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b8bf1a6 You gotta cut that shit out." Lassiter's voice harmonized with the sound of the toilet flushing. Which so made sense. "Christ, don't you ever knock?" "It's Lassiter. L-A-S-S-I-T-E-R. How is it possible you're still getting me confused with someone else? Do I need a nametag?" "Yes, and let's put it over your mouth." -Lassiter & Tohr" J.R. Ward
2c98d22 Life was too short, no matter how long you lived. -Ehlena's thoughts J.R. Ward
8f9795d I'm going to stay here and see if he comes back," Wrath said as the double doors opened and V strode in. "I want the rest of you out searching for him in the city, but before you go, first let's get an update from our very own Katie Couric." He nodded at Vishous. "Katie?" V's glare was the ocular version of a fully extended middle finger, but he got on with it. -Wrath & V" J.R. Ward
579d2a5 One other thing." "What." "I think we're dating now." As V barked out a laugh, the cop shrugged. "Come on . . . I got you naked. You wore a damn corset. And don't get me started about the sponge bath afterward." "Fucker." "To the end." As" J.R. Ward
b5b2f48 As his amethyst eyes stared into hers, the air between them changed and she had the sense that he saw so much, too much. Especially as he said in a dark voice, "Will you let me feed you?" Hypnotized, captivated, she whispered, "Yes. Please." His smile revealed long, white fangs. "That is so the answer I was going for." -Rehv & Ehlena" J.R. Ward
d7c9942 Spending time with you is like watching paint dry." Lassiter's voice echoed up to the stalactites hanging from the Tomb's high ceiling. "Except without the home improvement--which is a tragedy, given how this place looks. Do you guys always go for the gloom and doom? You never hear of Pottery Barn?" -Lassiter to Tohr" lassiter-to-tohr pottery-barn J.R. Ward
528998f That plan had bad idea written all over it. "You want to poof it or ride back with me?" -- J.R. Ward
95b04a6 God, those eyes of his were gleaming again. So blue, so bright, the color endless, like the sea. An ocean to swim in. To drown in. To die in. J.R. Ward
2ac27c4 In the clearing he saw a creature. Some eight feet tall, it was built along the lines of a dragon, with teeth like a T. rex and a slashing pair of front claws. The thing flickered in the moonlight, its powerful body and tail covered with iridescent purple and lime-green scales. "What the hell is that?" Butch whispered, fumbling to make sure the door was locked. "Rhage in a really bad mood." The" J.R. Ward
a8650ea She took a sip from her water glass and marveled at how you could sit so close to someone and still have him be totally far away from you. J.R. Ward
bcc84f7 The new kids that were coming in--even the ones who wanted to get where he was--professed love for the rituals and the fundamentals and claimed to be committed to the process, but were really just corporate minions in khakis rather than suits. They were from a generation of special snowflakes who expected trophies for showing up, and everything to be easy, and for everybody to care about them and safeguard them as their parents would. They .. J.R. Ward
553cabd going to J.R. Ward
2af775b what do you want with her?" As if she didn't already know. "Call her now. Tell her that I am a friend of yours and she'll enjoy herself. It will be better that way." "Better than what?" "My breaking into her house to get to her. Which is what I'll do, if I have" J.R. Ward
7a6e123 You're some freaky shit, my brother. You really are. J.R. Ward
1432dd8 She wobbled, steadying herself against the pale blue walls. "You've been going out alone?" "Yes." He reached out for her arm, but she tore it away from him. "Beth--" She yanked open the door. "Don't touch me." The thing clapped shut behind her. Rage at himself had Wrath spinning toward his desk, and the instant he saw all the papers, all the requests, all the complaints, all the problems, it was like someone hooked jumper cables up to h.. J.R. Ward
