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Gene RWebster 18:19  For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
Gene NHEBJE 18:19  For I have known him, to the end that he may command his children and his household after him, that they may keep the way of Jehovah, to do righteousness and justice; to the end that Jehovah may bring on Abraham that which he has spoken of him."
Gene SPE 18:19  For I know, that he will command Abraham with his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
Gene ABP 18:19  For I had known that he will order his sons, and his house after him; and they will guard the ways of the lord, to do righteousness and judgment; that the lord may bring upon Abraham all as much as he said to him.
Gene NHEBME 18:19  For I have known him, to the end that he may command his children and his household after him, that they may keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice; to the end that the Lord may bring on Abraham that which he has spoken of him."
Gene Rotherha 18:19  For I have become his intimate friend, To the end that he may command his sons and his house after him, so shall they keep the way of Yahweh, by doing righteousness and justice. To the end that Yahweh may bring in for Abraham, what he hath spoken concerning him.
Gene LEB 18:19  For I have chosen him, that he will command his children and his household after him that they will keep the way of Yahweh, to do righteousness and justice, so that Yahweh may bring upon Abraham that which he said to him.”
Gene RNKJV 18:19  For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of יהוה, to do justice and judgment; that יהוה may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
Gene Jubilee2 18:19  For I know him, that he will command his sons and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and judgment, that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he has spoken of him.
Gene Webster 18:19  For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they will keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
Gene Darby 18:19  For I know him that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of Jehovah, to do righteousness and justice, in order that Jehovah may bring upon Abraham what he hath spoken of him.
Gene ASV 18:19  For I have known him, to the end that he may command his children and his household after him, that they may keep the way of Jehovah, to do righteousness and justice; to the end that Jehovah may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
Gene LITV 18:19  For I have known him, so that whatever he may command his sons and his house after him, even they may keep the way of Jehovah, to do righteousness and justice; to the intent that Jehovah may bring on Abraham that which He has spoken of him.
Gene Geneva15 18:19  For I knowe him that he will commande his sonnes and his houshold after him, that they keepe the way of the Lord, to doe righteousnesse and iudgement, that the Lord may bring vpon Abraham that he hath spoken vnto him.
Gene CPDV 18:19  For I know that he will instruct his sons, and his household after him, to keep to the way of the Lord, and to act with judgment and justice, so that, for the sake of Abraham, the Lord may bring about all the things that he has spoken to him.”
Gene BBE 18:19  For I have made him mine so that he may give orders to his children and those of his line after him, to keep the ways of the Lord, to do what is good and right: so that the Lord may do to Abraham as he has said.
Gene DRC 18:19  For I know that he will command his children, and his household after him, to keep the way of the Lord, and do judgment and justice: that for Abraham's sake, the Lord may bring to effect all the things he hath spoken unto him.
Gene GodsWord 18:19  I have chosen him so that he will direct his children and his family after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just. In this way I, the LORD, will do what I have promised Abraham."
Gene JPS 18:19  For I have known him, to the end that he may command his children and his household after him, that they may keep the way of HaShem, to do righteousness and justice; to the end that HaShem may bring upon Abraham that which He hath spoken of him.'
Gene Tyndale 18:19  For I knowe him that he will commaunde his childern and his housholde after him yt they kepe the waye of the LORde to do after righte and conscyence that the LORde may brynge vppon Abraham that he hath promysed him.
Gene KJVPCE 18:19  For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
Gene NETfree 18:19  I have chosen him so that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just. Then the LORD will give to Abraham what he promised him."
Gene AB 18:19  For I know that he will order his sons, and his house after him, and they will keep the ways of the Lord, to do justice and judgment, that the Lord may bring upon Abraham all things whatsoever He has spoken to him.
Gene AFV2020 18:19  For I know him, that he will command his children and his house after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment, that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which He has spoken of him."
Gene NHEB 18:19  For I have known him, to the end that he may command his children and his household after him, that they may keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice; to the end that the Lord may bring on Abraham that which he has spoken of him."
Gene NETtext 18:19  I have chosen him so that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just. Then the LORD will give to Abraham what he promised him."
Gene UKJV 18:19  For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he has spoken of him.
Gene KJV 18:19  For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
Gene KJVA 18:19  For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
Gene AKJV 18:19  For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring on Abraham that which he has spoken of him.
Gene RLT 18:19  For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of Yhwh, to do justice and judgment; that Yhwh may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
Gene MKJV 18:19  For I know him, that he will command his sons and his house after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment, that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which He has spoken of him.
Gene YLT 18:19  for I have known him, that he commandeth his children, and his house after him (and they have kept the way of Jehovah), to do righteousness and judgment, that Jehovah may bring on Abraham that which He hath spoken concerning him.'
Gene ACV 18:19  For I have known him, to the end that he may command his children and his household after him, that they may keep the way of Jehovah, to do righteousness and justice, to the end that Jehovah may bring upon Abraham that which he has spoken of him.
Gene VulgSist 18:19  Scio enim quod praecepturus sit filiis suis, et domui suae post se ut custodiant viam Domini, et faciant iudicium et iustitiam: ut adducat Dominus propter Abraham omnia quae locutus est ad eum.
Gene VulgCont 18:19  Scio enim quod præcepturus sit filiis suis, et domui suæ post se ut custodiant viam Domini, et faciant iudicium et iustitiam: ut adducat Dominus propter Abraham omnia quæ locutus est ad eum.
Gene Vulgate 18:19  scio enim quod praecepturus sit filiis suis et domui suae post se ut custodiant viam Domini et faciant iustitiam et iudicium ut adducat Dominus propter Abraham omnia quae locutus est ad eum
Gene VulgHetz 18:19  Scio enim quod præcepturus sit filiis suis, et domui suæ post se ut custodiant viam Domini, et faciant iudicium et iustitiam: ut adducat Dominus propter Abraham omnia quæ locutus est ad eum.
Gene VulgClem 18:19  Scio enim quod præcepturus sit filiis suis, et domui suæ post se ut custodiant viam Domini, et faciant judicium et justitiam : ut adducat Dominus propter Abraham omnia quæ locutus est ad eum.
Gene CzeBKR 18:19  Nebo znám jej; protož přikáže synům svým a domu svému po sobě, aby ostříhali cesty Hospodinovy, a činili spravedlnost a soud, aťby naplnil Hospodin Abrahamovi, což mu zaslíbil.
