tkrys lnfs lntj ljml w lstmt` bh , mn sh'nh 'n ykwn `ml jdy , whw lys wsyl@ llhrb mn lwq` blDrwr@ bl ymthl 'Hyn wsyl@ lltmsk bm hw Hqyqy fy `lm ynhr fyh kl shy wytHwl l~ ... blG@ w rwy@
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Bog - eto sostoianie bezuslovnoi liubvi.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
I could have spent the rest of my life trying to prove that I was a good girl - but that would have been unfaithful to who I really was. I believed that I was a good person, if not a good girl. But my appetites were what they were. So I gave up on the idea of denying myself what I truly wanted. Then I sought ways to delight myself. As long as I stayed away from married men, I felt that I was doing no harm. Anyway, at some point in a woman'..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
If inspiration is allowed to unexpectedly enter you, it is also allowed to unexpectedly exit you.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Your fear will always be triggered by your creativity, because creativity asks you to enter into realms of uncertain outcome, and fear hates uncertain outcome.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
'n hn. w 'n 'Hbk. l abh n rdt lbq mstyqZ@ tbkyn Twl llyl, swf 'bq~ l~ jnbk.w n Htjt l~ ldw thny@, tnwlyh, swf Hbk fy 'thn dhlk 'yDan. w n knt l tHtjyn l~ ldw, s'Hbk kdhlk. mhm f`lt, fln tkhsry Hby. swf 'Hmyk l~ n tmwty. n 'qw~ mn lkty'b w mn lwHd@ w m mn shy yrhqny 'bdan. " hdhh llft@ lGryb@ mn lSdq@ lty nb`t tlk llyl@ mn dkhly, lyd lmmdwd@ mnWy lyW fy Gyb y shkhS lyqdm ly l`z."
Elizabeth Gilbert |
s'ktfy blqwl nWh fy tlk lly@ kn l yzl mSdr s`dty w t`sty bqdr mtswin . fl'mrW mn lrHyl kn lbq , w l'fZ` mn lbq kn lrHyl . lm 'kn rGb btdmyr 'yW 'Hd w 'yW shy . lm rGb sw~ bltslWl bhdw mn lbb lkhlfy , mn dwn n ykwn lrHyly 'y jlb@ 'w `wqb , w lrkD mn dwn twqf Ht~ 'Sl l~ Grynlnd .
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Famously, Gloria Steinem once advised women that they should strive to become like the men they had always wanted to marry. What I've only recently realized is that I not only have to become my own husband, but I need to be my own father, too.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
U svijetu nereda, nesreca i prijevare katkad je moguce vjerovati samo ljepoti. Samo je umjetnicka izvrsnost nepotkupljiva. Uzitku nije moguce spustiti cijenu. A obrok je katkad jedina stvarna valuta.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
I wanted to call a time out, to demand that everybody just STOP until I could understand everything.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
To my sister's eyes, there is nothing which cannot be explained if one has access to a proper reference library.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
I held on to those other sources of income for so long because I never wanted to burden my writing with the responsibility of paying for my life.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
My creative expression must be the most important thing in the world to me (if I am to live artistically), and it also must not matter at all (if I am to live sanely).
Elizabeth Gilbert |
We all spend our twenties and thirties trying so hard to be perfect, because we're so worried about what people will think of us. Then we get into our forties and fifties, and we finally start to be free, because we decide that we don't give a damn what anyone thinks of us. But you won't be completely free until you reach your sixties and seventies, when you finally realize this liberating truth--nobody was ever thinking about you, anyhow."..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
The more unsettled and unbalanced we feel, the more quickly and recklessly we are likely to fall in love.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
I had to do something about my longing, so I got up, went to the kitchen in my nightgown, peeled a pound of potatoes, boiled them up, sliced them, fried them in butter, salted them generously and ate every bite of them - asking my body the whole while if it would please accept the satisfaction of a pound of fried potatoes in lieu of the fulfillment of lovemaking. My body replied, only after eating every bite of food: "No deal, babe." --
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Anything that the heart has chosen for its own mysterious reasons it can always unchoose later - again, for its own mysterious reasons. And a shared private heaven can quickly descend into a failed private hell.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
It's also important to read the newspaper every day to see how the pope is doing. Here in Rome, the pope's health is recorded daily in the newspaper, very much like weather, or the TV schedule. Today the pope is tired. Yesterday, the pope was less tired than he is today. Tomorrow, we expect that the pope will not be so tired as he was today.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
A creative life is driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
God does not live in a dogmatic scripture or in a distant throne in the sky, but instead abides very close to us indeed--much closer than we can imagine, breathing right through our own hearts.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
I think that the difference between a tormented creative life and a tranquil creative life is nothing more than the difference between the word awful and the word interesting.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Az obache izchezvam v choveka, kogoto obicham. Az s'm pronitsaema membrana. Shchom te obicham, mozhesh da razpolagash s vsichko. Mozhesh da imash vremeto mi, moiata viarnost, dupeto mi, parite mi, semeistvoto mi, kucheto mi, parite na kucheto, vremeto na kucheto -- vsichko. Shchom te obicham, shche nosia vmesto teb tsialata ti bolka, shche poema vmesto teb vsichkite ti d'lgove (v'v vseki smis'l na dumata), shche te pazia ot sobstvenata ti n..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
