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Lame RWebster 4:6  For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, with no hands laid on her.
Lame NHEBJE 4:6  For the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown in an instant, and no hands were laid on her.
Lame ABP 4:6  ΟΥΑΥ And [4was magnified 1the lawlessness 2of the daughter 3of my people] over the lawlessness of Sodom, the place being eradicated as with promptness, and they did not toil in her hands.
Lame NHEBME 4:6  For the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown in an instant, and no hands were laid on her.
Lame Rotherha 4:6  And the punishment of the daughter of my people hath grown greater than the punishment of Sodom,—which was overthrown as in a moment, when no hands had been laid violently upon her.
Lame LEB 4:6  The iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the sin of Sodom; it was overthrown in a moment and no hands were laid on her.
Lame RNKJV 4:6  For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands stayed on her.
Lame Jubilee2 4:6  [Vau] For the iniquity of the daughter of my people has increased more than the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and companies did not camp upon her.
Lame Webster 4:6  For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands stayed on her.
Lame Darby 4:6  And the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the reward of the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands were violently laid upon her.
Lame ASV 4:6  For the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the sin of Sodom, That was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands were laid upon her.
Lame LITV 4:6  And the iniquity of the daughter of my people is heaped more than the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands were spun on her.
Lame Geneva15 4:6  For the iniquitie of the daughter of my people is become greater then the sinne of Sodom, that was destroyed as in a moment, and none pitched campes against her.
Lame CPDV 4:6  VAU. And the iniquity of the daughter of my people has been made greater than the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment, and yet hands did not take captives in her.
Lame BBE 4:6  For the punishment of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of Sodom, which was overturned suddenly without any hand falling on her.
Lame DRC 4:6  Vau. And the iniquity of the daughter of my people is made greater than the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment, and hands took nothing in her.
Lame GodsWord 4:6  The punishment for my people's wickedness has been more severe than the punishment for the sins of Sodom. Sodom was destroyed instantly, without one human hand touching it.
Lame JPS 4:6  For the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands fell upon her.
Lame KJVPCE 4:6  For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands stayed on her.
Lame NETfree 4:6  The punishment of my people exceeded that of of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment with no one to help her.
Lame AB 4:6  VAU. And the iniquity of the daughter of my people has been increased beyond the iniquities of Sodom, the city that was overthrown very suddenly, and none labored against her with their hands.
Lame AFV2020 4:6  For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, with no hands to help her.
Lame NHEB 4:6  For the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown in an instant, and no hands were laid on her.
Lame NETtext 4:6  The punishment of my people exceeded that of of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment with no one to help her.
Lame UKJV 4:6  For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands stayed on her.
Lame Noyes 4:6  The punishment of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of Sodom, Which was overthrown in a moment, though no hands came against her.
Lame KJV 4:6  For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands stayed on her.
Lame KJVA 4:6  For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands stayed on her.
Lame AKJV 4:6  For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands stayed on her.
Lame RLT 4:6  For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands stayed on her.
Lame MKJV 4:6  And the iniquity of the daughter of my people is heaped more than the sin of Sodom, overthrown as in a moment, and no hands spun on her.
Lame YLT 4:6  And greater is the iniquity of the daughter of my people, Than the sin of Sodom, That was overturned as in a moment, And no hands were stayed on her.
Lame ACV 4:6  For the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands were laid upon her.
Lame VulgSist 4:6  VAU. Et maior effecta est iniquitas filiae populi mei peccato Sodomorum, quae subversa est in momento, et non ceperunt in ea manus.
Lame VulgCont 4:6  VAU. Et maior effecta est iniquitas filiæ populi mei peccato Sodomorum, quæ subversa est in momento, et non ceperunt in ea manus.
Lame Vulgate 4:6  VAV et maior effecta est iniquitas filiae populi mei peccato Sodomorum quae subversa est in momento et non ceperunt in ea manus
Lame VulgHetz 4:6  VAU. Et maior effecta est iniquitas filiæ populi mei peccato Sodomorum, quæ subversa est in momento, et non ceperunt in ea manus.