Gene CzeB21 18:19  Vyvolil jsem jej, aby přikázal svým synům a své budoucí rodině, ať zachovávají Hospodinovu cestu konáním spravedlnosti a práva, aby Hospodin Abrahamovi splnil, co mu zaslíbil.“
Gene CzeCEP 18:19  Důvěrně jsem se s ním sblížil, aby přikazoval svým synům a všem, kteří přijdou po něm: ‚Dbejte na Hospodinovu cestu a jednejte podle spravedlnosti a práva, ať Hospodin Abrahamovi splní, co mu přislíbil‘.“
Gene CzeCSP 18:19  Neboť ⌈jsem se s ním sblížil, takže⌉ přikáže svým synům a svému domu po sobě, aby zachovávali ⌈Hospodinovu cestu⌉ a konali ⌈spravedlnost a právo,⌉ aby Hospodin Abrahamovi naplnil to, co o něm řekl.
Gene PorBLivr 18:19  Porque eu o conheci, sei que mandará a seus filhos e a sua casa depois de si, que guardem o caminho do SENHOR, fazendo justiça e juízo, para que faça vir o SENHOR sobre Abraão o que falou acerca dele.
Gene Mg1865 18:19  Fa efa nifidy azy Aho mba handidy ny zanany sy ny taranany mandimby azy hitandreman’ ireo ny lalàn’ i Jehovah hanao izay marina sy mahitsy, mba hitondran’ i Jehovah amin’ i Abrahama izay efa nolazainy taminy.
Gene FinPR 18:19  Sillä minä olen valinnut hänet, että hän käskisi lapsiansa ja perhettänsä, joka jää hänen jälkeensä, noudattamaan Herran tietä ja tekemään sitä, mikä vanhurskaus ja oikeus on, jotta Herra antaisi Aabrahamille tapahtua, mitä hän on hänelle luvannut."
Gene FinRK 18:19  Sillä minä olen valinnut hänet, että hän käskisi lapsiaan ja perhettään pysymään Herran tiellä ja toimimaan vanhurskaasti ja oikeudenmukaisesti, jotta minä voisin toteuttaa Abrahamille sen, mitä olen hänestä puhunut.”
Gene ChiSB 18:19  何況我揀選了他,是要他訓令自己的子孫和未來的家族,保持上主的正道,實行公義正道,好使上主能實現他對亞巴郎所許的事。」
Gene CopSahBi 18:19  ⲛⲉⲓⲥⲟⲟⲩⲛ ⲅⲁⲣ ϫⲉ ⲁⲃⲣⲁϩⲁⲙ ⲛⲁϩⲱⲛ ⲉⲧⲟⲟⲧⲟⲩ ⲛⲛⲉϥϣⲏⲣⲉ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲡⲉϥⲏⲓ ⲙⲛⲛⲥⲱϥ ⲛⲥⲉϩⲁⲣⲉϩ ⲉⲛⲉϩⲓⲟⲟⲩⲉ ⲙⲡϫⲟⲉⲓⲥ ⲉⲉⲓⲣⲉ ⲛⲧⲇⲓⲕⲁⲓⲟⲥⲩⲛⲏ ⲙⲛ ⲡϩⲁⲡ ϫⲉ ⲉⲣⲉⲡϫⲟⲉⲓⲥ ⲉⲓⲛⲉ ⲉϫⲛ ⲁⲃⲣⲁϩⲁⲙ ⲛϩⲱⲃ ⲛⲓⲙ ⲉⲛⲧⲁϥϫⲟⲟⲩ ⲛⲁϥ
Gene ArmEaste 18:19  որովհետեւ ես գիտէի, որ նա իր որդիներին ու իր յետնորդներին կը պատուիրի, որ նրանք Տիրոջ ճանապարհով ընթանան՝ պահպանելով արդարութիւնն ու իրաւունքը: Տէր Աստուած կը կատարի այն ամէնը, ինչ խոստացել է Աբրահամին»:
Gene ChiUns 18:19  我眷顾他,为要叫他吩咐他的众子和他的眷属遵守我的道,秉公行义,使我所应许亚伯拉罕的话都成就了。」
Gene BulVeren 18:19  Защото съм го познал, за да заповяда на синовете си и на дома си след себе си да пазят ГОСПОДНИЯ път, като вършат правда и правосъдие, за да направи ГОСПОД да дойде на Авраам онова, което е говорил за него.
Gene AraSVD 18:19  لِأَنِّي عَرَفْتُهُ لِكَيْ يُوصِيَ بَنِيهِ وَبَيْتَهُ مِنْ بَعْدِهِ أَنْ يَحْفَظُوا طَرِيقَ ٱلرَّبِّ، لِيَعْمَلُوا بِرًّا وَعَدْلًا، لِكَيْ يَأْتِيَ ٱلرَّبُّ لِإِبْرَاهِيمَ بِمَا تَكَلَّمَ بِهِ».
Gene Esperant 18:19  Ĉar Mi lin elektis, por ke li ordonu al siaj filoj kaj al sia domo post si, ke ili observu la vojon de la Eternulo, agante virte kaj juste; por ke la Eternulo plenumu pri Abraham, kion Li diris pri li.
