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db31a6f I wouldn't say I was forward, but I made a move when I was interested. Chloe Neill
adbd91e Oh please," Scout said."Don't take that tone with me. You know you'd love to have a minion. Someone at your beck and call. Someone to do your bidding. How many times have you said to yourself," Self, I need a unicorn to run errands and such?" unicorn Chloe Neill
8464d70 Not bad for a 'common soldier,' hmm?" I quietly asked, then resheathed my katana and headed back toward the chapel. I could feel his gaze on my back as I walked away, so I decided to play it up. I paused at the sanctuary door, then looked back over my shoulder and smiled vampishly through hooded eyes. "Coming?" Chloe Neill
7fbec2a Scout released me, then wiped tears from beneath her eyes. Catharsis, I guessed. "I've said it before and I'll say it again--you seriously rock, Parker." "Tell me again, Green," I said as we switched on flashlights and headed through the tunnel. "Seriously, you rock." "One more time." "Don't press your luck." Chloe Neill
55c7b62 That took all of three minutes," he pointed out, sprinkling red pepper across his noodles. Chloe Neill
b5e4f47 You'll be wearing nothing but your Cadogan medal and a smile, Sentinel." "Is that a prediction?" "It's a promise." Chloe Neill
a714765 Like an angel of justice taking them down with his giant sword of righteousness?" "That sounds like the tagline for a bad porn flick." Chloe Neill
0b1c808 And our safe word?" "Wonderwall." Lindsey turned around and cast Luc a sardonic look. " Your safe word is the name of an Oasis song?" "Blondie, I am the arbiter of all things fashionable in this House. Why not music?" "Spoken by a man wearing cowboy boots. I mean, seriously. Who wears cowboy boots ?" Chloe Neill
c4f9284 His eyes widended again, then flicked to something behind me. He shook his head, looked back at me. His voice low, intimate, insistent. "Come back from this, Merit. You don't want to fight me." "I do," I heard, in a voice that was barely mine. "Find steel," she advised him. We advised him. He stood there a long moment, silently, still, before nodding. Someone offered him a blade, a katana that glinted in the light. He took it, mirrored my s.. Chloe Neill
f97a2b3 And that's why we're sending Boobs McGee." I slowly swiveled my head to glare at Catcher. "Seriously. You're, what, twelve now?" *** "Then I guess that settles that," I agreed. "My boobs and I will go." merit Chloe Neill
6db1cfc I stood there for a moment, playing emotional catch-up.He drove down from the Navarre House just to surprise me with flowers.And not It's -Valentines's Day-and-I-feel-olbligated flowers.These were just-because flowers. Chloe Neill
090068c Home is where the heart is... not necessariliy where you sleep. Chloe Neill
850c5ac He stepped forward to keep our bodies aligned, and took my chin in his hand. "I will have you. Body, mind, and soul. And I won't share you with anyone else." Chloe Neill
2f2f240 Sullivan, just pick it up." "My way is more genteel." "Your way is more tight ass." "Your respect for me, Sentinel, is astounding." "I'd respect you more if you took a bite of that dog." "You don't respect me any." "Like I said, I'd respect you more. More than none." Chloe Neill
b84c875 Ethan sighed, then put a hand on my cheek. "I don't tell you this enough, but I am incredibly proud of the vampire you've become. I want you to know that." Chloe Neill
be56147 Mallory!" Catcher's voice boomed down the stairs. Mallory fixed her mouth into a tight line and walked me into the kitchen. "Ignore it," she advised. "Much like the bubonic plague, it'll go away if you give it enough time." "Mallory! You weren't finished! Get back in here!" Chloe Neill
6291108 Girl, you're the Sentinel of this House, and you've been trained by Catcher and Luc and Ethan. He's in the training room right now. Get down there and kick his ass! Chloe Neill
548a035 Chapter Four : The things that go bump in the night...are probably registered voters in Cook County Chloe Neill
e7e227c Fair enough" I gave him. "But you've got really nice shoes." He blinked, then cast a dubious glance at his boots. "They were in my closet." I snorted and plucked at the sleeves of his jacket. "Please you've been planning this outfit for a week." Chloe Neill