Lame VulgClem 4:6  Et major effecta est iniquitas filiæ populi mei peccato Sodomorum, quæ subversa est in momento, et non ceperunt in ea manus.
Lame CzeBKR 4:6  Větší jest trestání dcery lidu mého, než pomsta Sodomy, kteráž podvrácena jest jako v okamžení, aniž trvaly při ní rány.
Lame CzeB21 4:6  Trest mého lidu je ještě větší, než co zasloužila Sodoma – ta byla vyvrácena v jedinou chvíli, aniž se ruka pohnula!
Lame CzeCEP 4:6  Větší byla nepravost dcery mého lidu nežli hřích Sodomy, která byla podvrácena v okamžení, aniž ji zasáhla ruka.
Lame CzeCSP 4:6  Vina dcery mého lidu je větší nežli hřích Sodomy, která byla v okamžiku vyvrácena, aniž by na ni byly položeny ruce.
Lame PorBLivr 4:6  Pois maior é o castigo da filha de meu povo do que o do pecado de Sodoma, Que foi transtornada em um momento, e não assentaram sobre ela companhias.
Lame Mg1865 4:6  Fa ny heloky ny oloko zanakavavy dia lehibe noho ny helok’ i Sodoma, Izay noravana indray mipi-maso monja, nefa tsy nokasihin-tanana akory,
Lame FinPR 4:6  Tyttären, minun kansani, syntivelka on Sodoman syntiä suurempi; Sodoma hävitettiin yhtäkkiä kätten siellä riehumatta.
Lame FinRK 4:6  Minun kansani syntivelka on kasvanut suuremmaksi kuin Sodoman synti. Sodoma tuhoutui hetkessä, ihmiskäden koskematta.
Lame ChiSB 4:6  我的女兒──人民的罪罰,比索多瑪的還重,索多瑪頃刻間傾覆了,並非假手於人。
Lame CopSahBi 4:6  ⲁⲥⲁϣⲁⲓ ⲛϭⲓ ⲧⲁⲛⲟⲙⲓⲁ ⲛⲧϣⲉⲉⲣⲉ ⲙⲡⲁⲗⲁⲟⲥ ⲉϩⲟⲩⲉ ⲧⲁⲛⲟⲙⲓⲁ ⲛⲥⲟⲇⲟⲙⲁ ⲧⲁⲓ ⲉⲛⲧⲁⲩϣⲣϣⲱⲣⲥ ϩⲛ ⲟⲩϭⲉⲡⲏ ⲙⲡⲟⲩⲙⲕⲁϩ ⲉⲛⲉⲩϭⲓϫ ⲛϩⲏⲧⲥ
Lame ChiUns 4:6  都因我众民的罪孽比所多玛的罪还大;所多玛虽然无人加手于她,还是转眼之间被倾覆。
Lame BulVeren 4:6  Защото наказанието за беззаконието на дъщерята на народа ми стана по-голямо от наказанието за греха на Содом, който беше разорен в един миг, без да го допрат човешки ръце.
Lame AraSVD 4:6  وَقَدْ صَارَ عِقَابُ بِنْتِ شَعْبِي أَعْظَمَ مِنْ قِصَاصِ خَطِيَّةِ سَدُومَ ٱلَّتِي ٱنْقَلَبَتْ كَأَنَّهُ فِي لَحْظَةٍ، وَلَمْ تُلْقَ عَلَيْهَا أَيَادٍ.
Lame Esperant 4:6  La pekoj de la filino de mia popolo estas pli grandaj, ol la pekoj de Sodom, Kiu estis renversita momente, kaj manoj ĝin ne turmentis.
