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132db01 I remain steady in my belief that well-written literary fiction doesn't have to be high-brow; it has to embrace ideas about destiny in a storyline that holds the readers' attention. From his classic presentation at the 200th anniversary writers' conference of North American Review, the nation's oldest literary magazine, where he poked fun at his own early novels for their obscurity, implying clarity in the digital age equals salvation. Then he toyed with the digital age itself: Some nut will find a way to blow up the electric grid. All these electronic gadgets that rely on electricity will go dark. The batteries will run down. We're talking Cormac McCarthy darkness, black on black . . . except for one distant flicker of light. It's on a beach probably Australia. Survivors will make their way through the dark and find the light from a single candle. Next to the candle will be a lad with a note book scribbling away with the last pencil on earth. He's writing about what happened. He hopes someone will read what he writes. That's what writers do. They hope. literary-fiction mystery myth romance suspense Peter Kelton
dd6e970 He leaned forward and began to count off on the fingers of the hand that held the cigarette: She aint American. She aint a citizen. She dont speak english. She works in a whorehouse. No, hear me out. And last but not least--he sat holding his thumb--there's a son of a bitch owns her outright that I guarangoddamntee you will kill you graveyard dead if you mess with him. Son, aint there no girls on this side of the damn river? Not like her. Well I'll bet that's the truth if you ever told it. lovesick romance western Cormac McCarthy
07892c9 Um corpo diferente de todos, mais fino, mais alvo, cor-de-rosa, uma beleza que nao se sabe -- como uma riqueza inesperada, roubada, como uma vertigem... Despir Dona Lalinha sera sempre um pecado. Eu teria de ter vivido para a merecer -- desde a hora do meu nascimento. portuguese romance sertão João Guimarães Rosa
94e347d She knew, more than any other reason, it was the way Steele touched her, the way his hands moved over her and the look on his face when he stared down into her eyes that kept her tied to him. He couldn't hide that. romance torpedo-ink-series Christine Feehan
d541720 It was the worst nightmare possible for a boy like Steele. He felt responsiblity, even when he was just very little. Something in him needed to help all of us. romance torpedo-ink-series Christine Feehan
13c2e2b "It was if the devil himself had devised the perfect earthly torture for Lady Alicia Lawrence. "Now how will I occupy myself when I get to hell?" historical-romance regency-romance romance royal-four snarky-quotes spy Celeste Bradley
1dcfca4 The lights threw her Shadow into sharp relief behind her on the wall. The shadow was dark and thin, but threw out strong tubes, feelers reaching toward other shadows. When there were none, the feelers reached farther for connections, elongating, seeking, prompting another step from her. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
557f0c6 Ricco went absolutely still. The pitch was low and sweet. That tone pushed into his chest, right into his center, as if it were a key unlocking something tight and hard in him. He moved his hand over his heart as an unknown emotion seized it hard, wrenching, twisting, forcing that lock to open so that his own music could be heard pounding in his ear, beating like a lost drum seeking the right rhythm. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
5d57ffb I feel it deeper than I feel anything else. So deep it's fucking terrifying. I'm never going to be good at saying the words. They get stuck in my throat. It's like if I say it out loud something bad is going to happen. I feel as if I'm cursing us. Everyone they knew we cared about died. romance torpedo-ink-series Christine Feehan
0ae05cf . . . none of us are as sophisticated in these matters as you think. You know I always feel, with every new person, as if I am starting anew. These things are instinctive. What you need to learn is to lay aside your inhibitions, to go back to your childhood when you played marbles or whatever with boys and never thought anything of it. dating friendship love romance Azar Nafisi
f02aaaa What had he done to try to save himself? Nothing. He'd done nothing. He'd let fate decide, closing his eyes and giving himself up to the judgment of the universe. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
6046db4 Y entonces le dio un beso. Aquel beso era una pregunta que el deseo estar contestando durante el resto de su vida. beso romance Nicole Krauss
a986343 The flame of urgent coupling burned hottest against the woman, no matter how romantic and high and heartsick the anguish of the man might be pitched in retrospect. flame-of-romance men-and-women romance Charles Frazier
8569875 "This is a great time to shut up and kiss me." To her delight, Blake obliged." contemporary-romance romance MaryJanice Davidson
58817d8 Lorsque j'ouvrais les yeux dans l'obscurite et que je te sentais contre mon flanc, je m'etonnais qu'il n'y eut pas d'etoiles au-dessus de moi, tant le ciel semblait present. romance Stefan Zweig
