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Acts RWebster 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;
Acts EMTV 15:28  For it seemed best to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to put on you no greater burden except for these necessary things:
Acts NHEBJE 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay no greater burden on you than these necessary things:
Acts Etheridg 15:28  For it hath been the will of the Spirit of Holiness, and also of us, not to lay upon you greater burden beyond these things which are constraining;
Acts ABP 15:28  For it seemed good to the holy spirit, and to us, [3no 4more 1to place upon 2you] load except these things of necessity,
Acts NHEBME 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay no greater burden on you than these necessary things:
Acts Rotherha 15:28  For it hath seemed good unto the Holy Spirit and unto us, no greater burden, to be laying upon you, than these necessary things:—
Acts LEB 15:28  For it seemed best to the Holy Spirit and to us to place on you no greater burden except these necessary things:
Acts BWE 15:28  The Holy Spirit and we thought it was not good to give you a hard thing to do. But here is what you must not do.
Acts Twenty 15:28  We have, therefore, decided, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to lay no further burden upon you beyond these necessary conditions--
Acts ISV 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to place on you any burden but these essential requirements:
Acts RNKJV 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;
Acts Jubilee2 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things:
Acts Webster 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;
Acts Darby 15:28  For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things:
Acts OEB 15:28  We have, therefore, decided, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to lay no further burden on you beyond these necessary conditions —
Acts ASV 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things:
Acts Anderson 15:28  For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things:
Acts Godbey 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no more burden than these necessary things,
Acts LITV 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to put not one greater burden on you than these necessary things:
Acts Geneva15 15:28  For it seemed good to the holy Ghost, and to vs, to lay no more burden vpon you, then these necessary things,
Acts Montgome 15:28  "For it has seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;
Acts CPDV 15:28  For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to impose no further burden upon you, other than these necessary things:
Acts Weymouth 15:28  For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no burden heavier than these necessary requirements--
Acts LO 15:28  For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to impose no further burden upon you besides these necessary things;
Acts Common 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these essentials:
Acts BBE 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us, to put on you nothing more than these necessary things;
Acts Worsley 15:28  For it seemed good to the holy Spirit, and so to us, to lay no more burthen upon you than these necessary things.
Acts DRC 15:28  For it hath seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us to lay no further burden upon you than these necessary things:
Acts Haweis 15:28  For it hath seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us, to lay upon you no other burden except these things which are of absolute necessity;
Acts GodsWord 15:28  The Holy Spirit and we have agreed not to place any additional burdens on you. Do only what is necessary
Acts Tyndale 15:28  For it semed good to the holy gost and to vs to put no grevous thinge to you more then these necessary thinges:
Acts KJVPCE 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;
Acts NETfree 15:28  For it seemed best to the Holy Spirit and to us not to place any greater burden on you than these necessary rules:
Acts RKJNT 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;
Acts AFV2020 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us, to lay no further burden upon you than these necessary things:
Acts NHEB 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay no greater burden on you than these necessary things:
Acts OEBcth 15:28  We have, therefore, decided, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to lay no further burden on you beyond these necessary conditions —
Acts NETtext 15:28  For it seemed best to the Holy Spirit and to us not to place any greater burden on you than these necessary rules:
Acts UKJV 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, (o. pneuma) and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;
Acts Noyes 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us, to lay upon you no further burden except these necessary things:
Acts KJV 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;
Acts KJVA 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;
