolled my eyes." humor jeff-christopher yoda ethan-sullivan chicagoland-vampires chloe-neill star-wars Chloe Neill
0fc66a0 You are a universe," he reverentially whispered, and then his game began. A game of pushing me to the brink, of building the anticipation... and leaving me stranded in the midst of it." Chloe Neill
7a25825 Who are they?" I whispered, as we took seats opposite each other. Scout glanced up as she pulled notebooks and books from her bag. "The dragon ladies. They monitor lights-out, watch us while we study, and generally make sure that nothing fun occurs on their watch." "Awesome," I said, flipping open my trig book. "I'm a fun hater myself." humor Chloe Neill
1736906 He clearly wasn't dissuaded, and stroked my jawline with his thumb. "You can run. You can keep running to the ends of the earth. But I won't be far behind you." Chloe Neill
42b74fb Look. I know why you gave me that speech earlier today. I know you have an obligation to protect your vampires. But irrespective of the way that I was made, I have done everything that you've asked of me. I've taken training, I gave up my dissertation, I moved into the House, I got you in to see my father, I got you into the Breckenridge house, and I've dated the man you asked me to." I pointed at the house behind us. "And even though I was.. merit Chloe Neill
2212666 Whew," she said. "I was afraid you were going to ruin that dress with those shoes. If we're calling them that. Plastic mud clompers, more like." Chloe Neill
5354a56 Magic is overrated. Courage is what matters. Chloe Neill
54d25a9 Ethan could be frustrating at times. Infuriating at others. But there was no doubt he was a Master among men. Chloe Neill
72ac1e5 Aw, sad face. I came up with that totally off the cuff. No props for off the cuff? merit Chloe Neill
fa95020 That's our cue to depart." "They know something " I pointed out. "I know something too. I know we're going to attract a lot of unwanted attention if they keep screaming. And then we have to make up some ridiculous explanation about how we heard screaming through the vents in our rooms and we followed the sound back to the basement and we found these girls lying on the ground and pretending to be tied up by invisible rope because they're p.. magic Chloe Neill
5c69142 I looked at Jonah. "I'm still learning who you are. And you're my partner, so I appreciate that you're willing to take a punch for me." I walked to Ethan and glared up at him. "But you know better than this, Ethan Sullivan." -- Chloe Neill
78ebbae The world has a lot to offer. There's a lot to explore. I like to take advantage of that. deep jonah neill drink Chloe Neill
293e15a Only a four-hundred-year-old vampire would wonder if a grad student could understand procrastination. Chloe Neill
a0f74ff He unsnapped the top button on his jeans. My eyes widened."Sneaky bastard." I gnawed my lip in pleasure,watching the past,present,and future Master of Cadogan House in the state of utter abandon:shirt on the floor,jeans unbuttoned,his arousal obvious." Chloe Neill
fda52c3 Go ahead," I told him. "Go see your admirers. Sign some autographs. It's good PR for the House." He slid me a glance, smiled. "Not concerned one of the fans will try to sweep me away with words of love?" "Oh, they'll try to sweep," I said. "But I have no worries you'll come back to me." His smile was meltingly handsome. "Because I love you without measure?" "Of course," I said. Also, I had the car keys." merit Chloe Neill
d84a9e9 They'll respect deeds, Ethan, not words. Chloe Neill
aca7af9 You'll be fine, baby girl. I know you--how capable you are and how stubborn--and those are qualities that Ethan will come to appreciate." "Given time," Catcher muttered. "Lots and lots and lots of time." "Eons," Jeff agreed. "Immortal," I reminded them, using a finger to point at myself. "We have the time. Besides, I wouldn't want to make it too easy on him." Chloe Neill
49db1bc You need to stop flirting with me Shepherd or we're never going to get anything done. Chloe Neill
f0ea2c7 In case you've forgotten, Ethan Sullivan trained me. And in case you didn't know, Catcher Bell schooled me in sword craft. I was raised on 'difficult to work with. Chloe Neill
6e4ae1a I walked inside and paused for a moment to breathe in the scent of paper and dust--the perfumes of knowledge. merit Chloe Neill
c6dd19d This was the magic of feasting & fucking, of savoring the blood of a kill & calling the Pack to dine. Chloe Neill
d5cd77d You do that Helen", Mallory dared. "And tell him we said to f*ck off while youre at it"." humor mallory swearing helen Chloe Neill
5fb57a0 Get to the Point: Vampire Contributions in Western Architecture. Fangs and Balances: Vampire Politicians in History. To Drink or Not to Drink: A Vampire Dialectic. Blood Sausage, Blood Stew, Blood Orange: Food for All Seasons. And the awfully named Plasmatlas, which contained maps of important vampire locales. Chloe Neill
d0a2a24 Oh, Francois," I breathily said. "You'll have to hurry. My boyfriend will be back soon." Ethan grunted and slipped his arms around mine, pulling him tight against my body. "My desire is impatient," he said in a French accent that was surprisingly believable. "It will not wait, and damn your boyfriend." I turned to face him, wrapped my arms around his neck, and caught his bottom lip gently between my teeth. "Then by all means, Francois, let'.. Chloe Neill
deaf7e9 That's tough. Anything I can do?" "Just stay in play as my backup." I nearly swerved the car off the road. "I'm sorry--your backup?" "You know, in case it doesn't work out with Fallon." "And what about Ethan?" Jeff chuckled. "I just figured he was your backup for me." Chloe Neill
aa839a2 You look like the cat that ate the canary." "As a vegetarian, I object to that metaphor." Scout grinned teethily at me. "As a carnivore, I object to your pickines. Now spill the goods." -Scout and Lily" Chloe Neill
40b6f6e Ethan sidled next to me, a hand propped on the shelf. "Come here often?" he said. "Excuse me?" "I see you're here in this"--he gestured at the shelves--"library all alone. You must be a student here?" He traced a fingertip down the hollow of my throat, lifting goose bumps on my arms. Since my mind hardly worked when he did things like that, it took a moment for his words to register. Was he initiating a bout of role-playing ... about a libr.. merit Chloe Neill
e055db4 He humphed and grabbed a carton of milk, then chugged directly from the cardboard spout. Mallory and I watched him, the same grimace on both our faces. Sure, I did the same thing with OJ, but he was a boy, and it was milk. That was just gross. humor mallory double-standards merit Chloe Neill
865a3f8 I believe I've got it covered," Malik said with an admirably straight face and smooth tone. "But I wouldn't mind taking a break before getting to the next round. Grabbing a bite to eat." Ethan glanced at me, questioning eyebrow arched. Have you infected him? You're hilarious, I said." -- malik merit Chloe Neill
cc61436 You know what I need?" I asked. "A chocolate fountain?" Ethan suggested. "A complete paper set of the Encyclopedia Britannica? A lifetime supply of grilled meat?" "I like all those ideas, but I was thinking a magical spray I can use on Mallory to wash the crazy off her." "Like Lysol for evil?" Paige asked." paige merit Chloe Neill
2bdfc6e Lils, you've barely even planned Sneak yet. Give it time. He'll get there." "He did ask me out on Saturday." "OMG, you two are totally getting married and having a litter of babies. Ooh, what if that's literally true?" -Scout and Lily about werewolf Jason" Chloe Neill
3134f1d Did I mention I love your nail polish? " I asked. "You did not, but thank you. Times like this, you gotta have a bright spot. You gotta have something to lighten the mood. Catcher's homemade waffles and enormous dick usually do the trick." Chloe Neill
5a89e99 to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, as long as you both shall live, including accidental or intentional immortality? Chloe Neill
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