Gene ThaiKJV 18:19  เพราะว่าเรารู้จักเขา เขาจะสั่งลูกหลานและครอบครัวของเขาที่สืบมา พวกเขาจะรักษาพระมรรคาของพระเยโฮวาห์ เพื่อทำความเที่ยงธรรมและความยุติธรรม เพื่อพระเยโฮวาห์จะประทานแก่อับราฮัมตามสิ่งซึ่งพระองค์ได้ตรัสไว้เกี่ยวกับเขา”
Gene OSHB 18:19  כִּ֣י יְדַעְתִּ֗יו לְמַעַן֩ אֲשֶׁ֨ר יְצַוֶּ֜ה אֶת־בָּנָ֤יו וְאֶת־בֵּיתוֹ֙ אַחֲרָ֔יו וְשָֽׁמְרוּ֙ דֶּ֣רֶךְ יְהוָ֔ה לַעֲשׂ֥וֹת צְדָקָ֖ה וּמִשְׁפָּ֑ט לְמַ֗עַן הָבִ֤יא יְהוָה֙ עַל־אַבְרָהָ֔ם אֵ֥ת אֲשֶׁר־דִּבֶּ֖ר עָלָֽיו׃
Gene SPMT 18:19  כי ידעתיו למען אשר יצוה . את בניו ואת ביתו אחריו ושמרו דרך יהוה לעשות צדקה ומשפט למען הביא יהוה על אברהם את אשר דבר עליו
Gene BurJudso 18:19  အကြောင်းမူကား၊ သူသည် မိမိနောက်၌ ဖြစ်သော သားများ၊ အိမ်သူများတို့အား ပညတ်မည်အရာ ကို ငါသိ၏။ သူတို့သည်လည်း ထာဝရဘုရား၏ တရား လမ်းသို့ လိုက်၍ ဟုတ်မှန်ဖြောင့်မတ်စွာ ကျင့်ကြလိမ့် မည်။ သို့ဖြစ်၍ ဂတိတော်ရှိသည့်အတိုင်း၊ ထာဝရ ဘုရားသည် အာဗြဟံ၌ပြုရသော အခွင့်ရှိလိမ့်မည်ဟု အကြံတော်ရှိ၏။
Gene FarTPV 18:19  من ‌او را انتخاب ‌كرده‌ام ‌تا به ‌پسرانش‌ و به ‌نسل ‌خود یاد بدهد كه‌ از من‌ اطاعت‌ كنند تا هرچه‌ را كه ‌نیكو و درست ‌است، ‌انجام‌ دهند. اگر آنها این ‌را انجام ‌دهند، من ‌هرچه‌ را به ‌ابراهیم ‌وعده ‌داده‌ام، ‌انجام ‌خواهم ‌داد.»
Gene UrduGeoR 18:19  Usī ko maiṅ ne chun liyā hai tāki wuh apnī aulād aur apne bād ke gharāne ko hukm de ki wuh Rab kī rāh par chal kar rāst aur munsifānā kām kareṅ. Kyoṅki agar wuh aisā kareṅ to Rab Ibrāhīm ke sāth apnā wādā pūrā karegā.”
Gene SweFolk 18:19  Jag har utvalt honom för att han ska befalla sina barn och efterkommande att hålla sig till Herrens väg och handla rätt och rättfärdigt, så att Herren kan uppfylla sina löften till Abraham.”
Gene GerSch 18:19  Denn ich habe ihn dafür erkoren, daß er seinen Kindern und seinem Hause nach ihm befehle, des HERRN Weg zu halten und zu tun, was recht und billig ist, damit der HERR auf Abraham bringe, was er ihm verheißen hat.
Gene TagAngBi 18:19  Sapagka't siya'y aking kinilala, upang siya'y magutos sa kaniyang mga anak at sa kaniyang sangbahayan pagkamatay niya, na maingatan nila ang daan ng Panginoon, na gumawa ng kabanalan, at kahatulan; upang padatnin ng Panginoon, kay Abraham ang kaniyang ipinangako tungkol sa kaniya.
Gene FinSTLK2 18:19  Sillä olen valinnut hänet, että hän käskisi lapsiaan ja perhettään, joka jää hänen jälkeensä, noudattamaan Herran tietä ja tekemään sitä, mikä on vanhurskaus ja oikeus, jotta Herra antaisi Aabrahamille tapahtua, mitä hän on hänelle luvannut."
Gene Dari 18:19  من او را برگزیدم تا به پسرانش و به نسل خود تعلیم بدهد که از من اطاعت کنند تا هر چه را که راست و درست است انجام دهند. اگر آن ها چنین کنند، من هر چه به ابراهیم وعده داده ام انجام خواهم داد.»
Gene SomKQA 18:19  Waayo, waan garanayaa isaga, inuu carruurtiisa iyo kuwa gurigiisa jooga ku amri doono, inay jidka Rabbiga xajiyaan inay sameeyaan xaqnimo iyo caaddilnimo; si uu Rabbigu Ibraahim ugu soo dejiyo wixii uu kaga hadlay.
Gene NorSMB 18:19  For eg kjenner honom for den mann, at han vil segja til borni sine og til huset sitt etter seg, at dei skal halda seg etter Herrens veg og gjera rett og skil, so Herren kann lata det ganga fram som han hev lova Abraham.»
Gene Alb 18:19  Unë në fakt e kam zgjedhur, me qëllim që të urdhërojë bijtë e tij dhe shtëpinë e tij të ndjekin pas tij rrugën e Zotit, duke zbatuar drejtësinë dhe barazinë, në mënyrë që Zoti të mund të plotësojë premtimet që i ka dhënë Abrahamit".
Gene UyCyr 18:19  Мән уни өз балилири вә әвлатлириға Мениң йолумни тутушни, дурус вә һәққаний болушни буйрисун, дәп таллидим. Шундақ қилса, Мәнму униңға бәргән вәдәм бойичә һәммә ишни қилип беримән».
Gene KorHKJV 18:19  이는 내가 그를 알기 때문이라. 그가 자기 자녀들과 자기 뒤에 있을 자기 집안사람들에게 명령할 터인즉 그들이 주의 길을 지켜 정의와 판단의 공의를 행하리니 이로써 주가 아브라함에 관하여 말한 것을 친히 그에게 이루리라, 하시고
Gene SrKDIjek 18:19  Јер знам да ће заповиједити синовима својима и дому својему након себе да се држе путева Господњих и да чине што је право и добро, да би Господ навршио на Авраму што му је обећао.
Gene Wycliffe 18:19  For Y woot that Abraham schal comaunde hise children, and his hows after hym, that thei kepe the weie of the Lord, and that thei do riytfulnesse and dom, that the Lord bringe for Abraham alle thingis whiche he spak to Abraham.
Gene Mal1910 18:19  യഹോവ അബ്രാഹാമിനെക്കുറിച്ചു അരുളിച്ചെയ്തതു അവന്നു നിവൃത്തിച്ചുകൊടുപ്പാൻ തക്കവണ്ണം അബ്രാഹാം തന്റെ മക്കളോടും തനിക്കു പിമ്പുള്ള കുടുംബത്തോടും നീതിയും ന്യായവും പ്രവൃത്തിച്ചുകൊണ്ടു യഹോവയുടെ വഴിയിൽ നടപ്പാൻ കല്പിക്കേണ്ടതിന്നു ഞാൻ അവനെ തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്തിരിക്കുന്നു.