Lame ThaiKJV 4:6  เพราะโทษความชั่วช้าของธิดาแห่งชนชาติข้าพเจ้านั้นก็ใหญ่โตกว่าโทษบาปของเมืองโสโดมที่ต้องคว่ำทลายลงในพริบตาเดียว โดยไม่มีมือใครได้แตะต้องเลย
Lame OSHB 4:6  וַיִּגְדַּל֙ עֲוֺ֣ן בַּת־עַמִּ֔י מֵֽחַטַּ֖את סְדֹ֑ם הַֽהֲפוּכָ֣ה כְמוֹ־רָ֔גַע וְלֹא־חָ֥לוּ בָ֖הּ יָדָֽיִם׃ ס
Lame BurJudso 4:6  အဘယ်သူမျှ အားမထုတ်ဘဲချက်ခြင်း ပျက်စီး ခြင်းသို့ရောက်သော၊ သောဒုံမြို့ခံရသောအပြစ်ဒဏ် ထက်၊ ငါ၏လူမျိုးသတို့သမီးခံရသော အပြစ်ဒဏ်သည် သာ၍ကြီးပေ၏။
Lame FarTPV 4:6  جزای قوم من سنگین‌تر از جزای مردم سدوم بوده است، زیرا اهالی سدوم در یک لحظه نابود شد و هیچ دستی به آنها کمک نکرد.
Lame UrduGeoR 4:6  Merī qaum se Sadūm kī nisbat kahīṅ zyādā sangīn gunāh sarzad huā hai. Aur Sadūm kā qusūr itnā sangīn thā ki wuh ek hī lamhe meṅ tabāh huā. Kisī ne bhī mudāḳhalat na kī.
Lame SweFolk 4:6  Missgärningen hos dottern mitt folk är större än synden i Sodom, som ödelades på ett ögonblick utan att röras av människohänder.
Lame GerSch 4:6  Denn die Schuld der Tochter meines Volkes war größer als die Sünde Sodoms, welches in einem Augenblick umgekehrt ward, ohne daß Menschenhände sich dabei abmühten!
Lame TagAngBi 4:6  Sapagka't ang kasamaan ng anak na babae ng aking bayan ay lalong malaki kay sa kasalanan ng Sodoma, na nagiba sa isang sangdali, at walang mga kamay na humawak sa kaniya.
Lame FinSTLK2 4:6  Tyttären, kansani, syntivelka on Sodoman syntiä suurempi. Sodoma hävitettiin äkkiä käsien koskematta.
Lame Dari 4:6  قوم من نسبت به مردم سدوم سخت تر جزا دیده اند، زیرا اهالی سدوم در یک لحظه نابود شدند و اسیر دست هیچ کسی نشدند.
Lame SomKQA 4:6  Ciqaabta xumaanta dadkaygu way ka sii weyn tahay ciqaabtii dembigii Sodom, Taasoo daqiiqad qudha lagu afgembiyey iyadoo aan ciduna far saarin.
Lame NorSMB 4:6  Større vart soleis syndeskuldi til mitt folks dotter større enn syndi til Sodoma, som vart søkkt i jordi ein augneblink, utan at hender hjelpte til.
Lame Alb 4:6  Ndëshkimi i paudhësisë të vajzës së popullit tim është më i madh se ndëshkimi i mëkatit të Sodomës, që u shkatërrua në një çast, pa ndërhyrjen e dorës së njeriut kundër saj.
Lame KorHKJV 4:6  내 백성의 딸의 불법으로 말미암은 형벌은 소돔의 죄로 말미암은 형벌보다 크도다. 소돔은 순식간에 멸망을 당하였고 어떤 손도 소돔 위에 머물지 아니하였느니라.
Lame SrKDIjek 4:6  И кар који допаде кћери народа мојега већи је од пропасти која допаде Содому, који се затр у часу и руке се не забавише око њега.
Lame Wycliffe 4:6  Vau. And the wickidnesse of the douyter of my puple is maad more than the synne of men of Sodom, that was distried in a moment, and hondis token not therynne.
