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b14dec1 I believe it's never too late to change. I'm eighty-one years old, but I still think I can be a better person tomorrow than I am today. And that's what I'll believe until I run out of tomorrows. life Carl Hiaasen
ace1ebc Each week the writers strived to portray the brothers on a social bandwidth halfway between harmless rednecks and odious white trash. It was a precarious tightwire. From Carl Hiaasen
038f8fe the match. Carl Hiaasen
99d01f5 One day he came home to find her burning his collection of heavy-metal CDs, which she had taken to calling "devil wafers." She" Carl Hiaasen
c65bfee The vandals didn't stand a chance against five hundred-odd pounds of badass dog flesh. They Carl Hiaasen
224ee67 sucking on a football. Carl Hiaasen
419dbc9 Don't order the fish," Yancy advised Merry when they sat down. "But it's a seafood joint." "More like a petri dish with menus. When they say 'catch of the day,' they mean infection." Brennan" Carl Hiaasen
bccc266 It occurred to Yancy that, in the time they'd known each other, he hadn't once seen her look at her cell phone. She never texted, tweeted, Facebooked, Instagrammed, or posted a single picture when they were together. He found this behavior alluring. The Carl Hiaasen
031b765 Bode Gazzer was five feet six and had never forgiven his parents for it. He wore three-inch snakeskin shitkickers and walked with a swagger that suggested not brawn so much as hemorrhoidal tribulation. Carl Hiaasen
672d68a Despite the meatiness of his fingers, Dominick showed himself to be a nimble texter. Carl Hiaasen
2a634a2 Martin Trebeaux had purchased a fleet of marine barges using the proceeds from a poshly falsified BP oil-spill claim. Carl Hiaasen
06213b8 Buck's girlfriend went by the porny name of Miracle though she had a master's in computer science from Florida State. Carl Hiaasen
61a06d6 his mother wanted him closer to home. The funeral had been Carl Hiaasen
3f2aa41 dude ranch, Carl Hiaasen
f7af4b0 Malley told the shrink that she'd run away because Justin Carl Hiaasen
62a141e Cuban cigars, Carl Hiaasen
70e2f28 Morphy, Carl Hiaasen
a395865 It was inevitable that the poacher and the counterfeiter would bond, sharing as they did a blanket contempt for government, taxes, homosexuals, immigrants, minorities, gun laws, assertive women and honest work. Carl Hiaasen
a21a919 Only because you're injured," she said, and kissed him again. He pulled her close. "How's this going to work with all these stitches? Do I have to keep standing?" "Well," whispered Rosa, "I suppose you could kneel." Yancy lifted her sundress. "You're the doctor." Carl Hiaasen
0d93991 Here, inmates would spend seven days and six nights being drilled on vacation etiquette. For example, they'd be taught how to read speed-limit signs; how to park within the parallel lines of a parking space; how to drink and dispose of alcohol; how to vomit inconspicuously; how to steer a Jet Ski and chew gum at the same time.... The drill instructors would be selected from an elite pool of former Highway Patrol troopers, ex-Navy SEALs, and.. Carl Hiaasen
3a55117 The innards of Ping's G5 were supposedly computer-engineered with a process called "finite-element analysis," a term that for all I know was stolen from an old Star Trek episode." Carl Hiaasen
62ff8ea I don't care if you pack it in fucking kryptonite, that lottery ticket ain't going up your ass. Carl Hiaasen
39b1946 Florida needs a special prison for tourists. Not all tourists--just the ones who trash the place, rob, shoplift, vandalize, drive drunk, assault the cops, puke in the alleys, pee in the medians, and so on. Carl Hiaasen
a7db887 stick together like shit on a shoe. Carl Hiaasen
9b2fe10 A well-regulated militia," Bode added, "like they talk about in the Second Amendment." "Oh," said Shiner. He hadn't read the first one yet." Carl Hiaasen
2c5d34a Mr. Cabal's lawyer didn't appreciate your description of his client as 'yellow-bellied vermin culled from the stinkpot of Castro's jails for discharge at Mariel's harbor of shame. Carl Hiaasen
0bbd294 Nope. He lives over in Boca Raton." "Oh fuck, Red." "I know, it's hor'ble. That's how come the five hundred a day." Carl Hiaasen
c949873 by Monroe County Sheriff Sonny Summers said Carl Hiaasen
5cb09aa The Dragon Queen was firm: No sex, no more voodoo curses on Christopher. Carl Hiaasen
acbae1f I didn't tell my parents what happened because they would've freaked and gone straight to Dusty Muleman, or maybe even the police, which was not how I wanted to handle it. Carl Hiaasen
a33983b As he was pulled underwater for the final time, terror gave way to abject humiliation: he was being fucked to death by a damn fish. Carl Hiaasen
0a1061c Dragging baits in the ocean was different than jigging for walleyes in the lake back home. Carl Hiaasen
91373b2 Underwood." Normally" Carl Hiaasen
d608dbd As for Dr. Remond Courtney, his golf swing was so unusual that from a distance he appeared to be beating a snake to death. It was a very violent golf swing for a psychiatrist. He managed an eight on the first hole and still won it by two strokes. Carl Hiaasen
8ab7a4c A big farming operation like his was a challenging enterprise, relying as it did on rampant pollution and the systematic mistreatment of immigrant labor. For Red it was no small feat to keep the feds off his back while at the same time soaking taxpayers for lucrative crop subsidies and dirt-cheap loans that might or might not be repaid this century. Carl Hiaasen
78356dd cell phone the night he died. She'd obtained this key information Carl Hiaasen
e23b684 Dessert was an over baked chocolate chip cookies the size of a hockey puck and just about as tasty. humour funny dessert joke food Carl Hiaasen
1dd774c Boyd Shreave tore the page from Eugenie Fonda's memoir and, with a contemptuous flourish, wiped his ass with it. Carl Hiaasen
1d54acf The classroom fell quiet, a long heavy silence that roared in Roy's ears like a train. simile silence train Carl Hiaasen
6557b29 He paused and manufactured a chuckle. imagery laugh Carl Hiaasen
4915b58 losing his hair. "Ms. Chase and me," Carl Hiaasen
461378d Carla Crumworthy, heiress to the Crumworthy panty-shield fortune. She had come to complain about the collagen injections that Rudy Graveline had administered to give her full, sensual lips, which is just what every rheumatoid seventy-one-year-old woman Carl Hiaasen
a24f6ed The message, never stated but avuncularly implied, is that America's values ought to reflect those of the Walt Disney Company and not the other way around. Carl Hiaasen
dc7a30e and the Chamber of Commerce was handing out cyanide capsules. Carl Hiaasen
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