Acts AKJV 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay on you no greater burden than these necessary things;
Acts RLT 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;
Acts OrthJBC 15:28  "For it was mekabel to the Ruach Hakodesh and to us to lay no heavier burden upon you who are from the Nations except these necessary things:
Acts MKJV 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay on you no greater burden than these necessary things:
Acts YLT 15:28  `For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, no more burden to lay upon you, except these necessary things:
Acts Murdock 15:28  For it was pleasing to the Holy Spirit, and to us, that there should not be laid upon you any additional burden, besides these necessary things:
Acts ACV 15:28  For it was decided by the Holy Spirit, and by us, to lay upon you not one greater burden than these necessary things:
Acts VulgSist 15:28  Visum est enim Spiritui sancto, et nobis nihil ultra imponere vobis oneris quam haec necessaria:
Acts VulgCont 15:28  Visum est enim Spiritui Sancto, et nobis nihil ultra imponere vobis oneris quam hæc necessaria:
Acts Vulgate 15:28  visum est enim Spiritui Sancto et nobis nihil ultra inponere vobis oneris quam haec necessario
Acts VulgHetz 15:28  Visum est enim Spiritui sancto, et nobis nihil ultra imponere vobis oneris quam hæc necessaria:
Acts VulgClem 15:28  Visum est enim Spiritui Sancto et nobis nihil ultra imponere vobis oneris quam hæc necessaria :
Acts CzeBKR 15:28  Vidělo se zajisté Duchu svatému i nám, žádného více na vás břemene nevzkládati, kromě těchto věcí potřebných,
Acts CzeB21 15:28  Shodli jsme se s Duchem svatým, že na vás nebudeme vkládat žádné další břemeno kromě těchto nezbytných věcí:
Acts CzeCEP 15:28  Toto jest rozhodnutí Ducha svatého i naše: Nikdo ať vás nezatěžuje jinými povinnostmi než těmi, které jsou naprosto nutné:
Acts CzeCSP 15:28  Neboť tak usoudil Duch Svatý i my, že nebudeme na vás klást žádné jiné břemeno než tyto nezbytnosti:
Acts PorBLivr 15:28  Porque pareceu bem ao Espírito Santo e a nós, de nenhuma carga a mais vos impor, a não ser estas coisas necessárias:
Acts Mg1865 15:28  Fa sitraky ny Fanahy Masìna sy izahay tsy hampitondra enta-mavesatra anareo afa-tsy izao zavatra tsy maintsy hotandremana izao ihany:
Acts CopNT 15:28  ⲁⲥⲣⲁⲛⲁϥ ⲅⲁⲣ ⳿ⲙⲡⲠⲓⲡ͞ⲛⲁ̅ ⲉⲑⲟⲩⲁⲃ ⲛⲉⲙ ⳿ⲁⲛⲟⲛ ϩⲱⲛ ⳿ⲉ⳿ϣⲧⲉⲙⲟⲩⲁϩⲃⲁⲣⲟⲥ ⳿ⲉϫⲉⲛ ⲑⲏⲛⲟⲩ ⳿ⲛϩⲟⲩⲟ ⳿ⲡⲗⲏⲛ ⲛⲁⲓ ϧⲉⲛ ⲟⲩ⳿ⲁⲛⲁⲅⲕⲏ ..
Acts FinPR 15:28  Sillä Pyhä Henki ja me olemme nähneet hyväksi, ettei teidän päällenne ole pantava enempää kuormaa kuin nämä välttämättömät:
Acts NorBroed 15:28  For det mentes godt for den hellige ånd og oss, å pålegge dere ingen flere tyngder bortsett fra disse nødvendige ting,
Acts FinRK 15:28  Pyhä Henki ja me olemme nähneet hyväksi, ettei teidän päällenne ole pantava enempää kuormaa kuin nämä välttämättömät asiat:
Acts ChiSB 15:28  因為聖神和我們決定,不再加給你們什麼重擔,除了這幾項重要的事:
Acts CopSahBi 15:28  ⲁⲥⲛⲇⲟⲕⲓ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲙⲡⲉⲡⲛⲁ ⲉⲧⲟⲩⲁⲁⲃ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲛⲁⲛ ⲉⲧⲙⲧⲁⲗⲉ ⲗⲁⲁⲩ ⲛⲃⲁⲣⲟⲥ ⲉϫⲛ ⲧⲏⲩⲧⲛ ⲛⲥⲁ ⲛⲁⲓ ϩⲛ ⲟⲩϩⲧⲟⲣ
Acts ChiUns 15:28  因为圣灵和我们定意不将别的重担放在你们身上,惟有几件事是不可少的,
Acts BulVeren 15:28  Защото се видя добре на Светия Дух и на нас да не ви налагаме никакво друго бреме освен следните необходими неща:
Acts AraSVD 15:28  لِأَنَّهُ قَدْ رَأَى ٱلرُّوحُ ٱلْقُدُسُ وَنَحْنُ، أَنْ لَا نَضَعَ عَلَيْكُمْ ثِقْلًا أَكْثَرَ، غَيْرَ هَذِهِ ٱلْأَشْيَاءِ ٱلْوَاجِبَةِ:
Acts Shona 15:28  Nokuti zvakaonekwa zvakanaka kuMweya Mutsvene, nekwatiri, kuti tirege kuchikutakudzai mutoro mukuru, kunze kwezvinhu izvi zvakafanira:
Acts Esperant 15:28  Ĉar al la Sankta Spirito kaj al ni ŝajnis bone meti sur vin nenian alian ŝarĝon, krom la jenaj necesaj aferoj:
Acts ThaiKJV 15:28  เพราะว่า พระวิญญาณบริสุทธิ์และข้าพเจ้าทั้งหลายก็เห็นชอบที่จะไม่วางภาระบนท่านทั้งหลาย เว้นไว้แต่สิ่งเหล่านั้นที่จำเป็น
Acts BurJudso 15:28  ရုပ်တုရှေ့မှာ ပူဇော်သောယဇ်ကောင်ကို၎င်း၊ အသွေးကို၎င်း၊
Acts SBLGNT 15:28  ἔδοξεν γὰρ τῷ ⸂πνεύματι τῷ ἁγίῳ⸃ καὶ ἡμῖν μηδὲν πλέον ἐπιτίθεσθαι ὑμῖν βάρος πλὴν ⸂τούτων τῶν ἐπάναγκες⸃,
Acts FarTPV 15:28  رأی روح‌القدس و ما این است، كه جز دستوراتی كه در زیر می‌آید بار شما را سنگین‌تر نسازیم
Acts UrduGeoR 15:28  Ham aur Rūhul-quds is par muttafiq hue haiṅ ki āp par siwāe in zarūrī bātoṅ ke koī bojh na ḍāleṅ:
Acts SweFolk 15:28  Den helige Ande och vi har beslutat att inte lägga på er någon mer börda förutom följande nödvändiga regler:
Acts TNT 15:28  ἔδοξεν γὰρ τῷ πνεύματι τῷ ἁγίῳ καὶ ἡμῖν μηδὲν πλέον ἐπιτίθεσθαι ὑμῖν βάρος, πλὴν τούτων τῶν ἐπάναγκες,
Acts GerSch 15:28  Es hat nämlich dem heiligen Geist und uns gefallen, euch keine weitere Last aufzulegen, außer diesen notwendigen Stücken:
Acts TagAngBi 15:28  Sapagka't minagaling ng Espiritu Santo, at namin, na huwag kayong atangan ng lalong mabigat na pasanin maliban sa mga bagay na ito na kinakailangan:
Acts FinSTLK2 15:28  Sillä Pyhä Henki ja me olemme nähneet hyväksi, ettei teidän päällenne ole pantava enempää kuormaa kuin nämä välttämättömät:
Acts Dari 15:28  رأی روح القدس و ما این است، که جز اوامری که در زیر می آید، بار شما را سنگینتر نسازیم
Acts SomKQA 15:28  Waxaa la wanaagsanaatay Ruuxa Quduuska ah iyo annagaba inaannan idin saarin culaab ka weyn waxyaalahan waajibka ah.