Gene KorRV 18:19  내가 그로 그 자식과 권속에게 명하여 여호와의 도를 지켜 의와 공도를 행하게 하려고 그를 택하였나니 이는 나 여호와가 아브라함에게 대하여 말한 일을 이루려 함이니라
Gene Azeri 18:19  چونکي من اونو سچمئشم کي، صالحلئک و عدالت عمل‌لرئني يتئرمکله اوغلوللارينا و اؤزوندن سونراکي نسلئنه امر اتسئن کي، ربّئن يولو ائله گتسئنلر. رب ده ائبراهئم باره‌ده ددئيي سؤزو يرئنه يتئرسئن."
Gene SweKarlX 18:19  Ty jag wet, at han befaller sinom barnom, och sino huse efter sig, at de skola hålla HERrans wägar, och göra hwad rätt och godt är, på det at HERren skall låta komma öfwer Abraham allt det han honom låfwat hafwer.
Gene KLV 18:19  vaD jIH ghaj Sovta' ghaH, Daq the pItlh vetlh ghaH may ra'ta'ghach mu'mey Daj puqpu' je Daj household after ghaH, vetlh chaH may pol the way vo' joH'a', Daq ta' QaQtaHghach je ruv; Daq the pItlh vetlh joH'a' may qem Daq Abraham vetlh nuq ghaH ghajtaH jatlhpu' vo' ghaH.”
Gene ItaDio 18:19  Perciocchè io l’ho conosciuto, io glielo paleserò, acciocchè ordini a’ suoi figliuoli ed alla sua casa, dopo sè, che osservino la via del Signore, per far giustizia e giudicio; acciocchè il Signore faccia avvenire ad Abrahamo quello che gli ha promesso.
Gene RusSynod 18:19  ибо Я избрал его для того, чтобы он заповедал сынам своим и дому своему после себя, ходить путем Господним, творя правду и суд; и исполнит Господь над Авраамом [все], что сказал о нем.
Gene CSlEliza 18:19  вем бо, яко заповесть сыном своим и дому своему по себе, и сохранят пути Господни творити правду и суд, яко да наведет Господь на Авраама вся, елика глагола к нему.
Gene ABPGRK 18:19  ήδειν γαρ ότι συντάξει τοις υιοίς αυτού και τω οίκω αυτού μετ΄ αυτόν και φυλάξουσι τας οδούς κυρίου του ποιείν δικαιοσύνην και κρίσιν όπως αν επαγάγη κύριος επί Αβραάμ πάντα όσα ελάλησε προς αυτόν
Gene FreBBB 18:19  Car je l'ai choisi afin qu'il ordonne à ses fils et à sa maison après lui de garder la voie de l'Eternel, en faisant ce qui est juste et droit, pour que l'Eternel fasse venir sur Abraham ce qu'il lui a promis.
Gene LinVB 18:19  Naponi ye mpo ’te alakisa bana ba ye, ná bana ba libota lya ye bakobotama nsima, boniboni balanda nzela ya Yawe mpe bazala na bose­mbo o makambo manso ; bo­ngo nakokisa maye nalakelaki Abarama. »
Gene HunIMIT 18:19  Mert megismertem őt, hogy meg fogja parancsolni az ő fiainak és az ő házának maga után, hogy őrizzék meg az Örökkévaló útját, cselekedvén igazságot és jogot, hogy elhozza az Örökkévaló Ábrahámra, amit szólt róla.
Gene ChiUnL 18:19  我簡之、使命其子及眷屬、守我之道、秉公行義、致耶和華所言、悉以予之、
Gene VietNVB 18:19  Vì Ta đã chọn Áp-ra-ham để người hướng dẫn con cháu và gia nhân theo người vâng giữ đường lối của CHÚA, làm điều phải và công chính, để CHÚA có thể thực hiện các lời Ngài đã hứa với Áp-ra-ham.
Gene LXX 18:19  ᾔδειν γὰρ ὅτι συντάξει τοῖς υἱοῖς αὐτοῦ καὶ τῷ οἴκῳ αὐτοῦ μετ’ αὐτόν καὶ φυλάξουσιν τὰς ὁδοὺς κυρίου ποιεῖν δικαιοσύνην καὶ κρίσιν ὅπως ἂν ἐπαγάγῃ κύριος ἐπὶ Αβρααμ πάντα ὅσα ἐλάλησεν πρὸς αὐτόν
Gene CebPinad 18:19  Kay siya naila ko, aron magasugo siya sa iyang panimalay sa ulahi niya, aron magabantay sila sa dalan ni Jehova, nga sa pagbuhat sa pagkamatarung ug sa katarungan; aron nga si Jehova makapadala sa ibabaw kang Abraham niadtong ginapamulong mahatungod kaniya.
Gene RomCor 18:19  Căci Eu îl cunosc şi ştiu că are să poruncească fiilor lui şi casei lui după el să ţină Calea Domnului, făcând ce este drept şi bine, pentru ca astfel Domnul să împlinească faţă de Avraam ce i-a făgăduit”…
Gene Pohnpeia 18:19  I pilada ih pwe en padahkihong nah kan oh kadaudoke kan re en kin peikiong ei kosonned akan ni ar pahn kin wia dahme mwahu oh dahme pwung. I ahpw pahn kin kapwaiong ih soahng koaros me I inoukidahr.”
Gene HunUj 18:19  Mert őt választottam ki arra, hogy megparancsolja fiainak és háza népének is, hogy őrizzék meg az Úr útját, cselekedjenek az igazságnak és jognak megfelelően, hogy az Úr is beteljesítse, amit megígért Ábrahámnak.
Gene GerZurch 18:19  Denn ich habe ihn erkoren, dass er seinen Söhnen und seinem Hause nach ihm befehle, den Weg des Herrn zu beobachten und Gerechtigkeit und Recht zu üben, damit der Herr über Abraham kommen lasse, was er ihm verheissen hat.
Gene GerTafel 18:19  Denn Ich habe ihn dahin erkannt, daß er seinen Söhnen und seinem Hause nach ihm wird gebieten, daß sie den Weg Jehovahs halten, zu tun Gerechtigkeit und Recht, auf daß Jehovah auf Abraham kommen lasse, was Er über ihn geredet hat.
Gene RusMakar 18:19  Ибо Я сталъ знать его ради того, что онъ заповјдаетъ сынамъ своимъ, и дому своему послј себя, ходить путемъ Іеговы, и быть добрыми, и справедливыми, да исполнитъ Іегова надъ Авраамомъ, что сказалъ о немъ.
