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d7172f4 Sometimes when she told stories about the past her eyes would get teary from all the memories she had, but they weren't tears. She wasn't crying. They were just the memories, leaking out. Ruth Ozeki
cfb7403 Am I crazy?" she asked. "I feel like I am sometimes." "Maybe," he said, rubbing her forehead. "But don't worry about it. You need to be a little bit crazy. Crazy is the price you pay for having an imagination. It's your superpower. Tapping into the dream. It's a good thing not a bad thing." mindfulness Ruth Ozeki
f6d8aa4 Life is fleeting. Don't waste a single moment of your precious life. Wake up now! And now! And now! Ruth Ozeki
5184700 I am a time being. Do you know what a time being is? Well, if you give me a moment, I will tell you. A time being is someone who lives in time, and that means you, and me, and every one of us who is, or was, or ever will be. Ruth Ozeki
764ea1e Print is predictable and impersonal, conveying information in a mechanical transaction with the reader's eye. Handwriting, by contrast, resists the eye, reveals its meaning slowly, and is as intimate as skin. Ruth Ozeki
b8d2597 She smiled. "Life is full of stories. Or maybe life is only stories. Good night, my dear Nao." Ruth Ozeki
1e83066 That's what it feels like when I write, like I have this beautiful world in my head, but when I try to remember it in order to write it down, I change it, and I can't ever get it back. Ruth Ozeki
216ba53 Information is a lot like water; it's hard to hold on to, and hard to keep from leaking away. Ruth Ozeki
3b9a5af But memories are time beings, too, like cherry blossoms or ginkgo leaves; for a while they are beautiful, and then they fade and die. Ruth Ozeki
3388b27 Do all kids have to worry about their parents' mental health? The way society is set up, parents are supposed to be the grown-up ones and look after the kids, but a lot of times it's the other way around. mental-health Ruth Ozeki
5883a3d I believe it doesn't matter what it is, as long as you can find something concrete to keep you busy while you are living your meaningless life. Ruth Ozeki
bd13b12 Do not think that time simply flies away. Do not understand "flying" as the only function of time. If time simply flew away, a separation would exist between you and time. So if you understand time as only passing, then you do not understand the time being. To grasp this truly, every being that exists in the entire world is linked together as moments in time, and at the same time they exist as individual moments of time. Because all momen.. Ruth Ozeki
413a40f It made me sad when I caught myself pretending that everybody out there in cyberspace cared about what I thought, when really nobody gives a shit. And when I multiplied that sad feeling by all the millions of people in their lonely little rooms, furiously writing and posting to their lonely little pages that nobody has time to read because they're all so busy writing and posting, it kind of broke my heart. cyberspace internet truth Ruth Ozeki
94c8572 What if I travel so far away in my dreams that I can't get back in time to wake up? Ruth Ozeki
a38560d And if you decide not to read anymore, hey, no problem, because you're not the one I was waiting for anyway. But if you decide to read on, then guess what? You're my kind of time being and together we'll make magic! Ruth Ozeki
f5cc777 For the time being Words scatter Are they fallen leaves? leaves words Ruth Ozeki
0851c9d The past is weird. I mean, does it really exist ? It feels like it exists, but where is it ? And if it did exists, but doesn't now, then where did it go ? time Ruth Ozeki
8121287 Both life and death manifest in every moment of existence. Our human body appears and disappears moment by moment, without cease, and this ceaseless arising and passing away is what we experience as time and being. They are not separate. They are one thing, and in even a fraction of a second, we have the opportunity to choose, and to turn the course of our action either toward the attainment of truth or away from it. Each instant is utterly.. Ruth Ozeki
6aeb86c For the time being, the entire earth and the boundless sky. Ruth Ozeki
cf1823e Assumptions and expectations will kill any relationship, so let's you and me not go there, okay? Ruth Ozeki
a38b45b She sat back on her heels and nodded. The thought experiment she proposed was certainly odd, but her point was simple. Everything in the universe was constantly changing, and nothing stays the same, and we must understand how quickly time flows by if we are to wake up and truly live our lives. That's what it means to be a time being, old Jiko told me, and then she snapped her crooked fingers again. And just like that, you die. time Ruth Ozeki
58c11d8 An unfinished book. left unattended, turns feral, and she would need all her focus, will and ruthless determination to tame it again. writing Ruth Ozeki
cded63f There are lots of superheroes with different superpowers, and some of them are big and flashy, like super strength and super speed, and molecular restructuring, and force fields. But these abilities are really not so different from the superpower stuff that old Jiko could do, like moving superslow, or reading people's minds, or appearing in doorways, or making people feel okay about themselves by just being there. grandma japan love superheroes superpowers Ruth Ozeki
