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Exod RWebster 7:18  And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink; and the Egyptians shall lothe to drink of the water of the river.
Exod NHEBJE 7:18  The fish that are in the river shall die, and the river shall become foul; and the Egyptians shall loathe to drink water from the river."'"
Exod SPE 7:18  And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink; and the Egyptians shall loathe to drink of the water of the river. And they are coming, Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and they are saying to him: LORD of Hebrews send us to you to say: let people go with me and they shall serve me in the wilderness. And behold, you did not listen until now. Thus says the LORD: in this you shall know that I'm the LORD. Behold, I'm smiting with rod which is in hand of me over waters which are in the waterway, and they are turning into blood. And the fish, which is in the waterway, shall die. And the waterway stinks, and they are disgusted the Egyptians to drink from waters of the waterway.
Exod ABP 7:18  And the fishes in the river shall come to an end. And [3will stink 1the 2river], and [3will not 4be able 1the 2Egyptians] to drink water from the river.
Exod NHEBME 7:18  The fish that are in the river shall die, and the river shall become foul; and the Egyptians shall loathe to drink water from the river."'"
Exod Rotherha 7:18  and, the fish that is in the river shall die and the river shall be loathsome,—and the Egyptians, shall disdain, to drink water out of the river.
Exod LEB 7:18  And the fish that are in the Nile will die, and the Nile will stink, and the Egyptians will be unable to drink water from the Nile.” ’ ”
Exod RNKJV 7:18  And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink; and the Egyptians shall lothe to drink of the water of the river.
Exod Jubilee2 7:18  And the fish that [are] in the river shall die, and the river shall stink; and the Egyptians shall loathe to drink the water of the river.
Exod Webster 7:18  And the fish that [is] in the river shall die, and the river shall be offensive in smell; and the Egyptians shall lothe to drink of the water of the river.
Exod Darby 7:18  And the fish that is in the river shall die; and the river shall stink; and the Egyptians shall loathe to drink the water out of the river.
Exod ASV 7:18  And the fish that are in the river shall die, and the river shall become foul; and the Egyptians shall loathe to drink water from the river.
Exod LITV 7:18  And the fish in the river will die, and the river will stink, and the Egyptians will become weary of drinking water from the river.
Exod Geneva15 7:18  And the fish that is in the riuer shall dye, and the riuer shall stinke, and it shall grieue the Egyptians to drinke of the water of the riuer.
Exod CPDV 7:18  Also, the fishes that are in the river will die, and the waters will be polluted, and the Egyptians will be afflicted when they drink the water of the river.’ ”
Exod BBE 7:18  And the fish in the Nile will come to destruction, and the river will send up a bad smell, and the Egyptians will not be able, for disgust, to make use of the water of the Nile for drinking.
Exod DRC 7:18  And the fishes that are in the river, shall die, and the waters shall be corrupted, and the Egyptians shall be afflicted when they drink the water of the river.
Exod GodsWord 7:18  The fish in the Nile will die, and the river will stink. The Egyptians will not be able to drink any water from the Nile.'"
Exod JPS 7:18  And the fish that are in the river shall die, and the river shall become foul; and the Egyptians shall loathe to drink water from the river.'
Exod KJVPCE 7:18  And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink; and the Egyptians shall lothe to drink of the water of the river.
Exod NETfree 7:18  Fish in the Nile will die, the Nile will stink, and the Egyptians will be unable to drink water from the Nile."'"
Exod AB 7:18  And the fish that are in the river shall die, and the river shall stink, and the Egyptians shall not be able to drink water from the river.
Exod AFV2020 7:18  And the fish in the river shall die, and the river shall stink. And the Egyptians shall hate to drink of the water of the river."’ ”
Exod NHEB 7:18  The fish that are in the river shall die, and the river shall become foul; and the Egyptians shall loathe to drink water from the river."'"
Exod NETtext 7:18  Fish in the Nile will die, the Nile will stink, and the Egyptians will be unable to drink water from the Nile."'"
Exod UKJV 7:18  And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink; and the Egyptians shall loathe to drink of the water of the river.
Exod KJV 7:18  And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink; and the Egyptians shall lothe to drink of the water of the river.