Lame Mal1910 4:6  കൈ തൊടാതെ പെട്ടെന്നു മറിഞ്ഞുപോയ സൊദോമിന്റെ പാപത്തെക്കാൾ എന്റെ ജനത്തിന്റെ പുത്രിയുടെ അകൃത്യം വലുതാകുന്നു.
Lame KorRV 4:6  전에 소돔이 사람의 손을 대지 않고 경각간에 무너지더니 이제 처녀 내 백성의 죄가 소돔의 죄악보다 중하도다
Lame Azeri 4:6  چونکي خالقيمين قيزينين تقصئري سودومون گوناهيندان داها بؤيوکدور، بو شهر اَل توخونمادان، بئر آندا يِرله بئر اولدو.
Lame KLV 4:6  vaD the He'taHghach vo' the puqbe' vo' wIj ghotpu ghaH greater than the yem vo' Sodom, vetlh ghaHta' lujqu'pu' as Daq a moment, je ghobe' ghopmey were laid Daq Daj.
Lame ItaDio 4:6  E la pena dell’iniquità della figliuola del mio popolo è stata maggiore Che la pena del peccato di Sodoma, Che fu sovvertita come in un momento, Senza che la mano d’alcuno si levasse contro di lei.
Lame RusSynod 4:6  Наказание нечестия дщери народа моего превышает казнь за грехи Содома: тот низринут мгновенно, и руки человеческие не касались его.
Lame CSlEliza 4:6  Вав. И возвеличися беззаконие дщере людий моих паче беззакония Содомска, превращенныя во окомгновении, и не поболеша о ней руками.
Lame ABPGRK 4:6  ΟΥΑΥ και εμεγαλύνθη ανομία θυγατρός λαού μου υπέρ ανομίας Σοδόμων της κατεστραμμένης ώσπερ σπουδή και ουκ επόνεσαν εν αυτή χείρας
Lame FreBBB 4:6  L'iniquité de la fille de mon peuple A été plus grande que le péché de Sodome,Qui fut renversée en un instant, Sans qu'aucune main se fût levée contre elle.
Lame LinVB 4:6  Masumu ma bato ba ekolo ya ngai maleki masumu ma bato ba Sodoma, eye ekufaki na mbala yoko, ata bato babomaki yango te.
Lame HunIMIT 4:6  Sötét helyeken lakoztatott, mint őskornak holtjait.
Lame ChiUnL 4:6  我民女之愆尤、重於所多瑪之罪惡兮、彼傾覆於俄頃、非人手加之兮、
Lame VietNVB 4:6  Sự hình phạt con gái dân tôiNặng hơn hình phạt thành Sô-đôm.Thành ấy sụp đổ trong chốc lát,Bàn tay người không xen vào.
Lame LXX 4:6  καὶ ἐμεγαλύνθη ἀνομία θυγατρὸς λαοῦ μου ὑπὲρ ἀνομίας Σοδομων τῆς κατεστραμμένης ὥσπερ σπουδῇ καὶ οὐκ ἐπόνεσαν ἐν αὐτῇ χεῖρας
Lame CebPinad 4:6  Tungod kay ang kasal-anan sa anak nga babaye sa akong katawohan labing daku kay sa sala sa Sodoma, Nga gilaglag sulod sa usa ka pagpamilok, ug walay mga kamot nga minggunit kaniya.
Lame RomCor 4:6  Căci vina fiicei poporului meu este mai mare decât păcatul Sodomei, care a fost nimicită într-o clipă, fără să fi pus cineva mâna pe ea.
Lame Pohnpeia 4:6  Nei aramas akan aleier lokolok me laudsang lokolok en tohn Sodom, kalokolok ehu me lelohng irail ni ahnsou mwadang sang nin limen Koht.
Lame HunUj 4:6  Nagyobb volt népem bűne, mint Sodoma vétke, amely egy pillanat alatt elpusztult, kezét sem mozdíthatta benne senki.
