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c2f7b32 It seems to me a most dreadful thing to go out of the world and not leave one person behind you who is sorry you are gone,' said Anne, shuddering. L.M. Montgomery
fdc140e Anne looked at the white young mother with a certain awe that had never entered into her feelings for Diana before. Could this pale woman with the rapture in her eyes be the little black-curled, rosy-cheeked Diana she had played with in vanished schooldays? It gave her a queer desolate feeling that she herself somehow belonged only in those past years and had no business in the present at all. motherhood L.M. Montgomery
5ad7b5c Our library isn't very extensive," said Anne, "but every book in it is a friend. We've picked our books up through the years, here and there, never buying one until we had first read it and knew that it belonged to the race of Joseph." library reading L.M. Montgomery
56217ab never write a line you'd be ashamed to read at your own funeral. L.M. Montgomery
51eb08c It is only very foolish folk who talk sense all the time." - Anne Shirley" L.M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables
9fc66e8 Oh, it makes SUCH a difference. It LOOKS so much nicer. When you hear a name pronounced can't you always see it in your mind, just as if it was printed out? I can; and A-n-n looks dreadful, but A-n-n-e looks so much more distinguished. If you'll only call me Anne spelled with an E I shall try to reconcile myself to not being called Cordelia. L.M. Montgomery
e8ab94d I have made up my mind that I will never marry. I shall be wedded to my art. humor marriage L.M. Montgomery
f7637be Have you ever noticed how many silences there are Gilbert? The silence of the woods....of the shore....of the meadows....of the night....of the summer afternoon. All different because the undertones that thread them are different. L.M. Montgomery
a3ec6a3 Don't let a three-o'clock-at-night feeling fog your soul. night L.M. Montgomery
2408c63 I can just imagine myself sitting down at the head of the table and pouring out the tea," said Anne, shutting her eyes ecstatically. "And asking Diana if she takes sugar! I know she doesn't but of course I'll ask her just as if I didn't know." L.M. Montgomery
6a52319 One can't stay sad for long in such an interesting world, can one? L.M. Montgomery
b1498a7 Nobody with any real sense of humor *can* write a love story. . . . Shakespeare is the exception that proves the rule. (90-91) love-story romance shakespeare writing L.M. Montgomery
6613a75 Oh, Marilla, I thought I was happy before. Now I know that I just dreamed a pleasant dream of happiness. This is the reality. l-m-montgomery motherhood L.M. Montgomery
66fec68 It's the fools that make all the trouble in the world, not the wicked. good stupidity L.M. Montgomery
70b41e7 There was no mistaking her sincerity--it breathed in every tone of her voice. Both Marilla and Mrs. Lynde recognized its unmistakable ring. But the former understood in dismay that Anne was actually enjoying her valley of humiliation--was reveling in the thoroughness of her abasement. Where was the wholesome punishment upon which she, Marilla, had plumed herself? Anne had turned it into a species of positive pleasure. insight L.M. Montgomery
f011e11 she] had a great reputation for unselfishness because she was always giving up a lot of things she didn't want. L.M. Montgomery
3667543 I went up on the hill and walked about until twilight had deepened into an autumn night with a benediction of starry quietude over it. I was alone but not lonely. I was a queen in halls of fancy. introversion pretty-prose quiet quietness romanticism solitude L.M. Montgomery
586a895 But oughtn't we to be prepared for the best too? It's just as likely to happen as the worst. L.M. Montgomery
dac8c2b I'm afraid our old world has come to an end, Rilla. We've got to face the fact. (Walter) L.M. Montgomery
a0c8a9a Well, one can't get over the habit of being a liitle girl all at once. L.M. Montgomery
1dded4c Ah, well, let's not borrow trouble; the rate of interest is too high. L.M. Montgomery
b0548c0 There is nothing more aggravating than a man who won't talk back - unless it is a woman who won't. L.M. Montgomery