Exod KJVA 7:18  And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink; and the Egyptians shall lothe to drink of the water of the river.
Exod AKJV 7:18  And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink; and the Egyptians shall loathe to drink of the water of the river.
Exod RLT 7:18  And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink; and the Egyptians shall lothe to drink of the water of the river.
Exod MKJV 7:18  And the fish in the river shall die, and the river shall stink. And the Egyptians shall hate to drink of the water of the river.
Exod YLT 7:18  and the fish that are in the River die, and the River hath stank, and the Egyptians have been wearied of drinking waters from the River.'
Exod ACV 7:18  And the fish that are in the river shall die, and the river shall become foul, and the Egyptians shall loathe to drink water from the river.
Exod VulgSist 7:18  Pisces quoque, qui sunt in fluvio, morientur, et computrescent aquae, et affligentur Aegyptii bibentes aquam fluminis.
Exod VulgCont 7:18  Pisces quoque, qui sunt in fluvio, morientur, et computrescent aquæ, et affligentur Ægyptii bibentes aquam fluminis.
Exod Vulgate 7:18  pisces quoque qui sunt in fluvio morientur et conputrescent aquae et adfligentur Aegyptii bibentes aquam fluminis
Exod VulgHetz 7:18  Pisces quoque, qui sunt in fluvio, morientur, et computrescent aquæ, et affligentur Ægyptii bibentes aquam fluminis.
Exod VulgClem 7:18  Pisces quoque, qui sunt in fluvio, morientur, et computrescent aquæ, et affligentur Ægyptii bibentes aquam fluminis.
Exod CzeBKR 7:18  A ryby, kteréž jsou v řece, pomrou; i nasmradí se řeka, a ustávati budou Egyptští, hledajíce vody, kterouž by pili z řeky.
Exod CzeB21 7:18  Ryby, které jsou v Nilu, pomřou a nilská voda bude páchnout tak, že se jí Egypťané budou štítit napít.‘“
Exod CzeCEP 7:18  Ryby, které jsou v Nilu, leknou a Nil bude páchnout. Marně budou Egypťané usilovat, aby se mohli napít vody z Nilu.“
Exod CzeCSP 7:18  Ryby v Nilu uhynou a Nil bude páchnout, takže Egypťané nebudou schopni vodu z Nilu pít.
Exod PorBLivr 7:18  E os peixes que há no rio morrerão, e federá o rio, e os egípcios terão asco de beber a água do rio.
Exod Mg1865 7:18  Dia ho faty ny hazandrano ao Neily, ka ho maimbo Neily, ary tsy ho tian’ ny Egyptiana intsony ny hisotro ny rano ao.
Exod FinPR 7:18  Ja kalat virrassa kuolevat, ja virta rupeaa haisemaan, niin että egyptiläisiä inhottaa juoda vettä virrasta.'"
Exod FinRK 7:18  Virran kalat kuolevat, ja virta alkaa haista, niin että egyptiläisiä inhottaa juoda sen vettä.’”
Exod ChiSB 7:18  河中的魚都要死,河水都要腥臭,埃及人不能再喝河中的水。」
Exod CopSahBi 7:18  ⲛⲥⲉⲙⲟⲩ ⲛϭⲓ ⲛⲧⲃⲧ ⲙⲡⲓⲉⲣⲟ ⲛⲥⲉⲧⲙϭⲙϭⲟⲙ ⲛϭⲓ ⲛⲣⲙⲛⲕⲏⲙⲉ ⲉⲥⲉⲙⲟⲟⲩ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ϩⲛ ⲡⲓⲉⲣⲟ ⲙⲛ ⲛⲉϥⲙⲟⲟⲩ
Exod ArmEaste 7:18  Գետի մէջ եղած ձկները կը սատկեն, գետը կը նեխի, եւ եգիպտացիները չեն կարողանայ գետից ջուր խմել»:
Exod ChiUns 7:18  河里的鱼必死,河也要腥臭,埃及人就要厌恶吃这河里的水。』」
Exod BulVeren 7:18  Рибите, които са в реката, ще измрат и реката ще се усмърди, и египтяните ще се гнусят да пият вода от реката.