Lame GerZurch 4:6  So war denn die Schuld meines Volkes grösser als Sodoms Sünde, / das im Nu zerstört ward ohne Zutun von Menschenhand. /
Lame GerTafel 4:6  Die Missetat der Tochter meines Volkes ist größer geworden denn die Sünde Sodoms, das wie im Augenblick ward umgekehrt, und keine Hände gestalteten es.
Lame PorAR 4:6  Pois maior é a iniquidade da filha do meu povo do que o pecado de Sodoma, a qual foi subvertida como num momento, sem que mão alguma lhe tocasse.
Lame DutSVVA 4:6  . En de ongerechtigheid der dochter mijns volks is groter dan de zonden van Sodom, dat als in een ogenblik omgekeerd werd, en geen handen hadden arbeid over haar.
Lame FarOPV 4:6  زیرا که عصیان دختر قوم من از گناه سدوم زیاده است، که در لحظه‌ای واژگون شد و کسی دست بر او ننهاد.
Lame Ndebele 4:6  Ngoba icala lendodakazi yabantu bami likhulu kulesono seSodoma, eyachithwa kwangathi ngomzuzwana, kungelazandla ezayonayo.
Lame PorBLivr 4:6  Pois maior é o castigo da filha de meu povo do que o do pecado de Sodoma, Que foi transtornada em um momento, e não assentaram sobre ela companhias.
Lame Norsk 4:6  Så blev straffen over mitt folks datter større enn straffen over Sodoma, som blev lagt i grus i et øieblikk, uten at hender blev løftet imot det.
Lame SloChras 4:6  In hujša je krivda ljudstva mojega hčere nego krivda Sodome, ki je bila podrta nagloma, roke se niso utrudile ž njo.
Lame Northern 4:6  Axı əziz xalqımın təqsiri Sodomun günahını keçdi, Bu şəhər əl toxunmadan Bir andaca yerlə yeksan oldu.
Lame GerElb19 4:6  Und die Schuld der Tochter meines Volkes ist größer geworden als die Sünde Sodoms, welches plötzlich umgekehrt wurde, ohne daß Hände dabei tätig waren.
Lame LvGluck8 4:6  Un manas tautas meitas noziegums ir lielāks, nekā Sodomas grēki, kas piepeši tapa apgāzta, nevienam nepieliekot rokas.
Lame PorAlmei 4:6  E maior é a maldade da filha do meu povo do que o peccado de Sodoma, a qual se subverteu como n'um momento, sem que trabalhassem n'ella mãos algumas.
Lame ChiUn 4:6  都因我眾民的罪孽比所多瑪的罪還大;所多瑪雖然無人加手於她,還是轉眼之間被傾覆。
Lame SweKarlX 4:6  Mins folks dotters synd är större, än Sodoms synd, den uti ett ögnablick omstört vardt, och ingen hand kom dervid.
Lame FreKhan 4:6  Le châtiment de la fille de mon peuple a été plus grand que la punition de Sodome, frappée d’une destruction instantanée, à laquelle des mains humaines n’ont pas coopéré.
Lame FrePGR 4:6  Le châtiment de la fille de mon peuple est plus grand que la peine de Sodome qui fut bouleversée en un moment, sans être assaillie par des mains humaines.
Lame PorCap 4:6  A punição do pecado desta cidade ultrapassa o castigo de Sodoma, num momento destruída, sem que ninguém lhe lançasse a mão.
Lame JapKougo 4:6  わが民の娘のうけた懲しめは、ソドムの罰よりも大きかった。ソドムは昔、人の手によらないで、またたくまに滅ぼされたのだ。
Lame GerTextb 4:6  Denn meines Volkes Schuld war größer als Sodoms Sünde, das wie im Nu verwüstet ward, ohne daß Menschenhände sich an ihm abmühten.
Lame Kapingam 4:6  Agu daangada guu-kae di hagaduadua koia e-huaidu i-di hagaduadua digau Sodom, di hagaduadua ne-tale ang-gi ginaadou limalima mai i-nia lima o God.