637ef50 He was a Rider. A shadow rider. It was who he was. What he was. A rider no choice but to do what he'd been trained for from the age of two -- even before that. It was in his bones, in his blood, he couldn't live without it. He dispensed justice to those the law couldn't touch. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
d475404 They'd always kept eyes on one another. Always. It was Czar's rule. Their rule. Their code. Their promise to one another. It was how they survived. But he hadn't. He'd taken his eyes off Demyan and he'd died in the worst possible way. romance torpedo-ink-series Christine Feehan
24482a1 You know how I know I'm brilliant? I picked a man willing to suffer to protect me. I picked a man willing to go without so I can be safe. Too bad that man's too stupid to realize the only way I'll ever be safe is with him. My heart can't belong to anyone else. You've claimed it, and you have no right to close the door on me now. mc-romance new-adult-romance romance Bijou Hunter
51df6ed "No!" he roared. "I've had enough for today! A little of you goes a long way, lady!" "Please, call me Dione," she murmured. "I don't want to call you anything! My God, would you just leave me alone!" "Of course I will, when my job is finished. I can't let you ruin my record of successful cases, can I?" romance Linda Howard
3e228f3 "He sat with his arm still around her, watching her face and smiling as she fumbled with the elegant gold wrapping, her agile fingers suddenly clumsy. She lifted the lid off and stared speechlessly at the simple pendant that lay on satin lining like a cobweb of gold. A dark red heart, chiseled and planed, was attached to the chain. "That's a ruby," she stammered. "No," he corrected gently, lifting it from the box and placing it around her neck. "That's my heart." The chain was long, and the ruby heart slid down her chest to nestle between her breasts, gleaming with dark fire as it lay against her honeyed skin. "Wear that forever," he murmured his eyes on the lush curves that his gift used as a pillow. "And my heart will always be touching yours." romance Linda Howard
e1e4a53 He evidently did not care that they were in full view of a cluster of dog-owners walking their dogs. He stopped and took her in his arms, kissing her passionately and urgently. marriage romance Alexander McCall Smith
cdb0b67 Breezy laughed and the sound went through him the way it often did, lighting his world. She sounded bright and happy and she shed that light on him. She took him right out of the violence, the blood and death and vile world he lived in to draw into the sunshine with her. romance torpedo-ink-series Christine Feehan
d4c0e57 I would charge he'll with a bucket of water to get you back. I'd fuckin' search hell for you, Breezy. Dont ever think you can exchange your life for mine, because it isn't going to happen. I wouldn't let it happen. romance torpedo-ink-series Christine Feehan
21cee05 It became legend that no one should wander too close to the sorceress's enchanted forest or she would send forth a blizzard, causing them to lose their way and be caught in the land of ice and snow for all time. nutcracker romance Amanda V. Shane
442597d "Lady, what you do to me is almost criminal," he groaned in a shaky voice. An odd tightening in her breasts made her close her eyes. "I've got to go," she said weakly, but for the life of her she couldn't make herself move. "No, don't go," he pleaded. "Let me touch you... my God, I've got to touch you!" romance Linda Howard
3bbe61e Ask any of my brothers, nothing stops me. No one stops me. I got the name Steele because I'm unbending. romance torpedo-ink-series Christine Feehan
fcdd835 - Love, which is a kind of permission to come closer than ordinary norms of good behavior might usually sanction. - Back rubs. - Which enables us to see each other without clothes on, for example, in lust and shame. - Examining perfections, imperfections. - Which allows us to say wounding things to each other which would not be kosher under the ordinary rules of civilized discourse. love relationships romance Donald Barthelme
e8365ee Breezy had learned, practically from birth, to let things go. If they weren't big and didn't threaten to swallow her whole, she dismissed them from her mind. If she really needed to deal with something, she thought about it carefully, formulated a plan and then carried it out. romance torpedo-ink-series Christine Feehan
ead42da His fingertips lightly and unintentionally grazed her face and her ears, and Debbie's don't-get-in-trouble self felt itself making room for her alert-alert-something-new-is-happening self. romance teenage-love Lynne Rae Perkins
6848c08 He needed to know she wanted to be with him. He needed to know someone loved him. He didn't believe himself worthy of love, so he had a difficult time believing she really wanted to be with him. romance torpedo-ink-series Christine Feehan
2a72981 Sie denkt: Sie sagen einfach nur Worte und was sind Worte anderes als Gerausche, die diese Manner aus Atem formen, gewichtslose Dampfe, die sie in die Kuchenluft schicken, wo sie sich auflosen und sterben. historical-fiction romance suspense Anthony Doerr