9fb9cb7 So why was tonight not so good?" he asked, desperate to shut himself the fuck up. "My father. And then...well, I got stood up." Rehv frowned so hard he actually felt a slight sting between his eyes. "For a date?" "Yeah." He hated the idea of her out with another male. And yet envied the motherfucker, whoever he was. "What an ass. I'm sorry, but what an ass." Ehlena laughed, and he loved everything about the sound, especially the way h.. J.R. Ward
6847614 Question," the angel said. "When are we going to cut that rug that's growing out of your head? Shit gets any longer, we're going to have to mow it down like hay." As Tohr stripped out of his T-shirt and boxers, he enjoyed the only consolation to be had in suffering Lassiter's company: He flashed the motherfucker. "Man, flat ass is right," Lassiter muttered. "You're sporting a pair of deflated basketballs back there. Makes me wonder...Hey,.. no-butt J.R. Ward
f50d189 Life was short, no matter how many days you were granted. And people were precious, each and every one, no matter how many you were lucky enough to have in your life. And love... love was worth dying for. Worth living for, too. J.R. Ward
8fb9a46 My body, my choice." As" J.R. Ward
54b59c4 We're vampires," he said. "Not fairies." "Sometimes I'm not so sure about that. You see that study your king hangs out in?" "He's nearly blind." "Which explains why he hasn't hanged himself in that pastel train wreck." "I thought you were bitching about the gloom-and-doom decorating?" "I free-associate." "Clearly." Tohr didn't look at the angel, as he figured eye contact would only encourage the guy. Oh, wait. Lassiter didn't need hel.. J.R. Ward
5e6082d It's because you're looking in the wrong place," Lassiter said. "You can go now." "Every time you say that, it brings a tear to my eye." "Funny, mine too." -Lassiter & Tohr" J.R. Ward
83e3d1f The angel leaned down, the scent of fresh air preceding him. "Neither that wall nor that skull will give you what you're looking for." Tohr narrowed his eyes and wished he were strong enough to fight the guy. "They won't? Well, then they're making a liar out of you. 'Now is the time. Tonight everything changes.' You give portent a bad name, you know that? You are just so full of shit." Lassiter smiled and idly adjusted the gold hoop that .. J.R. Ward
3510b0f The corner of her mouth twitched up. "This is totally inappropriate, but considering how male you are, without it--" "I'd be able to make love to you," he said quietly. "That's what I'd be like." Her eyes shot to his, all holy-shit-did-he-just-say-that? Rehv brushed a hand over his mohawk. "I'm not going to apologize for the fact that I'm feeling you, but I won't disrespect you by trying to do anything about it either. You want some coff.. J.R. Ward
5be2197 You're going to let me kiss you," he said. It wasn't a question, but she nodded anyway, and he closed the distance between their mouths. His lips were soft and his kiss softer. And he pulled back too fast, in her opinion. Way too fast. "If you want more," he said in a low, husky voice, "I want to give it to you." -Rehv & Ehlena" J.R. Ward
cffb19b Wrath watched the doctor go through the little monitoring room and out into the hall. A moment later, she returned with the tall, thin physician. Havers bowed to him and to Beth through the glass and then went over to the monitors. Both of them assumed the identical pose: bent at the waist, hands in the pockets, brows down low over their eyes. "Do they coach them to do that in medical school?" Beth said. "Funny, I was wondering the same.. havers jane medical-school wrath haha J.R. Ward
0c6bc6e Um...John, what the fuck is doing with you?" he signed to Qhuinn without taking his eyes off the woman. "You're looking at that chick like you want to roll her up in a taco and put your hot sauce all over her." Blay coughed a little. "You really don't have a way with words, you know that?" "Just calling it like I see it." -Qhuinn, John, & Blay" J.R. Ward
c02f22b The thing was, though, the ridiculous, pansy-ass saying was right: If you loved someone, you set them free. J.R. Ward
a9143b2 Stepping out into the hall of statues, he rushed down past the marble figures, envying them their calm poses and their serene faces. Sure as shit the everything's-cool routine made being inanimate seem like a good deal. Whereas it meant they felt no joy, they didn't have to go through this burning pain, either. J.R. Ward
