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c7e485c She nodded, wondering why couldn't she have been named Mary. Or Sue. But no, she had to be nine-letter Elizabeth. dark-lover J.R. Ward
a89dcc4 Let me kiss you." Qhuinn groaned as he leaned in. "I know I don't deserve it, but please ... it's what you can do for me. Let me feel you...." Qhuinn's mouth brushed his own. Came back for more. Lingered. "I'll beg for it." More with the caress of those devastating lips. "If that's what it takes. I don't give a fuck, I'll beg..." qhuinn J.R Ward
5370a53 What's next? The size of my cock?" "Hey, even pencils can get the job done--I've heard the moaning from your room to prove it." humor vishous butch J.R. Ward
a740b25 Whether you have sight or not, I see the future in your eyes." -Beth" J.R. Ward
0b77f6e Closing his eyes, he sent up a prayer to anyone who was listening, asking please, for God's sake, stop sending him signals that they were right for each other. He'd read that book, seen the movie, bought the soundtrack, the DVD, the T-shirt, the mug, the bobble-head, and the insider's guide. He knew every reason they could have been lock and key. But just as he was aware of all that aligned them, he was even clearer on how they were damned .. lover-mine jr-ward J.R. Ward
7e2b502 Maybe I could do it." Darius shot him a dry look. "You want to try to get back into your house after the fact? Wellsie will stake you through the heart and leave you for the sun, my friend." Tohrment winced. "Good point." "And then she'll come looking for me." Both males shuddered." tohrment dark-lover darius J.R. Ward
a507c4a Just once" Blay said softly. "Do it just once. So I'll know what it's like." qhuinn-and-blay J.R. Ward
e2f1ea8 I want you to know...that you can trust me." John locked eyes with her and was instantly transported to a different plane of existence. Mighta been heaven again. Who the fuck knew or cared. All he knew was that there was only her and him together, the rest of the world drifting away into fog. Was it possible to fall in love with someone twice, he wondered dimly." lover-mine xhex jr-ward J.R. Ward
96e17da You're some freaky shit, my brother. You really are humor love rhage brothers J.R. Ward
0c5e2d1 V rolled the Aquafina bottle between his palms. "How long have you wanted to ask me the question? About the gay thing." "For a while." "Afraid of what I'd say?" "Nope, because it doesn't matter to me one way or the other. I'm tight with you whether you like males or females or both." V looked into his best friend's eyes and realized... yeah, Butch wasn't going to judge him. They were cool no matter what. With a curse, V rubbed the center of.. vishous J.R. Ward
aa454df I'm not broken, I'm ruined. Do you understand the difference? With broken maybe you can fix things. Ruined? All you can do is wait to bury me. J.R. Ward
89ca363 She wanted to say something smart and kind, put together some combination of words to reach him where he'd reached her with his. But the thing was, there was more courage in these revelations of his than she had ever shown anyone, and in a world that was full of taking and cruelty, he was fucking breaking her heart with what he was giving her. lover-mine xhex jr-ward J.R. Ward
0578bee Sometimes the only way to know how far you'd come was to return to where you once had been. J.R. Ward
8ed2e33 Stop it. Do not feel safe with him. The Stockholm Syndrome is not your friend. J.R. Ward
381ba0b One thing, though," Qhuinn murmured. "What?" The voice that came out his throat was unlike anything he'd ever heard from himself before. "If any guy breaks your heart or treats you like shit, I will bust him apart with my bare hands and leave his broken, bloody body for the sun." Blay's laughter rumbled around the tiled walls. "Of course you will--" "I'm dead fucking serious." Blay's blue eyes shot over his shoulder. "If there are any who d.. revenge heartbreak blaylock qhuinn oath J.R. Ward
a39961a When you were young, you thought time was a burden, something to be discharged as fast as possible so you could be grown-up. But it was such a bait-n-switch - when you were an adult, you came to realize that minutes and hours were the single most precious thing you had. J.R. Ward
c5bc224 I want to see the front of you." "That's what all the girls say." "Do you expect me to roll you over? 'Cuz I will." "Your mate's not going to like this." "As if that's going to bother you?" "True. It actually makes it worth the effort." With a groan, he shoved his palms into the shimmering silver pool of blood beneath him, and flopped over like the side of beef he was. "Wow," she breathed. "I know, right? Hung like a horse." "If you're real.. humor physical-perfection lassiter flirting teasing J.R. Ward
1312259 I am barren of words. For no sounds from my mouth are worthy of your hearing J.R. Ward
ae69a2c When order in study was finally reestablished, Wrath looked downright nasty. "Next one of you mouthy assholes makes me pound my desk again, I'm throwing you the fuck out." On that note, he reached down, picked up the cowering ninety-pounds retriever, and settled George in his lap. "You're freaking out my dog and it's pissing me off." J.R. Ward
3ea0c7a Have I mentioned you are the hottest geek I've ever known ? J.R. Ward
61047e0 When he turned back around, his characteristic smart-ass smile was back in place. "Your wish is my command, prince of mine." "How about good ol'-fashioned 'master'?" When John just glared over his shoulder, Quinn shrugged. "Fine. I'll go with fathead then. But that's your damage, I gave you options." [John & Qhuinn]" lover-enshrined qhuinn J.R. Ward
260eeef I'm an angel not a frickin' saint. J.R. Ward
fc03751 And love ... love was worth dying for. Worth living for, too. J.R. Ward
8eb2f14 On the chessboard of his godforsaken existence, the pieces were lined up, the play preordained. Man, so many times in life you didn't get to pick your path because the way you went was decided for you. Free will was such bullshit. -Vishous's thoughts J.R. Ward
64ce439 Courtesy of their tempers, both were now dressed in the Captain Asshole costume--which included, for no extra charge, the cape of disgrace, the booties of shame, and keys to the Fuck Up mobile. humor tohrment J.R. Ward
06c432e In a quiet voice, he said, "How long's this been going on for you? With her." John took out a small pad he'd brought with him and wrote: After Rehv read the scribble, he frowned. "She feel the same way?" John did not drop his eyes as he shook his head. No sense hiding shit. Not with a Rehv nodded once. "That's so like her. Goddamn it...okay, let's do this." rehv lover-mine rehvenge jr-ward J.R. Ward
71cca78 The guy stroked his goatee. "What do you call twenty guys watching the world series?" "The New York Yankees," Butch replied." J.R. Ward
5a698eb There was a sniffle from the crowd. At which point, Rhage's voice hissed, "What. This is beautiful, 'kay? Fuck all y'all." J.R. Ward
8986f8a In the silence, she felt the past and the present shift and mix, but that was a mirage. There was no way to comfort the lost boy he'd been back then. But she had the grown male. She had him right in her arms, and for a brief moment of whimsy, she imagined that she was never, ever going to let him go. sadness love J.R. Ward
8c666c2 And I left the aspirin next to the phone with a tall glass of water. Figured you weren't going to be able to make it to the coffeepot. Take three, turn your ringer off, and sleep. If anything exciting happens, I'll come and get you." "I love you, honey." "So buy me a mink and a nice pair of earrings for our anniversary." "You got it." J.R. Ward
388cea3 God...this was who he loved, he thought. And always would. It was the thrust of that stubborn jaw, and the dark, slashing eyebrows, and those piercings up his ear and in his full lower lip. It was that thick, glossy black hair and the golden skin and that heavily muscled body. It was the way he laughed and the fact that he never, ever cried. It was the scars on his inside no one knew about and the conviction that he would always be the firs.. qhuinn-and-blay blay qhuinn black-dagger-brotherhood J.R. Ward
ea0b618 Hey, what are you doing, little one? You want more? You are just too much . . . you . . . oh, no . . . not the quivering lip . . . oh, no." Nalla let out a giggle. "Outrageous! You want more, and you know you're going to get what you want because of The Lip. Jeez, you've got your father wrapped around your little finger, don't you." J.R. Ward
51808b2 You have cable?" He nodded toward her TV. She tossed him the clicker. "Sure do. And if I remember, there's a Godzilla marathon on TBS tonight." "Sweet," the vampire said, kicking his legs out. "I always root for the monster." She smiled at him. "Me, too." J.R. Ward
ab2ceaf Straightening up so the full force of that cold blast hit him square in the face, Qhuinn glared into the rush, picturing those pines ahead that he couldn't see because his eyes were watering from the wind. Opening his mouth, he screamed bloody murder, adding his voice to the maelstrom. Godd*mn it, he wasn't going down like a pussy. No ducking, no pathetic oh-please-God-no-saaaaaave-me. F**k that. He was going to meet death with his fangs ba.. J.R. Ward
b2c0385 And it was because of their long history that he searched for something to say, something that would get them back to where they had been. All that came to him was... lover-mine blaylock jr-ward qhuinn J.R. Ward
ba57a66 he signed. will J.R. Ward
a57f14b Funny, transformative events were not always scheduled and not always expected. Yeah, sure, your change turned you into a male. And when you went through the mating ceremony, you were part of a whole. No longer just yourself. And the deaths and the births around you made you view the world differently. But every once in a while, from out of the blue, someone reaches the quiet place where you spend your private time and changes the way you .. J.R. Ward
6a3a7c5 The Old Language really was beautiful, Blay thought. Staring at the symbols, for one brief, ridiculous moment he imagined his own name across Qhuinn's shoulders, carved into that smooth skin in the manner of the mating ritual. Never going to happen. They were destined to be best friends...which, compared to strangers, was something huge. Compared to lovers? It was the cold side of a locked door. qhuinn-and-blay blay qhuinn black-dagger-brotherhood J.R. Ward
b9ec51d Vishous to Qhuinn: "Listen, I gotta go. I need both hands to hold my gut as I laugh my ass off attcha. Later." J.R. Ward
455a6a9 Wrath walked over to the closet and looked throught the clothes. He took out a black long-sleeved shirt, a pair of leather pants, and --jeez, what was this? Oh, not fucking likely. He was not going to fight in BVDs. He'd go commando before he got cought dead inthose things. J.R. Ward
cadaa70 Beth wrapped her arms around Wrath's waist and leaned into her hellren's body. Their black hair mixed together, his straight, hers wavy. God, Wrath's was so damn long now. But word was that Beth liked the stuff so he'd grown it out for her. V wiped his mouth again. Weird, how males do shit like that. J.R. Ward
87eafc9 The male's diamond eyes locked on Payne, and though she hadn't seen him in forever, she knew who he was. Sure as if she was staring at her own reflection. Tears sprang unbidden to her eyes for last she had known, he breathed no longer. "Vishous," she whispered desperately. "Oh, brother mine..." payne sister vishous J.R. Ward
95001b2 You could lose the ones you loved in the blink of an eye--and he was willing to bet, when it happened, you weren't thinking about all the reasons that could have kept you apart. You thought of all the reasons that kept you together. And, no doubt, how you wished you'd had more time. Even if you'd had centuries... When you were young, you thought time was a burden, something to be discharged as fast as possible so you could be grown-up. Bu.. time loss love qhuinn carpe-diem forever J.R. Ward
a946622 Although she was ashamed to admit it now, the darkness in him had been the largest part of his allure. It was such an anomaly, a contrast to what she'd known from life. It had made him dangerous. Exciting. Sexy. But that was a fantasy. This was real. He suffered. And there was nothing sexy or thrilling about that. (Zsadists & Bella) J.R. Ward