Lame SpaPlate 4:6  La maldad de la hija de mi pueblo es mayor que el pecado de Sodoma, que fue destruida en un momento, sin que nadie pusiera en ella la mano.
Lame WLC 4:6  וַיִּגְדַּל֙ עֲוֺ֣ן בַּת־עַמִּ֔י מֵֽחַטַּ֖את סְדֹ֑ם הַֽהֲפוּכָ֣ה כְמוֹ־רָ֔גַע וְלֹא־חָ֥לוּ בָ֖הּ יָדָֽיִם׃
Lame LtKBB 4:6  Bausmė už mano tautos kaltę yra didesnė už Sodomos bausmę, kuri buvo sunaikinta per akimirką be žmogaus rankos.
Lame Bela 4:6  Правіны дачкі народе майго большыя за грэх Садомы: тая зьнішчана вокаімгненна, бяз дотыку рук чалавечых.
Lame GerBoLut 4:6  Die Missetat der Tochter meines Volks ist großer denn die Sunde Sodoms, die plotzlich umgekehret ward, und kam keine Hand dazu.
Lame FinPR92 4:6  Sodoma hävitettiin hetkessä ihmiskäden koskematta. Mutta suurempi kuin Sodoman synti on oman kansani rikos.
Lame SpaRV186 4:6  Y aumentóse la iniquidad de la hija de mi pueblo más que el pecado de Sodoma, que fue trastornada en un momento, y no asentaron sobre ella compañías.
Lame NlCanisi 4:6  Want de schuld van de dochter van mijn volk Is groter dan de zonde van Sodoma: En dàt werd in een oogwenk vernield, Zonder dat iemand de hand er aan sloeg.
Lame GerNeUe 4:6  Die Schuld meines Volkes war größer / als die der Bewohner von Sodom, / deren Stadt ganz plötzlich unterging, / ohne dass eine Hand daran rührte.
Lame UrduGeo 4:6  میری قوم سے سدوم کی نسبت کہیں زیادہ سنگین گناہ سرزد ہوا ہے۔ اور سدوم کا قصور اِتنا سنگین تھا کہ وہ ایک ہی لمحے میں تباہ ہوا۔ کسی نے بھی مداخلت نہ کی۔
Lame AraNAV 4:6  لأَنَّ عِقَابَ إِثْمِ ابْنَةِ شَعْبِي أَعْظَمُ مِنْ عِقَابِ خَطِيئَةِ سَدُومَ الَّتِي انْقَلَبَتْ فِي لَحْظَةٍ، مِنْ غَيْرِ أَنْ تَمْتَدَّ إِلَيْهَا يَدُ إِنْسَانٍ.
Lame ChiNCVs 4:6  我众民(“我众民”原文作“我子民的女子”)的罪孽比所多玛的罪恶更大;所多玛在转眼之间倾覆了,尽管无人攻击它。
Lame ItaRive 4:6  Il castigo dell’iniquità della figliuola del mio popolo e maggiore di quello del peccato di Sodoma, che fu distrutta in un attimo, senza che mano d’uomo la colpisse.
Lame Afr1953 4:6  Wau. Want die ongeregtigheid van die dogter van my volk was groter as die sonde van Sodom wat soos in 'n oomblik omgekeer is, sonder dat iemand die hand daaraan geslaan het.
Lame RusSynod 4:6  Наказание нечестия дочери народа моего превышает казнь за грехи Содома: тот низринут мгновенно, и руки человеческие не касались его.
Lame UrduGeoD 4:6  मेरी क़ौम से सदूम की निसबत कहीं ज़्यादा संगीन गुनाह सरज़द हुआ है। और सदूम का क़ुसूर इतना संगीन था कि वह एक ही लमहे में तबाह हुआ। किसी ने भी मुदाख़लत न की।
Lame TurNTB 4:6  Halkımın suçu el değmeden, bir anda yıkılan Sodom'un günahından daha büyüktür.
