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64e4101 If I'm sincere today, what does it matter if I regret it tomorrow? regrets sincerity José Saramago
40b3205 Women are always true, even in the midst of their greatest falsities, because they are always influenced by some natural feeling. feeling sincerity women Honoré de Balzac
6308393 The motive behind criticism often determines its validity. Those who care criticize where necessary. Those who envy criticize the moment they think that they have found a weak spot. bad-intentions criticism envy good-intentions inspirational intentions kindness motives necessary purity sincerity spot validity weakness Criss Jami
e46ed84 When you fall in love, the natural thing to do is give yourself to it. That's what I think. It's just a form of sincerity. sincerity Haruki Murakami
2359afd People die all the time. Life is a lot more fragile than we think. So you should treat others in a way that leaves no regrets. Fairly, and if possible, sincerely. It's too easy not to make the effort, then weep and wring your hands after the person dies. effort fragile life regrets sincerity Haruki Murakami
4dc3617 "The contemporary proliferation of bullshit also has deeper sources, in various forms of skepticism which deny that we can have any reliable access to an objective reality and which therefore reject the possibility of knowing how things truly are. These "anti-realist" doctrines undermine confidence in the value of disinterested efforts to determine what is true and what is false, and even in the intelligibility of the notion of objective inquiry. One response to this loss of confidence has been a retreat from the discipline required by dedication to the ideal of correctness to a quite different sort of discipline, which is imposed by pursuit of an alternative ideal of sincerity. Rather than seeking primarily to arrive at accurate representations of a common world, the individual turns toward trying to provide honest representations of himself. Convinced that reality has no inherent nature, which he might hope to identify as the truth about things, he devotes himself to being true to his own nature. It is as though he decides that since it makes no sense to try to be true to the facts, he must therefore try instead to be true to himself. But it is preposterous to imagine that we ourselves are determinate, and hence susceptible both to correct and to incorrect descriptions, while supposing that the ascription of determinacy to anything else has been exposed as a mistake. As conscious beings, we exist only in response to other things, and we cannot know ourselves at all without knowing them. Moreover, there is nothing in theory, and certainly nothing in experience, to support the extraordinary judgment that it is the truth about himself that is the easiest for a person to know. Facts about ourselves are not peculiarly solid and resistant to skeptical dissolution. Our natures are, indeed, elusively insubstantial -- notoriously less stable and less inherent than the natures of other things. And insofar as this is the case, sincerity itself is bullshit." -- honesty philosophy reality sincerity truth Harry G. Frankfurt
f127b88 No truth can cure the sadness we feel from losing a loved one. No truth, no sincerity, no strength, no kindness, can cure that sorrow. All we can do is see that sadness through to the end and learn something from it, but what we learn will be no help in facing the next sadness that comes to us without warning. kindness learning sadness sincerity sorrow strength truth warning Haruki Murakami
a34309f Loving another person is a wonderful thing, and if that love is sincere, no one ends up tossed into a labyrinth. You have to have more faith in yourself. loving sincerity truth Haruki Murakami
f801002 However gross a man may be, the minute he expresses a strong and genuine affection, some inner secretion alters his features, animates his gestures, and colors his voice. The stupidest man will often, under the stress of passion, achieve heights of eloquence, in thought if not in language, and seem to move in some luminous sphere. Goriot's voice and gesture had at this moment the power of communication that characterizes the great actor. Are not our finer feelings the poems of the human will? description emotion observation passion people personality psychology sincerity ugliness Honoré de Balzac
b3cbec5 You can be as sincere as hell and still be wrong. sincerity wrongness Jim Butcher
b47b18d June, you have killed my sincerity too. I will never again know who I am, what I am, what I love, what I want. Your beauty has drowned me, the core of me. You carry away with you a part of me reflected in you. When your beauty struck me, it dissolved me. Deep down, I am not different from you. I dreamed you, I wished for your existence. You are the woman I want to be. I see in you that part of me which is you. I feel compassion for your childish pride, for your trembling unsureness, your dramatization of events, your enhancing of the loves given to you. I surrender my sincerity because if I love you it means we share the same fantasies, the same madness. lesbian-lgbt love lovers madness sincerity Anaïs Nin
