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cd1ac3d Be bold, be bold, but not too bold, lest that your hearts blood should run cold. Holly Black
c454308 She went to all the parties and kissed all the boys, shoring up fun against despair, against the suffocating terror that loomed over her. Holly Black
6ba3908 If life were like a video game, she would have used her power move to whip Jen in the air and knock her against the wall with two strikes of a lacrosse stick. Of course, if life really were like a video game, Val would probably have to do that in a bikini and with giant breasts, each one made of separately animated polygons. Holly Black
8ce023d Except that I have no marketable skills other than swinging around a sword and making up riddles, neither of which probably pay all that well. Holly Black
f1cc814 Balekin and Orlagh are planning your murder," I say flustered. "Yes," he says lazily. "So why did I wake at all?" joke murder nonchalance sarcasm Holly Black
94d9ba5 Did you know that bone china had real bones in it?" Poppy said, tapping a porcelain cheek. "Her clay was made from human bones. Little-girl bones. That hair threaded through the scalp is the little girl's hair. And the body of the doll is filled with her leftover ashes." Holly Black
65b88b3 Legends need not concern themselves with something as small as happiness legends wicked-king Holly Black
3696d40 That's what comes of hungering for something: You forget to check if it's rotten before you gobble it down. Holly Black
47c8fd1 You're as cowardly as a g------ weasel. You know that? A . That's what you are." "You don't know me," I say, spitting blood onto the dirt. I can't help it. I start to laugh. "And you obviously don't know much about weasels, either." Holly Black
699eccc It feels like the whole world has turned upside down. There aren't any more rules. "Hey," I say to Sam, because if the world's gone crazy, then I guess I can do whatever I want. "Guess what? I'm a worker." He stares at me, openmouthed. Lila jerks to her feet. "You can't tell him that," she says. "Why not?" I ask, then turn to him. "I didn't have any idea until yesterday. Wacky, right?" "What kind?" he manages to squeak out. Holly Black
ad0c2cd Call wasn't sure what it meant that he'd gone full Evil Overlord on Jasper but still couldn't manage to impress him. jasper-dewinter magisterium Holly Black
5581e0d Sweet Jude, you're my dearest punishment Holly Black
f77e0dd I think Bob appreciated my outfit. He made me buy the more expensive pendant. You might think that was to my disadvantage, but I accept that status comes with a price." "Not usually so immediately." I shake my head. "You better not be hitting on federal agent ladies. They'll arrest you." His grin widens. "I like handcuffs." I groan. "There is something seriously wrong with you." "Nothing that a night being worked over by a hot represent.. Holly Black
7fe761e I can feel the moment he gives in and gives up, pulling me to him despite the threat of the knife. He kisses me hard, with a kind of devouring desperation, fingers digging into my hair. Our mouths slide together, teeth over lips over tongues. Desire hits me like a kick to the stomach. It's like fighting, except what we're fighting for is to crawl inside each other's skin. Holly Black
a53edf6 There are no words for how much I will miss her, but I try to kiss her so that she'll know. I try to kiss her to tell her the whole story of my love, the way I dreamed of her when she was dead, the way that every other girl seemed like a mirror that showed me her face. The way my skin ached for her. The way that kissing her made me feel like I was drowning and like I was being saved all at the same time. I hope she can taste all that, bitte.. Holly Black
eeb378e It really is a magical word: no. You say whatever bullshit you want and I just say no. Holly Black
ec32524 Who cares about a test? There will be a million more quizzed in your life. Holly Black
a3dc2b7 Sometimes I go down and stare at it, trying to see my parents in the tide lines of dried blood. I want to feel something, something besides a vague queasiness. I want to feel more, but every time I look at it, I feel less. Holly Black
c2e0dfa She should tell him no, but instead she seemed to be running toward trouble, leaving no stone unturned, no boy unkissed, no crush abandoned, and no bad idea unembraced. Holly Black
d53d98e We all want stupid things. That doesn't mean we should have them. Holly Black
b3da3c4 Cold?" Ravus echoed. He took her arm and rubbed it between his hands, watching them as though they were betraying him. "Better?" He asked warily. His skin felt hot, even through the cloth of her shirt, his touch was both soothing and electric. She leaned into him without thinking. His thighs parted, rough black cloth scratching against her jeans as she moved between his long legs. His eyes half-lidded as he pushed himself off the desk, thei.. Holly Black
