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31cd89d It had been so good to see his enemy again. Positively heartwarming. Hallmark really needed to start up a line of revenge cards, the kind that let you reach out to those you were going to come after with a vengeance. - Lash J.R. Ward
e3f206a What you just had is nothing compared to what I want to do to you. I want my head between your legs so I can lick you until you scream my name. Then I want to mount you like an animal and look into your eyes as I come inside you. And after that? I want to take you every way there is. I want to do you from behind. I want to screw you standing up, against the wall. I want you to sit on my hips and ride me until I can't breath. - Rhage to Mary mary-luce rhage lover-eternal J.R. Ward
a6fdefc Wrath: What the hell are you supposed to ask? Rhage: I know! Who do you like the most? It's me right?Come on, you know it is. Come oooooonnnnn- Butch: If its you,, I'll kill myself. V: No, that just means she's blind. Rhage: It has to be me. V: She said she didn't like you at first. Rhage: Ah, but I won her over, which is more than anyone else can say about you, hot stuff. J.R.: I don't like anyone the best Wrath: Right answer. Rhage: She's.. humor rhage J.R. Ward
a19162c Fine, dandy, she thought. Then lose the shirt, peel off those leather pants, and lie down on my tile. We'll take turns being on the bottom. J.R. Ward
dbade60 One thing you could say about Butch was that his wardrobe was full of options. "Never thought I'd be glad that you're a clothes whore." "I believe the term is sharp dresser." vishous J.R. Ward
76338c9 Qhuinn stopped breathing, focusing everything he had on the male who had been his best friend and his never-been lover... and the ever-after that was never going to happen. Even after all the things that had gone on between them, and all the fuckups on his end, which were legendary, Blay still had his back. "I love you," Qhuinn blurted into the silence." qhuay qhuinn J.R. Ward
9aa1399 If you eliminate all possible explanations, then the impossible is the answer. J.R. Ward
b359af4 She was glad she didn't know where it would take her. Because sometimes the only thing that got you through hell was that you were in too deep to pull out. [Ehlena] J.R. Ward
51d9841 I catch you without your again, I'm turning you in." Qhuinn cursed. "Yeah, and then I'll get fired. Which means V'll Donald trump my ass with a dagger. You're welcome." lover-mine john-matthew qhuinn zsadist j.r. ward
3e28d5d All right, then, her first rule for the rest of her days: no more looking outside for definitions. She might not have any clue who she was, but better to be lost and searching than shoved into a social box by someone else. J.R. Ward
6c73f6d You would have made a fine warrior, you know that?" I am one. Death is my enemy." Yeah, it is, isn't it." God, it made such sense that he'd bonded with her. She was a fighter... like him. "Your scalpel's your dagger." Yup." inspirational cute J.R. Ward
6915067 Life was short, no matter how many days you were granted. And people were precious, each and every one, no matter how many you were lucky enough to have in your life. And love... love was worth dying for. Worth living for, too. -Tohrment J.R. Ward
3d9c66e No matter what you wear... to me, you will always have diamonds on the soles of your shoes. J.R. Ward
0eb146f You are perfect for a female." "Not where I come from." "Then they're using the wrong standard." payne jr-ward manny J.R. Ward
f4e72b0 BDB on the board- VAMPIRES WITH ONE EYEBROW ARE SEXY May 8, 2006 Vishous (Back in the Pit, posting in Rhage's room on the board) Hi! My name is Rhage.....:) I'm starting a new trend in facial hair. Having one eyebrow is COOL. Having one eyebrow is SEXY. Having one eyebrow is very INTELLECTUAL. Come. Join me. Rhage: (In his bedroom) 1. He immobilized me, the motherfucker. Or I woud have gone to work on the goatee. AND IF HE WERE SO TOUGH H.. J.R. Ward
dfb8ff6 Go 'head." Those freaky-ass black eyes had stared at Butch with the intensity of a shark. "Crack open that door. Run your little heart out. Run fast, run smart, call for help. Just know that I'll come after you. Like a hearse." - Zsadist" j-r-ward zsadist dark-lover butch J.R. Ward
379910e the only thing that had tethered her to the earth had been him and it was strange, but she felt welded to him on some core level now. He had seen her at her absolute worst, at her weakest and most insane, and he hadn't looked away. He hadn't judged and he hadn't been burned. It was as if in the heat of her meltdown they had melted together. This was more than emotion. It was a matter of soul. lover-mine john-matthew xhex J.R. Ward
3f852af Phury glanced at John and thought that sometimes it took only a hairbreadth between cars to avoid a mortal accident. Sometimes your whole life could hinge on a fraction of an inch. Or the beat of a nanosecond. Or the knock on a door. Kind of made a male believe in the divine. J.R. Ward
185f851 Motherf**ker. Bastard ass motherf**ker. C**ks**king rat-bitch bastard motherf**ker!" - Blay" J.R. Ward
bbe5f99 There was pain, and then there was PAIN. This was -Vishous pain jr-ward vishous J.R. Ward
9991ec0 Aha!" Lassiter pointed at the boob tube. "You motherfucker! I knew you were the father!" maury lassiter J.R. Ward
8693506 What the--Have you been crying?" Tohrment demanded. "Are you all right? Dear God, is it the baby?" "Tohr, relax. I'm a female, I cry at matings. It's in the job description." There was the sound of a kiss. "I just don't want anything to upset you, leelan." 'Then tell me the brothers are ready." "We are." "Good. I'll bring her out." "Leelan ? " "What?" There were low words spoken in their beautiful language. "Yes, Tohr," Wellsie whi.. J.R. Ward