Acts NorSMB 15:28  For den Heilage Ande og me hev vedteke at me ikkje vil leggja nokor byrd på dykk utyver desse naudturvelege ting:
Acts Alb 15:28  Në fakt na u duk mirë Frymës së Shenjtë dhe neve që të mos ju ngarkojmë asnjë barrë tjetër përveç këtyre gjërave të nevojshme:
Acts GerLeoRP 15:28  Denn es schien dem heiligen Geist und uns gut, euch keine größere Last aufzuerlegen außer diesen notwendigen [Dingen]:
Acts UyCyr 15:28  Мәхсәткә кәлсәк, биз Муқәддәс Роһниң ярдими билән зөрүр болған икки-үч бәлгүлимидин сирт силәргә һәр қандақ бир еғир жүк жүклимәсликни қарар қилдуқ.
Acts KorHKJV 15:28  성령님과 우리는 이 필요한 것들 외에 다른 큰 짐을 너희에게 지우지 아니하는 것을 좋게 여겼나니
Acts MorphGNT 15:28  ἔδοξεν γὰρ τῷ ⸂πνεύματι τῷ ἁγίῳ⸃ καὶ ἡμῖν μηδὲν πλέον ἐπιτίθεσθαι ὑμῖν βάρος πλὴν ⸂τούτων τῶν ἐπάναγκες⸃,
Acts SrKDIjek 15:28  Јер нађе за добро свети Дух и ми да никаквијех тегоба више не мећемо на вас осим овијех потребнијех:
Acts Wycliffe 15:28  For it is seyn to the Hooly Goost and to vs, to putte to you no thing more of charge, than these nedeful thingis,
Acts Mal1910 15:28  വിഗ്രഹാൎപ്പിതം, രക്തം, ശ്വാസംമുട്ടിച്ചത്തതു, പരസംഗം എന്നിവ വൎജ്ജിക്കുന്നതു ആവശ്യം എന്നല്ലാതെ അധികമായ ഭാരം ഒന്നും നിങ്ങളുടെ മേൽ ചുമത്തരുതു എന്നു പരിശുദ്ധാത്മാവിന്നും ഞങ്ങൾക്കും തോന്നിയിരിക്കുന്നു.
Acts KorRV 15:28  성령과 우리는 이 요긴한 것들 외에 아무 짐도 너희에게 지우지 아니하는 것이 가한 줄 알았노니
Acts Azeri 15:28  چونکي موقدّس روحا و بئزه ياخشي او گؤروندو کي، واجئب اولان بو قايدالاردان باشقا، سئزئن اوستونوزه آرتيق يوک قويماياق.
