And even though I laughed with them, it felt like I was watching the whole thing from somewhere else, like I was watching a movie about my life instead of living it.
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and in freedom, most people find sin.
John Green |
At the end, we brought her to New York, where I was living, for a series of experimental tortures that increased the misery of her days without increasing the number of them.
John Green |
I was thinking about this girl you love so much," she said, "And this place I love so much. And how that happens. How you can just fall into it."
John Green |
He took a bite, swallowed. "God. If asparagus tasted like that all the time, I'd be vegetarian, too." Some people in a lacquered wooden boat approached us on the canal below. One of them, a woman with curly blond hair, maybe thirty, drank from a beer then raised her glass towards us and shouted something. "We don't speak Dutch," Gus shouted back. One of the others shouted a translation: "The beautiful couple is beautiful."
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but even if we survive the collapse of our sun, we will not survive forever.
John Green |
Reading it the night before, I'd wondered if it would be like that for me-if in one moment, I would finally understand her, know her, and understand the role I'd played in her dying. But I wasn't convinced enlightenment struck like lightining.
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You can never love people as much as you miss them.
John Green |
Algunos infinitos son mas grandes que otros infinitos, nos enseno un escritor. Hay dias, mucho de ellos, cuando resiento el tamano de mi juego ilimitado. Quiero mas numeros de los que puedo tener, y Dios, quiero mpas numeros para Augustus Waters que los que ha obtenido.Pero Gus, mi amor,no puedo decir cuando agradecida estoy por nuestro pequeno infinito. No lo cambiaria por el mundo entero. Me diste un por siempre con dias enumerados, y est..
John Green |
We can hear others, and we can travel with them without moving, and we can imagine them, and we are all connected one to the other by a crazy root system, like so many leaves of grass. But the game makes me wonder wheter we can really ever fully become another.
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You can learn a lot about government from donkey balls.
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We are about to live the American Dream, which is, of course, to benefit from someone else's misfortune.
John Green |
Yeah, so if that guy can make it in drunk, surely we can make it in sober. I mean, we're ninjas.'
John Green |
The Buddha said that suffering was caused by desire, we'd learned, and that the cessation of desire meant the cessation of suffering. When you stopped wishing things wouldn't fall apart, you'd stop suffering when they did.
John Green |
I hated hurting him. Most of the time, I could forget about it, but the inexorable truth is this: They might be glad to have me around, but I was the alpha and the omega of my parents' suffering.
John Green |
But in AIA, Anna decides that being a person with cancer who starts a cancer charity is a bit narcissistic, so she starts a charity called The Anna Foundation for People with cancer Who Want to Cure Cholera.
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But I had to kill you, because the only other possible ending was us doing it, which I wasn't really emotionally ready to write about at ten.' 'Fair enough,' I say. 'But in the revision, I want to get some action.
John Green |
Like the way the sun is right now, with the long shadows, and that kind of bright, soft light you get when the sun isn't quite setting? That's the light that makes everything better, everything prettier, and today, everything just seemed to be in that light.
John Green |
Depression is a side effect of dying. (Almost everything is, really).
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I was thinking about the word and all the unholdable things that got handled.
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Even with everything broken and decided inside her she couldn't quite allow herself to disappear for good.
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Him: And the thing is, when you lose someone, you realise you'll eventually lose everyone Me: True. And once you know that, you can never forget it.
John Green |
Was it animal pee or human pee? Someone asked. How would I know? What, am I an expert in the study of pee?
John Green |
Omnis cellula e cellula," he said again. "All cells come from cells. Every cell is born of a previous cell, which was born of a previous cell. Life comes from life. Life begets life begets life begets life begets life."
John Green |
Everyone in this tale had a rock-solid hamartia: hers, that she is so sick; yours, that you are so well. Were she better or you sicker, then the stars would not be so terribly crossed, but it is the nature of stars to cross, and never was Shakespeare more wrong than when he had Cassius note, "The fault, dear Brutus, is no in our stars / But in ourselves." Easy to say when you're a Roman nobleman (or Shakespeare!), but there is no shortage o..
John Green |
How will we ever get out of this labyrinth of suffering?
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I go to seek a Great Perhaps. That's why I'm going. So I don't have to wait until I die to start seeking a Great Perhaps.
John Green |
She has great breasts," the Colonel said without looking up from the whale. "DO NOT OBJECTIFY WOMEN'S BODIES!" Alaska shouted. Now he looked up. "Sorry. Perky breasts." "That's not any better!"
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Maybe you are what you can't not be.
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If I had cared about her as I should have, as I thought I did, how could I have let her go?
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I dislike the phrase 'Internet friends,' because it implies that people you know online aren't really your friends, that somehow the friendship is less real or meaningful to you because it happens through Skype or text messages. The measure of a friendship is not its physicality but its significance.
John Green |
I knew that time would now pass for me differently than it would for him--that I, like everyone in that room, would go on accumulating loves and losses while he would not. And for me, that was the final and truly unbearable tragedy: Like all the innumerable dead, he'd once and for all been demoted from haunted to haunter.
John Green |
By the way, I've decided to start referring to myself exclusively as 'Daddy.' Everytime Daddy would otherwise say 'I' or 'Me,' Daddy is now going to say 'Daddy.
John Green |
Boys are much more likely to objectify girls bodies, while boys are seen by girls as whole people.
John Green |
In the end, I had to call myself a faggot, which really annoyed me, because 1. I don't think that word should ever be used by anyone, let alone me, and 2. As it happens, I am not gay, and furthermore, 3. Chuck Parson made it out like calling yourself a faggot was the ultimate humiliation, even though there's nothing at all embarrassing about being gay.
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The idea is that for ten minutes, we forget that we have feelings. And we forget about protecting ourselves or other people and we just say the truth. For ten minutes. And then we can go back to being lame.
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I know it's a bit self-aggrandizing." "Hey, you're stealing my eulogy," Isaac said. "My first bit is about how you were a self-aggrandizing bastard."
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The missing piece in his stomach hurt so much-and eventually he stopped thinking about the Theorem and wondered only how something that isn't there can hurt you.
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Most loves don't last. But some do.
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it was not enough to be the last guy she kissed. i wanted to be the last one she loved.
John Green |
Love"I'm in love with you," he said quietly. "Augustus,"I said. "I am," he said. He was staring at me, and I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling. "I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our l..
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I will get forgotten, but the stories will last. And so we all matter -- maybe less than a lot, but always more than none.
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When you're on a Ferris wheel all anyone ever talks about is being on the Ferris wheel and the view from the Ferris wheel and whether the Ferris wheel is scary and how many more times it will go around. Dating is like that. Nobody who's doing it ever talks about anything else. I have no interest in dating.
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Because Margo knows the secret of leaving, the secret I have only just now learned; leaving feels good and pure only when you leave something important, something that mattered to you. Pulling life out by the roots. But you can't do that until your life has grown roots.
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