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6ac92a7 Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself. believe believe-in-yourself confidence empowerment inspiration inspirational inspirational-quotes inspire inspiring life life-quotes limitations limits living motivation motivational optimism optimistic positive positive-affirmation positive-life positive-thinking potential spiritual-growth spirituality talents Roy T. Bennett
cd71d0d Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done, and why. Then do it. impossibilities limitations overcoming-obstacles Robert A. Heinlein
a378eef Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself abilities ability believe believe-in-yourself confidence dream dreams empowerment hope inspiration inspirational inspirational-attitude inspirational-life inspirational-quotes inspire inspiring life life-and-living life-lessons life-quotes limitations limits living motivation motivational optimism optimistic positive positive-affirmation positive-life positive-thinking potential self-doubt spiritual-growth spirituality Roy T. Bennett
1080a4c Everything has boundaries. The same holds true with thought. You shouldn't fear boundaries, but you should not be afraid of destroying them. That's what is most important if you want to be free: respect for and exasperation with boundaries. freedom life limitations Haruki Murakami
5f0cf72 There's something wrong in not appreciating one's own special abilities, my girl. Find your own limitations, yes, but don't limit yourself with false modesty. belief limitations Anne McCaffrey
d724735 Are we not all prisoners? She had read a wonderful play about a man who scratched on the wall of his cell, and she had felt that was true of life--one scratched on the wall. life limitations Virginia Woolf
8c7cf2c However close you get to others, you can never get inside them, even when you're inside them. limitations limits mystery relationships Ian McEwan
0279281 The writer has little control over personal temperament, none over historical moment, and is only partly in charge of his or her own aesthetic. limitations writers writing Julian Barnes
c3ba936 "One of the dumbest things you were ever taught was to write what you know. Because what you know is usually dull. Remember when you first wanted to be a writer? Eight or ten years old, reading about thin-lipped heroes flying over mysterious viny jungles toward untold wonders? That's what you wanted to write about, about what you didn't know. So. What mysterious time and place don't we know?" [ craft creative-process dullness familiarity inventiveness knowledge limitations writing Ken Kesey
f484f6a Harshaw had the arrogant humility of the man who has learned so much that he is aware of his own ignorance and he saw no point in 'measurements' when he did not know what he was measuring. humility ignorance limitations Robert A. Heinlein
8cf653b He welcomed those limitations, for if he were perfect, what would be left for him to accomplish? limitations Christopher Paolini
5d8640e It's important for a man to know his limitations, and my limitations started at moving to Peckham and hanging around with yardies, postcode wannabes and those weird, skinny white kids who don't get the irony in Eminem. limitations london Ben Aaronovitch
6b87183 We all have limitations. They are worth befriending. They teach us a lot. They can show us what we most need to pay attention to and honor. They become our cutting edge for learning and growing and gentling ourselves into the present moment as it is. limitations mindfulness Jon Kabat-Zinn
6de4a25 The greatest handicap a person has is not realizing his potential. limitations personal-growth John C. Maxwell
488cf37 "As the saying goes, "Argue for your limitations and you get to keep them." Why would I want to keep my limitations?" limitations Elizabeth Gilbert