7847ecc it's so dreadful to have nothing to love -- life is so empty -- and there's nothing worse than emptiness... life love L.M. Montgomery
5a0f9c2 Diana: "Gilbert told Charlie Sloan that you were the smartest girl in school, right in front of Josie." Anne: "He did?" Diana: "He told Charlie being smart was better than being good looking." Anne: "I should have known he meant to insult me." L.M. Montgomery
4771928 Beauty was all around them. Unsuspected tintings glimmered in the dark demesnes of the woods and glowed in their alluring by-ways. The spring sunshine sifted through the young green leaves. Gay trills of song were everywhere. There were little hollows where you felt as if you were bathing in a pool of liquid gold. At every turn some fresh spring scent struck their faces: Spice ferns...fir balsam...the wholesome odour of newly ploughed field.. L.M. Montgomery
a6dc42e Oh, we're very careful, Marilla. And it's so interesting. Two flashes means, "Are you there?" Three means "yes" and four "no." Five means, "Come over as soon as possible, because I have something important to reveal." Diana has just signalled five flashes, and I'm really suffering to know what it is." l-m-montgomery L.M. Montgomery
dd0fd72 What a spineless thing I must be not to have even one enemy! L.M. Montgomery
016ebc2 Fear is the original sin," suddenly said a still, small voice away back--back--back of Valancy's consciousness. "Almost all the evil in the world has its origin in the fact that some one is afraid of something." Valancy stood up. She was still in the clutches of fear, but her soul was her own again. She would not be false to that inner voice." fear overcoming-fear sin L.M. Montgomery
72e1d9e Thirty seconds can be very long sometimes. Long enough to work a miracle or a revolution. L.M. Montgomery
a590e26 It was a lovely afternoon - such an afternoon as only September can produce when summer has stolen back for one more day of dream and glamour. L.M. Montgomery
7d9f2f0 But was anything in life, Anne asked herself wearily, like one's imagination of it? life L.M. Montgomery
03b9c93 I don't know which is worse - to have somebody you DON'T like ask you to marry him or NOT have some one you DO like. Both are rather unpleasant. marrying proposal L.M. Montgomery
04b3a7a Ten good lines out of four hundred, Emily--comparatively good, that is--and all the rest balderdash--balderdash, Emily." "I--suppose so," said Emily faintly. Her eyes brimmed with tears--her lips quivered. She could not help it. Pride was hopelessly submerged in the bitterness of her disappointment. She felt exactly like a candle that somebody had blown out. "What are you crying for? demanded Mr. Carpenter. Emily blinked away tears and trie.. L.M. Montgomery
794119c there was something about her that made you feel it was safe to tell her secrets. secrets L.M. Montgomery
900447c Moonlight and the murmur of pines blended together so that one could hardly tell which was light and which was sound. L.M. Montgomery
01e4379 Don't you feel as if you just loved the world on a morning like this? L.M. Montgomery
6c63758 We belong to the race that knows Joseph L.M. Montgomery
9bb7ca9 Have you ever noticed that when people say it is their duty to tell you a certain thing you may prepare for something disagreeable? Why is it that they never seem to think it a duty to tell you the pleasant things they hear about you? L.M. Montgomery
57e5a00 It takes all sorts of people to make a world, as I've often heard, but I think there are some who could be spared,' Anne told her reflection in the east gable mirror that night. people L.M. Montgomery
cd42cc3 If you've brains it's better than beauty - brains last, beauty doesn't. brains-or-beauty smart-or-pretty wit L.M. Montgomery
ccea646 Anne was curled up Turk-fashion on the hearthrug, gazing into that joyous glow where the sunshine of a hundred summers was being distilled from the maple cordwood. L.M. Montgomery
d447d31 Dreams don't often come true, do they? Wouldn't it be nice if they did? L.M. Montgomery
170aca9 Poor soul, she always knew everything about her neighbors, but she never was very well acquainted with herself. L.M. Montgomery
d96edea Life is worth living as long as there's a laugh in it." -- L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables" L.M. Montgomery