Lame DutSVV 4:6  Vau. En de ongerechtigheid der dochter mijns volks is groter dan de zonden van Sodom, dat als in een ogenblik omgekeerd werd, en geen handen hadden arbeid over haar.
Lame HunKNB 4:6  Nagyobb volt népem leányának bűne, mint Szodoma vétke, mely elpusztult egy szempillantás alatt, pedig kéz nem is nyúlt hozzá.
Lame Maori 4:6  No te mea ko te he o te tamahine a toku iwi nui atu i te hara o Horoma, i hurihia ohoreretia ra i mua, kahore hoki he ringa i u ki a ia.
Lame HunKar 4:6  Bizony nagyobb az én népem leányának bűnhődése Sodoma bűnhődésénél, a mely elsülyedt egy pillanat alatt, noha kézzel sem ütöttek felé.
Lame Viet 4:6  Tội lỗi con gái dân ta lớn hơn tội lỗi Sô-đôm, Là thành bị đổ như trong giây phút, chẳng ai giơ tay ra trên nó.
Lame Kekchi 4:6  Kˈaxal cuiˈchic xnumta lix ma̱usilal lin tenamit chiru li ma̱usilal li queˈxba̱nu eb laj Sodoma, li queˈsacheˈ ruheb saˈ junpa̱t chi ma̱ ani quipletic riqˈuineb.
Lame Swe1917 4:6  Så var dottern mitt folks missgärning större än Sodoms synd, Sodoms, som omstörtades i ett ögonblick, utan att människohänder kommo därvid.
Lame CroSaric 4:6  Veći bijaše zločin Kćeri naroda moga od grijeha Sodome, što u tren oka bi razorena, a ničija se ruka ne diže na nju.
Lame VieLCCMN 4:6  Thiếu nữ dân tôi gian ác tày trời vượt xa cả Xơ-đôm tội lỗi ; thành đó bị đổ nhào trong nháy mắt, chẳng cần ai phải nhúng tay vào.
Lame FreBDM17 4:6  Et la peine de l’iniquité de la fille de mon peuple est plus grande, que la peine du péché de Sodome, qui a été renversée comme en un moment, et à laquelle les mains ne sont point lassées.
Lame FreLXX 4:6  Vav. L'iniquité de la fille de mon peuple a dépassé l'iniquité de Sodome, jadis renversée en un moment, sans que des hommes y aient fatigué leurs mains.
Lame Aleppo 4:6  ויגדל עון בת עמי מחטאת סדם  ההפוכה כמו רגע ולא חלו בה ידים  {ס}
Lame MapM 4:6     וַיִּגְדַּל֙ עֲוֺ֣ן בַּת־עַמִּ֔י מֵֽחַטַּ֖את סְדֹ֑ם הַֽהֲפוּכָ֣ה כְמוֹ־רָ֔גַע וְלֹא־חָ֥לוּ בָ֖הּ יָדָֽיִם׃
Lame HebModer 4:6  ויגדל עון בת עמי מחטאת סדם ההפוכה כמו רגע ולא חלו בה ידים׃
Lame Kaz 4:6  Халқымның кінәсі асып түсті Содомдікінен,Ол кенет күйреп, ешкім де қол ұшын бермеген.
Lame FreJND 4:6  Et la peine de l’iniquité de la fille de mon peuple est plus grande que la peine du péché de Sodome qui fut renversée comme en un moment sans qu’on ait porté les mains sur elle.
Lame GerGruen 4:6  So ist die Schuld der Tochter meines Volkes größerals Sodoms Missetat,das wie im Nu verwüstet ward,an das sich keine Hände legten.
Lame SloKJV 4:6  Kajti kazen krivičnosti hčere mojega ljudstva je večja kakor kazen za greh Sódome, ki je bila v hipu zrušena in nobene roke se je niso dotaknile.
Lame Haitian 4:6  Peche lavil Jerizalèm pi gwo pase peche lavil Sodòm, ki te rete konsa Bondye disparèt li.
