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d938e5f Feels almost like real agent work, doesn't it?" Barron says as we walk down the street, heads bowed against the wind. "You know, if we caught your girlfriend committing a crime, I bet Yulikova would give us a bonus or something for being prize pupils." "Except that we're not going to do that," I say. "I thought you wanted us to be good guys." He grins a too-wide grin. He's enjoying needling me, and my reacting only makes it worse, but I c.. Holly Black
bef8739 Everyone danced -- sweaty bodies packed tight, drunk with sound. Holly Black
3db61e2 Fairy tales have a moral: Stay on the path. Don't trust wolves. Don't steal things, not even things you think no normal person would care about. Share your food but don't trust people who want to share their good with you; don't eat their shiny red apples, not their candy houses, nor any of it. Be nice, always nice, and polite to everyone: kings and beggars, witches and wounded bears. Don't break a promise. Holly Black
5cf36e5 Little did Prince Dain know that my real skill lies in pissing people off. Holly Black
e9f0b2b All boys lie," Ben said. "And all girls lie,too. I lie. You lie. Don't pretend you don't." Holly Black
16d5baa He let out a hiss of pain,then smiled that crooked, sheepish smile he always fell back on when he was caught doing something bad. "Sorry. I-I didn't mean to. I just- I've been lying here for hours, thinking about blood." blood boys dark imprisoned paranormal paranormal-romance tana tana-bach teens the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown ya young-adult Holly Black
48e9680 Every night, in every Coldtown, people die. People are fragile. They die of mistakes, of overdoses, of sickness. But mostly they die of Death. Holly Black
b3e7ac1 I hate that you can do what you're supposed to do and I can't. I hate that you're going to leave me behind. I hate that everyone calls it growing up, but it seems like . It feels like each one of you is being possessed and I'm next. Holly Black
846ccdd Occasionally, there are battles in the sky. One likes to imagine the angels are always triumphant. One does not like to think of the ancient and terrible scales balancing the infernal and divine as wobbling back and forth. Tilting freely, to and fro. One does not like to think that sometimes it is the angel that falls. angels holly-black Holly Black
5c44354 He's quiet then. We lie next to each other, twin corpses waiting for burial. Holly Black
549d24e His wax-white skin was cool to the touch when she brushed his neck to find the knot of cloth. She'd never been this close to a vampire,never realized what it would be like to be so near to someone who didn't breathe, who could be as still as any statue. His chest neither rose not fell. Her hands shook. gavriel paranormal paranormal-romance romance sci-fi tana tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown ya Holly Black
0b7b356 In general, her family wasn't very good at talking about important stuff. And of all of them, she was the least good at it. When she tried, it felt like all the chains on all her imagined safes and trunks started rattling Holly Black
c83a2e5 You're a liar, Cassel Sharpe. A lying liar who lies. Holly Black
aa1703f For a moment," he says, "I wondered if it wasn't you shooting bolts at me." I make a face at him. "And what made you decide it wasn't?" He grins up at me. "They missed." Holly Black
6af6425 It's not fair. We had a story, and our story was important. And I hate that both of you can just walk away and take part of my story with you and not even care. I hate that you can do what you're supposed to do and I can't. I hate that you're going to leave me behind. I hate that everyone calls it growing up, but it seems like dying. It feels like each of you is being possessed and I'm next. Holly Black
8abdcb9 You okay?" Anton asks, looking at me like he's trying to figure out if I'm drunk. His plans depend on me. I look as blank as possible and hope that it freaks him out. No point in my being the only miserable one." Holly Black
27702db I concentrate on what I am going to say to Vivi, instead of thinking of Cardan. I do not want to consider what happened between us. I do not want to think about the way his muscles moved or how his skin felt or the soft gasping sounds he made or the slide of his mouth against mine. I definitely don't want to think about how hard I had to bite my own lip to keep quiet. Or how obvious it was that I'd never done any of the things we did, no le.. desire pleasure sex Holly Black
c710e5c Our tragedy is that we forget it might be someone else first. distopian young-adult-fiction Holly Black
e12b65d I am no murderer," says Cardan, surprising me. I would not have thought that was something to be proud of." Holly Black
68b3d49 A king is a living symbol, a beating heart, a star upon which Elfhame's future is written. Surely you have noticed that since his reign began, the isles are different. Storms come in faster. Colors are a bit more vivid, smells are sharper.... When he becomes drunk, his subjects becomes tipsy without knowing why. When his blood falls, things grow. Holly Black
c01598c You really dug your own grave," he mutters. "And I'm going to bury you in it." "Say that louder," I tell him, under my breath. "I dare you." Holly Black