Exod AraSVD 7:18  وَيَمُوتُ ٱلسَّمَكُ ٱلَّذِي فِي ٱلنَّهْرِ وَيَنْتِنُ ٱلنَّهْرُ. فَيَعَافُ ٱلْمِصْرِيُّونَ أَنْ يَشْرَبُوا مَاءً مِنَ ٱلنَّهْرِ».
Exod SPDSS 7:18  והדגה אשר בתוך היאר . . . . מצריים . . . . . . . . . ויאומר . . . . . . . . . . ויעבד . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . בתוך . . . . מצריים . . . .
Exod Esperant 7:18  Kaj la fiŝoj, kiuj estas en la rivero, mortos, kaj la rivero malbonodoros, kaj la Egiptoj abomenos trinki akvon el la rivero.
Exod ThaiKJV 7:18  ปลาซึ่งอยู่ในแม่น้ำจะตาย และแม่น้ำจะเหม็น ชาวอียิปต์จะดื่มน้ำในแม่น้ำไม่ได้”’”
Exod OSHB 7:18  וְהַדָּגָ֧ה אֲשֶׁר־בַּיְאֹ֛ר תָּמ֖וּת וּבָאַ֣שׁ הַיְאֹ֑ר וְנִלְא֣וּ מִצְרַ֔יִם לִשְׁתּ֥וֹת מַ֖יִם מִן־הַיְאֹֽר׃ ס
Exod SPMT 7:18  לדם והדגה אשר ביאר תמות ובאש היאר ונלאו מצרים לשתות מים מן היאר . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exod BurJudso 7:18  မြစ်၌ရှိသော ငါးတို့သည်သေကြလိမ့်မည်။ မြစ်ရေလည်းနံလိမ့်မည်၊ အဲဂုတ္တုလူတို့သည်လည်း မြစ်ရေ ကို ရွံကြလိမ့်မည် အကြောင်းကို ပြန်ပြောလော့ဟု မောရှေအား မိန့်တော်မူ၏။
Exod FarTPV 7:18  حال من این عصا را به آب رود می‌زنم و آب آن به خون تبدیل خواهد شد، ماهیان خواهند مرد، رودخانه متعفّن خواهد شد و مردم مصر نمی‌توانند از آن بنوشند. خداوند می‌گوید: به این وسیله خواهی دانست که من، خداوند هستم.»
Exod UrduGeoR 7:18  Dariyā-e-Nīl kī machhliyāṅ mar jāeṅgī, dariyā se badbū uṭhegī aur Misrī dariyā kā pānī nahīṅ pī sakeṅge.’”
Exod SweFolk 7:18  Fiskarna i floden ska dö, och Nilen ska stinka så att egyptierna inte kan dricka vattnet i floden.”
Exod GerSch 7:18  so daß die Fische im Flusse sterben müssen und der Fluß stinken, und es die Ägypter ekeln wird, das Wasser aus dem Flusse zu trinken.
Exod TagAngBi 7:18  At ang mga isda, na nasa ilog ay mamamatay, at ang ilog ay babaho; at ang mga Egipcio ay masusuklam na uminom ng tubig sa ilog.
Exod FinSTLK2 7:18  Kalat virrassa kuolevat, ja virta rupeaa haisemaan, niin että egyptiläisiä inhottaa juoda vettä virrasta.'"
Exod Dari 7:18  حالا من با یک ضربۀ عصای خود آب دریای نیل را به خون تبدیل می کنم. تمام ماهی ها می میرند و آب چنان گنده می شود که مردم مصر نتوانند از آن بنوشند. خداوند می گوید: بدینوسیله خواهی دانست که من خداوند هستم.»
Exod SomKQA 7:18  Oo kalluunka biyaha ku jiraana way wada bakhtiyi doonaan, markaasaa webigu soo uri doonaa; kolkaasaa Masriyiintu aad u nebcaan doonaan inay webiga biyo ka cabbaan.
Exod NorSMB 7:18  Og fisken i elvi skal døy, og ein illtev stiga frå elvi, so egyptarane ikkje er god til å drikka vatnet i henne.»»»