Lame FinBibli 4:6  Minun kansani tyttären synti on suurempi kuin Sodoman synti, joka äkisti kukistettiin ja ei yksikään käsi siihen ruvennut.
Lame SpaRV 4:6  Y aumentóse la iniquidad de la hija de mi pueblo más que el pecado de Sodoma, que fué trastornada en un momento, y no asentaron sobre ella compañías.
Lame WelBeibl 4:6  Mae fy mhobl wedi cael eu cosbi am eu pechod fwy na gafodd Sodom am ei gwrthryfel. Cafodd Sodom ei dinistrio'n sydyn gan Dduw, heb i neb droi llaw i'w helpu.
Lame GerMenge 4:6  denn die Schuld der Tochter meines Volkes war größer geworden als die Sünde Sodoms, das in einem Augenblick zerstört wurde, ohne daß Menschenhände dabei mitwirkten.
Lame GreVamva 4:6  Και η ποινή της ανομίας της θυγατρός του λαού μου έγεινε μεγαλητέρα παρά την ποινήν της αμαρτίας των Σοδόμων, τα οποία κατεστράφησαν ως εν ριπή, και δεν ενήργησαν επ' αυτών χείρες.
Lame UkrOgien 4:6  І більшою стала вина доньки люду мого́ за про́гріх Содо́му, що був переве́рнений вмить, — і не торка́лися руки до нього.
Lame FreCramp 4:6  Et l'iniquité de la fille de mon peuple a été plus grande que le péché de Sodome, qui fut renversée en un instant, sans que des mains se levassent contre elle. ZAÏN.
Lame SrKDEkav 4:6  И кар који допаде кћери народа мог већи је од пропасти која допаде Содому, који се затре у часу и руке се не забавише око њега.
Lame PolUGdan 4:6  Większa jest nieprawość córki mojego ludu niż grzech Sodomy, co została zniszczona w okamgnieniu, a nie dotknęła jej żadna ręka.
Lame FreSegon 4:6  Le châtiment de la fille de mon peuple est plus grand Que celui de Sodome, Détruite en un instant, Sans que personne ait porté la main sur elle.
Lame SpaRV190 4:6  Y aumentóse la iniquidad de la hija de mi pueblo más que el pecado de Sodoma, que fué trastornada en un momento, y no asentaron sobre ella compañías.
Lame HunRUF 4:6  Nagyobb volt népem bűne, mint Sodoma vétke, amely egy pillanat alatt elpusztult, kezét sem mozdíthatta benne senki.
Lame DaOT1931 4:6  Mit Folks Datters Brøde var større end Synden i Sodom, som brat blev styrtet, saa Hænder ej rørtes derinde.
Lame TpiKJPB 4:6  Long wanem, mekim save bilong sin nogut bilong pikinini meri bilong lain bilong mi i bikpela moa long mekim save bilong sin bilong Sodom, dispela God i bagarapim wantu tasol, na i no gat ol han i pas antap long en.
Lame DaOT1871 4:6  Og mit Folks Datters Misgerning er større end Synden i Sodoma, som blev omkastet i et Øjeblik, og hvortil ingen Hænder brugtes.
Lame FreVulgG 4:6  Vav. L’iniquité de la fille de mon peuple est devenue plus grande que le péché de Sodome, qui fut renversé en un moment, sans que les hommes aient porté la main sur elle (n’y ont pas mis les mains).
Lame PolGdans 4:6  Większe jest karanie córki ludu mojego, niżeli pomsta Sodomy, która jest podwrócona w jednem okamgnieniu, i nie zostały na niej ręce.
Lame JapBungo 4:6  今我民の女のうくる愆の罰はソドムの罪の罰よりもおほいなり ソドムは古昔人に手を加へらるることなくして瞬く間にほろぼされしなり
Lame GerElb18 4:6  Und die Schuld der Tochter meines Volkes ist größer geworden als die Sünde Sodoms, welches plötzlich umgekehrt wurde, ohne daß Hände dabei tätig waren.