Gene PorAR 18:19  Porque eu o tenho escolhido, a fim de que ele ordene a seus filhos e a sua casa depois dele, para que guardem o caminho do Senhor, para praticarem retidão e justiça; a fim de que o Senhor faça vir sobre Abraão o que a respeito dele tem falado.
Gene DutSVVA 18:19  Want Ik heb hem gekend, opdat hij zijn kinderen en zijn huis na hem zoude bevelen, en zij den weg des Heeren houden, om te doen gerechtigheid en gerichte; opdat de Heere over Abraham brenge hetgeen Hij over hem gesproken heeft.
Gene FarOPV 18:19  زیرا او را می‌شناسم که فرزندان و اهل خانه خود را بعد از خود امر خواهد فرمود تا طریق خداوند را حفظ نمایند، و عدالت و انصاف را بجاآورند، تا خداوند آنچه به ابراهیم گفته است، به وی برساند.»
Gene Ndebele 18:19  Ngoba ngimazile, ukuze alaye abantwana bakhe lendlu yakhe emva kwakhe, besebegcina indlela yeNkosi ukuze benze ukulunga lokwahlulela, ukuze iNkosi imehlisele uAbrahama lokho ekutshoyo ngaye.
Gene PorBLivr 18:19  Porque eu o conheci, sei que mandará a seus filhos e a sua casa depois de si, que guardem o caminho do SENHOR, fazendo justiça e juízo, para que faça vir o SENHOR sobre Abraão o que falou acerca dele.
Gene Norsk 18:19  for jeg har utvalgt ham forat han skal byde sine barn og sitt hus efter sig at de skal holde sig efter Herrens vei og gjøre rett og rettferdighet, så Herren kan la Abraham få det som han har lovt ham.
Gene SloChras 18:19  Zakaj spoznal sem ga s tem namenom, da bo zapovedal otrokom svojim in rodbini svoji za seboj, naj se drže pota Gospodovega in strežejo pravičnosti in pravu, da bi izpolnil Gospod Abrahamu, kar mu je obljubil.
Gene Northern 18:19  Çünki Mən onu seçdim ki, oğullarına və özündən sonrakı nəslinə saleh və ədalətli işlər görmək üçün Rəbbin yolu ilə getməyi tapşırsın. Rəbb də İbrahim barədə dediyi sözü yerinə yetirsin».
Gene GerElb19 18:19  Denn ich habe ihn erkannt, auf daß er seinen Kindern und seinem Hause nach ihm befehle, daß sie den Weg Jehovas bewahren, Gerechtigkeit und Recht zu üben, damit Jehova auf Abraham kommen lasse, was er über ihn geredet hat.
Gene LvGluck8 18:19  Jo Es to esmu atzinis, lai viņš saviem bērniem un savam namam pēc sevis pavēl sargāt Tā Kunga ceļu, darot, kas taisnība un kas tiesa, ka Tas Kungs liktu nākt uz Ābrahāmu, ko Viņš tam runājis.
Gene PorAlmei 18:19  Porque eu o tenho conhecido, que elle ha de ordenar a seus filhos e a sua casa depois d'elle, para que guardem o caminho do Senhor, para obrar com justiça e juizo: para que o Senhor faça vir sobre Abrahão o que ácerca d'elle tem fallado.
Gene ChiUn 18:19  我眷顧他,為要叫他吩咐他的眾子和他的眷屬遵守我的道,秉公行義,使我所應許亞伯拉罕的話都成就了。」
Gene SweKarlX 18:19  Ty jag vet, att han befaller sinom barnom, och sino huse efter sig, att de skola hålla Herrans vägar, och göra hvad rätt och godt är, på det att Herren skall låta komma öfver Abraham allt det han honom lofvat hafver.
Gene SPVar 18:19  כי ידעתי למען אשר יצוה אברהם את בניו ואת ביתו אחריו ושמרו דרך יהוה לעשות צדקה ומשפט למען הביא יהוה על אברהם את אשר דבר עליו
Gene FreKhan 18:19  Si je l’ai distingué, c’est pour qu’il prescrive à ses fils et à sa maison après lui d’observer la voie de l’Éternel, en pratiquant la vertu et la justice; afin que l’Éternel accomplisse sur Abraham ce qu’il a déclaré à son égard."
Gene FrePGR 18:19  Car je l'ai distingué, afin qu'il prescrive à ses fils et à sa maison après lui de garder la voie de l'Éternel pour pratiquer le droit et la justice, afin que l'Éternel dispense à Abraham ce qu'il lui a promis.
Gene PorCap 18:19  Escolhi-o, de facto, para que dê ordens a seus filhos e à sua casa depois dele, no sentido de seguirem os caminhos do Senhor, praticando a justiça e a retidão, a fim de que o Senhor cumpra a favor de Abraão as promessas que lhe fez.»
Gene JapKougo 18:19  わたしは彼が後の子らと家族とに命じて主の道を守らせ、正義と公道とを行わせるために彼を知ったのである。これは主がかつてアブラハムについて言った事を彼の上に臨ませるためである」。
Gene GerTextb 18:19  Denn ich habe ihn erkoren, damit er seinen Kindern und seinem Hause nach ihm gebiete, den Weg Jahwes einzuhalten, indem sie Recht und Gerechtigkeit üben, damit Jahwe über Abraham kommen lasse, was er ihm verheißen hat.
Gene Kapingam 18:19  Au ne-hilihili a-mee belee hai a-mee gi-helekai gi ana dama-daane mo dono hagadili bolo ginaadou gi-hagalongo-mai gi di-Au, gei gi-heia nia mee ala e-humalia ge donu. Maa digaula gaa-hai beenei, gei Au gaa-hai nia mee huogodoo ala ne-hagababa ko-Au gi mee.”
Gene SpaPlate 18:19  Porque le he constituido para eso: que mande a sus hijos y a su casa después de él, guardar el camino de Yahvé, practicando la justicia y el derecho, a fin de que Yahvé haga venir sobre Abrahán lo que tiene prometido a su favor.”
Gene GerOffBi 18:19  Denn ich habe ihn erwählt (erkannt; kümmere mich um ihn; achte auf ihn), damit er seinen Kindern (Söhnen) und seinen Angehörigen (seinem Haus) nach ihm befiehlt, den Weg (die Handlungsweise, Lebensweise) JHWHs zu bewahren (hüten; beachten), indem sie gerecht (richtig, wahrhaftig, aufrichtig) und rechtmäßig (gebührend) handeln damit JHWH auf (über) Abraham kommen lässt (bringt), was er über ihn geredet hat (ihm versprochen hat).
