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d4afc79 Damned Beaver/Jeremy the War, he is every assertion the fucking War has ever made--that we are meant for work and government, for austerity: and these shall take priority over love, dreams, the spirit, the senses and the other second-class trivia that are found among the idle and mindless hours of the day....Damn them, they are wrong. They are insane. rebellion war status-quo government Thomas Pynchon
8ed717f Lamentably, it is a historical fact that privileged groups seldom give up their privileges voluntarily. Individuals may see the moral light and voluntarily give up their unjust posture; but, as Reinhold Niebuhr has reminded us, groups tend to be more immoral than individuals. privilege status-quo Martin Luther King Jr.
600e404 There's no stronger bulwark of sound conservatism than the evangelical church, and no better place to make friends who'll help you to gain your rightful place in the community than in your own church-home! politics status-quo Sinclair Lewis
478559c He knew very well that the great majority of human conversation is meaningless. A man can get through most of his days on stock answers to stock questions, he thought. Once he catches onto the game, he can manage with an assortment of grunts. This would not be so if people listened to each other, but they don't. They know that no one is going to say anything moving and important to them at that very moment. Anything important will be announced in the newspapers and reprinted for those who missed it. No one really wants to know how his neighbor is feeling, but he asks him anyway, because it is polite, and because he knows that his neighbor certainly will not tell him how he feels. What this woman and I say to each other is not important. It is the simple making of sounds that pleases us. relationships conversation status-quo listening politeness Peter S. Beagle
e855c6d It comforted the great to deal with it and they knew, a man who could reduce any color to grey. conventionalism status-quo John le Carré
b46538c Decades of the seniority rule had conferred influence in the Senate not on men who broke new ground but on men who were careful not to. conservatism status-quo Robert A. Caro
d03b080 Awful momentum makes carrying through easier than calling off folly. status-quo humility Barbara W. Tuchman
7a63a1b I am already living, but something is telling me with unchallengeable authority: you are not living properly. The numinous authority of form enjoys the prerogative of being able to tell me 'You must'. It is the authority of a different life in this life. This authority touches on a subtle insufficiency within me that is older and freer than sin; it is my innermost not-yet. In my most conscious moment, I am affected by the absolute objection to my status quo: my change is the one thing that is necessary. If you do indeed subsequently change your life, what you are doing is no different from what you desire with your whole will as soon as you feel how a vertical tension that is valid for you unhinges your life. life not-yet status-quo will Peter Sloterdijk
8827e7f Congress has a deep, vested interest in its own inefficiency. status-quo Robert A. Caro
c5dff89 Instead of courage' management guru Tom Peters recommends fostering 'a level of fury with the status quo such that one cannot not act. motivation status-quo fury Adam M. Grant
9ba3f15 The breath of life of the Senate is, of course, continuity, status-quo power Robert A. Caro
42160a1 "The student's biggest problem was a slave mentality which had been built into him by years of carrot-and- whip grading, a mule mentality which said, "If you don't whip me, I won't work." He didn't get whipped. He didn't work. And the cart of civilization, which he supposedly was being trained to pull, was just going to have to creak along a little slower without him. This is a tragedy, however, only if you presume that the cart of civilization, "the system," is pulled by mules. This is a common, vocational, "location" point of view, but it's not the Church attitude. The Church attitude is that civilization, or "the system" or "society" or whatever you want to call it, is best served not by mules but by free men. The purpose of abolishing grades and degrees is not to punish mules or to get rid of them but to provide an environment in which that mule can turn into a free man." free-will free-man mentality schooling status-quo students Robert M. Pirsig