Exod Alb 7:18  Dhe peshqit që janë në lumë do të ngordhin, lumi do të mbajë erë të keqe, dhe Egjiptasve do t'u vijë ndot të pinë ujin e lumit"".
Exod UyCyr 7:18  Белиқлар тамамән өлиду. Дәрия сесип кетиду. Мисирлиқлар судин сәскинип ичәлмәйдиған болуп қалиду», — деди.
Exod KorHKJV 7:18  강의 물고기가 죽고 강이 악취를 내리니 이집트 사람들이 그 강물 마시기를 심히 싫어하리이다, 하라.
Exod SrKDIjek 7:18  И рибе у ријеци помријеће, и ријека ће се усмрдјети, и Мисирци ће се узмучити тражећи воде да пију из ријеке.
Exod Wycliffe 7:18  and the fischis that ben in the flood schulen die; and the watris schulen wexe rotun, and Egipcians drynkynge the watir of the flood schulen be turmentid.
Exod Mal1910 7:18  നദിയിലെ മത്സ്യം ചാകും. നദി നാറും; നദിയിലെ വെള്ളം കുടിപ്പാൻ മിസ്രയീമ്യൎക്കു അറെപ്പു തോന്നും.
Exod KorRV 7:18  하수의 고기가 죽고 그 물에서는 악취가 나리니 애굽 사람들이 그 물 마시기를 싫어하리라 하라
Exod Azeri 7:18  چايدا اولان باليقلار اؤله‌جک و چاي قوخوياجاق، مئصئرلئلر چايدان سو ائچمَيه ائيرَنه‌جکلر."
Exod SweKarlX 7:18  Så att fiskarna i älfwene skola dö, och älfwen lukta; och de Egyptier skola wämja, när de dricka af wattnet i älfwene.
Exod KLV 7:18  The fish vetlh 'oH Daq the bIQtIQ DIchDaq Hegh, je the bIQtIQ DIchDaq moj foul; je the Egyptians DIchDaq loathe Daq tlhutlh bIQ vo' the bIQtIQ.”'”
Exod ItaDio 7:18  E il pesce che è nel fiume morrà, e il fiume putirà; e gli Egizj si stancheranno per bere dell’acqua del fiume.
Exod RusSynod 7:18  и рыба в реке умрет, и река воссмердит, и Египтянам омерзительно будет пить воду из реки.
Exod CSlEliza 7:18  и рыбы, яже в реце изомрут, и возсмердится река, и не возмогут Египтяне пити воды от реки.
Exod ABPGRK 7:18  και οι ιχθύες οι εν τω ποταμώ τελευτήσουσι και εποζέσει ο ποταμός και ου δυνήσονται οι Αιγύπτιοι πιείν ύδωρ από του ποταμού
Exod FreBBB 7:18  et le poisson qui est dans le fleuve périra et le fleuve deviendra infect et les Egyptiens répugneront à boire de l'eau du fleuve.
Exod LinVB 7:18  Mbisi ikokufa o mai, ebale ekolu-mba nsolo ebe, mpe ba-Ezipeti bakokoka komele mai ma ebale lisusu te. »
Exod HunIMIT 7:18  A hal pedig, mely a folyamban van; elvész és megbűzhödik a folyam; és az egyiptomiak undorodni fognak vizet inni a folyamból.
Exod ChiUnL 7:18  河魚將亡、河水將臭、埃及人厭飲其水、
Exod VietNVB 7:18  Cá sẽ chết, sông sẽ thối, người Ai-cập sẽ kinh tởm khi uống nước dưới sông!
Exod LXX 7:18  καὶ οἱ ἰχθύες οἱ ἐν τῷ ποταμῷ τελευτήσουσιν καὶ ἐποζέσει ὁ ποταμός καὶ οὐ δυνήσονται οἱ Αἰγύπτιοι πιεῖν ὕδωρ ἀπὸ τοῦ ποταμοῦ
Exod CebPinad 7:18  Ug ang mga isda nga anaa sa suba mangamatay, ug mabaho ang suba, ug pagalud-on ang mga Egiptohanon sa pag-inum sa tubig gikan sa suba.