Gene WLC 18:19  כִּ֣י יְדַעְתִּ֗יו לְמַעַן֩ אֲשֶׁ֨ר יְצַוֶּ֜ה אֶת־בָּנָ֤יו וְאֶת־בֵּיתוֹ֙ אַחֲרָ֔יו וְשָֽׁמְרוּ֙ דֶּ֣רֶךְ יְהוָ֔ה לַעֲשׂ֥וֹת צְדָקָ֖ה וּמִשְׁפָּ֑ט לְמַ֗עַן הָבִ֤יא יְהוָה֙ עַל־אַבְרָהָ֔ם אֵ֥ת אֲשֶׁר־דִּבֶּ֖ר עָלָֽיו׃
Gene LtKBB 18:19  Nes Aš žinau, kad jis įsakys savo vaikams ir savo namams po savęs laikytis Viešpaties kelio ir daryti, kas yra teisinga ir teisu, kad Viešpats galėtų ištesėti Abraomui, ką Jis kalbėjo apie jį“.
Gene Bela 18:19  бо Я выбраў яго на тое, каб ён наказаў сынам сваім і дому свайму пасьля сябе, хадзіць шляхам Гасподнім, чынячы праўду і суд; і спраўдзіць Гасподзь над Абрагамам, што сказаў пра яго.
Gene GerBoLut 18:19  Denn ich weili, erwird befehlen seinen Kindern und seinem Hause nach ihm, daß sie des HERRN Wege halten und tun, was recht und gut ist; auf daß der HERR auf Abraham kommen lasse, was er ihm verheilien hat.
Gene FinPR92 18:19  Minähän olen valinnut hänet, että hän käskisi poikiaan ja jälkeentulevaa sukuaan pysymään Herran tiellä ja noudattamaan oikeutta ja vanhurskautta, jotta minä voisin täyttää sen lupauksen, jonka olen Abrahamille antanut."
Gene SpaRV186 18:19  Porque yo lo he conocido, que mandará a sus hijos y a su casa después de sí, que guarden el camino de Jehová, haciendo justicia y juicio, para que haga venir Jehová sobre Abraham lo que ha hablado sobre él.
Gene NlCanisi 18:19  Daarom juist heb Ik hem uitverkoren, opdat hij aan zijn zonen en zijn nageslacht zou bevelen, de weg van Jahweh te bewaren door gerechtigheid en recht te beoefenen; en Jahweh dus aan Abraham vervullen kan, wat Hij hem heeft beloofd.
Gene GerNeUe 18:19  Denn mit ihm habe ich Verbindung aufgenommen, damit er seinen Söhnen und seinen weiteren Nachkommen aufträgt, den Geboten Jahwes zu folgen, das Recht zu achten und Gerechtigkeit zu üben. So kann Jahwe auch seine Zusage an ihn einlösen."
Gene Est 18:19  Sest Ma tean temast, et ta käsib oma poegi ja järeltulevat sugu hoida Issand teed ning teha, mis õige ja kohus, et Issand võiks anda Aabrahamile, mis Ta temale on tõotanud."
Gene UrduGeo 18:19  اُسی کو مَیں نے چن لیا ہے تاکہ وہ اپنی اولاد اور اپنے بعد کے گھرانے کو حکم دے کہ وہ رب کی راہ پر چل کر راست اور منصفانہ کام کریں۔ کیونکہ اگر وہ ایسا کریں تو رب ابراہیم کے ساتھ اپنا وعدہ پورا کرے گا۔“
Gene AraNAV 18:19  لأَنَّنِي قَدِ اخْتَرْتُهُ لِيُوْصِيَ بَنِيهِ وَأَهْلَ بَيْتِهِ مِنْ بَعْدِهِ كَيْ يَحْفَظُوا طَرِيقَ الرَّبِّ، عَامِلِينَ الْبِرَّ وَالْعَدْلَ، حَتَّى يُنْجِزَ الرَّبُّ مَا وَعَدَ بِهِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ».
Gene ChiNCVs 18:19  我拣选了他,是要他吩咐子孙,和他的家属,遵守我耶和华的道,秉公行义,好叫我耶和华应许亚伯拉罕的话都可实现。”
Gene ItaRive 18:19  Poiché io l’ho prescelto affinché ordini ai suoi figliuoli, e dopo di sé alla sua casa, che s’attengano alla via dell’Eterno per praticare la giustizia e l’equità, onde l’Eterno ponga ad effetto a pro d’Abrahamo quello che gli ha promesso".
Gene Afr1953 18:19  Want Ek het hom verkies, dat hy aan sy kinders en sy huis ná hom bevel sou gee dat hulle die weg van die HERE moet hou om geregtigheid en reg te doen; sodat die HERE oor Abraham kan bring wat Hy oor hom gespreek het.
Gene RusSynod 18:19  ибо Я избрал его для того, чтобы он заповедал сыновьям своим и дому своему после себя ходить путем Господним, творя правду и суд; и исполнит Господь над Авраамом все, что сказал о нем».
Gene UrduGeoD 18:19  उसी को मैंने चुन लिया है ताकि वह अपनी औलाद और अपने बाद के घराने को हुक्म दे कि वह रब की राह पर चलकर रास्त और मुंसिफ़ाना काम करें। क्योंकि अगर वह ऐसा करें तो रब इब्राहीम के साथ अपना वादा पूरा करेगा।”
Gene TurNTB 18:19  Doğru ve adil olanı yaparak yolumda yürümeyi oğullarına ve soyuna buyursun diye İbrahim'i seçtim. Öyle ki, ona verdiğim sözü yerine getireyim.”
Gene DutSVV 18:19  Want Ik heb hem gekend, opdat hij zijn kinderen en zijn huis na hem zoude bevelen, en zij den weg des HEEREN houden, om te doen gerechtigheid en gerichte; opdat de HEERE over Abraham brenge, hetgeen Hij over hem gesproken heeft.