3ae3818 You have a skill. You can do something no one else can," Barron says. "Seriously. You know what's good about that? It's valuable. As in you can trade it for goods or services. Or money. Remember when I said it was wasted on you? I was so right." Holly Black
ea0a53b You put a curse on that girl over there," I tell him. "Fix her ." "She admired my ears," the boy says. "I was only giving her what she desired. A party favor." "That's what I am going to say after I gut you and use your entrails as streamers," I tell him. " -- jude-duarte the-wicked-king Holly Black
16623b7 He was as honest as any criminal can hope to be. Holly Black
7718289 please,Tana,please.' -lots of characters in The Coldest Girl in Coldtown books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
ec0bcea To Ben, love was the flame in which he wanted to be reborn. He wanted to be remade by it. Holly Black
3385de8 Don't take it personally," Call said. "Lots of people find me really annoying. It's not just you." Holly Black
bba0672 I need your help," says the tiny figure. Her voice is sad and soft and sounds like Lila's, but with an odd accent that might just be how cats sound when they talk." Holly Black
9f44923 She's an old lady," Barron says. "And she's been locked up for years. Let her have some fun. She needs to blow off steam. Seduce old dudes. Lose money at canasta." Holly Black
f6161fc When Tana was six, vampires were Muppets, endlessly counting, or cartoon villains in black cloaks with red polyester lining. Holly Black
583a012 He had green eyes so clear and bright that they made you think of poisonous drinks or maybe mouthwash. Holly Black
9325604 Christmas is supposed to be this time when everyone is nice to one another and forgives one another and all that, but the true meaning of Christmas is . And in the real world, Santa's not fair. Rich kids get everything and poor kids get secondhand crap their parents bust their asses to afford. It costs money just to sit on Santa's lap. Holly Black
fef14b3 Yeah," Tamara said. "An old bowling alley. There must be a town not too far from here. But how could Aaron be there? And don't say something like 'working on his score' or 'maybe he's in a bowling league' or something like that. Be serious." Call leaned against the rough bark of a nearby tree and resisted the urge to sit down. He was afraid he wouldn't be able to get up again. "I'm serious. It might be hard to tell in the dark, but I have m.. humor sarcasm Cassandra Clare and Holly Black
dab9832 When we fall that first time, we're not really in love with the girl. We're in love with being in love. We've got no idea what she's really about--or what she's capable of. We're in love with our idea of her and of who we become around her. We're idiots. Holly Black
77cf85f That was the problem with monsters. Sometimes they looked just like everybody else. Holly Black
0cfe085 And Barron is probably right--we should give this up. Not for the reason he's saying but for the one that's implied. The one about it not being okay to lurk around outside buildings, spying on girls you like. Holly Black
e6c3fdf But in all the stories, you have a single chance; and if you miss it, then it's gone. The door isn't there when you go back to look. There is no second invitation to the ball. This is my chance. Holly Black
65e817e The downside of letting everyone know you're going to be all alone so they can attack you is that everyone knows you'll be all alone so they can attack you. Holly Black Cassandra Clare
ca751e7 I think you impressed him with the sheer force of your stupidity. Holly Black
ec18ed9 I hate him more than all the others. I hate him so much that sometimes when I look at him, I can hardly breathe. Holly Black
34293bc You are nothing. You barely exist at all. Your only purpose is to create more of your kind before you die. He's wrong about me. I am going to make my mayfly life count for something. I won't be afraid of him or of p=Prince Dain's censure. If I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse. -Pg. 210 inspirational the-cruel-prince Holly Black
1b95db4 I hate you because your father loves you even though you're a human brat born to his unfaithful wife, while mine never cared for me, though I am a prince of Faerie. I hate you because Locke used you and your sister to make Nicasia cry after he stole her from me. Besides which, after the tournament, Balekin never failed to throw you in my face as the mortal who could best me. Holly Black
090cbd0 The disturbing thing about Cardan is how well he plays the fool to disguise his own cleverness. clever Holly Black
6d68df8 He hates you. Even if he wants you, he hates you. Maybe he hates you the more for it. Holly Black
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