Exod RomCor 7:18  Peştii din râu vor pieri, râul se va împuţi, aşa că le va fi greaţă egiptenilor să bea din apa râului’.”
Exod Pohnpeia 7:18  Mwahmw akan pahn mehla oh matala nan pillap wet, me kahrehda mehn Isip kan sohla pahn kak nimpil sang ie.”
Exod HunUj 7:18  A Nílus halai elpusztulnak, a Nílus maga pedig megbüdösödik, úgyhogy az egyiptomiak undorodni fognak attól, hogy vizet igyanak a Nílusból.
Exod GerZurch 7:18  die Fische im Nil werden sterben, und der Nil wird stinkend werden, dass es die Ägypter ekeln wird, Wasser aus dem Nil zu trinken.
Exod GerTafel 7:18  Und der Fisch im Strom soll sterben, und stinken soll der Strom, daß die Ägypter sich abmühen, Wasser aus dem Strome zu trinken.
Exod RusMakar 7:18  И рыба въ рјкј помретъ, и рјка возсмердйтъ, и для Египтянъ тяжело будетъ пить воду изъ рјки.
Exod PorAR 7:18  E os peixes que estão no rio morrerão, e o rio cheirará mal; e os egípcios terão nojo de beber da água do rio.
Exod DutSVVA 7:18  En de vis in de rivier zal sterven, zodat de rivier zal stinken; en de Egyptenaars zullen vermoeid worden, dat zij het water uit de rivier drinken mogen.
Exod FarOPV 7:18  و ماهیانی که در نهرند خواهندمرد، و نهر گندیده شود و مصریان نوشیدن آب نهر را مکروه خواهند داشت.»
Exod Ndebele 7:18  Lenhlanzi ezisemfuleni zizakufa, lomfula ube levumba; lamaGibhithe azadinwa yikunatha amanzi emfuleni.
Exod PorBLivr 7:18  E os peixes que há no rio morrerão, e federá o rio, e os egípcios terão asco de beber a água do rio.
Exod Norsk 7:18  og fiskene i elven skal dø, og elven skal lukte ille, så egypterne skal vemmes ved å drikke vannet.
Exod SloChras 7:18  Ribe pa, ki so v reki, poginejo, in reka se usmradi, in gnusilo se bo Egipčanom piti vodo iz reke.
Exod Northern 7:18  Çayda olan balıqlar öləcək və çay iylənəcək, Misirlilər çaydan su içməyə iyrənəcəklər›”».
Exod GerElb19 7:18  Und die Fische, die im Strome sind, werden sterben, und der Strom wird stinken, und die Ägypter wird's ekeln, Wasser aus dem Strome zu trinken.
Exod LvGluck8 7:18  Un tās zivis, kas upē, nomirs, tā ka upe smirdēs un ēģiptiešiem riebsies ūdeni dzert no upes.
Exod PorAlmei 7:18  E os peixes, que estão no rio, morrerão, e o rio federá; e os egypcios nausear-se-hão, bebendo a agua do rio
Exod ChiUn 7:18  河裡的魚必死,河也要腥臭,埃及人就要厭惡吃這河裡的水。』」
Exod SweKarlX 7:18  Så att fiskarne i älfvene skola dö, och älfven lukta; och de Egyptier skola vämja, när de dricka af vattnet i älfvene.
Exod SPVar 7:18  לדם והדגה אשר ביאר תמות ובאש היאר ונלאו מצרים לשתות מים מן היאר וילך משה ואהרן אל פרעה ויאמרו אליו יהוה אלהי העברים שלחנו אליך לאמר שלח את עמי ויעבדני במדבר והנה לא שמעת עד כה כה אמר יהוה בזאת תדע כי אני יהוה הנה אנכי מכה במטה אשר בידי על המים אשר ביאר ונהפכו לדם והדגה אשר ביאר תמות ובאש היאר ונלאו מצרים לשתות מים מן היאר
Exod FreKhan 7:18  Les poissons du fleuve périront et le fleuve deviendra infect et les Égyptiens renonceront à boire de ses eaux.’"