Gene HunKNB 18:19  Hiszen azért ismertem meg, hogy megparancsolja fiainak és háza népe utódainak, hogy tartsák meg az Úr útját, és cselekedjenek a jog és az igazság szerint, hogy az Úr így teljesítse Ábrahámért mindazt, amit mondott neki.«
Gene Maori 18:19  E mohio ana hoki ahau ki a ia, hei mea kia whakahaua iho ai e ia ana tama, me tona whare, i muri i a ia, a kia whakaritea e ratou te ara o Ihowa, ka mahi hoki i te tika, i te whakawa; a kia kawea mai ai e Ihowa ki runga ki a Aperahama nga mea ka toa i korerotia e ia mona.
Gene sml_BL_2 18:19  Tapene'ku iya supaya iya amandu'an saga anak-mpuna ameya' ma kabaya'anku. Subay sigām angahinang ni kahāpan maka ni kabontolan, manjari tumanku to'ongan paljanji'anku ma iya.”
Gene HunKar 18:19  Mert tudom róla, hogy megparancsolja az ő fiainak és az ő házanépének ő utánna, hogy megőrizzék az Úrnak útát, igazságot és törvényt tévén, hogy beteljesítse az Úr Ábrahámon, a mit szólott felőle.
Gene Viet 18:19  Ta đã chọn người đặng người khiến dạy các con cùng nội nhà người giữ theo đạo Ðức Giê-hô-va, làm các điều công bình và ngay thẳng; thế thì, Ðức Giê-hô-va sẽ làm cho ứng nghiệm lời Ngài đã hứa cùng Áp-ra-ham.
Gene Kekchi 18:19  Ac xinsicˈ ru re ta̱cˈamok be chiruheb li ralal xcˈajol. Aˈan ta̱chˈoloba̱nk re xya̱lal chiruheb re nak teˈxpa̱b li cua̱tin ut teˈcua̱nk saˈ usilal ut saˈ ti̱quilal. Cui teˈxba̱nu aˈin, la̱in tinba̱nu chixjunil li cˈaˈru xinyechiˈi re laj Abraham, chan li Dios.
Gene Swe1917 18:19  Ty därtill har jag utvalt honom, för att han skall bjuda sina barn och sitt hus efter sig att hålla HERRENS väg och öva rättfärdighet och rätt, på det att HERREN må låta det komma över Abraham, som han har lovat honom.»
Gene SP 18:19  כי ידעתי למען אשר יצוה אברהם את בניו ואת ביתו אחריו ושמרו דרך יהוה לעשות צדקה ומשפט למען הביא יהוה על אברהם את אשר דבר עליו
Gene CroSaric 18:19  Njega sam izlučio zato da pouči svoju djecu i svoju buduću obitelj kako će hoditi putem Jahvinim, radeći što je dobro i pravedno, tako da Jahve mogne ostvariti što je Abrahamu obećao."
Gene VieLCCMN 18:19  Thật vậy, Ta đã chọn nó, để nó truyền cho con cái nó và gia tộc nó sau này phải giữ đường lối của ĐỨC CHÚA mà thực hiện điều công minh chính trực ; như thế ĐỨC CHÚA sẽ làm cho Áp-ra-ham điều Người đã phán về nó.
Gene FreBDM17 18:19  Car je le connais, et je sais qu’il commandera à ses enfants, et à sa maison après lui, de garder la voie de l’Eternel, pour faire ce qui est juste, et droit ; afin que l’Eternel fasse venir sur Abraham tout ce qu’il lui a dit.
Gene FreLXX 18:19  Car je sais qu'il donnera ses ordres à ses fils et à sa maison après lui ; et ils garderont les voies du Seigneur en pratiquant l'équité et la justice, afin que le Seigneur accomplisse, en faveur d'Abraham, toutes les choses qu'il lui a dites.
Gene Aleppo 18:19  כי ידעתיו למען אשר יצוה את בניו ואת ביתו אחריו ושמרו דרך יהוה לעשות צדקה ומשפט—למען הביא יהוה על אברהם את אשר דבר עליו
Gene MapM 18:19  כִּ֣י יְדַעְתִּ֗יו לְמַעַן֩ אֲשֶׁ֨ר יְצַוֶּ֜ה אֶת־בָּנָ֤יו וְאֶת־בֵּיתוֹ֙ אַחֲרָ֔יו וְשָֽׁמְרוּ֙ דֶּ֣רֶךְ יְהֹוָ֔ה לַעֲשׂ֥וֹת צְדָקָ֖ה וּמִשְׁפָּ֑ט לְמַ֗עַן הָבִ֤יא יְהֹוָה֙ עַל־אַבְרָהָ֔ם אֵ֥ת אֲשֶׁר־דִּבֶּ֖ר עָלָֽיו׃
Gene HebModer 18:19  כי ידעתיו למען אשר יצוה את בניו ואת ביתו אחריו ושמרו דרך יהוה לעשות צדקה ומשפט למען הביא יהוה על אברהם את אשר דבר עליו׃
Gene Kaz 18:19  Мен Ыбырайымды өз балаларына және кейінгі үрім-бұтағына Менің жолыма түсуді, дұрыстық пен әділдікті істеуді үйрету үшін таңдап алдым. Ыбырайым осылай істегенде Менің оған берген уәдем орындалады», — деді.
Gene FreJND 18:19  Car je le connais, [et je sais] qu’il commandera à ses fils et à sa maison après lui de garder la voie de l’Éternel, pour pratiquer ce qui est juste et droit, afin que l’Éternel fasse venir sur Abraham ce qu’il a dit à son égard.
Gene GerGruen 18:19  Nein! Auserkoren hab ich ihn, auf daß er seinen Söhnen und dem Haus nach ihm gebiete, sie sollen doch den Weg des Herrn einhalten Gerechtigkeit und Recht ausübend, auf daß der Herr das über Abraham brächte, was er ihm einst verheißen hat."
Gene SloKJV 18:19  Kajti poznam ga, da bo ukazal svojim otrokom in svoji družini za njim in se bodo držali Gospodove poti, da izvajajo pravičnost in sodbo, da bo Gospod nad Abrahama lahko privedel to, kar je govoril o njem.“
Gene Haitian 18:19  Mwen te chwazi l' pou l' te pase pitit li yo ak tout rès fanmi l' k'ap vin apre li yo lòd pou yo mache nan chemen Seyè a met devan yo, pou yo fè sa ki kòrèk ak sa ki dwat devan Bondye. Se konsa m'a fè pou li tout sa mwen te pwomèt li a.