2324c8f eISBN: 978-1-4668-6783-3 J.R. Ward
f5edd82 Getting up from her seat, she walked over to him and-- Slap. As Beth followed through with her palm, the sharp cracking sound faded in the room and her beloved mate shut up. Staring at him calmly, she said, "And now that I have your attention and you're not ranting and raving like a lunatic, I'd appreciate your telling me where I can find whatever they sent us." J.R. Ward
e83cd8f You wanted to live." "No," he shot back. "I was afraid of dying." J.R. Ward
2690afc I love her so damned much," Manny heard himself say. "That's my heart right there. That's my woman." "Word." As" J.R. Ward
3e637af Rehv se inclino hacia abajo, ofreciendo la mano de la daga. - Todo lo que tengo es tuyo. Tres tuvo que parpadear fuerte y, a continuacion, pasar la mano por sus ojos. - Tu amistad es todo lo que necesito, mi amigo, pues es malditamente invaluable. J.R. Ward
0ae78f0 This was why people got mated, Rehv suddenly thought. Fuck the sex and the social position. If they were smart, they did it to make a house that had no walls and an invisible roof and a floor that no one could walk on--and yet the structure was a shelter no storm could blow down, no match could torch up, no passage of years could degrade. That was when it hit him. A mated bond like that helped you through shit nights like this. Bella J.R. Ward
2f3e129 But what was between them went further than a mating ceremony or a back carving or a witnessed exchange of commitment. He couldn't put his finger on the why of it . . . but she was his missing puzzle piece, the twelfth in his dozen, the first and the last pages of his book. And at some level that was all he needed. J.R. Ward
ee72ef4 got a close look at Doc Jane's red Crocs, Ehlena's blue ones, and his brother's knees as the male immediately crouched down next to him. J.R. Ward
aaec3c1 My name's Lassiter, and I'll tell you all you need to know about me. I'm an angel first and a sinner second, and I'm not here for long. I'll never hurt you, but I'm prepared to make you pretty goddamn uncomfortable if I have to, to get my job done. I like sunsets and long walks on the beach, but my perfect female no longer exists. Oh, and my favorite hobby is annoying the shit out of people. Guess I'm just bred to want to get a rise out of .. J.R. Ward
4b471d8 Lassiter walked in like he owned the place, that swagger back in full force, his smile as wide and naughty as ever, his blond and black hair marked with fresh snowflakes. As Tohr and Autumn stared at him with their mouths open, he held up two oversize McDonald's bags. "I brought us all Big Macs," he said happily. "I know you dig 'em, remember?" "What the..." Tohr tightened his grip on his shellan, just in case...well, shit, with the way thi.. J.R. Ward
c65dfea So what would she be like?" "Man, you don't quit, do you?" Now it was her turn to laugh. "Listen, I'm sitting here, freezing cold in this paper doily, about to be told that I have the flu and shouldn't have bothered coming in. Do me a solid and get my mind off my reality, will you?" iAm sat back in his chair. "Well, like I said, I haven't really given it a lot of thought." "Can I set you up with someone--" "No," he barked. "Nooooooooo. No, .. J.R. Ward
9c643f3 Beth rolled her eyes, but inside, she didn't mind him being pushy at all. Her husband was going to take excellent care of her--whether or not she was carrying his child. And that was love right there. J.R. Ward
7fad417 Next one of you mouthy assholes makes me pound my desk again, I'm throwing you the fuck out." On that note, he reached down, picked up the cowering ninety-pound retriever, and settled George in his lap. "You're freaking out my dog and it's pissing me off." As" J.R. Ward
1360a84 Ehlena? - sim? - Nao me entenda mal. Ela respirou fundo e ele viu que seus ombros nus se esticavam. - Certo. Vou tentar. -Se voce continuar vindo aqui. Sendo que e - Houve uma pausa - Vou me apaixonar por voce. lover-avenged J.R. Ward
5b9faf1 You scare the shit out of me, female." He" J.R. Ward
a4ca6dd Being left behind was a special kind of loss. -- J.R. Ward