d2c08f8 "Looking at you has been my favorite pastime from the moment you asked me to describe your face," he said solemnly, looking straight into her eyes." sincerity sweetness Judith McNaught
7f2681f "An argument in apologetics, when actually used in dialogue, is an extension of the arguer. The arguer's tone, sincerity, care, concern, listening, and respect matter as much as his or her logic - probably more. The world was won for Christ not by arguments but by sanctity: "What you are speaks so loud, I can hardly hear what you say." listening logic sincerity Peter Kreeft
a4babbd For in other ways a woman is full of fear, defenseless, dreads the sight of cold steel; but, when once she is wronged in the matter of love, no other soul can hold so many thoughts of blood. love passion sincerity soul trauma Euripides
ca38b3f After all, isn't the purpose of the novel, or of a museum, for that matter, to relate our memories with such sincerity as to transform individual happiness into a happiness all can share? memories museums novels sincerity Orhan Pamuk
ec36b7b Our natures are, indeed, elusively insubstantial--notoriously less stable and less inherent than the nature of other things. And insofar as this is the case, sincerity itself is bullshit. bullshit philosophy sincerity truth Harry G. Frankfurt
8900cd5 No one ought even to desert a woman after throwing her a heap of gold in her distress! He ought to love her forever! You are young, only twenty-one, and kind and upright and fine. You'll ask me how a woman can take money from a man. Oh, God, isn't it natural to share everything with the one we owe all our happiness to? When one has given everything, how can one quibble about a mere portion of it? Money is important only when feeling has ceased. Isn't one bound for life? How can you foresee separation when you think someone loves you? When a man swears eternal love--how can there be any separate concerns in that case? finance love money sense sincerity Honoré de Balzac
5de959a "Hell, yes. I love you; that's not going to change. I want this, I want you, and I think . . . Oh hell, here comes the Dawson's Creek." He grimaced and I chuckled in spite of the moment. His gaze grew wistful, and he looked so young. "I don't want to put things off, even though we haven't been together a really long time. I don't want to wait--you never know what can . . . Look. I adore you, and I want a home. Again. With you." simon-parker sincerity sweet Alice Clayton
2ffd9c5 Me resulta complicado escribir sobre mi vida, porque no se cuanto recuerdo y cuanto es producto de mi imaginacion;la estricta verdad puede ser tediosa y por eso, sin darme ni cuenta, la cambio o la exagero, pero me he propuesto corregir ese defecto y mentir lo menos posible en el futuro. mentira sincerity verdad Isabel Allende
80f25e9 Even his conversation was, as it were, a spoken part. insincerity sincerity T.H. White
0677bd8 Apparently he thought he deserved only to be loved--from a distance, though--and given what he wanted. And in return he would be . . . what? Pleasant? Generous? Maybe all he was really saying was: I am not responsible for your pain; share your happiness with me but not your unhappiness. happiness love pain relationship sincerity Toni Morrison
8ba2502 isn't beer the holy libation of sincerity? the potion that dispels all hypocrisy, any charade of fine manners? the drink that does nothing worse than incite its fans to urinate in all innocence, to gain weight in all frankness? sincerity Milan Kundera
e59fe9f Was she acting entirely consciously? No: women are always sincere, even in the midst of their most shocking duplicities, because it is always some natural emotion which dominates them. Perhaps, having given this young man such a hold on her, by having openly demonstrated her affection for him, Delphine was merely responding to a sense of personal dignity, which led her either to revoke any concessions she might have made or, at least, to enjoy suspending them. Even at the very moment when passion seizes her, it is perfectly natural for a Parisian woman to delay her final fall, as a way of testing the heart of the man into whose hands she is about to deliver herself and her future! duplicities future heart love passion pretend sincerity test Honoré de Balzac
bfba2b0 I once knew of a minstrel who bragged of having had a thousand women, one time each. He would never know what I knew, that to have one woman a thousand times, and each time find in her a different delight, is far better. I knew now what gleamed in the eyes of old couples when they stared at each other across a room...My familiarity with her was a more potent love elixir than any potion sold by a hedge-witch in the market. change charm delight discover elixir familiar find know knowledge love man men minstrel playboy potion sincere sincerity time true truth woman women Robin Hobb
6935f5b If my children think I'm genuine, no one else's opinion matters to me. family parenthood sincerity testimony Beth Moore
92608a3 It hurt to think that a boy would not have him at his value of himself. education humility meekness sincerity Richard Llewellyn