3987417 Steele felt the weight of that sacred ink on his back. It was there for a reason, to remind all of them they were stronger together. romance torpedo-ink-series Christine Feehan
1f50e68 I am going to be Queen of England,' I protest. 'You make it sound like a battle to the death.' 'It is a battle to the death,' she says simply. 'That is what it means to be Queen of England. You are not Melusina, rising from a fountain to easy happiness. You will not be a beautiful woman at court with nothing to do but make magic. The road you have chosen will mean that you have to spend your life scheming and fighting. Our task, as your family, is to make sure you win. historical romance war Philippa Gregory
a9490ce It had been Ink who had drawn out the original tree that represented Czar in their colors. That sturdy trunk with many roots. The seventeen branches represented the survivors. In the original drawing there had been eighteen branches. The crowd were the children they had tried to save--Steele has tried to save. The skulls rolling in the roots represented the men and women they had killed in order to survive--or the ones they killed to exact vengeance for those children who had never left their prison. romance torpedo-ink-series Christine Feehan
8e2c9fb They keep me from going off the deep end. Not like you do, but I have to be with them. I AM Torpedo Ink. If you love me, you love the club. It's really that simple. romance torpedo-ink-series Christine Feehan
b999ca9 Looking up at the stars and smoking in silence. certainty elizabeth-wein ellen-mcewen julie romance silence smoking stars the-pearl-thief Elizabeth Wein
f4d204d She gave a low and delighted chuckle. Her eyes were black as a moonless December night and reflected the electric lights like stars. bisexual-character chuckle ellen-mcewen julie lgbtqia-character romance stars teen-romance the-pearl-thief Elizabeth Wein
b6e3fce We're all family. Family takes care of family no matter how bad it is or what the cost to us personally is [...]That's what we do. We're Torpedo Ink and that IS Torpedo Ink. romance torpedo-ink-series Christine Feehan
cf557de "Alison's gaze gentled. "Tell me, Samantha, have you ever been to Scotland?" brawn-highlander historical lord notorious-rake romance wild-west Kerrigan Byrne
26acddb She had a way of giving him comfort when nothing else could. The wailing of the dead. The accusations of their eyes because he couldn't save them. She drove those dead children away from him and brought him peace. romance torpedo-ink-series Christine Feehan
37922c7 For the first time in her life she felt weak with wanting. With need. Yet at the same time, she did feel sort of attractive. She was aware of herself as a woman, as feminine, when she'd always felt masculine. He'd given her that, and she'd be forever grateful. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
414b4df He had learned to kill and then he had killed. Many times. Fourteen was far too young for his artistic mind to accept the violence and he'd been fortunate that he'd met his teacher, a rope master of more than forty years. The art had saved his sanity and his life. He needed it like others needed air. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
14840e7 Her courage humbled him. The immense trust it took to allow herself to be tied by him, even in the name of art, was astonishing for a woman like her. It was a true power exchange between them and he loved that. Even craved it. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
a1f323d He needed a woman strong enough to accept that he would always need his ropes. They anchored him. Centered him. The moment he touched them, those dark shifting shadows inside him subsided. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
6c1e103 "Communication is very important between us at all times." He bent his head as he lifted the hair from the back of her neck. "For instance, I find your neck incredibly sexy. You look both vulnerable and sensual with your hair up. With it down, you look wild and beautiful. Just as sensual, but in a completely different way." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
e71074c "He caught her hand, curling his fingers around hers and bringing it to his chest as he leaned into her. "I'm sorry for being a dick. Sometimes I just am, but I'll watch it. Giovanni snorted his derision. "Sometimes? Don't believe a fucking thing he says, Mariko. It's 'all' the time." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
8b63876 She had the strangest need, almost a compulsion, to shield Ricco from his brother's scrutiny. From all of them. She sensed he detested appearing weak in front of anyone, but especially his family. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
8812c99 As she'd grown, she moved through life in silence, hoping not to be noticed, afraid of drawing attention to herself. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
279572f Suddenly she could barely breathe. She was always calm, yet now, in the face of the knowledge that she might never find her brother, never be able to tell him that she cared, she couldn't breathe. Couldn't find a way to catch her breath. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