Acts SweKarlX 15:28  Ty dem Helga Anda, och oss, syntes ingen yttermera tunga lägga på eder, utan dessa stycken som af nödene äro;
Acts KLV 15:28  vaD 'oH seemed QaQ Daq the le' qa', je Daq maH, Daq lay ghobe' greater burden Daq SoH than Dochvammey necessary Dochmey:
Acts ItaDio 15:28  Perciocchè è parso allo Spirito Santo, ed a noi, di non imporvi alcuno altro peso, se non quel ch’è necessario; che è di queste cose:
Acts RusSynod 15:28  Ибо угодно Святому Духу и нам не возлагать на вас никакого бремени более, кроме сего необходимого:
Acts CSlEliza 15:28  изволися бо Святому Духу и нам, ничтоже множае возложити вам тяготы, разве нуждных сих:
Acts ABPGRK 15:28  έδοξε γαρ τω αγίω πνεύματι και ημίν μηδέν πλέον επιτίθεσθαι υμίν βάρος πλην των επάναγκες τούτων
Acts FreBBB 15:28  Car il a semblé bon au Saint-Esprit et à nous de ne vous imposer aucune autre charge que ces choses qui sont nécessaires :
Acts LinVB 15:28  Elímo Sántu mpé bísó mǒkó tokání kotíela bínó míkúmbá misúsu té ; bótósa bobélé mibéko miye mise­ngélí mpenzá :
Acts BurCBCM 15:28  အောက်တွင် ပါရှိသော ကျင့်ဆောင်ရမည့်အချက်များထက် ပို၍လေးလံသောဝန်ကို သင်တို့အပေါ်သို့ မတင်ကြရန် ဝိညာဉ် တော်မြတ်နှင့် ငါတို့ဆုံးဖြတ်ခဲ့ကြ၏။-
Acts ChiUnL 15:28  蓋聖神與我儕、決意不以他任加爾、惟此要者數端、
Acts VietNVB 15:28  Vì Đức Thánh Linh và chúng tôi quyết định không chất thêm gánh nặng nào khác trên anh em, ngoại trừ các điều cần thiết này:
Acts CebPinad 15:28  Kay gipakamaayo sa Espiritu Santo ug namo ang dili pagdat-og kaninyo sa bisan unsang luwan gawas lamang sa pipila ka mga kinahanglanong butang nga mao kini:
Acts RomCor 15:28  Căci s-a părut nimerit Duhului Sfânt şi nouă să nu mai punem peste voi nicio altă greutate decât ceea ce trebuie,
Acts Pohnpeia 15:28  Pwe Ngehn Sarawi oh kiht pwungkipenehr me se sohte pahn katautauwihkin kumwail mehkot likin soangen kosonned pwukat me konehng:
Acts HunUj 15:28  Mert a Szentlélek jónak látta, és vele együtt mi is úgy láttuk jónak, hogy ne tegyünk több terhet rátok annál, ami föltétlenül szükséges:
Acts GerZurch 15:28  Es schien nämlich dem heiligen Geist und uns gut, euch keine weitere Last aufzulegen ausser diesen notwendigen Stücken,
Acts GerTafel 15:28  Denn es hat dem Heiligen Geist und uns gefallen, euch keine weitere Bürde aufzulegen, als nur die drei notwendigen Stücke:
Acts PorAR 15:28  Porque pareceu bem ao Espírito Santo e a nós não vos impor maior encargo além destas coisas necessárias:
Acts DutSVVA 15:28  Want het heeft den Heiligen Geest en ons goed gedacht, ulieden geen meerderen last op te leggen dan deze noodzakelijke dingen:
Acts Byz 15:28  εδοξεν γαρ τω αγιω πνευματι και ημιν μηδεν πλεον επιτιθεσθαι υμιν βαρος πλην των επαναγκες τουτων
Acts FarOPV 15:28  زیراکه روح‌القدس و ما صواب دیدیم که باری بر شماننهیم جز این ضروریات
Acts Ndebele 15:28  Ngoba kwabonakala kukuhle kuMoya oNgcwele, lakithi, ukuthi singalethesi umthwalo omkhulu, ngaphandle kwalezizinto ezifunekayo:
Acts PorBLivr 15:28  Porque pareceu bem ao Espírito Santo e a nós, de nenhuma carga a mais vos impor, a não ser estas coisas necessárias:
Acts StatResG 15:28  Ἔδοξεν γὰρ τῷ ˚Πνεύματι τῷ Ἁγίῳ καὶ ἡμῖν, μηδὲν πλέον ἐπιτίθεσθαι ὑμῖν βάρος, πλὴν τούτων τῶν ἐπάναγκες:
Acts SloStrit 15:28  Dopadlo je namreč svetemu Duhu in nam, nobenega bremena več ne nakladati vam, razen teh potrebnih rečî:
Acts Norsk 15:28  For den Hellige Ånd og vi har besluttet ikke å legge nogen annen tyngsel på eder enn disse nødvendige ting:
Acts SloChras 15:28  Vzvidelo se je namreč svetemu Duhu in nam, nobenega bremena vam več ne nakladati, razen teh potrebnih reči:
Acts Northern 15:28  Müqəddəs Ruh və biz vacib olan bu qaydalardan başqa sizin üstünüzə heç nəyi yükləməməyi lazım bildik:
Acts GerElb19 15:28  Denn es hat dem Heiligen Geiste und uns gut geschienen, keine größere Last auf euch zu legen, als diese notwendigen Stücke:
Acts PohnOld 15:28  Pwe Ngen saraui o kit kin kupukupura, me mau, se ender ki ong komail eu lopu; mepukat eta me kasampwal:
Acts LvGluck8 15:28  Jo tam Svētam Garam un mums ir paticis, jums nekādu nastu vairāk neuzlikt, kā vien šīs vajadzīgas lietas:
Acts PorAlmei 15:28  Porque pareceu bem ao Espirito Sancto, e a nós, não vos impôr mais encargo algum, senão estas coisas necessarias:
Acts ChiUn 15:28  因為聖靈和我們定意不將別的重擔放在你們身上,惟有幾件事是不可少的,
Acts SweKarlX 15:28  Ty dem Helga Anda, och oss, syntes ingen yttermera tunga lägga på eder, utan dessa stycken som af nödene äro;
Acts Antoniad 15:28  εδοξεν γαρ τω αγιω πνευματι και ημιν μηδεν πλεον επιτιθεσθαι υμιν βαρος πλην των επαναγκες τουτων
Acts CopSahid 15:28  ⲁⲥⲛⲇⲟⲕⲓ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲙⲡⲉⲡⲛⲁ ⲉⲧⲟⲩⲁⲁⲃ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲛⲁⲛ ⲉⲧⲙⲧⲁⲗⲉⲗⲁⲁⲩ ⲛⲃⲁⲣⲟⲥ ⲉϫⲛⲧⲏⲩⲧⲛ ⲛⲥⲁⲛⲁⲓ ϩⲛⲟⲩϩⲧⲟⲣ
Acts GerAlbre 15:28  Denn der Heilige Geist und wir haben es für gut befunden, euch weiter keine Last aufzulegen als diese notwendigen Bestimmungen:
Acts BulCarig 15:28  Защото се виде угодно Светому Духу и нам да ви не налагаме повече никоя тегота освен тези най-нуждните:
Acts FrePGR 15:28  car il a paru bon à l'esprit saint et à nous de ne vous imposer aucune charge nouvelle, sauf sur ces points-ci, qui sont indispensables :
Acts JapDenmo 15:28  というのは,聖霊とわたしたちとは,次の必要な事柄のほかには,あなた方にいかなる重荷も負わせないのがよいと考えたからです。
Acts PorCap 15:28  *O Espírito Santo e nós próprios resolvemos não vos impor outras obrigações além destas, que são indispensáveis:
Acts JapKougo 15:28  すなわち、聖霊とわたしたちとは、次の必要事項のほかは、どんな負担をも、あなたがたに負わせないことに決めた。
Acts Tausug 15:28  Taayun kami ha kabayaan sin Rū sin Tuhan sin subay kamu di' pabu'gatan huminang sin manga daakan luwal da sin manga daakan amu in wajib natu' hinangun. Ini in manga daakan subay niyu kahagarun:
Acts GerTextb 15:28  Es ist nämlich des heiligen Geistes und unser Beschluß, euch keine weitere Last aufzulegen, als die folgenden unerläßlichen Dinge:
Acts Kapingam 15:28  Di Hagataalunga-Dabu mo gimaadou guu-donu ngaadahi bolo gimaadou hagalee haga-daamaha goodou gi dahi mee i-daha mo nia haganoho aanei, ala e-tau-anga:
Acts SpaPlate 15:28  Porque ha parecido bien al Espíritu Santo y a nosotros no imponeros otra carga fuera de estas necesarias:
Acts RusVZh 15:28  Ибо угодно Святому Духу и нам не возлагать на вас никакого бремени более, кроме сего необходимого:
Acts CopSahid 15:28  ⲁⲥⲛⲇⲟⲕⲓ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲙⲡⲉⲡⲛⲉⲩⲙⲁ ⲉⲧⲟⲩⲁⲁⲃ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲛⲁⲛ. ⲉⲧⲙⲧⲁⲗⲉ ⲗⲁⲁⲩ ⲛⲃⲁⲣⲟⲥ ⲉϫⲛ ⲧⲏⲩⲧⲛ ⲛⲥⲁ ⲛⲁⲓ ϩⲛ ⲟⲩϩⲧⲟⲣ.
Acts LtKBB 15:28  Šventajai Dvasiai ir mums pasirodė teisinga neužkrauti jums daugiau naštų, išskyrus tai, kas būtina:
Acts Bela 15:28  Бо заўгодна Сьвятому Духу і нам не ўскладаць на вас ніякага цяжару болей, апрача гэтага неабходнага:
Acts CopSahHo 15:28  ⲁⲥⲛ̅ⲇⲟⲕⲓ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲙ̅ⲡⲉⲡ̅ⲛ̅ⲁ̅ ⲉⲧⲟⲩⲁⲁⲃ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲛⲁⲛ. ⲉⲧⲙ̅ⲧⲁⲗⲉⲗⲁⲁⲩ ⲛ̅ⲃⲁⲣⲟⲥ ⲉϫⲛ̅ⲧⲏⲩⲧⲛ̅ ⲛ̅ⲥⲁⲛⲁⲓ̈ ϩⲛ̅ⲟⲩϩⲧⲟⲣ.