Exod FrePGR 7:18  et les poissons qui sont dans le Nil périront ; et le Nil sera fétide, et les Égyptiens auront peine à boire l'eau du Nil.
Exod PorCap 7:18  Os peixes que estão no rio morrerão, o rio cheirará mal e os egípcios não poderão beber a água do rio.’»
Exod JapKougo 7:18  そして川の魚は死に、川は臭くなり、エジプトびとは川の水を飲むことをいとうであろう」』と」。
Exod GerTextb 7:18  Die Fische aber die im Nile sind, sollen umkommen, und der Nil soll stinken, so daß es die Ägypter ekeln wird, Wasser aus dem Nile zu trinken.
Exod Kapingam 7:18  Gei nia iga o-di monowai deenei gaa-mmade ga-haga-bilau di maa, gei digau Egypt ga-ginagina di-inu i di-maa.’ ”
Exod SpaPlate 7:18  Los peces que hay en el río morirán, el río hederá, y los egipcios tendrán asco de beber las aguas del río’.”
Exod WLC 7:18  וְהַדָּגָ֧ה אֲשֶׁר־בַּיְאֹ֛ר תָּמ֖וּת וּבָאַ֣שׁ הַיְאֹ֑ר וְנִלְא֣וּ מִצְרַ֔יִם לִשְׁתּ֥וֹת מַ֖יִם מִן־הַיְאֹֽר׃
Exod LtKBB 7:18  Upėje plaukiojančios žuvys išgaiš, ir upė pradės taip dvokti, kad egiptiečiai nebegalės gerti jos vandens’“.
Exod Bela 7:18  і рыба ў рацэ памрэ, і рака засьмярдзіць, і Егіпцянам агідна будзе піць ваду з ракі.
Exod GerBoLut 7:18  da(S die Fische im Strom sterben sollen und der Strom stinken, und den Agyptern wird ekeln, zu trinken des Wassers aus dem Strom.
Exod FinPR92 7:18  Niilin kalat kuolevat ja virta alkaa haista niin etteivät egyptiläiset voi juoda sen vettä.'"
Exod SpaRV186 7:18  Y los peces que están en el río, morirán, y el río hederá, y fatigarse han los Egipcios bebiendo el agua del río.
Exod NlCanisi 7:18  De vissen in de Nijl zullen sterven, en het water van de Nijl zal zo stinken, dat de Egyptenaren het niet kunnen drinken.
Exod GerNeUe 7:18  Dann werden die Fische im Nil verenden und der Fluss wird stinken, sodass die Ägypter sich ekeln, Nilwasser zu trinken.'"
Exod UrduGeo 7:18  دریائے نیل کی مچھلیاں مر جائیں گی، دریا سے بدبو اُٹھے گی اور مصری دریا کا پانی نہیں پی سکیں گے‘۔“
Exod AraNAV 7:18  فَيَمُوتُ السَّمَكُ، وَيَنْتِنُ النَّهْرُ، فَيَعَافُ الْمِصْرِيُّونَ مِنَ الشُّرْبِ مِنْ مَائِهِ».
Exod ChiNCVs 7:18  河中的鱼必死亡,河水也必发臭,埃及人就必厌恶喝这河里的水。”’”
Exod ItaRive 7:18  E il pesce ch’è nel fiume morrà, e il fiume cara ammorbato, e gli Egiziani avranno ripugnanza a bere l’acqua del fiume".
Exod Afr1953 7:18  En die visse in die Nyl sal doodgaan, sodat die Nyl sal stink. En die Egiptenaars sal vergeefs trag om die water uit die Nyl te drink.
Exod RusSynod 7:18  и рыба в реке умрет; и река воссмердит; и египтянам омерзительно будет пить воду из реки“».
Exod UrduGeoD 7:18  दरियाए-नील की मछलियाँ मर जाएँगी, दरिया से बदबू उठेगी और मिसरी दरिया का पानी नहीं पी सकेंगे’।”
Exod TurNTB 7:18  Irmaktaki balıklar ölecek, ırmak leş gibi kokacak, Mısırlılar artık ırmağın suyunu içemeyecekler.’ ”
Exod DutSVV 7:18  En de vis in de rivier zal sterven, zodat de rivier zal stinken; en de Egyptenaars zullen vermoeid worden, dat zij het water uit de rivier drinken mogen.