7c2b7ae He preferred curves to supermodel thin. He didn't understand why women were so hard on themselves. Francesca was beautiful and he didn't want a single pound to go away. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
9913771 He was just so intimidating and darkly sensual, filling the room with his presence until she could barely think straight. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
5fd3bd5 Could she give herself to him? She knew two things about him. He was a man with a strict code of honor, and he was a very dangerous man capable of swift violence. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
b80f26f My grandfather was in love with my grandmother. They were inseparable. They detested being apart. I've seen real love. I've felt it when I was with them. They died three hours apart. My grandmother first and then my grandfather followed. Love exists and that's what I'm offering you. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
4d8191d She moistened her lips and lifted her lashes to look into his piercing blue eyes. There was a mixture there. Possession. Desire. Triumph. Demand. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
481af0c "She moistened her lips and lifted her lashes to look into his piercing blue eyes. There was a mixture there. Possession. Desire. Triumph. Demand." "There's no taking it back, Francesca." He warned." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
e28b274 A part of her was thrilled. The same part was terrified. Already it felt too much like ownership. As if he had already branded her in her bones. In her soul. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
9f57eb4 "There you go, getting all protective on me. You're worried about me, aren't you?" His voice practically purred at her, a sensual mixture of possession, desire and something else - affection. "Dio, bambina, I love that." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
f67c121 "Stefano threw back his head and laughed. She loved the sound. Carefree. Masculine. Enjoying life. He didn't laugh a lot. "You, bambina, were celebrating me finding you." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
4495266 He needed her to know who he was-her man. Her lover. The man she trusted to always take care of her, have her back, give her everything. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
b80972c Vittorio had recognized early on he had a gift. His voice could be compelling, or commanding, and those in a room reacted to it. He could calm others down, arouse or infuriate, all with his tone. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
87eb490 By conversing about the weather, a job, just everyday things, whoever was listening would be able to ascertain a rythm to a voice. The way a person breathed. Their heartbeat. That would help indicate if they suddenly told a lie. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
8f49a86 She glanced at it now, thrown from the light from the flames dancing in the fireplace. Her shadow and Vittorio's were connected. More than connected. The tubes had intertwined to the point that it appeared to be one shadow, not two. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
0fdbbb7 She kept her arm firmly around his waist, fitting under his shoulder when she never would have walked so Intimately with a man. Strangely, she didn't mind. In fact, she liked thinking of him as hers to take care of... romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
271a05d She had more practice than any other rider that she knew of in hiding how she felt, yet Ricco read her. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
751200f "Stay with me, Mariko. I want you to stay." That's all Ricco had said. In that voice. The one that whispered over her skin and seeped into her pores to drown her in him. In his will. He left it to her--her choice. Bit then, she was coming to understand, with Ricco Ferraro, she had very little will of her own." romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
95557e4 She didn't think she had anything to offer him. He got that. She had no money, no family, nothing at all in her eyes. Yet she gave him this magnificent gift - her and her trust, when she had no reason to trust anyone, least of all him. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
5aa60f8 "You have to trust me to take care of you through this," Stefano said, "I know it's upsetting, but you have us now. You're not alone. [...]you won't be alone ever again, bella. You're mine. I take care of what's mine." "Ours," Ricco corrected. "'Famiglia" romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
2d10793 She had no idea what a gift she'd just given him. She was the one he'd searched for. She was the one he hadn't believed could possibly exist. She had strength, a backbone of steel, and yet she could put herself in his hands and give him what he needed in their relationship. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
a793fff You're a good man, Vittorio. No matter what, you're a good man. romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller Christine Feehan
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