Acts BretonNT 15:28  Rak kavet eo bet mat gant ar Spered-Santel ha ganeomp-ni, na vije ket lakaet warnoc'h bec'hioù all nemet ar re a zo ret,
Acts GerBoLut 15:28  Denn es gefallt dem Heiligen Geiste und uns, euch keine Beschwerung mehr aufzulegen denn nur diese notigen Stücke,
Acts FinPR92 15:28  Pyhä Henki ja me olemme nähneet hyväksi, ettei teidän kannettavaksenne pidä panna mitään taakkaa. Annamme ainoastaan nämä välttämättömät ohjeet:
Acts DaNT1819 15:28  Thi det er den Hellig Aands Beslutning og vores, ingen videre Byrde at paalægge Eder, uden disse nødvendige Ting:
Acts Uma 15:28  "Ompi' -ompi', toi-mi kabotu' to kirata ntuku' konoa Inoha' Tomoroli', pai' to kipokono wo'o-kaiwo, kai' pangkeni-ni, bona neo' -koi rapakasusa' hante wori' nyala parenta. Uma-koi rapewuku mpotuku' Atura Musa. Toi-wadi to paraluu ki'uli' -kokoi:
Acts GerLeoNA 15:28  Denn es schien dem heiligen Geist und uns gut, euch keine größere Last aufzuerlegen außer diesen notwendigen [Dingen]:
Acts SpaVNT 15:28  Que ha parecido bien al Espíritu Santo, y á nosotros, no imponeros ninguna carga mas que estas cosas necesarias:
Acts Latvian 15:28  Jo Svētajam Garam un mums paticis neuzlikt jums nekādu citu nastu, kā vien šo nepieciešamo:
Acts SpaRV186 15:28  Porque ha parecido bien al Espíritu Santo, y a nosotros, de no imponeros otra carga además de estas cosas necesarias:
Acts FreStapf 15:28  savoir qu'il a semblé bon à l'Esprit saint et à nous, de ne pas vous imposer d'autres charges que celles qui sont indispensables,
Acts NlCanisi 15:28  Want het heeft den Heiligen Geest en ons goedgedacht. u geen zwaardere last op te leggen, dan deze noodzakelijke voorschriften:
Acts GerNeUe 15:28  Es erschien dem Heiligen Geist nämlich gut – und er führte auch uns zu dieser Überzeugung –, euch keine größeren Lasten aufzulegen als die folgenden unerlässlichen Dinge:
Acts Est 15:28  Sest Püha Vaim ja meie oleme arvanud heaks, et teie peale ei tohi panna enam ühtki koormat kui aga need väga tarvilised määrused:
Acts UrduGeo 15:28  ہم اور روح القدس اِس پر متفق ہوئے ہیں کہ آپ پر سوائے اِن ضروری باتوں کے کوئی بوجھ نہ ڈالیں:
Acts AraNAV 15:28  فَقَدْ رَأَى الرُّوحُ الْقُدُسُ وَنَحْنُ، أَنْ لاَ نُحَمِّلَكُمْ أَيَّ عِبْءٍ فَوْقَ مَا يَتَوَجَّبُ عَلَيْكُمْ.
Acts ChiNCVs 15:28  圣灵和我们都同意,不把别的重担加在你们身上,然而有几件事是重要的,
Acts f35 15:28  εδοξεν γαρ τω αγιω πνευματι και ημιν μηδεν πλεον επιτιθεσθαι υμιν βαρος πλην των επαναγκες τουτων
Acts vlsJoNT 15:28  Want het heeft den Heiligen Geest en ons goedgedacht, geen meerderen last ulieden op te leggen dan dit noodzakelijke:
Acts ItaRive 15:28  Poiché è parso bene allo Spirito Santo ed a noi di non imporvi altro peso all’infuori di queste cose, che sono necessarie;
Acts Afr1953 15:28  Want die Heilige Gees en ons het besluit om verder geen las op julle te lê nie as hierdie noodsaaklike dinge:
Acts RusSynod 15:28  Ибо угодно Святому Духу и нам не возлагать на вас никакого бремени более, кроме этого необходимого:
Acts FreOltra 15:28  c'est qu'il a semblé bon au Saint-Esprit et à nous, de ne vous point imposer de nouvelles charges, excepté ceci, qui est indispensable,
Acts UrduGeoD 15:28  हम और रूहुल-क़ुद्स इस पर मुत्तफ़िक़ हुए हैं कि आप पर सिवाए इन ज़रूरी बातों के कोई बोझ न डालें :
Acts TurNTB 15:28  Kutsal Ruh ve bizler, gerekli olan şu kuralların dışında size herhangi bir şey yüklememeyi uygun gördük: Putlara sunulan kurbanların etinden, kandan, boğularak öldürülen hayvanların etinden ve fuhuştan sakınmalısınız. Bunlardan kaçınırsanız, iyi edersiniz. Esen kalın.”
Acts DutSVV 15:28  Want het heeft den Heiligen Geest en ons goed gedacht, ulieden geen meerderen last op te leggen dan deze noodzakelijke dingen:
Acts HunKNB 15:28  Úgy tetszett ugyanis a Szentléleknek és nekünk, hogy semmi további terhet ne rakjunk rátok, csak azt, ami szükséges:
Acts Maori 15:28  I pai hoki ki te Wairua Tapu, ki a matou hoki, kia kaua e utaina ki a koutou tetahi atu whakataimaha, ko enei mea tika anake;
Acts sml_BL_2 15:28  Dauyunan kami maka Rū Sussi, in ka'am ilu subay mbal pinahunitan liyu min saga panoho'an itu, ya wajib bineya':
Acts HunKar 15:28  Mert tetszék a Szent Léleknek és nékünk, hogy semmi több teher ne vettessék ti reátok ezeken a szükséges dolgokon kívül,
Acts Viet 15:28  ấy là Ðức Thánh Linh và chúng ta đã ưng rằng chẳng gán gánh nặng nào khác cho anh em ngoài những điều cần dùng,
Acts Kekchi 15:28  Xcˈul xchˈo̱l li Santil Musikˈej joˈ ajcuiˈ la̱o nak incˈaˈ texkapuersi chixba̱nunquil chixjunil li naxye saˈ li chakˈrab. Caˈaj cuiˈ eb li naˈleb aˈin tento te̱ba̱nu.