Gene FinBibli 18:19  Sillä minä tunnen hänen, että hän käskee lapsiansa ja huonettansa hänen jälkeensä Herran tietä pitämään, ja tekemään hurskautta ja oikeutta: että Herra saattais Abrahamille kaikki, kuin hän hänelle luvannut on.
Gene Geez 18:19  እስመ ፡ ኣአምር ፡ ከመ ፡ ሀለዎ ፡ ለአብርሃም ፡ የአዝዞሙ ፡ ለደቂቁ ፡ ወለቤቱ ፡ ወያዕቅቦሙ ፡ ፍናዊሁ ፡ ለእግዚአብሔር ፡ ወይግበሩ ፡ ምጽዋተ ፡ ወፍትሐ ፡ ከመ ፡ ይግበር ፡ (ሎሙ ፡) እግዚአብሔር ፡ ለአብርሃም ፡ ኵሎ ፡ ዘይቤሎ ።
Gene SpaRV 18:19  Porque yo lo he conocido, sé que mandará á sus hijos y á su casa después de sí, que guarden el camino de Jehová, haciendo justicia y juicio, para que haga venir Jehová sobre Abraham lo que ha hablado acerca de él.
Gene WelBeibl 18:19  Na, dw i'n mynd i ddweud wrtho. Dw i eisiau iddo ddysgu ei blant a phawb sydd gydag e i fyw fel mae'r ARGLWYDD am iddyn nhw fyw, a gwneud beth sy'n iawn ac yn deg. Wedyn bydd yr ARGLWYDD yn dod â'r addewid wnaeth e i Abraham yn wir.”
Gene GerMenge 18:19  denn ich habe ihn dazu ausersehen, daß er seinen Söhnen und seinem ganzen Hause nach ihm ans Herz lege, den Weg des HERRN innezuhalten, indem sie Gerechtigkeit und Recht üben, damit der HERR für Abraham alles in Erfüllung gehen lasse, was er in bezug auf ihn verheißen hat.«
Gene GreVamva 18:19  επειδή γνωρίζω αυτόν ότι θέλει διατάξει προς τους υιούς αυτού και προς τον οίκον αυτού, μεθ' εαυτόν, και θέλουσι φυλάξει την οδόν του Κυρίου, διά να πράττωσι δικαιοσύνην και κρίσιν, ώστε να επιφέρη ο Κύριος επί τον Αβραάμ τα όσα ελάλησε προς αυτόν.
Gene UkrOgien 18:19  Бо ви́брав Я його, щоб він наказав синам своїм і домові своєму по собі. І будуть вони дотримуватися дороги Господньої, щоб чинити справедливість та право, а то для того, щоб Господь здійснив на Авраамові, що сказав був про нього“.
Gene FreCramp 18:19  Je l'ai choisi, en effet, afin qu'il ordonne à ses fils et à sa maison après lui de garder la voie de Yahweh, en pratiquant l'équité et la justice, et qu'ainsi Yahweh accomplisse en faveur d'Abraham les promesses qu'il lui a faites. "
Gene SrKDEkav 18:19  Јер знам да ће заповедити синовима својим и дому свом након себе да се држе путева Господњих и да чине што је право и добро, да би Господ навршио на Авраму шта му је обећао.
Gene PolUGdan 18:19  Znam go bowiem i wiem, że będzie nakazywał swoim synom i swemu domowi po sobie, aby strzegli drogi Pana oraz czynili sprawiedliwość i sąd; aby Pan sprowadził na Abrahama to, co mu powiedział.
Gene FreSegon 18:19  Car je l'ai choisi, afin qu'il ordonne à ses fils et à sa maison après lui de garder la voie de l'Éternel, en pratiquant la droiture et la justice, et qu'ainsi l'Éternel accomplisse en faveur d'Abraham les promesses qu'il lui a faites...
Gene SpaRV190 18:19  Porque yo lo he conocido, sé que mandará á sus hijos y á su casa después de sí, que guarden el camino de Jehová, haciendo justicia y juicio, para que haga venir Jehová sobre Abraham lo que ha hablado acerca de él.
Gene HunRUF 18:19  Mert őt választottam ki arra, hogy megparancsolja maga után fiainak és háza népének is, hogy őrizzék meg az Úr útját, cselekedjenek az igazságnak és jognak megfelelően, hogy az Úr is beteljesítse, amit megígért Ábrahámnak.
Gene DaOT1931 18:19  Jeg har jo udvalgt ham, for at han skal paalægge sine Børn og sine Efterkommere at vogte paa HERRENS Vej ved at øve Retfærdighed og Ret, for at HERREN kan give Abraham alt, hvad han har forjættet ham.«
Gene TpiKJPB 18:19  Long wanem, Mi save long em, long em bai tok strong long ol pikinini bilong em na hauslain bilong em bihain long em, inap long ol bai holimpas pasin bilong BIKPELA, bilong mekim stretpela kot na pasin bilong jasim. Inap long BIKPELA i ken bringim antap long Ebraham dispela samting Em i bin toktok long sait bilong em.
Gene DaOT1871 18:19  Thi jeg kender ham, at han skal byde sine Børn og sit Hus efter sig, at de skulle bevare Herrens Vej i at gøre Retfærdighed og Dom, paa det at Herren skal lade det komme over Abraham, som han har lovet ham.
Gene FreVulgG 18:19  Car je sais qu’il ordonnera à ses enfants, et à toute sa maison après lui, de garder la voie du Seigneur, et d’agir selon l’équité et la justice : afin que le Seigneur accomplisse en faveur d’Abraham tout ce qu’il lui a promis (dit).
Gene PolGdans 18:19  Znam go bowiem; przetoż przykaże synom swoim, i domowi swemu po sobie, aby strzegli drogi Pańskiej, i czynili sprawiedliwość i sąd; aby przywiódł Pan na Abrahama, co mu powiedział.
Gene JapBungo 18:19  其は我彼をして其後の兒孫と家族とに命じヱホバの道を守りて公儀と公道を行しめん爲に彼をしれり是ヱホバ、アブラハムに其曾て彼に就て言し事を行はん爲なり
Gene GerElb18 18:19  Denn ich habe ihn erkannt, auf daß er seinen Kindern und seinem Hause nach ihm befehle, daß sie den Weg Jehovas bewahren, Gerechtigkeit und Recht zu üben, damit Jehova auf Abraham kommen lasse, was er über ihn geredet hat.