Exod HunKNB 7:18  Odavész a hal, amely a folyóban van, megromlik a víz, és undor fogja el az egyiptomiakat, amikor a folyó vizét isszák.«
Exod Maori 7:18  E mate hoki nga ika i roto i te awa, a e piro te awa; a e anuanu nga Ihipiana ki te inu i te wai o te awa.
Exod sml_BL_2 7:18  Amatay ba'anan karaingan ma deyom sapa'. Bauwan isab, mbal tainum bohe'na.’ ”
Exod HunKar 7:18  És a hal, a mely a folyóvízben van, meghal, a folyóvíz pedig megbüdösödik és irtózni fognak az Égyiptombeliek vizet inni a folyóból.
Exod Viet 7:18  Cá dưới sông sẽ chết, và sông sẽ hôi thúi đi; người Ê-díp-tô uống nước sông lấy làm ghê gớm.
Exod Kekchi 7:18  Ut li car li cuanqueb saˈ li nimaˈ teˈca̱mk. Ta̱chuhokˈ li nimaˈ. Ut eb laj Egipto incˈaˈ chic teˈrucˈ li haˈ xban nak chuhak chic.”
Exod Swe1917 7:18  Och fiskarna i floden skola dö, och floden skall bliva stinkande, så att egyptierna skola vämjas vid att dricka vatten ifrån floden.'»
Exod SP 7:18  לדם והדגה אשר ביאר תמות ובאש היאר ונלאו מצרים לשתות מים מן היאר וילך משה ואהרן אל פרעה ויאמרו אליו יהוה אלהי העברים שלחנו אליך לאמר שלח את עמי ויעבדני במדבר והנה לא שמעת עד כה כה אמר יהוה בזאת תדע כי אני יהוה הנה אנכי מכה במטה אשר בידי על המים אשר ביאר ונהפכו לדם והדגה אשר ביאר תמות ובאש היאר ונלאו מצרים לשתות מים מן היאר
Exod CroSaric 7:18  Ribe će u Rijeci pocrkati; Rijeka će se usmrdjeti, i grstit će se Egipćanima piti vodu iz Rijeke.'"
Exod VieLCCMN 7:18  Cá dưới sông sẽ chết, sông sẽ ra hôi thối, và người Ai-cập sẽ không thể uống nước sông được nữa.
Exod FreBDM17 7:18  Et le poisson qui est dans le fleuve, mourra, et le fleuve deviendra puant, et les Egyptiens travailleront beaucoup pour trouver à boire des eaux du fleuve.
Exod FreLXX 7:18  Les poissons du fleuve mourront, le fleuve lui-même deviendra fétide, et les Égyptiens ne pourront plus en boire les eaux.
Exod Aleppo 7:18  והדגה אשר ביאר תמות ובאש היאר ונלאו מצרים לשתות מים מן היאר  {ס}
Exod MapM 7:18  וְהַדָּגָ֧ה אֲשֶׁר־בַּיְאֹ֛ר תָּמ֖וּת וּבָאַ֣שׁ הַיְאֹ֑ר וְנִלְא֣וּ מִצְרַ֔יִם לִשְׁתּ֥וֹת מַ֖יִם מִן־הַיְאֹֽר׃
Exod HebModer 7:18  והדגה אשר ביאר תמות ובאש היאר ונלאו מצרים לשתות מים מן היאר׃
Exod Kaz 7:18  Балықтар қырылып, суы сасиды, мысырлықтарға Нілдің суын ішу жиренішті болады». —
Exod FreJND 7:18  et le poisson qui est dans le fleuve mourra, et le fleuve deviendra puant, et les Égyptiens seront dégoûtés de boire des eaux du fleuve.
Exod GerGruen 7:18  Die Fische im Nil sterben, und der Nil wird stinkend; dann ekelt es die Ägypter, Wasser aus dem Nil zu trinken."'"