60bcd28 I am very comfortable with conflict, be it of the legal or mortal kind. My father was a mediator, a bridge maker. I am a grave maker. wrath J.R. Ward
f57b88f V?" Butch said. "Don't leave, okay?" "Never." V brushed Butch's hair back with a gesture so tender it was out of place coming from a male." J.R. Ward
8f6453d Brace yourself , Effie." "Jesus Ch-" A grunt cut off the swearing. Wrath poked his head out of the window and whispered , "You're supposed to be a good Catholic. Isn't that blasphemy ?" Butch's tone was like someone had pissed out a fire on his bed. " You just threw half a car at me with nothing but a quote from Mrs. fucking Doubtfire." J.R. Ward
c75f04a What happened to you?" she asked. "I got hit in the side." "With what?" "A knife." phury black-dagger-brotherhood J.R. Ward
c76038c In the Old Language, she hissed, "If any harm shall befall him, I will come after you, and find you where you sleep. I do not care where you lay your head or who with, my vengeance shall rain upon you until you drown." That last word was drawn out, until its syllable was lost in more growling. Dead silence. Until Doc Jane said dryly, "Annnnd this is why they say the female of the species is more dangerous than the male." funny layla qhuinn J.R. Ward
20b1063 Now tell me something. What's your word for husband?" "Hellren, I suppose. The short version is just hell." She laughed softly. "Go figure." J.R. Ward
f01717a Son of a bitch" Wrath breathed as a figure stopped twenty yards away. The glowing man laughed "Well, if it isn't good king Wrath and his band of merry-merry happy-happy. I swear you boys should do kiddie shows, you're so fucking cheery." "Great," Rhage murmered, "his sense of humor's still intact." Vishous exhaled "Maybe I can try to beat it out of him-" "Use his own arm to do it, if you can-" Wrath glared at the two of them, who shot him b.. J.R. Ward
a30306e He screamed for all he had lost...screamed for the half male he was...screamed for Jane...screamed for who his parents were and what he wished for his sister...screamed for what he had forced his best friend to do...He screamed, and screamed until there was no breath, no consciousness, no nothing. No past or present. Not even himself anymore. And in the midst of the chaos, in the strangest way, he became free. j-r-ward vishous J.R. Ward
2ded75d The trainee knew he should leave, but he was unable to look away. He'd never seen anything snap out so fast or strike so hard as the male's fists. Obviously, the rumours about the instructor were all true. He was a flat-out killer. With a metal clank, a door opened at the other end of the gym, and the sound of a newborn's cries echoed up into the high ceiling. The warrior stopped in midpunch and wheeled around as a lovely female carrying yo.. J.R. Ward
c6abd13 he wanted to say. And not "we" as in the Brotherhood. Not even "we" as in he and John. More like ... "me"." qhuay qhuinn-and-blay J.R. Ward
054d649 Yo, cop. We're heading for Screamer's. You wanna come? vampires J.R. Ward
01fb85e As always, Blay was the anchor who kept him from being swept away. qhuay qhuinn-and-blay qhuinn J.R. Ward
b3e85b7 Call me," she whispered to him with a confidence that would fade as the days passed. Qhuinn smiled a little. "Take care." At the sound of the two words, Blay relaxed, his big shoulders easing up. In Qhuinn-landia, "Take care" was synonymous with "I'm never going to see, call or fuck you again." qhuinn john J.R. Ward
5d56345 And then Tohr said softly, "I'm lucky to have found love, I thank the Scribe Virgin every day that Wellsie is in my life." Wrath's Temper surged, set off by something he couldn't put his finger on. "You're ." Tohr hissed. "And you've been dead for hundreds of years. You're just too mean to find a grave and lie down." wrath J.R. Ward
f1476e9 Life's meant to be lived blind--that's how you don't take shit for granted. J.R. Ward
4e8f56c You're a good Irishman, right?" When Butch nodded, V said, "Irish, Irish... let me think. Yeah..." Vishous's eyes sobered, and in a voice that cracked, he said, "May the road rise to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rains fall soft upon your fields. And... my dearest friend... until we meet again may the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand." J.R. Ward
3d78a35 As the Brotherhood got down to business, he found himself putting his hand on the dog's big head and stroking the soft fur...playing with an ear...dipping down and finding the long waves that flowed from the animal's broad, strong chest. Not that any of that meant he was keeping the the animal, of course. It just felt nice, was all. wrath vampire paranormal-romance J.R. Ward
4afcd72 You're not half the male you could be because of what was done to you. You're twice what anyone else is because you survived. J.R. Ward
d97226c Written on the mirror, revealed by the steam, were the words, I love you, Jane. vishous J.R. Ward
26b703d Qhuinn wanted to say, qhuay blay blaylock qhuinn j-r-ward J.R. Ward
45c5c68 Butch nodded as if he knew exactly what was doing. "Like I said, my man, it's whatever. You and me? Same as always, no matter who you screw. Although... if you're into sheep, that would be tough. Don't know if I could handle that." J.R. Ward
ee9cfb5 V, you know I love you like a brother, right?" "Yeah." "You feed her and I'll tear out your fucking throat out." v jr-ward lover-revealed J.R. Ward