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153b18f ...and there you have it, another body on the floor surrounded by things that don't mean much to anyone except to the one who can't take any of them along. depressing morbid Mark Z. Danielewski
6ce7669 It is not my intention to be fulsome, but I confess that I covet your skull. morbid moriarty science sherlock skull study Arthur Conan Doyle
760be91 Let me tell you a little story. You may have heard it before. It's a story about a butcher named Barry. Once upon a time, in central city, there was a butcher named Barry. Barry loved to chop up meat more than anything in the world. But one day, when Barry got tired of just chopping up cows and pigs... ...He found something NEW to chop up-- PEOPLE. And so, he went out night after night in search of fresh meat. Eventually, Barry was caught, but not before he had slaughtered 23 victims!!! For terrorizing the poor people of central city, Barry was sent straight to the gallows...And everyone else lived happily ever after! barry-the-chopper ed edward-elric fullmetal-alchemist hiromu-arakawa morbid roy-mustang Hiromu Arakawa
7476ddf The only time you were safe was when you were dead. morbid safe Kate Atkinson
a0fc83d Nobody really wants to be your friend when they discover that you work with dead people. career dead death dying friend friendship funeral lonely morbid mortician undertaker Rebecca McNutt
1c9d77f "Why'd you want to kill yourself? Didn't you feel anything, or didn't it hurt you?" Mandy questioned, looking puzzled. "Yes, I suppose it did, ... it was strange, it was sharp, that's all I can think of to describe it... and cold, but not cold like ice, more like... I don't know, like something much worse, something horrible... and it seemed like the ground was falling upwards, becoming the sky... for a moment it made me consider that it was just a dream, that I was on some sort of drug, and then I remember being overjoyed to see the sky was still above me, then just really sad, really tired... and then I don't remember much else about it," Alecto told her, glaring straight ahead at the sky with narrowed eyes. "I don't mind, I'm not supposed to mind, anyway. Mearth already told me that eventually I would want to be dead, that it was inevitable... still, I sometimes wish that I could have done something good for other people in my life, it might have made up for all the bad stuff I've done." canada confusion creepy dark death drugs dying dysfunctional friend friends friendship grief halloween help loss morbid nostalgia sadness self-harm self-mutilation spooky suicide swing-set Rebecca McNutt
6211c2c The room had the rather sinister tedium which some bedrooms have, a sort of weary banality which is a reminder of death. A dressing table can be a terrible thing. description humor iris-murdoch morbid the-black-prince Iris Murdoch
7594a6b "In de loop van de vijf, zes jaar dat ik in Rusland verbleef, ben ik een paar keer door diverse organisaties en individuen gedood dan wel doodverklaard. morbid russian Jaroslav Hašek
c7b6c0c As it is I crawl on everyday towards the tomb. When I wake in the morning I think first of death, do you? iris-murdoch morbid mortality the-sea-the-sea Iris Murdoch
f844a87 What does it matter what people do? At the end of the day we're all dead. laissez-faire morbid Kate Atkinson