7be0466 Yes," I told her. "I'm angry, so what?" ..... I went on, giving her an executive summary of my crappy life. .... "So of course I feel angry," I said angrily. "What do you expect? It was a stupid thing to ask." "Yes," she agreed. "It was a stupid thing to ask. I see that you're angry. I don't need to ask such a stupid thing to understand that." "So why did you ask?" Slowly she turned herself around, pivoting on her knees, until finally she w.. Ruth Ozeki
49d0b3c No matter how much bullying they inflict on my body, as long as I have this hope, I can endure any pain. hope pain Ruth Ozeki
c817929 Fed on a media diet of really bad news, we live in a perpetual state of repressed panic. We are paralyzed by bad knowledge, from which the only escape is playing dumb. Ignorance becomes empowering because it enables people to live. Stupidity becomes proactive, a political statement. Our collective norm. media Ruth Ozeki
8ba1a7b The important thing was that we were being polite and not saying all the things that were making us unhappy, which was the only way we knew how to love each other. Ruth Ozeki
686df02 He's got this thing about Canada. He says it's like America only with health care and no guns, and you can live up to your potential there and not have to worry about what society thinks or about getting sick or getting shot. humor Ruth Ozeki
3ea778c But in the time it takes to say now, now is already over. It's already then. Ruth Ozeki
1493987 At first I was like, No way am I saying that, but when you hang out with people who are always being supergrateful and appreciating things and saying thank you, in the end it kind of rubs off, and one day after I'd flushed, I turned to the toilet and said, "Thanks, toilet," and it felt pretty natural. I mean, it's the kind of thing that's okay to do if you're in a temple on the side of a mountain, but you'd better not try it in your junior .. Ruth Ozeki
ff8f16e She missed the built environment of New York City. It was only in an urban landscape, amid straight lines and architecture, that she could situate herself in human time and history. She missed people. She missed human intrigue, drama and power struggles. She needed her own species, not to talk to, necessarily, but just to be among, as a bystander in a crowd or an anonymous witness. humanity new-york-city society Ruth Ozeki
30ce0e8 True freedom comes from being unknown. fame freedom society Ruth Ozeki
d8feebb The way you write ronin is Lang Ren with the character for wave and the character for person, which is pretty much how I feel, like a little wave person, floating around on the stormy sea of life. life stormy Ruth Ozeki
9d57338 When I run out of the things I love, I move on to the things I don't hate too much, and sometimes I even discover that I can love the things I think I hate. Ruth Ozeki
1e72506 Jiko: "Surfer, wave, same thing." "That's just stupid, " I said. " A surfer's a person. A wave is a wave. How can they be the same?" Jiko looked out across the ocean to where the water met the sky. "A wave is born from deep conditions of the ocean. A person is born from deep conditions of the world. A person pokes up from the world and rolls along like a wave, until it is time to sink down again. Up, down. Person, wave." ocean wave Ruth Ozeki
9743c5b Zazen is better than a home. Zazen is a home that you can't ever lose. home meditation zen Ruth Ozeki
58c886a The ancient Greeks believed that when you read aloud, it was actually the dead, borrowing your tongue, in order to speak again. Ruth Ozeki
09ba6ed Live. For Now. For the time being. live time wisdom Ruth Ozeki
283bca2 there's the fact of her being a hundred and four years old. I keep saying that's her age, but actually I'm just guessing. We don't really know for sure how old she is, and she claims she doesn't remember, either. When you ask her, she says, "Zuibun nagaku ikasarete itadaite orimasu ne." .... (footnote) Zuibun nagaku ikasarete itadaite orimasu ne -- "I have been alive for a very long time, haven't I?" Totally impossible to translate, but t.. Ruth Ozeki
2e3c5ae I helped Jiko to her feet and we walked back to the bus stop together, holding hands again. I was still thinking about what she said about waves, and it made me sad because I knew that her little wave was not going to last and soon she would join the sea again, and even though I know you can't hold on to water , still I gripped her fingers a little more tightly to keep her from leaking away. Ruth Ozeki
e0e0102 I have a pretty good memory, but memories are time beings, too, like cherry blossoms or ginkgo leaves; for a while they are beautiful, and then they fade and die. memory time-being wisdom Ruth Ozeki
9e6c249 I believe that in the deepest places in their hearts, people are violent and take pleasure in hurting each other. Ruth Ozeki
ab7c720 Where should I start? I texted my old Jiko this question, and she wrote back this: Xian Zai Di deShi marubeki. You should start where you are. Ruth Ozeki
8fa7b1d Hi! My name is Nao, and I am a time being. Do you know what a time being is? Well, if you give me a moment, I will tell you. A time being is someone who lives in time, and that means you, and me, and every one of us who is, or was, or ever will be. As for me, right now I am sitting in a French maid cafe in Akiba Electricity Town, listening to a sad Chanson that is playing sometime in your past, which is also my present, writing this and.. Ruth Ozeki
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