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4b9b90a Only idiots aren't scared of things that are scary. Holly Black
8eb26d3 Once upon a time, there was a human girl stolen away by faeries, and because of that, she swore to destroy them. Holly Black
1d39589 We labor under so many illusions about ourselves until we're stripped bare. Being infected, being a vampire, it's always you. Maybe it's more you than ever before. You, distilled. You, boiled down like a sauce. But it's you as you always were, deep down inside. vampire Holly Black
ddd1242 I left mad behind a long time ago. The world it is the way it is.I can only fix my little piece of it Holly Black
6eb3dbb It's not that I don't know that it's a bad idea. It's that, lately, bad ideas have a particular hold over me. Holly Black
86cc012 We are, largely, who we remember ourselves to be remember white-cat Holly Black
ea65b29 On the way out to the car, Philip turns to me. "How could you be so stupid? I shrug, stung in spite of myself. "I thought I grew out of it." Philip pulls out his key fob and presses the remote to unlock his Mercedes. I slide into the passenger side, brushing coffee cups off the seat and onto the floor mat, where crumpled printouts from MapQuest soak up any spilled liquid. "I hope you mean sleepwalking," Philip says, "since you obviously did.. Holly Black
d618051 We're all dying, Cassel. It's just that some of us are dying faster than others. Holly Black
b268aa3 Sometimes I felt like I was waiting for my life to begin and more than anything, in that moment, I wanted to force some kind of beginning. I wanted things to be different than usual. I wanted to bend reality. Holly Black
5c58e37 He saw now the ways in which they tried to be careful with each other, afraid of hitting those raw places where they might hurt each other almost without trying. But sparing another person is a tricky thing. It's easy to think you're succeeding when you're failing spectacularly. Holly Black
651b75f Mutually assured destruction. secret Holly Black
9f3bec9 I get why he chose her. I just wish she had chosen me. Holly Black
f608103 Show your power by appearing powerless. Holly Black
8b343d1 My name," I tell Wilbur in the most dignified voice I can find, "Was inspired by Harriet Quimby, the first female American pilot and the first woman ever to cross the Channel in an aeroplane. My mother chose it to represent freedom and bravery and independence, and she gave it to me just before she died." There's a short pause while Wilbur looks appropriately moved. Then Dad says, "Who told you that?" "Annabel did." "Well, it's not true at.. lol tortoise Holly Smale
7961710 If we have to be cat burglars, I'm going to see what' to steal in the fridge." We're trying to find evidence she's the poisoner. Just a thought before you start putting random things in your mouth." Ruth shrugged and walked past Val." Holly Black
5105be0 I hate that everyone calls it growing up, but it seems like DYING. Holly Black
3a705b7 She's looking around the forest, as though if she can prove it isn't magic, then nothing else is, either. Which is stupid. All forests are magic. the-cruel-prince Holly Black
a130d81 The problem with cell phones is that you can't slam them down into a cradle when you hang up. Your only option is to throw them, and if you do, they just skitter across the floor and crack their case. It's not satisfying at all. I close my eyes and bend down to pick up the pieces. Holly Black
1bd7efe I have said that he has the power to deliver a compliment and make it hurt. So, too, he can say something that ought to be insulting and deliver it in such a way that it feels like being truly seen. compliment Holly Black
6fc915d Refills are free," the waitress tells us with a frown, like she's hoping we're not the kind of people who ask for endless refills. I am already pretty sure we are exactly those people." Holly Black
adbe9aa It's just that you go so crazy being alone like that. Sometimes he'd forget my water or food and I'd cry and cry and cry." She stops talking and looks out the window. "I would try to tell myself stories to pass the time. Fairy tales. Parts of books. But they got used up." -- hopeless loneliness sad trapped Holly Black
eb0268d Hazel, Hazel, blue of eye. Kissed the boys and made them cry, Holly Black
4be091f You and your sister are very dear to each other. To show your regard, you give each other lovely bouquets of lies. lies love Holly Black