Acts Swe1917 15:28  Den helige Ande och vi hava nämligen beslutit att icke pålägga eder någon ytterligare börda, utöver följande nödvändiga föreskrifter:
Acts KhmerNT 15:28  ព្រោះ​ព្រះវិញ្ញាណ​បរិសុទ្ធ​ ព្រមទាំង​យើង​យល់​ឃើញ​ថា​ មិន​គួរ​ដាក់​បន្ទុក​បន្ថែម​លើ​បងប្អូន​ទេ​ លើកលែង​តែ​សេចក្ដី​ចាំបាច់​ទាំង​នេះ​ប៉ុណ្ណោះ​
Acts CroSaric 15:28  Zaključismo Duh Sveti i mi ne nametati vam nikakva tereta osim onoga što je potrebno:
Acts BasHauti 15:28  Ecen on iruditu çayó Spiritu sainduari eta guri, ez eçartera carga handiagoric batre çuen gainera gauça necessario hauc baicen:
Acts WHNU 15:28  εδοξεν γαρ τω πνευματι τω αγιω και ημιν μηδεν πλεον επιτιθεσθαι υμιν βαρος πλην τουτων των επαναγκες
Acts VieLCCMN 15:28  Thánh Thần và chúng tôi đã quyết định không đặt lên vai anh em một gánh nặng nào khác ngoài những điều cần thiết này :
Acts FreBDM17 15:28  Car il a semblé bon au Saint-Esprit et à nous, de ne mettre point de plus grande charge sur vous que ces choses-ci, qui sont nécessaires ;
Acts TR 15:28  εδοξεν γαρ τω αγιω πνευματι και ημιν μηδεν πλεον επιτιθεσθαι υμιν βαρος πλην των επαναγκες τουτων
Acts HebModer 15:28  כי טוב לפני רוח הקדש ולפנינו לבלתי שום עליכם משא אחר לבד מאלה הדברים הצריכים׃
Acts PotLykin 15:28  We'we'nI, kine'ntum PanakwsIt Cipam ipi ninan, e'witotme'k notI ke'ko, tashI owunuk e'witomuk.
Acts Kaz 15:28  Киелі Рухтың білдіруімен біз сендерге төмендегі қажетті ережелерден басқа ешқандай салмақ салмауымыз керек деп шештік:
Acts UkrKulis 15:28  Зводилось бо сьвятому Духу та й нам, ніякої тяготи більш не накладувати вам, опріч сього конечного:
Acts FreJND 15:28  Car il a semblé bon au Saint Esprit et à nous de ne mettre sur vous aucun autre fardeau que ces choses-ci qui sont nécessaires :
Acts TurHADI 15:28  Şu kaidelerin dışında size herhangi bir şey yüklememeyi Mukaddes Ruh ve biz uygun gördük:
Acts GerGruen 15:28  Es hat dem Heiligen Geist und uns gefallen, euch keine weiteren Lasten aufzubürden außer folgenden notwendigen Stücken:
Acts SloKJV 15:28  Kajti Svetemu Duhu in nam se zdi dobro, da vam ne nalagamo večjega bremena kakor te potrebne stvari:
Acts Haitian 15:28  Pou Sentespri a ak pou nou menm, men sa nou jwenn ki bon pou di nan keksyon sa a: Nou p'ap mete lòt chay sou zepòl nou pase sa n' dwe mete.
Acts FinBibli 15:28  Sillä niin kelpasi Pyhälle Hengelle ja meille, ettei yhtään enempää raskautta pidä teidän päällenne pantaman kuin nämät tarpeelliset:
Acts SpaRV 15:28  Que ha parecido bien al Espíritu Santo, y á nosotros, no imponeros ninguna carga más que estas cosas necesarias:
Acts HebDelit 15:28  כִּי טוֹב לִפְנֵי רוּחַ הַקֹּדֶשׁ וּלְפָנֵינוּ לְבִלְתִּי שֹוּם עֲלֵיכֶם מַשָּׂא אַחֵר לְבַד מֵאֵלֶּה הַדְּבָרִים הַצְּרִיכִים׃
Acts WelBeibl 15:28  Mae'r Ysbryd Glân wedi dangos i ni, a ninnau wedi penderfynu na ddylen ni ofyn mwy na hyn gynnoch chi:
Acts GerMenge 15:28  Es ist nämlich des heiligen Geistes und unser Beschluß, euch keine weitere Last aufzubürden als folgende Stücke, die unerläßlich sind:
Acts GreVamva 15:28  Διότι εφάνη εύλογον εις το Άγιον Πνεύμα και εις ημάς να μη επιβάλλωμεν εις εσάς μηδέν πλειότερον βάρος εκτός των αναγκαίων τούτων,
Acts Tisch 15:28  ἔδοξεν γὰρ τῷ πνεύματι τῷ ἁγίῳ καὶ ἡμῖν μηδὲν πλέον ἐπιτίθεσθαι ὑμῖν βάρος πλὴν τούτων τῶν ἐπάναγκες,
Acts UkrOgien 15:28  Бо зво́лилось Духові Святому і нам, — тягару́ вже нія́кого не наклада́ти на вас, окрім цього необхідного:
Acts MonKJV 15:28  Учир нь та нарын дээр дараах шаардлагатай зүйлээс илүү ачааг тохохгүй байх нь Ариун Сүнсэнд бас бидэнд зөв санагдлаа.