afa427b I wouldn't let you leave the House if I didn't--there's too much at stake." "At stake. Ha-ha." At his frown, I winced. "Sorry. I kid when I'm nervous." Chloe Neill
6f81cdd Did she watch Newsies? Tell me she watched Newsies. Twice. morgan-greer friday-night-bites chloe-neill Chloe Neill
39167ee Who's Baumgartner?" I asked. President of the 155." At my blank stare, Catcher clarified, "My former union, Local 155 of the Union of Amalgamated Sorcerers and Spellcasters." friday-night-bites Chloe Neill
bf00840 Was this for real? Were these two magically oriented, problem-fixing, ass-kicking guys talking about what their kids would look like? Chloe Neill
e64b031 We'll see if she can rise to the occasion, do what needs to be done." "We'll see if she can manage not to kill her Liege and Master, especially if he continues talking about her like she's not in the room." Chloe Neill
d5ff4e2 He grinned at me, his ridiculously blue eyes tripping my heart. "You say what's on your mind, don't you, Parker? I like that." I rolled my eyes. "You have to stop flirting with me, Shepherd, or we're never going to get anything done." "Flirting? You're the one who's getting me all riled up." "Oh, please. You're all, 'Here, Lily, have some candy.' It's obvious who's flirting here." "Then maybe I should kiss you." Chloe Neill
635037f The room fell heavily silent. After a minute of continuing to flay Morgan with that narrowed gaze--and Morgan staring back defiantly--Ethan slowly lifted green eyes to me, and I saw something different there. Respect. Chloe Neill
21ee629 Ethan extended his hand. "Mr. Merit. Thank you for your help." My grandfather shook his hand, but he also shook his head. "Thank your Sentinel. She's a fine representative of your House." Ethan looked at me, pride-and love?-in his eyes. "We're in agreement there." Chloe Neill
28dced7 Ethan opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again. "That's an interesting analysis." reruns have been rolling nonstop on cable," Luc said. Huh. That was an interesting bit of information about our guard captain." friday-night-bites Chloe Neill
3b6f560 I tried to tune out the sensation and, embarassed at the silvering of my eyes-I have to admit, I had a sudden, new sympathy for men faced with hiding their arousal-I squeezed them shut. Chloe Neill
fb4458a Have I ever waxed poetic about the glory that is the fuzzy-chested vampire wearing nothing but cowboy boots? Chloe Neill
6aa616c You string some letters together, and you make a word. You string some words together, and you make a sentence, then a paragraph, then a chapter. Words have power. words Chloe Neill
1ed1870 I swear to God, it never ends!" Ethan roared. "Not when you're immortal," Malik agreed. "That's actually the point." Chloe Neill
1307edc You've got better boobs," I acknowledged. And just as we'd done each time we'd had this boobs-versus-legs conversation, we looked down at our chests. Ogled. Compared." Chloe Neill
f0ade40 Don't let my youthful good looks confuse you. I now have two lifetimes of experience Chloe Neill
3999020 From a House of vampires to a house of politicians," he muttered as we walked to the front door. "Said the most political of vampires," I reminded him, and got a growl in response." -- Chloe Neill
54da5f8 Ethan: You can run. You can keep running to the ends of the earth. But I won't be far behind you. No. I will never be far behind you. Chloe Neill
dd9feb3 Do you ever wish that sometimes the world would just stop spinning for a few hours to give you a chance to catch up? dark-elite hexbound Chloe Neill
a59cae4 I silently told him. he asked. , I said frankly. Chloe Neill
9ece242 Once upon a time, I tried to have dinner with my best friend, and the apocalypse happened. Chloe Neill
264abf5 I arched an eyebrow at her. She made an awful sound. "God, you're already Mrs. Sullivan." Chloe Neill
f2e853b Lily," Mom said, "we need to talk." I don't think I'm ruining the surprise by pointing out that nothing good happens when someone starts a speech like that." Chloe Neill
bbc7273 You're thinking about him naked, aren't you?" "Unfortunately." She patted my arm. "And to think--I was actually hesitant about dating him. Oh, and speaking of which. Chaps. Enough said." Chloe Neill
9694c9a Food that good deserved undisturbed digestion Chloe Neill
1870e89 Let's get on with this. I am seriously in need of a beer and a Lifetime movie. Chloe Neill
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