695fe11 Greg stands up, wiping his mouth. "I saw your mother's trial in the paper, Sharpe. I know you're just like her." "If I was, I would make you beg to blow me," I sneer." Holly Black
3248b3b They think you can't feel anything, because they've forgotten how. You're very, very dangerous, I get that, and you're prone to some very theatrical brooding, but don't let yourself mistake that for some kind of inner corruption. They see themselves in you and are blinded. gavriel tana Holly Black
8f9212a Let's start with a love story. Or maybe it's another horror story. It seems like the difference is mostly in where the ending comes. Holly Black
1d3b98b Instead, it just reminded her that sometimes there were no good choices. Holly Black
666931d It hurts to think of her, but I can't stop. It ought to hurt. After all, hell is supposed to be hot. holly-black red-glove Holly Black
9b2fffe I thought you were her knight, but you have become only her woodsman--taking little girls into the forest to cut out their hearts. hearts knights woodsmen Holly Black
23ab38b I like for things to happen, for stories to unfold. And if I can't find a good enough story, I make one. Holly Black
8277369 If she'd known she was going to die at his hands, she would have dressed up. Holly Black
6358d49 Lie until even you believe it - that's the real secret of lying lying secrets Holly Black
77c38e5 You're not the way everyone says you are," Kaye said, looking at him so fiercely that he couldn't meet her gaze. "I know you're not." "You know nothing of me," he said. He wanted to punish her for the trust he saw on her face, to raze it from her now so that he would be spared the sight of her when that trust was betrayed. He wanted to tell her he found her impossibly alluring, at least half enchanted, body bruised and scratched, utterly un.. Holly Black
3b9fc62 You are the best kind of killer, Cassel Sharpe, the kind that never has blood on his hands. The kind that never has to sicken at the sight of what he's done, or come to like it too much. Holly Black
3d6ce9d It is said we learn more from our failures than our successes. learn success Holly Black
d76c052 I don't know," Call said. He was starting to worry that there weren't any good guys. Just people with longer or shorter Evil Overlord lists." Holly Black
9ab5bb3 Cardan grins at me as though we've been great friends all our lives. I forgot how charming he can be--and how dangerous that is. holly-black jude-duarte prince-cardan the-cruel-prince the-folk-of-the-air Holly Black
66b8ea7 At the end of a criminal's life, it's always the small mistake, the coincidence, the lark. The time we got too comfortable, the time we slipped up, the time someone aimed a little to the left. I've heard Grandad's war stories a thousand times. How they finally got Mo. How Mandy almost got away. How Charlie fell. Birth to grave, we know it'll be us one day. Our tragedy is that we forget it might be someone else first. Holly Black
d17ffce Like a stage magician, the con artist misdirects suspicion. While everyone's watching for him to pull a rabbit out of a hat, he's actually sawing a girl in half. You think he's doing one trick when he's actually doing another. You think that I'm dying, but I'm laughing at you. Holly Black
c0acad0 She suddenly understood why she had let him kiss her in the diner, why she had wanted him at all. She wanted to control him. He was every arrogant boyfriend that had treated her mother badly. He was every boy that told her she was too freaky, who had laughed at her, or just wanted her to shut up and make out. He was a thousand times less real than Roiben. Holly Black
b61e06f Fairy tales are full of girls who wait, who endure, who suffer. Good girls. Obedient girls. Girls who crush nettles until their hands bleed. Girls who haul water for witches. Girls who wander through deserts or sleep in ashes or make homes for transformed brothers in the woods. Girls without hands, without eyes, without the power of speech, without any power at all. But then a prince rides up and sees the girl and finds her beautiful. Beaut.. Holly Black
ae82988 You have only seen the least of what I can do. dark elfham enemies faerie jude mysterious prince-cardan Holly Black
0382b66 The odd thing about ambition is this: You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed. jude-duarte prince-cardan the-cruel-prince the-folk-of-the-air Holly Black
feaab42 Watching my back is the perfect opportunity to stick a knife in it. life stab Holly Black
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