Acts FreCramp 15:28  Il a semblé bon au Saint-Esprit et à nous de ne vous imposer aucun fardeau au-delà de ce qui est indispensable, savoir,
Acts SrKDEkav 15:28  Јер нађе за добро Свети Дух и ми да никаквих тегоба више не мећемо на вас осим ових потребних:
Acts SpaTDP 15:28  Pues le ha parecido bueno al Espíritu Santo, y a nosotros, no poner más carga sobre ustedes que estas cosas necesarias:
Acts PolUGdan 15:28  Uznał bowiem Duch Święty za słuszne, i my też, nie nakładać na was żadnego ciężaru oprócz tego, co konieczne.
Acts FreGenev 15:28  Car il a femblé bon au Saint Efprit & à nous, de ne mettre point de plus grande charge fur vous que ces chofes neceffaires:
Acts FreSegon 15:28  Car il a paru bon au Saint-Esprit et à nous de ne vous imposer d'autre charge que ce qui est nécessaire,
Acts Swahili 15:28  Basi, Roho Mtakatifu na sisi tumekubali tusiwatwike mzigo zaidi ya mambo haya muhimu:
Acts SpaRV190 15:28  Que ha parecido bien al Espíritu Santo, y á nosotros, no imponeros ninguna carga más que estas cosas necesarias:
Acts HunRUF 15:28  Mert jónak látta a Szentlélek és mi is, hogy ne tegyünk több terhet rátok a szükségesnél:
Acts FreSynod 15:28  C'est qu'il a semblé bon au Saint-Esprit et à nous de ne pas vous imposer d'autres charges que celles qui sont indispensables,
Acts DaOT1931 15:28  Thi det er den Helligaands Beslutning og vor, ingen videre Byrde at paalægge eder uden disse nødvendige Ting:
Acts FarHezar 15:28  روح‌القدس و ما مصلحت چنین دیدیم که باری بر دوش شما ننهیم، جز این ضروریات که
Acts TpiKJPB 15:28  Long wanem, em i luk olsem em i gutpela long Holi Spirit, na long mipela, long mipela i no ken putim bikpela hevi long yupela moa long ol dispela samting i gat nid,
Acts ArmWeste 15:28  Որովհետեւ յարմար թուեցաւ Սուրբ Հոգիին ու մեզի ալ՝ աւելի ծանրութիւն չդնել ձեր վրայ, սա՛ հարկաւոր բաներէն զատ.-
Acts DaOT1871 15:28  Thi det er den Helligaands Beslutning og vor, ingen videre Byrde at paalægge eder uden disse nødvendige Ting:
Acts JapRague 15:28  蓋聖霊と我等とは、左の必要なる事の外、汝等に何等の荷をも負はしめざるを宜しとせり。
Acts Peshitta 15:28  ܗܘܐ ܓܝܪ ܨܒܝܢܐ ܠܪܘܚܐ ܕܩܘܕܫܐ ܘܐܦ ܠܢ ܕܠܐ ܢܬܬܤܝܡ ܥܠܝܟܘܢ ܝܘܩܪܐ ܝܬܝܪܐ ܠܒܪ ܡܢ ܗܠܝܢ ܕܐܠܨܢ ܀
Acts FreVulgG 15:28  Car il a semblé bon à l’Esprit-Saint et à nous de ne pas vous imposer d’autre fardeau que ces choses nécessaires :
Acts PolGdans 15:28  Albowiem zdało się Duchowi Świętemu i nam, abyśmy więcej nie kładli na was żadnego ciężaru, oprócz tych rzeczy potrzebnych;
Acts JapBungo 15:28  聖 靈と我らとは左の肝要なるものの他に何をも汝らに負はせぬを可しとするなり。
Acts Elzevir 15:28  εδοξεν γαρ τω αγιω πνευματι και ημιν μηδεν πλεον επιτιθεσθαι υμιν βαρος πλην των επαναγκες τουτων
Acts GerElb18 15:28  Denn es hat dem Heiligen Geiste und uns gut geschienen, keine größere Last auf euch zu legen, als diese notwendigen Stücke: