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c4d6f17 So when are we going to fuck," he said in a guttural voice. "I'm ready to stop ignoring this." Novo narrowed that stare even harder. "Never. How's sound to you?" "You want it." "Not from you." "Liar." He leaned in a little closer. "Coward. What are you afraid of--" Her free hand whipped out and locked on his throat, her thumbnail pressing into his jugular and pinching off the blood supply. "Watch yourself, pretty boy. Or I might do some a.. novo peyton J.R. Ward
f419737 Will you two cut the shit and get a room already," Axe drawled. "No offense, but rom coms make me sick." "This is not a romantic comedy," Novo ground out. "It's a murder mystery with an obvious ending." novo J.R. Ward
d5e4f1f The door to the PT suite swung open, and Peyton appeared between the jambs with a bottle of liquor in his hand, an arousal in his pants, and the wild look in his eye of someone over the brink. In this current incarnation, the male was something right out of the Bad Idea Catalog. And what do you know ... a blond male with an able body was exactly what she wanted in her virtual shopping cart. novo peyton J.R. Ward
00d1b60 Come on, Novo," he said. "I'm taking you out on the town." "You can't leave," Sophy protested. "Wait, you can't." Peyton leaned in and looked the female right in the eye. "I can do anything the fuck I want, sweetheart. And what I am going to do do is play windup toy for you as you ignore the poor SOB you're mating and disrespect your sister. I'd say it was a pleasure to meet you, but I gave up lying a couple of nights ago, so that's a no-.. sophy J.R. Ward
cb0118b Sometimes composure was all you had; dignity your only consolation; the illusion of "all right" your sole source of comfort." J.R. Ward
2ad2dca With a start, she forced a smile to her face. "I would prefer to be surprised." Now he grinned deeply. "Even more fun--well, as I said, I want to introduce you to someone." His smile faded a little. "I think you might like her." Her? As in a female? Like? Verily, that would happen only if the "she" in question had a horse face and a big butt, Payne thought. "How lovely," she said." J.R. Ward
8e96c11 If you want to get back to being productive, you're going to have to look under all those rocks, feel your feelings, and come out on the other side of that journey. J.R. Ward
b760b05 Holy hell, the Grim Reaper was no makeup artist; that was for sure. Even Goths had better complexions. "Hey, don't be harshing on my peeps," Adrian cut in. "I'd do one of us way before some SoCal bimbo with plastic melons and a spray tan." "Stop reading my mind, motherfucker. And you'd do the bimbo anyway." Adrian grinned and flexed his heavy arms. "Yeah. I would. And her sister." J.R. Ward
aba2ce6 Come on. I'm stuffed, so I need that ice cream now. J.R. Ward
0941ef4 Peyton flashed his palms...then deliberately linked them behind his back and spoke in the Old Language. "I hereby offer you a rythe. I do so in recognition of my disrespect and disregard of your status as a bonded male unto the female Paradise, with whom you have been mated. It is not my intention to justify this behavior in any fashion, and I wish to make up for my lapse in judgment according to the Old Ways." J.R. Ward
68bae93 In fact, the more she thought about it, the more she wondered why blood relatives were given such importance in people's lives. The genetic lottery, which no one volunteered to play, spit you out wherever it did, without regard to compatibility, and yet somehow you were supposed to imbue that accident of procreation with all kinds of emotional weight and significance--simply because your parents managed to help you stay alive until you coul.. J.R. Ward
27ba81d One thing was for sure: Her attacker had made a hell of a mistake when he'd picked her. The entire police force was going to be gunning for that fool when they found out who he was. And Butch had a big mouth. J.R. Ward
855bc39 Sometimes people need to go back to the beginning. To where everything started. J.R. Ward
b39b3f1 One other thing." "What." "I think we're dating now." As V barked out a laugh, the cop shrugged. "Come on . . . I got you naked. You wore a damn corset. And don't get me started about the sponge bath afterward." "Fucker." "To the end." J.R. Ward
0c3203f Butch finished processing Billy Riddle around six A.M. The guy was offended by the class of drug dealers and thugs he'd been put into the holding cell with, so Butch was careful to make as many typographical errors as possible on his reports. And what would you know, Central Processing kept getting confused about exactly which forms needed to be filled out. And then the printers had gone on the fritz. All twenty-three of them. J.R. Ward
a3ea95a Time to go back to the training center." "You need treatment." "You are a reasonable male, and I know you see the merits of what I'm saying." "Don't be an asshole." Rhage summed up the regurgitation with two words: "Kettle. Black." Fucking hell. "Did you guys plan that out?" "Yeah, and if you don't fight us"--Hollywood bit down on his grape Tootsie Pop--"we'll do it again--only with the dance moves this time." J.R. Ward
fd1eac9 I'm going to talk to her." "And how's that going to go? You're just going to walk up to her and say, 'Hey, I know you've never seen me before, but I'm your dad. Oh, and guess what? You've won the evolutionary lottery: You're a vampire. Let's go to Disneyland!'" "I hate you right now." -Darius & Tohrment" -- J.R. Ward
2d0487b Tohrment leaned forward, his thick shoulders shifting under black leather. "You know I got your back. I'm just thinking you should reconsider." There was a heavy pause. "Maybe I could do it." Darius shot him a dry look. "You want to try and get back into your house after the fact? Wellsie will stake you through the heart and leave you for the sun, my friend." Tohrment winced. "Good point." "And then she'll come looking for me." Both mal.. J.R. Ward
12f06e4 Wrath lowered himself into a chair. He stared straight ahead and watched the crowd gradually swallow up the path he'd made. He waited. The pounding beat of Ludacris faded into old-school Cypress Hill. This was going to be good. Darius was a real straight shooter who knew Wrath couldn't stand having his time wasted. If there was silence, something was up. Darius tipped back his beer, then let out a deep breath. "My lord--" "If you want s.. J.R. Ward
d3804d8 Where the hell is everybody," he bitched as he glared up the stairs. "You just called them about two seconds ago--" People came at a dead run, a traffic jam forming at the top of the stairs in spite of the fact that the thing was huge, the sound of big feet thundering down to the foyer as the Brothers came with their mates in tow. "Here," she said, taking out a flimsy slip of paper. "Show them this--it's a picture from the ultrasound." .. J.R. Ward
9d481ca In her time as a reporter, she'd found that murder was a community event in Caldwell. Well, certainly for everyone except the man or woman who'd actually done the dying. For the victim, she had to imagine death was an alone kind of thing, even if he or she were staring into the face of the killer. Some bridges you crossed on your own, no matter who drove you to the edge. -Beth's thoughts J.R. Ward
98a1d9a Abruptly, the sea of people parted . . . and then there they were. Bella, with Nalla in her arms, Z standing beside his girls. Beth broke down all over again as the female came forward. God, it was impossible not to remember how Nalla had started this, putting into motion the need that had become undeniable. Bella was tearing up, too, as she stopped. "We just want to say yay!" At that moment, Nalla reached out to Beth, a gummy smile on .. family bella beth nalla zsadist wrath pride J.R. Ward
cd957b8 Lounging back in her husband's arms, she just enjoyed watching him as he clapped his Brothers on the back, and even accepted a flute of Cristal from Fritz. Her was a tall guy. But right now? He put Mount Everest to shame. "You can put me down," she said with a smile. The frown that got shot her way was a brick wall if she'd ever seen one. "Absolutely not! You're my wife, and you're carrying my child. You'll be lucky if I let your feet.. J.R. Ward
a4b02ba When Wrath, son of Wrath, decided someone was his? He would drag the moon down to Earth if they needed it. The reaction was exactly what she had been too scared to wish for. Wrath lifted his glass. "To my son," he shouted over the crowd. "And more importantly . . . to my wife." As he turned his face to her, the love he felt made his eyes glow so fiercely, she could see the pale green light even through the wraparounds." J.R. Ward
e0da907 His body shook so badly his words came out in waves. "I'm out of my mind.... This is...Shit, I can't...I need to stay away from you." "Why? I don't want you to stop--" He talked right over her. "I'm starved for you, Mary. I'm so damn...hungry, but I can't have you. I won't" "Rhage," she snapped, as if trying to get through to him. "Why not?" "You don't want me. Trust me, you really don't want me like that." "The hell I don't." H.. J.R. Ward
945671e Stroking her belly, he thought about what was growing inside of her. "You want to know what the best part of this is?" "Tell me," she whispered. "You have given me something . . . I didn't even know I needed. It's the greatest gift I will ever receive--it's, like, completing me already in places I wasn't aware were empty. And yet . . . in spite of all that? I don't love you one bit more. You are as important to me as you've always been." .. J.R. Ward
08a24ca He was powerless to stop himself. His lips peeled off his teeth as his muscles churned and his hips thrashed against her. Drenched in sweat, head spinning, mindless, breathless, he took everything she was offering him. Took it and demanded more, becoming an animal as she became one, too, until they were nothing but wildness. He J.R. Ward
258acf4 That's you," Wrath said. "You shall be called the Black Dagger warrior Dhestroyer, descended of Wrath son of Wrath." "But you'll always be Butch to us," Rhage cut in. "As well as hard-ass. Smart-ass. Royal pain in the ass. You know, whatever the situation calls for. I think as long as there's an ass in there, it'll be accurate." "How about bass tard?" Z suggested. "Nice. I feel that." They" J.R. Ward
2ef0cd3 Vuoi sapere cos'e la morte? Te lo dico io cos'e.... la morte e la vita che si dimentica di te! Come profumi e che aspetto hai, che suono ha la tua voce, come ridi! Anche se c'e una vita dopo la morte, la mia morte sara tu che vai avanti Senza di me fino a che non ti ricorderai piu di che colore sono i miei occhi o quanto lunghi sono i miei capelli.... J.R. Ward
9d81c36 Se qualcun altro avesse voluto percepire il senso di infinito del tempo e dell'esistenza, quello che doveva fare era guardare il cielo notturno e sentire i propri cari che ricambiavano lo sguardo. Era la grande dualita dell'unione e della separazione. defunti death-and-love cari dualità esistenza infinito unione morte separazione J.R. Ward
d46e17f Well, daddy?" she said over the trippy techno music. "Want to make my dream come true?" He" J.R. Ward
395d555 Then Rhage kissed each and every scar. She J.R. Ward
af12224 Man, it had been worth it, though. That was great. That shit was...great. Except J.R. Ward
984b355 I just had to do something for the two of them. He's a good guy. I didn't expect anything in return. . . ." As Wrath walked out of the closet, he was dressed in his uniform, and she had to take a second to admire the view. His hair was swinging loose, almost to his tight ass. His magnificent arms were showing every muscle they had, thanks to the wifebeater. And those leather pants . . . "So I guess she'd worked on that for a year--" "Are.. J.R. Ward
803a751 I'd like to be with you," she said, "but only if you're comfortable with it. It's not going to hurt the baby--you can call the doctor and ask her yourself. Or talk to Z--he and Bella were together while she was pregnant. She told me so. Talk to whoever you need to, but please rethink where you're at. Being with you has to have a place in all this." As he cracked his knuckles like he was considering things, she stared at the tattoos that ra.. J.R. Ward
e05ee84 Abalone stared into the fizzing glass. "My father served yours." "Yeah. Very well, I might add." "Through your blood's generosity, mine has prospered." Abalone took another sip, his shaking hand making the ice tinkle. "May I say something about your father?" The King seemed to stiffen. "Yeah." Abalone looked up to the sunglasses. "The night he and your mother were killed, a part of my father died, too. He was never the same thereafter. .. J.R. Ward
6610891 Hi, honey, I'm home!" he hollered. "Did you bring flowers?" Lassiter shouted back. "Not for you." "Damn it. Well, I'm on deck tonight with Tohr, so can we get moving? There's a full list of appointments, but I want to get back for ." "Don't you DVR that shit?" Wrath groused as he and George went into the old dining room. "Yeah, but I have poor impulse control. It was on at nine, okay? And I hate waiting. I put George's fresh water dow.. J.R. Ward
6a20a61 Wrath barked as he exploded up from his chair. There were all kinds of deep-voiced greetings, but his brothers got out of the way so that she had a clear shot into his arms. And as he lifted her up, he was careful to put no pressure on her belly. "How are you?" he whispered in her ear, knowing that one of these days, she was going to answer that she was having contractions. "Fine and dandy. Oh, my God, I got the best stuff! I had to go .. J.R. Ward
bb06e8f Fritz, the doggen butler, presented him with a barf bag at exactly the right moment. A barf bag. A hospital-grade, bright-green barf bag. As J.R. Ward
42a62c1 A number of hours later, Beth got out of bed and had a sponge bath in the loo. Then she put on a Lanz nightgown and, with Wrath's help, walked out of the room with little Wrath in her arms-- To a standing ovation. She'd intended to return to the mansion to find the household, but they had come to her. Nearly fifty of them, from the Brothers to the doggen, were crammed into the training center's concrete hallway, lining it all the way down .. J.R. Ward
bdd106c What the fuck is that?" At the sound of V's voice, John turned with the rest of them . . . and when he saw what was up at the head of the grand staircase, he blinked once. Twice. Twelve times. Lassiter was standing at the top of the carpeted steps, his blond-and-black hair styled in a pompadour, a heavy Bible under his armpit, piercings catching the light . . . But none of that was the real shocker. The fallen angel was dressed in a spar.. J.R. Ward
b68ecf8 I don't need to lie down," she groused as she stared at the ceiling over their bed. When Wrath didn't reply, she turned her head on the pillow and shot a glare in his direction. He was sitting at the foot of the mattress, shoulders set, jaw locked, huge body still as stone. "I'm fine," she tacked on. "Uh-huh." "This is going to be a really long couple of months if we worry about every little twinge." "You just tried to throw up your l.. J.R. Ward
82850ff The second he caught her scent, he stopped. " ! Are you sure you should be up?" Turned out the smell of the food was one hell of a distraction: the spike of hunger she got in response enough to halt her in her tracks. "Ah . . . yeah, I feel okay. I'm hungry, actually." As well as scared to death. While the staff continued on into the billiards room, filing in past some sheets of heavy plastic, Wrath came over to the base of the stairs. .. J.R. Ward
d6faeb9 Sitting at the kitchen table, Assail could only stare at his cousins. The pair of contract killers, drug dealers, and enforcers had not only washed up before the meal, they were now easing back in their seats and looking like they wanted to loosen their pants. As Marisol's grandmother got to her feet again, Assail shook his head. "Madam, you must enjoy this food on which you worked so diligently." "I am enjoying." She headed back for th.. ehric-and-evale solas-grandmahmen J.R. Ward