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9372fc8 I love you like in the storybooks. I love you like in the ballads. I love you like a lightning bolt. I've loved you since the third month you came and spoke with me. I loved that you made me want to laugh. I loved the way you were kind and the way you would pause when you spoke, as though you were waiting for me to answer you. I love you and I am mocking no one when I kiss you, no one at all. Holly Black
fb4fa9c That's what comes of hungering for something; you forget to check if it's rotten before you gobble it down Holly Black
7fd66bc And if I wanted to kill myself, I wouldn't throw myself off a roof. And if I was going to throw myself off a roof, I would put on some pants before I did it. Holly Black
0d56bca Kaye: You know what the sun looks like? Janet: No, What? Kaye: Like he slit his wrists in a bathtub and the blood is all over the water. Janet: That's gross, Kaye. Kaye: And the moon is just watching. She's just watching him die. She must have driven him to it. Holly Black
d0a3d20 I love you, you see...and I fear I have no way to say or show it that isn't terrible, except coming here. I would kill everyone in the world for you, if you wanted.......Or not obviously Holly Black
6380b82 We all wind up drawn to what we're afraid of, drawn to try to find a way to make ourselves safe from a thing by crawling inside of it, by loving it, by becoming it. fear safety Holly Black
77ae687 Tell me again what you said at the revel," he says, climbing over me, his body against mine. "What?" I can barely think. "That you hate me," he says, his voice hoarse. "Tell me that you hate me." "I hate you," I say, the words coming out like a caress. I say it again, over and over. A litany. An enchantment. A ward against what I really feel. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you." He kisses me harder. "I hate you," I breathe into his mouth. .. enchantment hate kisses oblivion revel Holly Black
20563fc Kill him before he makes you love him. Holly Black
c46e59b Even from the beginning, that was the problem. People liked pretty things. People even liked pretty things that wanted to kill and eat them. pretty-things Holly Black
02d061f She looks honestly upset, but then, I've learned that I can't read her. The problem with a really excellent liar is that you have to just assume they're always lying. lying Holly Black
8ecad95 You are more dangerous than daybreak. tana Holly Black
07db2f5 We love until we do not. For us, love doesn't fade gradually. It snaps like a branch bent too far. love Holly Black
5fc3b7b But kissing Locke never felt the way that kissing Cardan does, like taking a dare to run over knives, like an adrenaline strike of lightning, like the moment when you've swum too far out in the sea and there is no going back, only cold black water closing over your head. holly-black jude lust the-cruel-prince Holly Black
1d348ea whatever you love, that is your weakness Holly Black
c96b4fe I can learn to live with guilt. I don't care about being good. choices good guilt life Holly Black
c608bad The more powerful you become, the more others will find ways to master you. They'll do it through those you love and those you hate. They will find the bit and the bridle that fits your mouth and will make you yield. Holly Black
429dd22 But I will not stand in front of your happiness. I will not even stand in front of misery that you choose for yourself. Holly Black
c7fa9d7 I would remain nearer you for what time there is." "Gone in one faerie sigh," she quoted. Leather-clad fingers brushed over her short hair, rested on her cheek. "I can hold my breath." faerie holly valiant Holly Black
15d9d30 No," said Luis, "You can't date the Lord of the Night Court." "Well, I'm not, he dumped me." "You can't get dumped by the lord of the night court." "Oh, yes, you can. You so completely can." Holly Black
72d0927 This is the part in the movie where that guy says, "Zombies? What zombies?" just before they eat his brains. I don't want to be that guy." movie-reference zombies Holly Black
2e634ef That's family for you. Can't live with them, can't murder them. Holly Black
74db446 They wore their strange beauty like war paint. beauty cold different strange strength strong unique vampire Holly Black
ebcc604 There's always something left to lose. Holly Black
96609ee But if you didn't believe in monsters, then how were you going to be able to keep safe from them? Holly Black
36342df They say that nameless things change constantly--that names fix them in place like pins. Holly Black
4429c9e Pet the cat dude," says Sam. "She brought you a present. She wants you to tell her how badass she is." "You are a tiny tiny killing machine." Daneca coos. "What's she doing?" I ask. "Purring!" says Daneca. She sounds delighted. "Good kitty. Who's an amazing killing machine? That's right. You are! You are a brutal brutal tiny lion! Yes, you are." Holly Black
610b9c9 I love my parents' murderer; I suppose I could love anyone. jude love love-quotes the-cruel-prince Holly Black
a6f8feb He's flint, you're tinder. flame jude love-story lust power taryn the-cruel-prince Holly Black
d2cf72c You can break a thing, but you cannot always guide it afterward into the shape you want. shaping Holly Black
23b8546 Crippled things are always more beautiful. It's the flaw that brings out beauty. crippled flaws Holly Black
7bceefb The only way to end grief was to go through it. Holly Black
696475f Before, I never knew how far I would go. Now I believe I have the answer. I will go as far as there is to go. I will go way too far. fae Holly Black
5358932 Isn't every hero aware of all the terrible reason they did those good deeds?" Aware of every mistake they ever made and how good people got hurt because of their decisions? Don't they recall the moments they weren't heroic at all? The moments where their heroism led to more deaths than deliberate villainy ever could?" Holly Black
dd9ba97 I haven't had a very good day. I think I might still be hung over and everyone's dead and my root beer's gone. root-beer Holly Black
f2da6b4 Tana. In all my long life, though there were many times I prayed for it, no one has ever saved me. No one but you. tana Holly Black
7d536e2 Flattery will get you everywhere," Sam says, "Except, apparently, off a roof." Holly Black
0b5010f People said that video games were bad because they made you numb to death, made you register entrails splattering across a screen as a sign of success. In that moment, Val thought that the real problem with games was that the player was suppossed to try everything. If there was a cave, you went in it. If there was a mysterious stranger, you talked to him. If there was a map, you followed it. But in games, you had a hundred million billion l.. life lives Holly Black
aadef69 But now I wonder--what if everyone is pretty much the same and it's just a thousand small choices that add up to the person you are? No good or evil, no black and white, no inner demons or angels whispering the right answers in our ears like it's some cosmic SAT test. Just us, hour by hour, minute by minute, day by day,making the best choices we can. The thought is horrifying. If that's true, then there's no right choice. There's only choic.. Holly Black
2e9011e There you are," Cardan says as I take my place beside him. "How has the night been going for you? Mine has been full of dull conversation about how my head is going to find itself on a spike." faeries fantasy holly-black i-love-them jude sarcastic Holly Black
235eef9 You have a real talent for getting your ass kicked. Holly Black
084a9bd Life's full of opportunities to make crappy decisions that feel good. And after the first one, the rest get a whole lot easier. Holly Black
25aefa8 Death has his favorites, like anyone. Those who are beloved of Death will not die. Holly Black
8aa9520 The language of love is like that, possessive. That should be the first warning that it's not going to encourage anyone's betterment. possessiveness Holly Black
116550a I stand in front of my window and imagine myself a fearless knight, imagine myself a witch who hid her heart in her finger and then chopped her finger off. Holly Black
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