7b56bc7 He gave her a smile that wasn't really a smile at all. "Eh, it wouldn't be so bad. I wouldn't have to study for the SATs or get a summer job or figure out my major. I can drink Elderflower wine all day, dance all through the night, and sleep on a bower of roses." Hazel made a face. "I'm pretty sure there are some colleges where you can do that. I bet there are some colleges where you can major in that." hazel jack sat Holly Black
354779e Once, there was a girl who found a sword in the woods. Once, there was a girl who made a bargain with the Folk. Once, there was a girl who'd been a knight in the service of a monster. Once, there was a girl who vowed she would save everyone in the world, but forgot herself. Once, there was a girl... Hazel Holly Black
16be400 Lucien," Gavriel said, "if you're proposing a duel, I believe she gets to pick the weapon. I hope she picks me." Holly Black
76ede5e He had read lots of stories where heroes succeeded in spite of long odds, where they accomplished a task that everyone else had failed at. He wondered for the first time about all the people who'd gone before those heroes, about whether they'd been heroic too or whether they'd been at each other's throats, before everything had gone wrong. He wondered if there was a point where they realized they weren't going to make it, weren't going to b.. failure heroes quests Holly Black
50a5ea0 If you don't know why you're apologizing, your apology probably sucks. black-heart Holly Black
5f9e8e8 Kaye took another drag on her cigarette and dropped it into her mother's beer bottle. She figured that would be a good test for how drunk Ellen was--see if she would swallow a butt whole Holly Black
a657440 There is something of yours that i would like to return to you . . . He leaned across the distance between them and caught her mouth with his own. Holly Black
c8baaa1 The more you love her, the crazier you get. My love was great. My crimes were greater. Holly Black
7310826 His voice had a faint trace of an accent she couldn't place - one that made her pretty sure he was no local kid infected the night before. books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
7f3120c But what if I actually becoming besotted with him? Cardan is more knowledgeable than I am at love. He could use that against me, just as I asked him to use it against Nicasia. Perhaps he found a way to turn the tables after all. a part of me says, a part I remember from the night I took him captive. Holly Black
6ffb76b In the dream, Tana's mother loved her more than anyone or anything. More than death. books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
517fc58 He reached into the bag and drew out an odd array of manga, ripped paperbacks of books both classic and modern, and a small stack of crumpled magazines. "See, I even brought some things to read aloud. I wasn't sure what you'd like, so there's a bit of everything." holly-black manga reader the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown Holly Black
7e7a09d Harden your heart. dangerous dark elfham faerie fantasy jude prince-cardan Holly Black
61183d7 What is it? For what do you scheme? Ethine's death would weigh on you and the stain of her blood would seep into your skin" "Do you know what they wish for when they give you the Unseelie crown?" Roiben's tone was soft, like he was telling a secret. Kaye could barely catch his words. "That you be made of ice. What makes you think it matters what I feel? What makes you think I feel anything at all?" Holly Black
0438eda Mom" I say "Oh honey" she says "The doctor wants to see you to make sure you don't have the same thing that killed your brother. " She turns to Ms.Logan who looks scandalized by the whole encounter. "These things can run in famalies" she confides. "Your afraid I'm going to come down with a bad case of getting two in the chest?" I say "cause you might be right about that running in families. " Holly Black
00252fa I know I shouldn't love it as I do, stolen as I am from the mortal world, my parents murdered. But I love it all the same. Holly Black
3e11e93 His eyes look too bright, the way the do in people who are in love, people who are enraged, and people who are completely bonkers. Holly Black
018b5b8 Do you know what the Turkish say about coffee? It should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love. Holly Black
68034b1 Jones looks like he wants to slug me, which is only subtly different from his usual way of looking at me like I'm a slug. Holly Black
711f12b The human soul is the opposite of chaos, of nothingness. The soul is everything. Holly Black Cassandra Clare
2385064 It was a vow, a piece of a chant, their scripture, something they took so seriously that saying it aloud embarrassed them. Holly Black
832c417 Revenge is sweet, but ice cream is sweeter." She goes to the freezer and removes a tub of mint chocolate chip. She brings that and two spoons back to the sofa. "For now, accept this delight, unworthy though it is for the Queen of Faerie in exile." revenge Holly Black
ac57342 She turned to me, head titled, her expression pure confusion. As though I had no reason to be afraid of a broken heart. She had no idea how dangerous a broken heart could be. You do, though. You know. Holly Black
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