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007f59a Waves tossed themselves against the shore, dragging grit and sand between their nails as they were slowly pulled back out to sea. Holly Black
db6832d Telling Sam and Daneca feels like peeling off my own skin to expose everything underneath. It hurts. conspiracies hidden lies secrets sharing-secrets truth Holly Black
1e8ad3a Every day that I don't beg Cardan for forgiveness over a feud he started is a day I win. He can humiliate me, but every time he does and I don't back down, he makes himself less powerful. After all, he's throwing everything he's got at someone as weak as I am and it's not working. He's going to take himself down. Holly Black
42d1d84 Then her mouth is sliding against mine. Her lips open, soft and yielding. Our teeth click together, and she tastes like every dark thought I've ever had. Holly Black
b7ad4a5 We may not die from age, but we grow weary with it. heir kingdom prince throne Holly Black
5e09694 Have I told you how hideous you look tonight?" Cardan asks, leaning back in the elaborately carved chair, the warmth of his words turning the question into something like a compliment. "No" I say, glad to be annoyed back into the present. "Tell me." jude Holly Black
eef3cb2 You said that you thought Queen Orlagh was waiting for an advantage to declare war. Instead, I think she is trying a new ruler--one she hopes she can trick or replace with another indebted to her. She thinks me young and feckless and means to take my measure." "So what?" I ask. "Our choice is to endure her games, no matter how deadly, or engage in a war we cannot win?" Cardan shakes his head and drinks another cup of tea. "We show her that .. game replace right trick war young Holly Black
03d1570 Whoever controls the king, controls the kingdom dangerous dark enemies faerie fiction jude prince-cardan young-adult Holly Black
1628bb1 People like Aaron act all nice until suddenly they explode and banish some annoying geezer into the void. Holly Black
b349aac His song began to change. It grew softer, sweeter, like the morning after a long cry, when your head still hurt but your heart was no longer broken. Holly Black
18332ca Books were something that happened to readers. Readers were the victims of books. readers reading Holly Black
c90de43 For me the curse is a crutch, but the con is everything. Holly Black
8c91248 Let her alone,' said the enkanto, 'or I will curse you blind, lame, and worse.' The old man laughed. 'I'm a curse breaker, fool.' The elf grabbed one of the Jim Beam bottles from the table and slammed it down, so that he was holding a jagged glass neck. The elf smiled a very thin smile. 'Then I won't bother with magic. faeries faery fairyland fay the-night-market Holly Black
5e24c7c You can't!" Aaron said. "Didn't you hear anything I just told you? You could die! " Well, don't kill me," Call said. "How about our goal is not to die. Both of us. Not dying. Together." Holly Black
fee373b Are you sure?" Aidan asked, "Gavriel's still a vampire." "He warned me about you and about them. He didn't have to. I'm not going to repay that by-" she hesitated, then frowned. "What did you call him?" "That's his name," Aidan sighed, "Gavriel. The other vampires, while they were tying me to the bed, they said his name." "Oh." With a final tug she pulled the blanked free and tossed it over to 'Gavriel" beautiful books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
f1c963d Girls like her, my grandfather once warned me, girls like her turn into women with eyes like bullet holes and mouths made of knives. They are always restless. They are always hungry. They are bad news. They will drink you down like a shot of whisky. Falling in love with them is like falling down a flight of stairs. What no one told me, with all those warnings, is that even after you've fallen, even after you know how painful it is, you'd s.. Holly Black
c78df74 Really it was a pretty good talk. About the best I could expect from my sociopath amnesiac jerk of an older brother. Holly Black
2103bf0 God, I hate you," she says. "So much. Why do boys think that it will be better to lie and tell a girl how much they loved her and how they only dumped her for her own good? That they only tried to rearrange her brain for her own good? Does it make you feel better, Cassel? Does it? Because from my perspective, it really sucks." Holly Black
a3600dc Prince Balekin smiles back as though their smiles could duel without the rest of them even being involved. Holly Black
f5847f5 I'm sorry,' she said to each of the dead as she unzipped and unfastened their things, 'I'm sorry Courtney. I'm sorry Marcus. I'm sorry Rachel. I'm sorry Jon. I'm sorry I'm alive and you're dead. I'm sorry I was asleep. I'm sorry I didn't save you and now I'm taking your things. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
2cf0a14 That's the spirit." Aaron hid a grin. He was already wearing his armband, just above his elbow. Somehow he managed to make it look cool. Call had tied his around his forearm and was fairly sure it looked like a bandage." -- iron-trial Holly Black
878bc68 I'm sorry I kissed you- it was selfish and it upset you- but you can't ask me to pretend I didnt want to. Holly Black
44f182d What could I become if I stopped worrying about death, about pain, about anything? If I stopped trying to belong? Holly Black
caa65b1 Love is a noble cause. How can anything done in the service of a noble cause be wrong? Holly Black
f9921e8 As Val jumped down onto the litter-strewn concrete after them, she thought how insane it was to follow two people she didn't know into the bowels of the subway, but instead of being afraid, she felt glad. She would make all her own decisions now, even if they were ruinous ones. It was the same pleasurable feeling as tearing a piece of paper into tiny, tiny pieces. Holly Black
43f547f You really do want me,' I say, close enough to feel the warmth of his breath as it hitches. 'And you hate it. jude-duarte prince-cardan the-cruel-prince Holly Black
b16ad9b He stares at me in blankly. "Are you accusing me of not caring for your sister?" he asks. "If I truly believed you didn't care for Taryn, we wouldn't be having this conversation." He gives a long sigh. "Because you'd murder me?" "If you're playing with Taryn, Madoc will murder you; I won't even get a chance." I sheath my knife and head toward the door. "Your ridiculous family might be surprised to find that not everything is solved by murde.. family murder surprised Holly Black
c3e8a6a There don't have to be first dates and second dates. We're not normal. We can do this anyway you want. A relationship can be whatever you want it to be. We get to make this part up. We get to tell our own story. love relationships Holly Black
46da1d6 A mortal had woven it, a man who, having caught sight of the Seelie queen, had spent the remainder of his short life weaving depictions of her. He had died of starvation, raw, red fingers staining the final tapestry. roiben seelie-queen tithe Holly Black
b7d7a1c Call and Tamara screamed. The car swerved, Call's hands heedless on the wheel. That made Tamara scream even harder. All the screams woke Jasper and Aaron, who added their voices to the screaming. Havoc started to bark. Throughout all the commotion, Master Rufus just floated in the center of the car, looking annoyed and - translucent. Holly Black
0ef2444 You said you were allowed to lose it,' some part of her reminded herself. 'Not yet, not yet. books dark gavriel holly-black literature paranormal paranormal-romance romance tana-bach the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown vampires ya Holly Black
cd75d0c There's a tipping point with lies, a point where you've said something so many times that it feels truer than the truth. lies lying Holly Black
42da48b You can always count on your family to love you. And to betray you. And then to feel guilty about it. betrayal family guilt guilty love rue Holly Black
275b616 They loved him because he was a prince and a faerie and magical and you were supposed to love princes and faeries and magical people. Holly Black
6d6e007 I consider kissing her right there on the dirty couch, but self-preservation stops me. Once someone hurts you, it's harder to relax around them, harder to think of them as safe to love. But it doesn't stop you wanting them. Sometimes I actually think it makes the wanting worse Holly Black
310cb13 Karate-chopping ninjas in a mudslide?" Tamara gave Aaron and Call a dark look. "Could you guys try to lay low?" Holly Black
3ed97e7 What she did know was that normal was a lot more tempting when it was out of reach. Holly Black
8b39ced So it's not as bad as it looks?" Call ventured. "Oh, no," she told him. "It's just as bad as it looks. But I'm very, very good at my job." Holly Black
de1c943 You don't know what you are. Holly Black
91e7a2c As the last Seelie left the hall, Roiben, self-declared King of the Unseelie Court, nearly fell into his throne. Kaye tried to smile at him, but he was not looking at her. He was staring out across the brugh with eyes the color of falling ash. Corny had not stopped laughing. Holly Black
bd3513e she wanted him to feel like she did, like he'd done something forbidden, wanted to give him something he'd like and really wasn't supposed to have, something that would feel wrong, something he wanted. "Kiss me again," she whispered, reaching up, her fingers sliding through his hair. She almost didn't know herself as she moved against him. He bent helplessly toward her. She bit her tongue. Bit it hard, the pain chasing through her nerve end.. Holly Black
c2b9ac8 Moments before she planted a massive kiss right on his mouth. Call's eyes went wide. Hers were closed as she leaned into him. They stood like that for a moment. Call was aware that people were staring at them -- Tamara looking shocked, and Aaron, standing near her, started to laugh. Call was pretty sure Aaron was laughing at the fact that Call, having no idea where to put his hands, was waving his arms around like a squid underwater. Holly Black
59eb9f5 I try not to be too conscious of his long fingers tracing over the paper, of the sick thrill I get when he looks at me. Holly Black
3437fb5 I step out of my second life the same way I stepped out of my first, holding too few things and with great uncertainty about what will happen next. Holly Black
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