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db8b77c There are those amongst us who have erred, deeply and significantly. Who have wounded the world and broken themselves. The worst of them lose themselves in their errors. The best of them crawl back, one foot at a time, and seek to amend their breaches. That is the way of the brave. -Gabriel Keene, Pack Apex, pp. 37 magic Chloe Neill
f1945f2 There are those amongst us who have erred, deeply and significantly. Who have wounded the world and broken themselves. The worst of them lose themselves in their errors. The best of them crawl back, one foot at a time, and seek to amend their breaches. That is the way of the brave. magic life-lessons Chloe Neill
8d30ceb Burada ki gizem avcisi benim ama onlar ne yapiyorlar? Gidip senin gibi Ingiliz Edebiyatiyla kafayi bozmus anti-sosyal kisiligi vampire donusturuyorlar! Dizideki vampir avcisi Buffy'nin bile yuregi ciz etmistir.Gerci..." deyip degerlendiren gozle beni suzdu. "Senden cok iyi arastirma malzemesi, olurdu." komik bazı-kızlar-ısırır vampir Chloe Neill
f77f2ad It's a big world," I said. "I like to fly because it reminds me how huge the planet is and how small we are by comparison. I like that idea--that we're inconsequential, so our troubles are inconsequential, too." A corner of his mouth lifted. "You could never be inconsequential, Merit." He glanced out his window, traced a knuckle across the glass. "But I take your point. Living in darkness reduces our visibility, seems to narrow the world. U.. Chloe Neill
982b871 Every time I breathe, I breathe for you. Every time I speak, I speak for you. And every time I howl, I howl for you." He pressed his lips to mine, so softly. "This isn't over," he said, and walked inside." Chloe Neill
e47aedb True. But anyway, the rioters get all riled up, and they chant: 'What do we want? Brains! When do we want them? Brains! Chloe Neill
a03649c Like they say, you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone. Chloe Neill
2198e59 Gaslight Goods. Let us be your light in the midst of life's darkness, the sunlight in your foggy day, the candle in your wind. This is Kite. How can I help you today?" I grimaced. That was their opener?" Chloe Neill
954a018 There are days when I would love to pull the cover over my head and say to hell with it. "But I don't do that. And most people don't do that. Most people get up and do their jobs and work their asses off for no reward at all--but just so they can get up the next day and do the whole thing over again. The world isn't perfect, and some days it wears you down. You can either accept that, and face it, and be a help to others instead of a hindra.. Chloe Neill
4f2567e Holy toast. Chloe Neill
ba5d05c Late-night prejudice was apparently exhausting. Chloe Neill
9bd799e And he is at his best when he is with you. That, I think, is the best kind of love. Love doesn't guarantee happiness or wealth or success. But if you're willing to commit to it, to work at it, it guarantees partnership. So that no matter the trials or tribulations, no matter the joy or loss, you are not alone. Chloe Neill
6f4363b Phones on, and stay alert," Luc said. "And tell Jonah we said hello." "Lucas," Ethan politely said, "kiss my ass." luc Chloe Neill
a7f2357 Dear God," I said, dodging a pair of zombie cheerleaders to cross the busy pathway to the "Hunkiest" table, staring down at the assortment of pink, white, and pale blue panties, Ethan's green eyes staring out from the front triangle." Chloe Neill
21b97d7 I knew there were Web sites devoted to Ethan. I might, in a moment of curious weakness, have visited Ethan and smiled at the bloggers' obvious adoration. But underwear? Underwear! "Pretty hot, isn't he?" asked the clerk. I was bewildered. Of course he was hot. But he was my hot." merit Chloe Neill
0cf17c8 I frowned with disappointment. I'm not sure what I'd expected to see, although a short, dark-haired man standing beneath a floating neon arrow that read BAD GUY HERE would have been nice. A suspect and quick confession wouldn't have been amiss, either. This was a lot harder than in the movies. Chloe Neill
a528583 You'll be careful out there?" Ethan asked. A line of worry appeared between his eyes. "I will. But we're just going for pizza. And Luc knows where I'll be, just in case of a zombie apocalypse." merit Chloe Neill
64f99f5 The assholes took their toll." "Assholes often do." "That's a Billboard Top Forty song waiting to happen." "Sung to the tune of 'There'll Be Sad Songs,'" I suggested, then offered up a lyric. "'There'll be assholes, to make you cry.'" "'Assholes often dooo,'" Mallory sang." merit Chloe Neill
94b76dd You didn't have to adjust under the watchful eye of Gabriel Keene." "You're right. I only had to adjust under the watchful eye of Ethan Sullivan. That was an utter cakewalk." merit Chloe Neill
22f2c9a The supernatural threat is my boot up his ass," Lindsey muttered." Chloe Neill
39b3968 Ethan groaned. "To business already, Sentinel? So much for, 'Good morning, Liege. I love you, Liege.'" He managed a remarkably bad imitation of my voice, then feigned sweeping hair over his shoulder. "I don't do that." "You do," he said, grinning. "But my larger point still stands." I rolled my eyes but sat up, sheet strategically around my breasts, and smiled at him. "Good morning, Liege," I said in a husky voice. "I love you, Liege." "Tha.. merit Chloe Neill
2f225cc I called the Ops Room, hoping to get Luc, and possibly Ethan, on the phone. "Jimmy's House of Vampires," Luc answered, in a really poor Bronx accent." Chloe Neill
61100c3 And so it began, I thought, the first wave of a revolution against oppression, fought with corn syrup and chocolate. Chloe Neill
0dcda16 You and Ethan had some kind of something?" "You're fishing. And we didn't have something or anything. We're just bummed it's Valentine's Day and I'm spending it with you guys." "Yeah, well, tone down the magic. You're giving me split ends." merit Chloe Neill
c1530fd Now, that is interesting. It's shitty evidence, but it's interesting." "I live to infotain." Chloe Neill
8b22c63 Sullivan may have a heart of coal, but I bet he looks really good in orange. And stripes. Rawr," she said, curling her fingers like a cat." mallory-carmichael merit Chloe Neill
91fbe59 Why did everyone keep demanding "evidence" and "facts"? I swear, cop and courtroom dramas were ruining the good name of gut instinct." Chloe Neill
cfd8dad The GP appeared in its typical V formation. "Goose on the lawn," Luc said. "Goose?" I asked. "That V formation. I like to use derogatory terms to describe the GP whenever possible." Chloe Neill
2f999f2 Of course I have a sly plan. I am a Merit, after all. Chloe Neill
0c4ed0f Immortality affords you the opportunity to witness history in the making. Humanity's triumphs and its cruelties, both. It is both a high price to pay and a priceless gift, to carry the weight of that knowledge. Chloe Neill
7b7fc12 His lips so soft, yet so stern, he pressed his mouth to mine. "I will have both of you," he said. "My Sentinel and my city. And the GP will learn exactly how stubborn we both can be." kissing ethan sentinel merit lips vampires Chloe Neill
a63e11f Ethan arched an eyebrow and began to lean in.... Then he reached around to pluck something from the table behind me. When he pulled back, folder in hand, I rolled my eyes at my reaction. The man just unbalanced me. merit Chloe Neill
080c6e0 Ethan scrubbed his hands over his face. "I hate it when you're right." I bit back a grin that only would have gotten me into trouble, and let my mouth do it for me. "Then you must hate me often." I disappeared into the bathroom before Ethan could throttle me." merit Chloe Neill
2734491 Tu ne peux pas avoir peur du noir, tu sais. Ce n'est pas envisageable pour un vampire. Chloe Neill
f195761 He wants you," Lindsey said. "Physically and otherwise. Maybe you only need to remind him that you can handle yourself." "How?" "Girl, you're the Sentinel of this House, and you've been trained by Catcher and Luc and Ethan. He's in the training room right now. Get down there and kick his ass." I smiled slyly. Now, that was a plan that made sense." lindsey merit Chloe Neill
a7bb743 I hated him at first," she said. "And I think you did, too. He was overbearing, and he didn't sympathize with your situation. And then you let yourself be vulnerable, and then he invited another girl to your House. And then he took a stake for you, and he proved himself." Chloe Neill
496817d I managed to move a fallen angel off his target and sweet-talk a cop into giving me back my sword. Chloe Neill
54e5408 As Morpheus would say, quit trying to hit me and hit me. Chloe Neill
8f7a9af Life was a smorgasbord! Chloe Neill
e5fd18e There's an entirely new world opening up for you right now. A dangerous and occasionally sickening and cruel world, but a world filled with Cajun bounty hunters and lively conversation about peanut butter." "You do make it sound so glamorous, what with the peanut butter and all." Chloe Neill
020d5c6 It's not about how easy or hard they are to manage. It's about keeping out people who require management. I prefer a drama-free existence. Chloe Neill
384dd3b I wasn't sure whether he was a grad student, poet, actor, stripper, or brilliant combination of all those things. But the man knew Lord Byron, and he knew words. He knew the rise and fall of sentences, the way to pause, the moment to look up, catch our gazes, smile. He knew emphasis and speed, pacing and clarity. He was a prince of poetry, and he had us mesmerized. Champagne was uncorked and dunked into gleaming silver chalices of ice, the.. Chloe Neill
6eeca17 Rising tides lift all boats, Chloe Neill
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