Exod SloKJV 7:18  Ribe, ki so v reki, bodo poginile in reka bo zaudarjala in Egipčanom se bo gnusilo piti vodo iz reke.‘“
Exod Haitian 7:18  Tout pwason yo pral mouri, dlo a pral santi move, moun peyi Lejip yo p'ap ka bwè dlo ladan li ankò.
Exod FinBibli 7:18  Niin että kalat, jotka virrassa ovat, pitää kuoleman, ja virran pitää haiseman, ja Egyptiläiset pitää kyylymän, koska he juovat vettä virrasta.
Exod Geez 7:18  ወይመውቱ ፡ ዓሣት ፡ ዘውስተ ፡ ተከዚ ፡ ወይጸይእ ፡ ተከዚ ፡ ወኢይክሉ ፡ ግብጽ ፡ ሰትየ ፡ ማይ ፡ እምተከዚ ።
Exod SpaRV 7:18  Y los peces que hay en el río morirán, y hederá el río, y tendrán asco los Egipcios de beber el agua del río.
Exod WelBeibl 7:18  Bydd y pysgod yn marw, a bydd afon Nîl yn drewi. Fydd pobl yr Aifft ddim yn gallu yfed dŵr ohoni.”’”
Exod GerMenge 7:18  die Fische im Strom werden sämtlich sterben, und der Strom wird stinkend werden, so daß die Ägypter vor Ekel kein Wasser mehr aus dem Strom trinken werden.‹«
Exod GreVamva 7:18  και τα οψάρια τα εν τω ποταμώ θέλουσι τελευτήσει, και ο ποταμός θέλει βρωμήσει, και οι Αιγύπτιοι θέλουσιν αηδιάσει να πίωσιν ύδωρ εκ του ποταμού·
Exod UkrOgien 7:18  А риба, що в Річці, погине. І засмердиться Річка, і попому́чаться єги́птяни, щоб пити во́ду з Рі́чки!“
Exod FreCramp 7:18  Les poissons qui sont dans le fleuve mourront, le fleuve deviendra infect, et les Egyptiens répugneront à boire de l'eau du fleuve. "
Exod SrKDEkav 7:18  И рибе у реци помреће, и река ће се усмрдети, и Мисирци ће се узмучити тражећи воде да пију из реке.
Exod PolUGdan 7:18  Ryby, które są w rzece, pozdychają i rzeka będzie cuchnąć. Egipcjanie się zmęczą poszukiwaniem wody z rzeki do picia.
Exod FreSegon 7:18  Les poissons qui sont dans le fleuve périront, le fleuve se corrompra, et les Égyptiens s'efforceront en vain de boire l'eau du fleuve.
Exod SpaRV190 7:18  Y los peces que hay en el río morirán, y hederá el río, y tendrán asco los Egipcios de beber el agua del río.
Exod HunRUF 7:18  A Nílusban a halak elpusztulnak, a Nílus pedig megbüdösödik, úgyhogy az egyiptomiak nem tudnak majd vizet inni a Nílusból.
Exod DaOT1931 7:18  Fiskene i Nilen skal dø, og Nilen skal stinke, og Ægypterne skal væmmes ved at drikke Vand fra Nilen.«
Exod TpiKJPB 7:18  Na ol pis i stap long wara riva bai dai pinis na riva bai sting, na ol Isip bai les long dringim wara bilong riva.
Exod DaOT1871 7:18  Og Fiskene, som ere i Floden, skulle dø, og Floden skal lugte ilde, saa at Ægypterne skulle væmmes ved at drikke Vand af Floden.
Exod FreVulgG 7:18  Et les poissons qui sont dans le fleuve périront ; les eaux se corrompront, et les Egyptiens souffriront beaucoup en buvant de l’eau du fleuve.
Exod PolGdans 7:18  A ryby, które są w rzece, pozdychają, i zśmierdnie się rzeka, i spracują się Egipczanie, szukając dla napoju wód z rzeki.
Exod JapBungo 7:18  而して河の魚は死に河は臭くならんエジプト人は河の水を飮ことを厭ふにいたるべし
Exod GerElb18 7:18  Und die Fische, die im Strome sind, werden sterben, und der Strom wird stinken, und die Ägypter wirds ekeln, Wasser aus dem Strome zu trinken.