In return, Giovanni told me that empathizing Italians say L'ho provato sulla mia pelle, which means 'I have experienced that on my own skin.' Meaning, I have also been burned or scarred in this way, and I know exactly what you're going through.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
I see marriage as an operation that sews two people together, and divorce is a kind of amputation that can take a long time to heal. The longer you were married, or the rougher the amputation, the harder it is to recover.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
When she was pregnant with her second child, a midwife asked if Catherine had any unspoken fears about anything that could go wrong with the baby - such as genetic defects or complications during the birth. My sister said, 'My only fear is that he might grow up to become a Republican.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
i don't want to be marry anymore
Elizabeth Gilbert |
There is no exact principle to be found here. The divine, as Boehme said, is unground--unfathomable, something outside the world as we experience it. But this is a difference of our minds, dearest one. I wish to arrive at revelation on wings, while you advance steadily on foot, magnifying glass in hand. I am a smattering wanderer, seeking God within the outer contours, searching for a new way of knowing. You stand upon the ground, and consi..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Now, I cannot imagine where women ever got the idea that they must be perfect in order to be loved or successful. (Ha ha ha! Just kidding! I can totally imagine: We got it from every single message society has ever sent us! Thanks, all of human history!)
Elizabeth Gilbert |
The old cobbler had believed in something he called "the signature of all things"--namely, that God had hidden clues for humanity's betterment inside the design of every flower, leaf, fruit, and tree on earth. All the natural world was a divine code, Boehme claimed, containing proof of our Creator's love."
Elizabeth Gilbert |
We are an increasingly depressed and anxious people--and not for nothing. Arguably, all these modern conveniences have been adopted to save us time. But time for what? Having created a system that tends to our every need without causing us undue exertion or labor, we can now fill these hours with . . . ?
Elizabeth Gilbert |
In the end, what I have come to believe about God is simple. It's like this--I used to have this really great dog. She came from the pound. She was a mixture of about ten different breeds, but seemed to have inherited the finest features of them all. She was brown. When people asked me, "What kind of dog is that?" I would always give the same answer: "She's a brown dog." Similarly, when the question is raised, "What kind of God do you belie..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that's holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
So, no, when I mention "tolerance", I'm not talking about learning how to stomach pure awfulness. What I am talking about is learning how to accommodate your life as generously as possible about a basically decent human being who can sometimes be an unmitigated pain in the ass. In this regard, the marital kitchen can become something like a small linoleum temple where we are called up daily to practice forgivenessm as we ourselves would lik..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Heaven is love, then hell is love, too.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
She remembered a line from Montaigne, something she had read years ago, which had always stayed with her, and which now felt horribly pertinent: "These are two things that I have always observed to be in singular accord: supercelestial thoughts and subterranean conduct."
Elizabeth Gilbert |
In desperate love, we always invent the characters of our partners, demanding that they be what we need of them, and then feeling devastated when they refuse to perform the role we created in the first place.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
It is not we as individuals, then, who must bend uncomfortably around the institution of marriage; rather it is the institution of marriage that has to bend uncomfortably around US. Because "they" (the powers that be) have never been entirely able to stop "us" (two people) from connecting our lives together and creating a secret world of our own. And so "they" eventually have no choice but to legally permit "us" to marry, in some shape or f..
Elizabeth Gilbert |
C. S. Lewis, when he wrote of his wife, "We both knew this: I had my miseries, not hers; she had hers, not mine."
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Thank heavens we have an earth, or where would we sit?
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Despair is a tedious business and quickly becomes repetitive.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
One instant, you're just a regular Joe, schlepping through your mundane life, and then suddenly - what is this? - nothing has changed, yet you feel stirred by a grace, swollen with wonder, overflowing with bliss. Everything - for no reason whatsoever - is perfect.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Just remember- all your misery will be waiting for you at the door upon your exit, should you care to pick it up again when you leave.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
Find somebody new to love someday. Take the time you need to heal, but don't forget to eventually share your heart with someone. Don't make your life a monument to David.
Elizabeth Gilbert |
I filled the song with everything I wished I could teach him about life. I tried to reassure him with every line about how the world is hard and unfair sometimes, but that it's all OK beacuse he is so loved. He is surrounded by souls who would do anything to help him. And not only that- he has wisdom and patience of his own, buried deep inside his being, which will only reveal themselves over time and will always carry him through any trial..
Elizabeth Gilbert |